Chapters 17 and 18

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Brunelleschi, nudes, armored, classical, seated, defy, triangular, Christian, allegorical, river gods, prince, resemblance, Lorenzo, figurative representation, Human time, elongated neck, Architecture, Neo-Platonism, serpentine

(fig 17.1) Tombs of Giuliano de Medici by Michelangelo 1519-34 Michelangelo conceived of the new Sacristy as an architectural and sculptural ensemble. influence of _______________ is clear in form of pilasters and the colors of stone used to articulate through walls Artist took liberties with his model, treating the walls themselves as sculptural forms and way Brunelleschi never did ( Michelangelo's plan for Medici tomb went through many changes while work was underway) Other figures in relief for the project was designed but never executed. Present state of Medici tombs can hardly be what Michelangelo ultimately intended, process halted when artist permanently left Florence for Rome 1534 Although unfinished it remains an imposing visual unit, composed of a sarcophagus supporting two sculptured _________, above which sits a _______________ figure, all frame by Michelangelo's inventive use of _______________ architectural elements > design Central niche, which barely accommodates the _____________ figures to be frame by pairing pilasters. >pilasters support an entablature that breaks over them. Architectural forms _______ logic of classical architecture it, even when using its vocabulary. Flanking the niche or blank windows topped by curving pediment supported by volutes; sarcophagus below Echoes these forms Statues form a ___________ held in place by a network of vertical and horizontals whose slender, sharpened forms contrast with the roundness and weight of the sculpture Structure neither ________ imagery nor scripture Two ___________ figures Atop The sarcophagus- day ( right) and night (left) Reclining figures are themselves drive from statues of ancient __________ _________. Statue of Giuliano, ideal image of the ____________, wearing classical military garb and bears no _________________ to the deceased Beautiful proportioned figure seems ready for action, fidgets with his baton, his gaze was to be directed to the tomb of ___________ the Magnificent, never completed Instead of being commemorated monument that looks retrospectively at the accomplishment of the deceased, the tomb of Giuliano and the new Sacristy as a whole or to express the Triumph of the Medici family over time Square shaped Do not finish because Pope Leo X wanted power away from Jules so he sent Michelangelo to Florence Nor portrait but ________ _________________ Giuliano: allegorical representation of night (female) and day (believed there were suppose to be 2 more) >opposite pose from Lorenzo >armor has masks >theater masks on wall (decoration) and mask and owl (wisdom) next to night Lorenzo: dawn and suck (in thinker pose) River Gods night and day (contorted figures in reclining position) ____________ _______________ (day and night/ dawn and dusk) Body: proportions isn't as important (____________ _____________) ________________: compressed and niche is empty _________________: 5th century by 15th century redevelopment focusing on the soul ascending through the universe >__________________ line Body from physical, purgatory, to after life

Tomb of Giuliano de Medici, 1530s, Michelangelo

(fig 17.1)_________________________________ date: ______________(1519-34) By: _________________________

San Giorgio Maggiore, spiritual, later, expressive, less, final major, balance, clarity, Center, judas, exaggerated perspective, viewpoint, bread, wine, angels, natural, supernatural light source, eucharist, Catholic Reformation, color, drama, diagonal, relatable, lowers, spiritual, reality, Warm, Venetian

(fig 17.12) The Last Supper by Jacopo Tintoretto 1592 - 94 Oil on canvas At _______ _______________ _____________, Venice Jacopo robusti called tintoretto, made paintings of a more ____________ character. Reportedly wanted "to paint like Titian and to design like Michelangelo" Did not imitate High Renaissance faces of those artists careers, but observed there ________ Styles, which are more _____________ and ______ realistic in their effects His _________ ________ work Seems to deny every possible way the ___________ and __________ of Leonardo's version of the theme painting almost exactly a century before Places Jesus physical __________ of composition, but the small figure in the middle distance is distinguished mainly by his bright Halo Artist barely hint at human drama of judas's betrayal; ________ can be seen isolated on your side of the table across from Jesus but his role is so insignificant that he almost seems he mistaken for an attendant ( doesn't have bright light around him) Table sits at a sharp angle to the picture plane, __________________ __________________. Arrangement relates the picture space to actual space for which it was commission, the monastic Church San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice Used perspective to link the pictorial space to the __________________ of the Benedictine monks who took communion before the painting Fills the scene with attendance, containers of food and drinks, and domestic animals. Center: > Jesus offers his body and blood, in form of my __________ and __________, to the disciples > smoke from blazing oil lamp miraculously turns into clouds of __________, who animate the upper portion of the picture and blur the distinction between __________ and ______________ > lamp also offers light source ( first-time __________ ________ is used in picture) Image becomes a magnificently orchestrated vision and artist wants to make visible the miracle of the ______________- transubstantiation Earthly into Divine food. During ______________ _____________, Central importance of this sacrament to Catholic Doctrine was forcefully reasserted Taught by titians Venice: great manners painter- ________ Didactic ( educational) _________ 16th century Tavern with wooden floorboards and coffered ceilings Leonardo: horizontal (calm) Tintoretto: ___________ ( emotions and dramatic movement) 12 disciples, Christ in red and blue, light around heads Cat with basket, dog, peasants serving dinner= realistic events and __________ ( witness- event actors performing) > same clothes as people and recognizable food Diagonal ___________ picture plane to create the illusion that the interior drops down the open space towards viewer Judas is an opposite side of the table with no light around his head Spiritual: light source from candle, Angels come from the smoke Top half of the painting is ___________ and bottom half is ___________ Warm colors make it bright _____________ manner

Last Supper, 1590, Tintoretto

(fig 17.12)_________________________________ date: ______________(1592-94) By: _________________________

Allegory of Venus, 1550, Bronzino

(fig 17.3)_________________________________ date: ______________(1546) By: _________________________

Rape of the Sabine Woman, 1580, Giambologna

(fig 17.4)_________________________________ date: ______________(1583) By: _________________________

Last Judgment, 1530-40, Michelangelo

(fig 17.5)_________________________________ date: ______________(1534-41) By: _________________________

beauty, oval, swan, amphora, dramatic, unbalanced, left, elongated, ivory smooth, compressed, pieta, column, heaven, Elegance, private, elongated, Serpentine, foot, Luxury, St Jerome, unfinished

(fig 17.9) Madonna with the long neck by parmigianino 1535 Commission by noblewoman His most famous work Oil on panel For family Chapel in the city, located at Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence Studied Raphael, but had different idea of ________ Mary's head appears as a perfect ______ resting on a ________-like neck, her body swells only to temper to her feet ( her proportions resemble large ____________ offered by the figure at the left) Replaced High Renaissance idea of stable composition with more __________ one Sleeping Christ child balances precariously on Mary's lap as lift a boneless hand to her breast Composition ____________ as the postures: heavily weighted to the ______, open and distant to the right All figures have _________ Limbs and ________ __________ features, space is _________________ In mannerist fashion, these elements draw attention to the artist skill Choices may also reflect meaning of the image: > large Christ child and his mother's lap recalls theme of the ________ and alludes to his death Nor is setting as arbitrary as it may seem. Gigantic __________ is symbol often associated with Madonna as the gateway to __________ and eternal life, as well as with her role as immaculate Conception Painting is unfinished although is a vision of unearthly perfection, with a cold and memorable _________ Artist from Parma Commissioned for __________ Madonna: _____________ neck, face, hips Out of proportion and mid-late mannerism ______________ line ______ is elongated to extend off pillow towards the viewer ___________: reflection of the silver vase, pearls, silk material Adds children ( castrated boys- choir boys) ____ _________ in background ( small- out of scale) ______________ painting

