Chapters 18,19,20

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Information manager

Create an information system and set policies on its use Collect, store appropriately, and disseminate information as needed Update records, evaluate systems, store safely

Personnel manager

Determine staff needs; select and train staff; recruit, select, and prepare players for season Organize and control staff and player activities Recognize, reward, and evaluate game coaching

Financial manager

Obtain funds; prepare budget, know approval process for expenditures Make or approve purchases as needed within budget, keep records Compare actual versus budgeted income and expenses

Event and contest manager

Plan events and schedule contests Conduct events and pre-post contest functions; coach at games Evaluate events and schedules, evaluate game coaching

Logistics manager

Plan for facilities, equipment and uniforms, supplies, and transportation Monitor for cleanliness, availability and safety, replace as needed Evaluate each logistical function

Policy manager

Review organization policies and establish team policies Apply and enforce team policies Evaluate policies

Instructional manager

Set instruction goals; select subject matter; create a season and practice plans Organize instruction; adjust plans based on performance Evaluate season plans

Steps to becoming a positive coach

Step to become a positive coach □ Know yourself (self awareness) □ Like yourself (self-esteem) □ Reveal yourself (self-disclosure) □ Act with integrity □ Develop trust □ Become a coach of influence

Interpersonal skills (4)

knowing yourself and trusting others communicating effectively accepting and supporting others resolving conflict

Coaches legal duty

properly plan the activity provide proper instruction warn of inherent risk provide a safe physical environment provide adequate and proper equipment match your athletes properly evaluate athletes for injury or incapacity supervise the activity closely provide appropriate emergency assistance protect against physical and psychological harm from others

Supervise the activity closely

§ Always provide general supervision for all facilities and playing areas for teams § Provide specific supervision when teaching new skills and when the risk of injury increases § Know your sport so well that you can anticipate potentially dangerous situations and be positioned to prevent them from occurring § Use posters, notices, and signs to support but not replace your supervision § Do not condone reckless or overly aggressive behavior that threatens the safety of any athlete

Provide adequate and proper equipment

§ Buy the best equipment you can provide § Teach you athletes how to fit, use, and inspect their equipment § Inspect equipment regularly § If players bring their own equipment, you still have a responsibility to check it § Allow only qualified people to install, fit, adjust, and repair equipment § Warn players of potentially hazardous equipment § Be aware of changes in equipment by keeping current on accepted standards

resolving conflict

§ Conflict occurs when the actions or inactions of one person prevent, obstruct, or interfere with the actions of another person § Failure to do so lead to the destruction of relationships, and you can't be a coach of positive influence without meaningful relationships § Emotions rule our actions before thinking about the consequences of those actions □ The importance of achieving your personal goal □ The importance of keeping a good relationship ® Teddy bear ® Turtle ® Owl ® Shark § Confrontation: is an attempt to engage in a discussion with a person with whom you're having a conflict, to see if you can solve the problem between you § Keeping you from achieving goals important to you □ Reach an agreement on what the conflict is □ Communicate your cooperative intentions □ Take the other person's perspective about the problem □ Motivate the other person to resolve the conflict □ Reach agreement

Evaluate athletes for injury or incapacity

§ Cooperate with medical staff § Physicals prior to the season § Keep a medical history § Recommend that your medical team follow american academy of pediatrics § Follow NCAA guideline in seeking to accommodate people with impairments who want to participate in your sport § Use extraordinary judgment in identifying athletes who are injured or so ill that they should not participate § Get medical and parental approval before permitting seriously injured and ill to participate § A complete health history in preseason § A physical examination § Coaching athletes with disabilities □ ADA □ Same opportunities and involvement □ Only when a person presents significant risk or substantial harm to health or safety of the student athlete or other participants that cannot be eliminated or reduced by reasonable accommodations

Properly plan the activity

§ Develop a season plan using progressions appropriate for your athletes § Test athletes to determine their physical capacity and skill level for your sport § Develop written practice plans § Adapt your plans to the individual needs of your athletes § Don't deviate from your plans without good cause Keep all records of your planning and testing

Protect against physical and psychological harm from others

§ Develop policies against discrimination if all types, hazing and bullying, and sexual harassment § Inform all those involved with your team of these policies § Be keenly observant for signs of inappropriate behaviors and investigate when their happening § When inappropriate behaviors occur, apply appropriate punishments as described in team policy § Report incidents to authorities if severity § Keep records of observations and actions

Provide proper instruction

§ Keep abreast of current instruction standards for your sport and use them § Teach techniques, tactics, and rules in accordance with customary methods if your sport and the developmental level of your athletes § Make your instructions clear, complete, and consistent § Provide adequate feedback on how your athletes are progressing § Head coach must supervise any instruction that you delegate to others

