Chapters 14-18 substance use and abuse

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four signs of inhalant abuse

- often collect unusual assortment of chemicals (gas, paints, thinners, solvents, nail polish, liquid eraser, and cleaning fluids) in bedrooms or with belongings •Have breath that occasionally smells of solvents •Often have the sniffles similar to a cold but without other symptoms of the ailment -appear drunk for short periods of time (15 to 60 minutes) but recover quickly -Do not do well in school and are usually unkempt •Sitting with a pen or marker near nose •Constantly smelling clothing sleeves -Hiding rags, clothes, or empty containers of the potentially abused products in closets, boxes, and other places •Possessing chemical -soaked rags, bags, or socks •Abusable household items missing

identify three types of drugs used to treat the common cold. Indicate the symptoms for which each drug is used.

-Decongestants -Antitussives: drugs that block the coughing reflex -Expectorants: substances that stimulate mucus secretion and diminish mucus viscosity.

identify three major groups of inhalants

-Volatile substances :Includes aerosols, art or office supplies,adhesives, fuels, and industrial or household solvents. •Some abusers inhale vapors directly from their original containers (called sniffing or snorting). •Some abusers inhale volatile solvents from plastic bags (called bagging) or from old rags or bandannas soaked in the solvent fluid and held over the mouth (called huffing) -Anesthetics: "Laughing gas": frequently used in outpatient procedures •Can also be sold in large balloons or small cylindrical cartridges used as charges for whipped cream dispensers -Nitrates : Nitrous Oxide •Significant abuse problems of nitrous oxide are infrequent, but there are occasional reports of severe hypoxia or death due to acute overdoses. •Can cause loss of sensation, limb spasms, altered perception and motor coordination, blackouts resulting from blood pressure changes, and reduced cardiac function -Cause vasodilation •Prototype, amyl nitrite, has been used in the past to treat angina •Abuse has decreased dramatically

identify six kinds o information that must appear on the labels of. OC medicinal products

-approved uses of product -Detailed instructions on safe and effective use -Cautions or warnings to those at greatest risk when taking the medication -list of active ingredients -warnings. -product name -name of manufacture -quantity -

how can one prevent adolescent gang involvement? offer three suggestions

-encourage parental awareness of gangs and teach parents how to address problems in their own families that may encourage gang involvement. - provide teenagers with alternative participation in organizations or groups that satisfy their needs for camaraderie in a constructive way. these groups can be organized around athletics, school activities, career development, or service rendering. -help children to develop coping skills that will enable them to deal with the frustration and stress in their personal lives -educate children about gang related problems and help them understand that, like drugs, young people who join gangs create more problems for themselves, and gang member-ship is not a solution to their personal or family problems.

identify five signs of patients with drug-seeking behavior

1) Those with chronic pain who have been prescribed limited medicines2) Those trying to get medications to feed a habit3) Someone who is gonna sell the drugs on the street

Why do adolescents use drugs?

1. They lack coping skills to deal with dyfuctional families, maintain poor self images, and/or feel socially and emotionally insecure. 2. peer drug use 3. cope with feelings, emotions, and stress or to relieve depression, reduce tension, and reduce alienation

how does drug use contribute to teen suicide?

1. drugs and alcohol can cause their brain not to think clearly. 2. these drugs can be at parties where they make stupid decisions. 3. they can be dependent on drugs, so if they cant get their drugs they will attempt suicide

why are women less likely than men to seek treatment for, and rehabilitation from, drug dependence?

1. women with a drug addiction are seen as less tolerant. 2. scared of being condemned for their actions if they seek treatment. 3. families are less inclined to provide women with drug dependent women with emotional support as to men.

what is the ATLAS program an effective tool for the prevention of steroid use by athletes?

Adolescents training and learning to avoid steroids program- an anabolic abuse program that empowers student athletes to make the right choices about steroid use

substance abuse disorder

An unhealthy dependence on alcohol or other drugs

identify three common categories of prescription drugs and explain their use

Analgesics -Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory (NSAIDS) -Narcotic analgesics •Antibiotics -Antibacterials •Antidepressants •Antidiabetic drugs •Antiulcer drugs •Bronchodilators Cardiovascular drugs -Antihypertensive agents -Antianginal agents -Drugs to treat congestive heart failure -Cholesterol and lipid -lowering drugs •Hormone-related drugs •Sedative-hypnotic agents •Stimulants •Drugs to treat HIV