Madonna with the Long Neck, 1540, Parmigianino

(fig 17.9)_________________________________ date: ______________(1535) By: _________________________

oil, ambassadors, turmoil, rome, Jean de Dinteville, fur-lined tunic, st Mitchell, Bishop George de Selve, features, social stations, detail, music, lute, discord, time, earthly, heavenly, skull, vanitas, political, clergy, french ambassador, clergymen,

(fig 18.11) The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger 18.11 ____ on panel One of his largest work Two _____________________ from France: Jean de Dinteville and George de Selve Painted in 1533 when English Court ______________ because the king impending break with Rome, image displays Holbein's artistic Origins and his gift as a portraitist Two subjects of the paintings were friends and Holbein represents them in full length, standing in drape to room with a tall double tier table between them. __________ ___ ______________: Left, where's elaborate ____-_________ _________ over his velvet garments, as well as a chain identifying him as a member of the order of ____ _____________, French chivalric order _____________ _____________ ____ ___________: right, cleric's collar and warm gown, there's no weapons or batons of office, as his friend does, rest his arm on the Bible placed on the upper tier of the table. Holbein English is each man's ____________ and __________ _____________ in the portrait. His rendering of texture, surfaces, and ________ harks back to Jan Van Eyck Artist synthesizes the setting as well as the two figures. Object that reflects the interests of the two men sit on the table between them. Bishop was a great patron of ________, an enthusiasm allude to by the presence of a lute. Below _____ is an open book featuring hymns written by Martin Luther. Lute has a broken string making it emblem of __________ Instruments that measure ______ (a sundial), or track the constellation on the upper tier Two Globe- Celestial Globe above and terrestrial one below- appear closer to de Dinteville ( his own town is marked on the terrestrial globe) Object contrast the study of __________ and ____________ subject come up with implication that Discord and division rule the Earthly spirit. Before all looms an anamorphic representation of a ______: it is it into gymnastic exaggeration perspective so that it's formed is only clearly readable from an acute angle Skull serves as __________: reminder that things of this world are fleeting. Holbein's success in recording the interests and concerns of the two men like we brought them to notice of the Court. Once he appointed as court painter, Holbein primarily responsibility involves painting the royal family, so he also paid in numerous portraits of the members of the Tudor Society National Gallery of England Court painter to Henry the 8th ( Protestant City can divorce his wife, Wars affected England) Religious wars went on between Protestant and Catholic Separation of __________ and ___________ by by table ____________ ______________ and ______________ (painted England) Soul→ earthly→ heaven (skull) Workbench with carpet on top Bottom: lute with broken string represents political disharmony, globe of Earth, book, music book, reeds ( physical) the Arts in matters on Earth Top: Celestial globe ( Stars), measuring devices, Skull→ vanitas→ type of painting, life will soon be over, wealth, luxury, Beauty Will Be left behind School represent death ( illusionistic)

The Ambassadors, 1530, Hans Holbein the Younger

(fig 18.11)_________________________________ date: ______________(1533) By: _________________________

butcher, gluttony, religious, flight into Egypt, tavern, dissipation, almsgiving, economic, spiritual goals, vices, salvation, euchartist, sin, salvation, moral story, iconography, parables

(fig 18.13) The Meat Stall by Pieter Aertsen 1551 Oil on panel filled the foreground with products for sale in a __________ shop, rendering in great detail the foodstuffs obscure some tiny figures in the background. Viewer's eye Meanders over these object: some items of ____________ ( like pretzels, eating during Lent) Still life is so large that the viewer almost misses the ____________ content: > in distance appears virgin and child on the __________ ____ ________ they stop to give bread to the poor > contrast, worshipers lined up to go to church ignore the poor > background the appears __________, which offers purely Sensational products for sale Background scene suggest different choices at the viewer can make- life of _____________ or life of _____________ Painting seems to argue that Antwerp's principal economic activity of trade must be tempered by ____________ ________ Animals: cows, pigs, chickens, intestines, sausages, fish, pretzels Background: half a cow hanging, butcher pouring water or wine, table with party ( drunk), oysters on the ground= _________ in background Virgin carrying baby on donkey with John Crossed fish, sign for farm for sale Jesus symbolic of ____________ ( alms and going to church) Salvation verses vices and gluttony Pretzels equal the bread of Christ and pouring wine equals the blood of Christ (____________) Meat in foreground: vehicle to two types of stories ____ versus ____________ > _________ _________ >meat filters/hides the story serving as a Smokescreen Northern: ______________ and _____________ to stories

The Meat Stall, 1550, Pieter Aersten

(fig 18.13)_________________________________ date: ______________(1551_ By: _________________________

landscape, month, nature, main subject, Hunting Party, recreation, time, natural, human domains, lifetime, upper middle, cartoonish, relgious, moral stories, vinette

(fig 18.14) The return of the hunters by Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1565 Oil on panel Antwerp Merchants probably commissioned bruegel to paint a series of ___________ representing the __________ Such things as their origin in medieval calendar illustrations come out like those in the Tres Riches Heures of Jean de Berry ___________ is more than a backdrop for human figures; it is the _______ _____________ of the picture. Artist organizes the commission with a shelf of snowy space in the foreground on which the hunters appear Eye move quickly into distance through a snow-covered landscape. Human and canine members of The ______________ _______ returned to the village with their skimpy catch in the grey of the northern winter. They moved down a hill towards the village, where water has frozen into a place of ______________ and where people rush to get back indoors. Human activity is fully integrated into the natural landscape and bruegel's image. Among with the other months, painting marks the passage of _______ in ___________ and _________ ____________ Dutch artist Prints made of paintings during his _______________ (accomplishments since mostly gone after artist died) Popular paintings and small Painted for __________ ___________ class ( Merchant's, Scholars, art connoisseur) Travel to Italy, people are _____________ Focuses on human and peasant activities not _____________ scenes _________ _________ through peasant Part of a series of 12 months- only five survived ( perhaps maybe there was only 6 and this was January and December) Two types of painting: >landscape (high view- panoramic view) and eye level (front and center) Mountain, snow, Hunters returning, presents by fire, people skating on ponds follows left to right ( Hill goes down, river goes up, eye stops by details (_____________---> little stories)

The Return of the Hunters, 1570, Pieter Bruegel the Elder

(fig 18.14)_________________________________ date: ______________(1565) By: _________________________

Saint Stephen, St. Augustine, grave, miracle, intercessors, salvation, color, soul, concrete, celestial assembly, flame, christ, compressed, weightless, Heaven, the greek, Elongated, spiritual spaces, attenuated, Venetian, heads, subject, movement

(fig 18.3) Burial of Count Orgaz by El Greco' 1586 Church of Santo Tome in Toledo Oil on canvas Painting sits above the tomb of Count Orgaz, who died in 1323 he was so pious ( religious) his admirers claimed, that ________________ and _________________ appeared at his funeral and lowered the body into its _________. El Greco depicts the _________ as any contemporary event: he portrays many of the local nobility and clergy of the to it. > Focuses on the Saints and the reputation of the deceased, painting expresses Roman Catholic position that Saints serve as ________________ with heaven and that Believers must perform good works to achieve ____________ Display of ____________ texture and armor and vestments reflect El Greco's Venetian training Angel carries the count's ________ ( small, cloud like figure at the center) to heaven. Lower half of the painting seem very ____________, ____________ ____________ in the upper half looks very different. > every form- clouds Limbs and draperies- take part in sweeping, ________ like movement towards figure of ___________ Artist's ____________ space, unearthly light, and ____________ body share stylistic features with Italian mannerist work such as Pontormo's Pieta Viewer standing before the actual grave of Count Orgaz sees in El Greco's painting the reenactment of the miraculous burial, so space the painting lights directly to the space of viewer. Artist direct viewers from their own reality towards a vision of ___________. His powerful work struck a chord with Orthodox Spanish Patron Born in Crece, Venice (color), Rome (commissions)----> greek icons (Byzantine) El Greco: _______ ____________ criticized Michelangelo but no commission had to leave to go to Spain ____________, pointed, ___________ ___________: figures Michelangelo's figures: muscular, strength of a body, physicality El Greco: Figures were ___________, spiritual, elongated, skinny >color: ___________ Burial with two clergymen (st. Stephen in st. Augustine), Paris priest, restitution, honor of Count Orgaz (dead 300 years- patron of church) Heaven divided by __________→ virgin and angels Mannerism not spiritual (luxury and elegance) > looks mannerist but __________ is not Sense of ___________ in bodies and Swirls and Light (Baroque movement) Silk white clouds Celestial v.s terrestrial Mannerist----> (catholic) more spiritual quality and elongated bodies Venetian color with Rome

Burial of Count Orgaz, 1590, El Greco

(fig 18.3)_________________________________ date: ______________(1586) By: _________________________

hospital, rye, st. Anthony's fire, shrine, three, crucifixion, heroic scale, black sky, mary, John, points, lamb, eucharist, Predella, farewell, Annunciation, madonna and child, resurrection, cycle of salvation, heaven, therapy, color, differs dramatically, no scars, Italian ideal, oil, perspective, emotional, polyptych, Mimic, christ, contort, distorted

(fig 18.4) Isenheim Altarpiece by Grunewald 1509-15 transforming triptych Oil on panel The Monastery Church of the order of st. Anthony at is Isenheim, in Alsace, France Church accommodated the monks of the order and patients of their ______________, which served people suffering from the disease caused by eating spoiled ________, called ___ ______________ ____. >The painful symptoms of this disorder included intestinal disorder, gangrenous Limbs, and hallucinations. >Treatment consists mostly of soothing bath and sometimes amputation of Limbs. Sitting on the high altar, Grunewald's Altarpiece reflects the hospital's Mission. It painted panels enclose a carved wooden ___________ of Saint Anthony. 9 panels organized into sets of was the movable Wings open in ____________ stages or views 1st view: > Wings are closed showed _______________ in central panel (viewers saw this stage on weekdays) Artist depicts Christ body on cross on a __________ _______, so it dominates the other figures in landscape Crucifixion becomes lonely event silhouetted against ghostly landscape in full ___________ _______ Despite darkness of landscape, Eerie light base the foreground figures to heightened awareness of them. Left, and white garments, Mary swoons at the sight of her tortured son St. __________'s Red robe accentuates her paleness. Mary Magdalen kneels in grief Right St. John the Baptist ___________ to the crucified Christ with the words " he must increase, I must decrease" Lamb at his feet bleeds into Chalice (holds cross)- alluding to the ________________ ____________ below, a tomb awaits the tortured body while Christ mother and Friends bid ______________. Predella Slide apart at Christ knees, So victim of amputation may have seen their own suffering reflecting at this image 2nd view: > on Sundays and feast days, Outer wings for open in the mood changes drastically 1) Three scenes in this View: the ______________, ______________ ______ _________ with the angel, and the ___________- celebrate events as jubilant as crucifixion is somber 2) ____________ ____ ________________, from Incarnation to Resurrection, view offered afflicted a former spiritual medicine while redeeming them of the promise of ________________ 3) Throughout panels artist depicts forms of ___________ recommended for sufferers at the hospital: music, Herb's, bath, and Light 4) Contrast with first panels offers consultation to the dying 5) __________ draw the eye throughout the composition. Reds and pinks in left panel carry throughout Central panels to end of the brilliant color surrounding risen Christ on the right 6) Simple Gothic Chapel in Annunciation gives away in the next panel to Fantastic tabernacle where choirs of Angels play stringed instruments and sing. Beneath tabernacle appears figure of the Virgin, crowned, and glowing lit candle 7) Central image of Madonna holding her child and tender Embrace gives away to a vision of Heaven, also made of pure light 8) Elements lead it right panel come over body of Christ appears to float above Stone sarcophagus into which it had been placed in the predella. Guards that were set to watch the tomb are knocked senseless by the miracle. Thier figures, carefully arranged in perspectival display, contrast with the weightlessness in transfigured body of Christ. This figure __________ ________________ from the figure on the cross his body bears _____ __________ and proportions are closer to __________ _______ Artist _____ technique, his brilliant use of color, and his detailed rendering of objects derives from northern European art of the 15th century, but the piece also demonstrates his awareness of Italian perspective. Artist aim is to create an emotional response with the impact of the vision Closed: crucifixion predella: lamentation ( at bottom) _____________: multi-panel Wings ( first open Panel): annunciation, angelic concert, Madonna with child, Resurrection Wings ( second open Panel): meeting of st. Anthony, middle section is sculpture by another artist gilded with gold, contagion is Saint Anthony Commissioned to do Altar for patrons with skin disease ( st. Anthony's fire, bacteria in wheat) Skin, pimples, burn, no treatment will die took 200 years to find cure Long room, beds horizontal to wall, Altarpiece for them to see, Christ also suffering, salvation ________ the disease on __________ > crucifixion: in the Bible when Christ died the world went black, mary magdalene, st. John , st. John the Baptist, virgin, Lamb with cross bleeding into cup -not idealistic Beauty, gruesome, dark and emotional - thorns stabbed in Christ and hand do _________ when punctured - st. John points to Christ > lamentation: contortion of feet First panel when open is bright Interior of second opened to Saint Anthony hermit - emotional effect No hierarchical scale and natural scale (been ________________ in order to emphasize the event's intense emotionality)