Drugs that block the coughing reflex are


a designer drug synthetic version of human growth factor (HGF) is

HGH- human growth hormone

identify three common over-the-counter drugs and their uses

Internal analgesics -Salicylates -Acetaminophen -Ibuprofen -Ibuprofen-like •Therapeutic considerations -Analgesic actions -Anti-inflammatoryeffects -\Antipyretic effects -side effects Cold, allergy, and cough remedies -Decongestants, Antitussives, Expectorants •Sleep aids -Antihistamines -Melatonin •Stimulants -Stay-awake or energy-promoting •Gastrointestinal medication -Antacids and anti-heartburn medication •Diet aids •Skin products -Acne medications -Sun products •Skin first-aid products •OTC herbal products

reasons why prescription drug abuse occurs

Overall cost of prescription painkiller abuse is $70 billion per year. •Most prescription deaths in the United States are from prescription painkillers. •There has been a 4-fold increase in incidents of prescription abuse in the past 10 years. •70% of those who abuse prescription drugs get them from friends and relations. •Two-thirds of college students have been offered prescription stimulants as performance enhancers •Illicit use of prescription drugs may be prompted by several reasons, such as: -To relieve withdrawal caused by drug habits -To treat infections caused by drug abuse -To provide a source of fresh, clean needles for injecting drugs of abuse -To prolong high caused by other drugs of abus


a drug that reduces inflammation

Protease inhibitors

a major breakthrough class of drugs used to treat HIV-infected individuals.

Human Growth Factor (HGF)

a natural hormone that stimulates normal growth


a state of oxygen deficiency

identify four possible adverse effects of heavy steroid use

a) anabolic steroid use can stunt the ultimate height that an individual achieves b) in boys, steroid use can cause early sexual development, acne, and stunted growth c) in adolescent girls and women, anabolic steroid use can induce permanent physical changes, such as deepening of the voice, increased facial and body hair growth, menstrual irregularities, male pattern baldness, and lengthening of the clitoris. d) in men, anabolic steroid use can cause shrink-age of the testicles, reduced sperm count, enlargement of the male breast tissue, sterility, and an increased risk of prostate cancer.

what attracts adolescents to gangs? identify five gangs offer often troubled adolescents

a) fellowship and camaraderie b) identity and recognition c) membership and belonging d) family substitution and rolemodels e) security and protection f) diversion and excitement g) friendships and structure h) money and financial gain for relatively little effort i) ability to live the crazy life

identify five behaviors that act as warning signs that adolescents may be abusing drugs

abruptly changing their circle of friends, experiencing major mood swings, continually challenging rules and regulations, overreacting to frustrations

name four of the many products misused as inhalants today

aerosols (pressurized cans ) glue shoe polish gas lighter fluid

drug prevention

aimed at preventing or decreasing health problems, including social and personal problems, caused by drug dependency preventing or decreasing health problems, including social and personal problems, caused by drug dependency

is the drug most widely used and abused by women in the united states



alcohol and other drugs


also known as acid indigestion, heartburn, upset stomach, ans sour or acid stomach. Often due to acid rebound, occurring 1 to 2 hours after eating - inflammation of gut

are naturally occurring male hormones, such as testosterone.


are drugs that suppress the activity of the brain's appetite center, causing reduced food intake.


Drugs that reduce fevers are


the use of other drugs while taking anabolic steroids to avoid possible side effects is known as an


An irregular heartbeat is called



aspirin like drugs

muscle dysmorphia

behavioral syndrome that causes men to have a distorted image of their bodies, perceiving themselves as looking small and weak, even when they may be large and muscular; women with this condition think they look fat and flabby, even though they may actually be lean and muscular

sociobiological changes

belief that biological forces (largely genes) have a direct influence on the root causes of social psychological behavior

Why do college students use drugs?

breaks the ice, enhances social activity, gives people something to do, allows people to have more fun, peer bonding, makes it easier to deal with stress

Drugs that widen air passages are called



caustic agents that cause the keratin skin layer to peel

occurs when the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood for the body's needs.

congestive heart failure

SPF number

designation to indicate a products ability to screen ultraviolet rays

Diabetes mellitus

disease caused by elevated blood sugar due to insufficient insulin

using performance- enhancing drugs to increase athletic ability is called


in what ways does the internet promote drug use

drugs are easy to buy on the internet, people promote drugs and alcohol on the internet


drugs that enhance athletic performance

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

drugs used to treat severe depression


elevated blood pressure

Substances that stimulate mucous secretion and diminish mucous viscosity are


true or false : abuse of prescription drugs is almost always less dangerous than abuse of illegal drugs.



having the ability to cause feelings of pleasure and well-being

occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient hormones


why would individuals within various subcultures initially turn to drugs? provide three internal subculture forces Page 520

internal subcultures forces a) shared in group attitudes about people who do and do not use drugs b) compatibility with other members of the peer group c) shared attitudes favorable to drug use despite conventional societies view that such behavior is deviant d) addiction to drugs or, at minimum, habitual drug usage e) a common secrecy about drug use external subculture forces a)preoccupation with law enforcement while procuring the drugs and while under the effects of illicit drugs b) a desire to identify other users and dealers of illicit drugs, such as verifying the dependability of the drug dealer. c) constant preoccupation regarding drug supply and when to keep in touch with drug dealers and concern about acquiring a new supply of their drug of choice. d) some precaution with being viewed and/or observed using or acting "high" in public, at work, school, or at a social function where drug use would be perceived as deviant social behavior.