Isenheim Altarpiece, 1510-1515, Grünewald

(fig 18.4)_________________________________ date: ______________(1509-15) By: _________________________

first parents, Apollo, Venus, detailed, vocabulary, monochrome, animals, Humors, cat, choleric, anger, yellow bile, ox, phlegmatic, slow, lung, brain, elk, melancholic, sad, black bile, rabbit, sanguine, energtic, heart, lungs, ideal, century, celebrity, master printmaker, engraving, classical, garden of eden, vices

(fig 18.7) Adam and Eve by Albrecht Durer 1504 Engraving Durer's Fusion of northern European Italian traditions informs his Engraving Adam and Eve Depicts biblical subject of the _____ __________ to Ideal nudes; _____________ and ____________ in densely wooded forest Carefully _____________ animals, trees, and foliage accompany the human forms. To achieve this detail, Durer enlarge the ____________ of descriptive marks an engraver could use: The line taper and swell; intersecting varying angles; Marks start-and-stop and dissolve into dots. Result in ________________ image with great tonal and textural range Artist chose very deliberately the _____________ that populate the Garden of Eden > cat, rabbit, off, and Elk are symbols of medieval theory that bodily fluids, called __________, control personality _______= __________ humor ( quick to __________) Choleric (__________ _______) _____= ____________ humor ( lethargic and _____) (______/_____)---> sloth ______= _______________ humor (____ and serious) melancholic ( ________ ______)----> wisdom, bitter spirit _________= ____________ ( ____________ and sensual) sanguine (_______/_________)---> lust This moment before the fall, humor coexist in balance and humans retain an ________ beauty Tonal affects balance and unified the composition Artist print, which he signed prominently on the plaque by Adams head,made an enormous impact Northern Renaissance about a ___________ behind First from north of Spain and Italy to be true ___________ of North > international, traveled ( Rome and Venice) and like Leonardo wrote theoretical treatise ( never comes anything) Most respected in _________ ___________ of the sixteenth century---> made multiple copies and well-off _____________: scratching ( stylus) into metal plates In Italy Michelangelo's David is contrapposto Style, Adam is off ( influenced by Roman sculptures) Adam's head is off, but body is good _____________ ideal proportions ( Renaissance tradition) Parrot over Adam symbolizes kindness or wisdom _________ _____ _________ the snake give Eve the fruit, apple, his temptation German forest (thick woods) Center tree of wisdom and Tree of Life by parrot Animals around letter Blend of Northern roots ( German Gothic) and interest of Italian Renaissance ( classical Style) Fluids the body keep yourself in check- changes after eating the Apple _________

Adam and Eve, 1500, Durer

(fig 18.7)_________________________________ date: ______________(1504) By: _________________________

Francis I, narrow plane, father time, curtain, incestuous, Fraud, Oblivion, off, arrow, kisses, Dove, folly, Jealousy, envy, pleasure, honeycomb, cool, marble, mirror, achievements, Elongated lines, serpentine, Mythological love

Allegory of Venus (fig 17.3) by Bronzino 1546 Vasari claimed was given by Duke Cosimo to ________ ___ of France, exemplifies taste of ducal court Onto _____________ ________ close to surface of painting artist crowds a number of figures who have been identified only tentatively. Bald _________ __________: top right corner > either tears back or tries to cover ___________ from fraud or Oblivion the figure on the upper left corner exposing Venus and Cupid ( figures for Love and Desire) in __________ embrace __________ or ___________: top left corner > painted to represent a hollow man (empty head) Venus is _____-centered main subject > holds Cupid's _________ and Cupid slightly Embraces and _______ her > _________ is below Cupid foot ( symbol of Venus) Child that right is called play or _________: > throws roses at roses in Delight _______________ or ________: >the figure tearing at his head to the left of cupid is either jealousy or pain One right is ________________ (behind folly) or fraud: > half woman and half snake, offers ___________ and wields a sting tail >repeal with lion body and lizard tail ________ tonalities and contorted nudes, artist painting proclaims a refined eroticism Express by _________-like figures and __________-like finish Complexity of concept matches the intricacy of the composition; high quality of technique match the cleverness of the content In Bronzino, Medici found an artist whose technical virtuously, complex imagery, and inventive composition perfectly match their taste and exemplified the mannerist style Cosimo's gift of a painting of such erudite imagery in accomplished technique to the king of France demonstrated his realm's _____________ in literary and visual arts Bronzino--- portrait painter (worked with Medici) Venus in rectangular shape, not centered but is main subject _____________ _________ of the body and _____________ line Theater masks: hiding identity >detail: Jewels, silk materials, gold ball= luxury and wealth ______________ ________ (not religious) full composition---> filled everywhere (line, color, etc) luxury and wealth---> no central subject Medici for Francis I bright color, subject matter, lack of religious story s-curve

Loggia dei Lanzi, power, rehearsed, formal, form and content, twisting, Serpentine, large-scale group, open, closed spaces, Choreographed

The Rape of the Sabine Woman (fig 17.4) by Giovanni Bologna 1583 Marble Located at ____________ ____ _________, Florence (palazzo vecchio) Duke admired the work so much that he had installed near the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence Subject proposed derives from the legends of ancient Rome > the city's Founders, who came from across the sea tried in vain to find wives among their neighbors, the sabines - men resorted to trickery, having invited the entire Sabine tribe into Rome for festival, then attacked them, took the woman Away by force and ensure the future of their try. Giovanni's image sanitizes the act of raw ________ and violence, figures spiral upward in careful ___________ movements. He wishes to display his virtuosity and saw his task only for _________ terms; to carve and marble, on massive scale, sculptural composition that was to be seen from all sides. Contrast between ___________ and __________ that the mannerist tendency encouraged could not be clearer Overlife size (13 feet tall (figures)) 2 men and female at top→ 3 __________ figures Rome--> men tried to steal women Older guy at bottom, younger carrying off In the round- no front view ___________ line, in motion and twisting First ____________ _____________ since antiquity __________ v.s __________ ____________: focuses on opening between spaces ____________________ ( like dancing) adds to drama and makes it look like as if it was on stage ( it is chaos) Artist was French

Renaissance, grandeur, serpentine line, didactic, Protestant Reformation, mysticism, saints and martyrs, Counter Reformation, missionaries

ch 17 Italy progressing faster than North Mannerism style- Italian word for maniera (style) >reaction against ____________ (balance, reason, symmetry) >asymmetrical, complex, erotic (mythological approach) >luxury and wealth---> artist ____________ themselves no longer looking good for church (private works) 1570-80s defined by ___________ __________(s-curve) _______________ art---> emotional and educational Martin Luther- ___________ _____________ and 95 thesis to church (complements on Indulgences) >wanted vernacular Bible Usury---> paying for sin and Germany---> preacher wanted to make sermons more accessible (before it was in Latin, wanted to change that) Catholic---> art __________ and spiritual ecstasy and suffering ___________ and _____________ ___________ ______________---> people left the Catholic faith to become Protestant so Council of Trent decided on way to keep people in Catholic church brought new ideas to change like ______________ to convert people all over the world Mannerism influenced by (why distorting) >1520s 95 thesis: reaction against church-->shift and wars---> counter reformation: mysterious >High renaissance about religious subjects but artists looked at elements of high Renaissance and found new ways (elegance and bodies) -private commission (not pope, etc) to display wealth