violence occurs between members of the same gang, while _______ occurs between members of different gangs

intragang- members of same gang intergang-members of different gang


irregular heart beat

The outermost protective layer of the skin is the

keratin layer

Why are inhalants abused?

legally obtained, readily available, inexpensive, easy to conceal, lack of information about potential dangers

highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

maintaining a regimen of more recent types of medications to slow the rate at which HIV multiplies in the body


nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs An;-inflammatory drugs that do not have steroid properties salicylates and ibuprofen that relieve the symptoms of inflammation when taken a high doses

peptic ulcers

open sores that occur in the stomach or upper segment of small intestine

is taken by mouth to treat type 2 diabetes are

oral hypoglycemics


pain relievers while

involves developing a tolerance to the effects of anabolic steroids


how does the entertainment industry affect drug use?

popular movie stars are on alcohol advertisements, country music stars sing about drinking, rap artists sing about using drugs and having fun


readily changing to a vapor; readily evaporated at low temperatures

Antiretroviral therapy (ART)

refers to maintaining a regimen of taking a combination of several antiretroviral medicines to slow the rate at which HIV multiplies in the body.

is a potentially fatal complication of colds, flu, or chicken pox in children.

reyes syndrome

Angina pectoris

severe chest pain usually caused by a. deficiency of blood to the heart muscle


slowly increasing the dose of frequency of steroid abuse, reaching a peak amount and then gradually tapering off

use of several types of steroids the same time is called


are potent hormones released from the adrenal glands.



subgroup within the population whose members share similar values or patterns of related behaviors that differ from other subcultures and the larger population


swollen tissue due to an accumulation of fluid

anabolic steroids

synthetic substances that are similar to the male hormone testosterone


taking doses of steroid for a period of time, stopping for a time, and then restarting.

how are patterns of drug use in adolescents different from drug use patterns in adults

teens that are drug dependent do not get the same treatment as adults when it comes to drug therapy, teens are more likely to become drug users due to curiosity and peer pressure, whereas adults do it to cope with everyday stress in their life.

how does AIDS relate to drug abuse?

the abuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to unsafe sex practices that can cause aids

World Anti-Doping Code

the core document providing a framework for harmonized antidoping policies, rules, and regulations within sport organizations and among public authorities


the date rape drug that is used on some college campuses to commit sexual assault; the three most common date rape drugs are rohypnol ( flunitraezpam) GHB (gamma-hydrroxybutyrate) and ketamine.


tissue deprived of sufficient blood and oxygen

why do athletes often risk using drugs

to enhance performance,

The most commonly used group of drugs to treat severe depression is

tricyclic antidepressants

insider's perspective

viewing a group or subculture from inside the group; seeing the members as they perceive themselves

outsider's perspective

viewing a group or subculture from outside the group and viewing the group and its members as an observer; looking "in" at the members

Gasoline is an example of a__________substance and is abused commonly byyoung people due to its widespread availability


identify the criteria, according to the Durham-Humphrey Amendment of 1951, to determine if a drug should be controlled with prescriptions.

we view OTC medications as less effective, relatively free from side effects, and rarely abused; in contrast , we often consider prescription drugs as much more potent, typically used for more serious medical conditions, and frequently dangerous.

Congestion rebound

withdrawal from excessive use of a decongestant resulting in congestion

how do the roles of females in society affect their drug use

women have always been caregivers, therefore they feel more responsible about issues that can plague their communities and their families and often feel the need to be more vocal and be in positions that maintain harmony within the family setting.

what is the dark web? how does the dark web relate to illicit drug use?

you can find anything and everything on the internet. If you search hard enough on the dark web you can find websites that are selling illicit drugs.

Potential Effects of Inhaling Volatile Substances

•Can cause irritation of airways causing coughing and sneezing. •Low doses often bring a brief feeling of lightheadedness, mild stimulation followed by a loss of control, lack of coordination, and disorientation accompanied by dizziness and possible hallucinations. •In some instances, higher doses can produce relaxation, sleep, or even coma If inhalation is continued, dangerous hypoxia may occur and cause brain damage or death •Other effects include hypertension and damage to the cardiac muscle, peripheral nerves, brain, and kidneys. •Chronic abusers of inhalants frequently lose their appetite, are continually tired, and experience nosebleeds

What are the dangers and misconceptions associated with inhalant abuse?

•Sudden sniffing death syndrome •Damage to brain, liver, kidney, heart •Choking on vomit •Accidents associated with "intoxication" andfires

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