Serene Republic, themes

ch17 Venice: the ___________ ___________ Venice regained much of its territory and wealth by 1529. City remained a nominal Republic, control by ancient families, who commissioned works for their houses in town in for their Villas in country; artist could choose from a wide variety of ___________. Painters of Venice built on achievement of Bellini, Giorgione, and Titian, while it's Architects experimenting with classical forms

durer, Martin Luther, adapt, courtly, classicizing, local

ch 18 Albrecht Durer as Reformation Artist _________ became in early and enthusiastic follower of ___________ __________. His new faith and forms the growing austerity of style and subject in his religious works after 1520s Late paintings, the four apostles (fig 18.8), represents climax of this trend. (Don't need to know) Protestant courts and Cities and New Forms of Art Realignment German culture and Society produced by Reformation required artists to _________ their Styles and subject matters for the reformed faith Ambivalence of the reformed face towards images created challenges for artists throughout the century. ___________ patrons hired artist to make images of ________________ themes; these images combined ________ Styles emphasizing detail, texture, and the natural world with forms from Italy

antwerp, little, moral allegories, Landscapes, peasant life, folk customs, daily life, urban elite

ch 18 Bruegal Aertsen's younger contemporary and fellow __________ resident, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, spent his career in Antwerp and Brussels. Bruegel's personal life remains rather mysterious get his stylistic origins lie in Netherlandish tradition, in particular the painting of Hieronymus Bosch. A trip to Italy affected him very _________. Bruegel's Explorers ________ __________________, __________________, and _____________ _____ As painter and designer of prints, he made pictures that demonstrated his interest in _______ ______ and _______ __________ of humble people. Highly Educated, he had many friends among humanist, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and Merchants, who were his main client. Members of Habsburg court also collected his work, although many of his images have been interpreted as critical of Habsburg rule. During 1560 come on Philip II of Spain attempted to quash the Protestant rebellion in Netherlands, Bruegel apparently feared that his political imagery might cause trouble for his family, City destroyed much of it Members of the _________ ________ collected images of the countryside and people who worked the land

fractured, wars, choose, spread,teaching, idolatrous, iconoclast, new

ch 18 Central Europe: the reformation and Art Italy, France, and Spain remain mostly Catholic, elsewhere in Europe religious and artistic situations was more complex. Emperor Charles V headed the regions that made up present-day Germany, Austria, Hungary and Czech Republic. > Emperor control nice independent political units only nominally Reformation _____________ the religious unity after 1517. Spread of Reform faiths led to ________ throughout Central Europe that finally ended with the Peace of Augsburg in 1555. Compromise allowed the rulers of individual regions to _________ the faith out for their region's inhabitants, furthering the _________ of the reformed faith and firmed up the political division. Repercussions for art were equally important. While Martin Luther saw the value of art as a tool for ____________, some of the more radical reformers considered the many forms of medieval and Renaissance religious art as __________ and they encourage ___________ or the destruction of images. As religious commission's dried-up, artist had to find _____ Styles, new subjects, and new markets for their work

Spanish court, Crete, colorful

ch 18 El Greco Following Phillips lead members of the ___________ ________ remain staunchly Roman Catholic. They can commissioned churches and church furnishing throughout the centuries of Italian artist move to Spain looking for work and Spanish artists to Italy to study. Best known painter of sixteenth-century Spain, Domenikos Theotokopoulos aka El Greco Came from ______, under Venetian rule. He came under Venetian influence, producing painterly and __________ works like those of tintoretto; to this he's used his admiration for Raphael, Michelangelo, and Italian mannerism. He arrived in Spain in 1576/77 and settled in Toledo

centralized state, map, France, Spain, Germany, England, Netherlands, sculpture, idolatry, painting, Religious, secular, particular, power, Rome

ch 18 In addition to religious challenge of Protestant reformation and new cultural expressions of the Renaissance, Europeans outside of Italy witness Growing Power of large ____________ ________ in France, England, Spain, and Holy Roman Empire and expansion of Europe economic reach around the globe. Reformation change the ________, as whole communities, cities, even States challenge their religious affiliation, fracturing the religious unity of Europe. ____________ and ____________ remained loyal to Roman Catholic Church, religious sectarianism divided _____________, _________________, and ________________ Art changed in response to these conditions. Because Protestant reformers believed ____________ to be close to ______, medium of ____________ increased and importance. ____________ patronage waned, artist turn to _________ themes, which appeal to patrons in both cities and courts. To compete on open market, artist begin to specialize in __________ subjects or themes. Artists absorb Italian composition, Idol figure types, and admired for antiquity. Italian Renaissance spread across Europe. Patrons in courts found Italian style particularly useful for emphasizing their ____________, well Catholic rulers often use Italianate forms to affiliate their loyalty to _________

Catholic Patron

ch 18 Not all regions of Central Europe converted to the reformed faith, and it was not until 1520 that the Reformation took wide hold, so ______________ ____________ to commissioned religious objects throughout the 16th century. The painter Matthias Gothart Nithart, who was also known for centuries only as Grunewald, executed One memorable example.

indulgences, bible, reasons, salvation, individual, literacy

ch 18 Protestant Reformation: October 15-17, Martin Luther former Augustinian friar and professor of theology at the University of Wittenberg, issued a public challenge to both Theology and institutional practices of the Catholic Church. His famous 95 Theses, which he nailed to the church door at Wittenberg Castle, Luther condemned the Catholic practice of selling ____________________- promise of redemption of sins; he argued also against the veneration of Mary and the Saints. Making a fundamental critique of Catholicism, who claimed that the __________ and natural __________ the sole base of religious Authority, and that intervention of clerics and Saints was unnecessary for ____________, which was freely given by God. It followed that religious Authority depending not on the pope, but an _______________'s conscience of each believer. In response Catholic Church excommunicated him in 1521. But many Christians in Europe accepted his recruiting, the results of which eventually fueled political instability, rebellions, and Wars. Many areas in Northern Germany converted to Protestant Reform, while Southern regions, like Bavarian, remain Catholic. In rethinking use basic issues of Faith, Luther was joined by religious reformers. Swiss pastor Ulrich Zwingli stressed individual access to scriptures in preaching. His literal reading of the Bible led him to denounce not only the sale of indulgences, but Visual Arts as well. Above all, the reformers worried about the issues and Grace and Free Will and attaining faith and salvation. By the time of Zwingli's death in 1531, he and other reformers had Define the main element of protestant theology. Around mid-century, John Calvin of Geneva promoted his vision of moral life based on literal reading of scripture. studying the Bible required ____________, the reformers urged both girls and boys to be taught to read. Invention of printing press furthered the spread of Protestantism, by putting the Bible in the hands of many Believers. The implication of reformation were enormous for the Liturgy, for social life, and for art. Catholic Church which changes well and Luther's complaints for reforms beginning in the middle 16th century and continued into the 17th. This Catholic Reformation would have its own effect in European art and life

Henry VIII, Church of England, Elizabeth I, navy, colonies, world power, Hans Holbein the Younger

ch 18 Reformation England: The Tudor Portrait: If Central Europe boasted numerous courts, the Tudor dynasty dominated 16th century England. Ambitious __________ ______, reigned from 1509 to 1547 wanted England to be a power broker in Europe. Henry sought to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, aunt of Charles V, but pope thwarted his plans. Henry broke away from Roman Catholicism and established himself as head of the __________ ___ __________. Marrying often after this, he had three children, who succeeded him as Edward VI, Mary I and __________ __. Latter ruled into 17th century and oversaw expansion England _________ and ____________, when England became a __________ ________ Tudor court emphasized portraiture among the Arts. Henry VIII appointed a German artist, _______ ______________ _____ ____________ as his court painter. >Hans Holbein born in Augsburg, moved to Basel In search of work. But spread of reformation to the Swiss City dried up opportunities for visual artists, so went to England First patrons among the merchants and diplomats, who were often also humanist


ch 18 Reformation Image Problem of the appropriate use of images for the reformed Faith concerned Lucas Cranach the Elder, friend of Martin Luther. He attempted to cast Luther's _____________ into visual form with prints and paintings that expresses teaching. (fig 18.9) Allegory of Law and Grace Landscape Artist in southern Germany and Austria under the influence of Durer and cranach in the first half of the 16th century even as they wrestled with changes in Art Market caused by the Reformation Albrecht Altdorfer most of his career Bavaria, belongs to group of artists who choose to specialize in landscape painting Don't need to know

Spain, netherlands

ch 18 Spain and Italianate Style _________ is World power in 16th century, fueled by wealth from newly colonized America and its rule over significant portions of the Europe. Spanish King Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, controlled __________________, much of Central Europe, parts of Italy as well as Spain. Split Holdings between his son Philip and his brother Ferdinand > Ferdinand took control of traditional Habsburg territories in Central Europe > Philip II became king of Spain, Netherlands, and New Spain in the Americas from 1556 to 1598. After fending off Turkish Advance into Europe, very Catholic Philip took aim at Protestant regions, the less successfully. Attempted to quash the rebellion of the Calvinist Northern Netherlands ultimately produced the independence of Holland; his attempt to invade England in 1588 strengthened England's structure

power, revolt, Spanish, Amsterdam, international trade, Southern, Catholicism, antwerp, iconoclasm, paintings, waiting, open-market,

ch 18 The Netherlands: World Marketplace Where courts of Europe, were Catholic or Protestant, commissions visual display of _________, citizens of Netherlands had a different taste. Region, present-day Holland and Belgium, head very turbulent history. When Reformation begun, it was part of the empire under Charles V, was also king of Spain. Protestantism quickly gained adherents in northern Netherlands; attempted by Philip II to suppress the spread of reformed Faith led to _________ against _____________ rule. The provinces Of northern Netherlands declared their independence in 1579. The city of ______________ then became a Center of ________________ ________ _____________ Provinces remained in Spanish hands and were committed to Roman _____________. Once Port of Bruges lost ground as commercial center the most strategically location _____________ became the commercial and artistic capital of the Southern Netherlands Wave of ________________ struck the Netherlands, destroying vast numbers of medieval and early Renaissance works of art. Such religious reformers large-scale sculpted words as Idolatrous, conditions for such objects disappeared. As result, ____________ and other two dimensional art forms dominated artistic production period in absence of religious commissions, artist no longer ___________ for patrons to hire them; they made works of art to sell on an _________________. In this climate new types of art developed that would supplement and even eventually replace, traditional religious objects Italianate style also challenged netherlandish artists. Some saw no reason to change the northern European visual tradition they had inherited; some grafted Italianate decorative forms to their traditional competitions and techniques; still others adopted Italian style wholesale

mercantile, anticipation, genres, principle subject, faith, Pieter Aertsen, still life, moralizing

ch 18 Urban Patronage: Antwerp: Antwerp's rise of _____________ Center brought it great wealth and a dynamic market for art. Although sculpture was produced in limited quantities, paintings and printmaking dominated. Lack of religious commissions and new market forces stimulated artist to explore other avenues for producing and selling their Works. Some artists made images in anticipation of offering them for sale, instead of depending on patrons to commission them. Others develop specialities in specific kinds of art, these ___________ or types of art included Landscapes, portraits, still lives, and the scenes of everyday life (genre scenes). 15th century Neverland paintings had included these elements in the background of religious paintings; in the 16th century, they became the principal subject. Such things allowed painters to sell pictures to clients of any _______ Born in northern Netherlands, painter _____________ _____________ spent his early career in Antwerp. There he made numerous _______ ______ paintings, which carry ______________ messages

Elizabeth I, Spanish Armada, public

ch 18 __________ __: came to the throne of England in 1558 at the age of 20, and throughout her and some good ruled until 1603. She managed to unite a country that has been bitterly divided by religious differences and increase the wealth and status of England through her diplomats, her perspicacious choice of advisors and Admirals and daring. The defeat of the ____________ _________, sent to invade England in 1588 remained a significant achievement, but history remembers Elizabethan Age also for its music and literary arts. Like her father, she use the visual arts, especially portraits to create an imposing ________ Image


ch 18 ____________: comes from Greek root , combined, mean-image breaking up. Iconoclasts Destroy images for political or religious reasons. While the Byzantine empire endured a period of Iconoclasm in the 7th and 8th century several waves of image destruction occurred in the wake of the Reformation in Europe. More radical reforms face before the Catholic tradition of religious images and Relics; encourage the destruction of images. This resulted in a great loss of works of art from the earlier.

Germany, place, humanistic, circulated

ch 18 lbrecht Durer as Renaissance Artist Grunewald's contemporary, Albrecht Durer is key figure for Renaissance in ____________. Like Grunewald, Durer's style begin in Traditions of northern European realism, but also delved deeply into the Innovations of Italian Renaissance period trained as a painter and printmaker in his native Nuremberg, traveled in northern Europe and Venice; Journey's changed his view of the world and artist _________ in it. He adopted idea of the Artist as a gentleman and ____________ scholar that had taken hold in Italy. His painting technique owes much to Flemish Masters, but his copies of Italian word taught him many of the lessons of Italian art. Durer synthesized These traditions and his paintings and graphic works. His influence on 16th century art spread through his prints, which _____________ all over Europe

Tuscany, human, nature, ancients, history, literature

ch17 Accademia Del Disegno Established 1563, Academy of Drawing Sponsored by Duke Cosimo de Medici in Florence to promote arts in ___________ by improving the training of artists Bronzino and Giorgio Vasari founding members Academy stressed drawing and study of ___________ figure, esteemed _________ and _________, while holding art of Michelangelo to be highest achievement of moderns Academy emphasized study of _________ and _________ as well as skills of the artist

Cosimo, Accademia Del Disegno, subject matter

ch17 Bronzino: Jacopo da Pontormo's student Agnolo Bronzino worked for court of duke of Florence, ___________ de' Medici Court magnet for artists from all over Europe Duke Cosimo and Duchess Eleonore commissioned works of art of many sorts- architecture, sculpture, religious and secular paintings, portraits >sponsored establishment of ___________________ _____ _____________, educational institution for artists in 1563 -many artist who founded academy (like Bronzino) worked in Mannerist style of refined techniques and complex ____________ ________ Bronzino served as court portraitist, painter, poet and interests of duke and duchess

Papal States, Tuscany, central, principalitiies, cities, Imperial, Parma, cremona, Venice

ch17 Cities and Courts in Northern Italy and Venice ________ __________ and duchy of ________ dominated _________ Italy, but Northern Italy comprised a number of smaller _______________ and ________ Courts at Mantua, Urbino, Ferrara, and elsewhere competed for ________ titles and territorial gain > some cities of the area try to maintain their independence from princely courts, with mixed results: - France and papacy control __________ 16th century opened, well __________ belong variously to Milan, to Venice, to France, and to Spain - Republic of ___________, challenged by War invasion, succeeded in regaining control of Northeastern Italy in reasserting its political and cultural Authority


ch17 Cremona Mannerist elegance that Parmigianino achieved was but one _____________ option that artist patrons of Northern Italy could select. Sofonisba Anguissola- daughter of a nobleman in North Italian city, sofonisba, unlike most women artists of the Renaissance who learned their craft at home as Daughters of artist she became a famous painter of Italy and went on to become a court painter for Philip II of Spain Mini portrait of herself: Fig 17. 10 self portrait

France, sculpture, single, theme, title, suggested

ch17 Giovanni Bologna Comparable combination of Technical virtuosity and eroticized imagery appears in a sculpted group created by the french-born artist known as Giovanni bologna Giovanni came to Florence from ________ to study its artistic Traditions around 1555. Created ___________ to demonstrate his skill to his mentors at the Academy of Design and they challenged him to sculpt three contrasting figures united in a ____________ action When creating the over life-size group, sculpture had no specific __________ in mind but when it was finished the _______ the rape of the Sabine woman was ______________ and was accepted by him.

martin luther, artists, climate, patronage, style, High Renaissance, Michelangelo, Titian, princely courts

ch17 Immense challenge to establish Catholicism posed by ______________ __________'s protest in 1517 sent shockwaves around Europe France, Spain, Germany warred with each other on Italian peninsula, while Turkish expansion into Europe threatened whole continent Spiritual challenge of Protestant Reformation and rise of powerful courts affected Italian _________ >changing __________ of which they worked >nature of _____________ No ________ dominated 16th century Italy, but artists called it Late Renaissance were affected by achievements of _______ _______________ High Renaissance art (not artists- died 1520) had tremendous authority and influence Two key figures of this generation lived to transform their styles: >____________- worked until death 1564 >__________ worked until 1576 New artists faced weightly visual legacy and uncertainty in religious, political, and social sphere >Like the Sack of Rome by Habsburg troops 1527 had immediate repercussions for artists, who scattered throughout Italy and Europe Commission came from mostly __________ _______, artists' worked reflected taste and concerns of powerful elite Connections among courts helped to spread new styles, usually labelled Mannerist >style was typically used for paintings and sculptures, though some architecture exhibit Mannerist tendencies


ch17 Late Renaissance Florence: Because of connections among courts and movement of artists, new style spread throughout Italy and most prominent practitioners come from or worked in _____________

ideas, patronage

ch18 France and Spain: Catholic courts and Italian influence France was fertile ground for importation of Italian _________. French Kings been intervening in Italy for centuries and knew what was happening and it's art and architecture. Francis I showed his admiration for Italian art by inviting Leonardo Da Vinci to work for him. He was a generous ___________ made his court a magnet for many artists from Italy and from elsewhere in Europe. French Traditions were maintained as local architectures interpreted Italian ideas.

maniera, refinement, grace, beauty, proportions, High Renaissance, less, expressive, republic, family

ch17 Mannerism: New style name derives from word __________________, meaning manner or style (used approval by contemporaries) Built on achievements of Raphael and Michelangelo (artists of 1520s) and developed a style that emphasized technical virtuosity, erudite subject matter, beautiful figures, and deliberately complex compositions that appealed to sophisticated tastes Mannerism became a style of utmost _____________, emphasized __________, variety, virtuoso display instead of clarity and unity >Mannerist artists explored definitions of _________: -rather than repeat ancient forms, experimented with ______________, ideal figure types, unusual stance, aimed for originality and personal expression Florence under Medici rule 1512 to 1527, Florentine absorbed innovations of High Renaissance as artists came to city from Rome Pope Leo X (Lorenzo Medici's son) sent Michelangelo to Florence to work on projects for Medici family. >Florentine artists seemed to reject serenity and confidence of _______ _______________ art >used techniques of naturalism, chiaroscuro, composition learned from Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, this generation artists made images _______ balanced and more _____________ Works of 1520s, group of Florentine artists created images of deep spiritual power in this new Mannerist style After chaos of Sack of Rome Florentines again ousted Medici and restored _________ in Florence >but restoration of relations between pope and emperor of Holy Roman Empire allowed Medici to power by 1530 -Medici Pope Clement VII promoted his ___________ interests and worked to enhance power of his family as rulers of Florence. Medici employed Michelangelo continually to execute works intended to glorify the Medici dynasty in florence

Mantua, Gonzaga, wealth, arts,

ch17 Mantua One of most stable of North Italy courts was _______, where ___________ family retains the title of Marquis into 16th century 15th century, Mantua had been host to influential artists and family traditions of patronage embraced women as well as men Isabella d'Este, Francesco II Gonzaga one of the most active patrons of really 16th century Her son, Federico, became Marquis, title he held until Charles V created him Duke. Campaigns for such titles often required display of __________ and taste expressed through the ______. As part of his campaign, Federico II Gonzaga commissions Giulio Romano to design and decorate a villa for him outside Mantua called Palazzo del Te- housed his mistress and receive the emperor Giulio Romano- had been Raphael's Chief assistant in Rome Inside Palazzo del Te artist painted a series of rooms with illusionistic frescoes on the theme drawn from antiquity

San Lorenzo, tombs, assistant, mirror

ch17 Michelangelo in Florence Michelangelo's work for Medici centered on the Church of ________ _____________ Pope Leo X commissioned a matching structure (to the century after brunelleschi's design for the sacristy church (fig 15.5) held tombs for earlier Medici generation), the New Sacristy > Leo wanted an appropriate space to house the ________ of his father Lorenzo the Magnificent, Lorenzo's brother Giuliano, and two younger members of the family Aided by numerous ___________, Michelangelo work on this project and managed to complete the architecture and two of the tombs for the later Lorenzo and Guiliano, (were brothers)- tombs were nearly _________ images of each other

Paul, Counter Reformation

ch17 Michelangelo in Rome Pope __________ III summoned Michelangelo to Rome to execute several key projects for him. Rome remained his home for the rest of Michelangelo's life. New mood of Rome during Catholic Reformation ( or ______________ ___________) may be reflected in the subject chosen for a major painting in the Sistine Chapel

Tuscany, themes

ch17 Painters and sculptors of Ducal Florence Michelangelo's presence brought new energy and ideas to artists working in __________. > be inspired this in later generations of Italian artists including many who found in Michelangelo's creatively re-imagery of ancient sculptures and His Brilliant color the freedom to invent ________, spaces, color harmonies in their work

Titian, El Greco, tintoretto, naturalism, drama, fluid brushwork,

ch17 Painting ___________'s Workshop dominated painting in City through 16th century. (Venice) Titian Lived a long life and had numerous pupils to spread his style and techniques. Domenikos theotokopoulos aka ____ _________ from the island of Crete, study in Titian's shop before heading to Spain. Two leading painters in Venice were veronese and _______________, developed different directions Veronese images depend on early Titian works- aim for _______________ Tintoretto exploited Titian's ________ and _______ _________ to create more dramatic and Visionary images

palladian window

ch17 Palladio and the late Renaissance architecture Venetian Aristocrats commissioned Works inspired by the Ancient World. When they wanted buildings in the Antique manner, they turn to Andrea Palladio who dominated the field of architecture in Venice. Palladio worked mostly in his native town of Vicenza, and elsewhere in Venetian territory, but built many churches in Venice Hired to build townhouses and Country Villas to express wealth and social status He designed structures following his own interpretation of ancient precepts that arise from his studies of Vitruvius and Roman architecture ______________ __________ Classical- squares and domes

Papal States,

ch17 Parma City of Parma became part of __________ ______ in 16th century, brought it new wealth and status City was birthplace of gifted painter, Girolamo Francesco Maria mazzola aka parmigianino. - Reputation as painter in Rome, Florence, and elsewhere before returning to Parma

Leo X, Clement VII, papacy, Holy Roman Empire, Sack of Rome, princes, Council of Trent, Roman Inquisition, prohibited books, art

ch17 Rome reformed Medici family's efforts to consolidate their power in Florence were aided by the Medici popes ______ __ and ___________ ___. Such papal manipulation of secular power led to conflict between ____________ and _______ _________ _____________, which resulted in the ________ ____ _________ by Emperor Charles V's Habsburg troops. On Clement VII's death, cardinals elected to the papacy a reformed minded member of a distinguished Rowan family, Alessandro farnese. As Pope Paul III, try to meditate among the great powers of Europe and encourage the emperor's efforts to bring German ________ back to Roman Church in wake of Protestant Reformation Spiritual crisis presented by Reformation concern Paul III deeply. In 1517 Martin Luther has changed both the doctrine and the authority of the church, his reformed version of Christianity had taken wide hold in northern Europe. To respond to this challenge, Paul are called the _________ _____ _________, which began deliberation in 1545 and issued its regulations in 1564. Council reaffirmed traditional catholic doctrine and recommended reforms of liturgy, church practice, and works of art Catholic churches most far-reaching and powerful weapon for combating what is considered heresy was the _________ _________- established in Italy in 1542 to investigate unapproved or suspect religious activities. Those found guilty of engaging in heresy could be imprisoned or executed. To further limit the spread of unorthodoxy, Church compiled the index of ______________ __________ in 1557. > Text by suspect authors or subjects deemed morally unhealthy could be seized or denied publication Reformed Catholic Church also found works of _____ useful to its goal. Large-scale projects in Rome, papacy and other groups use the artistic vocabulary of Renaissance to promote their reforms

Basilican, Jesuits, spread

ch17 The Catholic Reforms and II Gesu As Dome for st. Peter's went up (by Michelangelo), Council of Trent discuss the reform of Roman Catholic church practices Centralized plan Michelangelo design for st. Peters, represented problems for the Catholic reformers because liturgical changes propounded by the council work best with in __________ silicon structure: Council decreed that Believers should see the elevation of the host at the heart of the mass, and this was the best accomplished in a structure with a nave >nave Was added to st. Peters in 17th century Catholic zeal for reform in middle of 16th century, which Council of Trent exemplified inspired the creation of a number of new religious orders > most ambitious and energetic of these with the Society of Jesus ( __________) founded by Ignatius of Loyola and promoted by Paul III - order was approved in 1540. By 1550 their Church, II Gesu in Rome, was in planning stage. (church: Giacomo della Porta) Jesuits were once intellectuals, mystics, and missionaries. Pope charged them to fight heresy in Europe and to _________ Christianity to America and Asia

Sistine Chapel, not fall conventional, physical, spiritual, spiritual, Angelic, christ, saint, Charon, compressed, dramatic, Baigio da Cesena, clothes, Apollo, iconographic, bartholomew, Demons, altar, heliocentrism

fig 17.5) Last Judgement by Michelangelo 1531-41 ____________ ___________, Vatican, Rome Fresco (altar side) On altar wall, the depicts Catholic view of the end of the world, based on gospel texts ( Matthew) when Christ will return to judge mankind Took six years to complete fresco does ________ ________ __________________ representation of the theme. Images of the Last Judgement usually represent hell as place of torture; this is the way it is depicted in giotto's Last Judgement Artist Fresco de-empathizes _________ torment and stresses ____________ Agony, Express the Violent physical contortions of the human body within a turbulent atmosphere. __________ trumpeters signal the end of time, while figure of __________ at the fulcrum of a wheel of action; > raises his arm, the dead rise from the earth at the lower left and move towards heaven assembly of __________ crowds around him. Right side: > damned sink away from Heaven towards __________, who ferries them to the underworld Throughout naked human figures Bend, twist, climb, fall, or gaze at Christ, their forms almost superhuman in their muscular power. Their nudity, expresses Michelangelo's belief in the sanctity of the human body, Disturbed his contemporaries, and shortly after he died one of his assistants was commissioned to add bits of clothing to the figures Fresco was cleaned in 1994, bringing out bright colors, the ______________ space, and ____________ composition These features link the work to Mannerist style, though Michelangelo defies such labels __________ _______________ _____: cardinal who said nudity has no place sacred places so Michelangelo depicted him as devil Minos (with donkey ears and a snake biting his genitals) Pope Paul III Painted copy by Marcello Venusti and was later repainted with _____________ by Daniele da Volterra Heaven at top with Christ (with holes and huge body- like __________) with Virgin Saints with ________________ symbols Angels at top and people coming up Bottom damned souls with boat of hell Focus on souls Saint ________________ with skin of Michelangelo ( tortured artist) Choir waking the dead with book of damned and blessed Dead coming from graves and damned bottom right ____________: darker gray Angels pushed damned down and demons pulling them down Mouth of hell right behind ______ Hand of Christ to damned and the sign of the blessing Sistine ceiling: organized, diagonals, perfect body proportions Emphasized size of Christ and spiritual power (soul is in the body) Christ: center (not top) with sun behind him (sun is center of universe, christ is the sun, throws _______________ at the church) Pope Paul III: Michelangelo didn't like him

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