Other duties

§ Keep adequate records § Provide safe transportation § Follow due processes □ The right to fair treatment □ The right to free expression □ The right to confidentiality regarding medical records § Procedure of rights: □ Provide athlete with notice of charges or violations and the penalty to be imposed □ Allow athletes to present their side of the situation □ Provide a written record of findings § Pursue proper training § Waivers and participation agreements □ Minors cannot enter into contracts, parents □ The courts reject contracts to waive negligence □ It is frequently considered a violation of public policy to require a release prior to participation in a sport □ Don't have confidence in waivers □ Understand the dangers □ Appreciate the consequences of the risks involved, death or injury □ Know the rules and procedures of the sport and the importance of following them □ Knowing all this, requests to participate in the sport § Insurance □ You can purchase a separate personal liability policy □ Minimum of 2 million dollars coverage □ Review policies carefully □ Primary and secondary policies □ Can be added to your home owners policy

Steps to confrontation

§ Keeping you from achieving goals important to you □ Reach an agreement on what the conflict is □ Communicate your cooperative intentions □ Take the other person's perspective about the problem □ Motivate the other person to resolve the conflict □ Reach agreement

Communicating effectively (5)

§ Listening is a powerful communication skill for developing relationships § Listening demonstrates respect § Listening builds relationships § Listening increases knowledge § Listening builds loyalty

Match your athletes appropriately

§ Match players according to size, maturity, skill, and experience § Enforce edibility rules § Modify the drill or practice structure when mismatches in ability cannot be easily corrected § Modify the drill or practice structure § Be alert for mismatches in sexes

Provide a safe physical environment

§ Note and remedy hazardous conditions through regular inspections of the playing facility and the warm ups, training, and dressing areas § Develop a facilities inspection checklist for the facilities and equipment use in your sport § Change any dangerous conditions that you can § Give precise rules fir using the facility § Post the rules § Remind of the rules § Monitor changing environment and make prudent judgments

Provide appropriate emergency assistance

§ Obtain consent form for each athlete at beginning of season § Protect the injured athlete from future harm § Provide appropriate first aid § Attempt to maintain or restore life by applying CPR when needed § Comfort and reassure athletes § Activate your emergency plan, transferring treatment responsibility to trained professionals § Complete injury report

Accepting and supporting others

§ Open with others, but open to others § Want other to accept and support you, you must accept and support them § People will feel psychologically safe with you if you accept them § Must express that you like and care about them § That you accept other being available when they need help, asking them to help you, and spending time with them § You must see the worth in people and care about them deeply if you want to be a coach of influence § No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care § Provide encouragement to those with whom you work and they walk on hot coals for you § Encourage me and I won't forget you

Knowing yourself and trusting others

§ Possibly lead people is to understand them § Best way to understand people to get to know people § You take a risk when you disclose yourself § One quick way to damage trust is to show rejection, ridicule, or disrespect § If people trust you, you can influence them § Integrity will be your reward when moral values guide relationships § Step to become a positive coach □ Know yourself (self awareness) □ Like yourself (self-esteem) □ Reveal yourself (self-disclosure) □ Act with integrity □ Develop trust □ Become a coach of influence

15 ways to improve your time management

§ Set aside time regularly to plan § Plan by clearly defining your goals § Set realistic goals § Determine what tasks must be done and how much time it will take § Set limits, not too much work at once § Develop systems for completing routine work efficiently § Control your time as much as possible § Develop concentration skills § Help yourself concentrate better by organizing a work area free of distractions § Record important details by writing them down § Set and keep deadlines § Delegate tasks to others when possible § Do not let other people waste your time § Learn to make quick transitions between tasks § Slow down and regroup when you feel overwhelmed

Warn of inherent risks

§ Warn your athletes of the inherent risks of the sport so they know, understand, and appreciate them § Use written notices, releases, videos, and repeated warnings to ensure your athletes understand the risks and are mindful of them

Managing relationships

• Coaching is about guiding other people to master skills and achieve more than perhaps they could, done by managing relationships

Managing risks

• Not only to avoid a lawsuit such as the one just mentioned but more important, to reduce the risk of your athletes and others • Encourage responsible and professional conduct to protect your athletes and others • Take appropriate actions to meet the legal duties, you are managing risks Begin your risk management program with the athletes first, winning second perspective

Medical personnel

○ Athletic trainers/physical therapists ○ Available at all practices and contests ○ Should have written plan responding to emergencies that you and all support staff should know ○ Who responds first? ○ Do not interfere or try to influence the medical decisions of physicians or athletic trainers ○ Ask medical personnel not to interfere with non-medical issues that are your responsibility Reward and appreciate their help privately and publically


○ Control your emotions ○ Part of the challenge ○ Think about what you want from the officials ○ Think of the outcomes

Coaching yourself: managing time

○ DON'T DO: § Relying on mythical time § Underestimating the demands on your time § Task creeping □ Fail to complete the current task to another because of poor concentration § Task hopping □ One task to another § Ignoring reality

Determining negligence

○ Did you indeed have a legal duty to the injured party in this situation? ○ Did you fail to fulfill this duty? ○ Was there injury to the party to whom you owe your duty? ○ Did your failure to fulfill the duty cause the injury? ○ YES to any of the above is negligence ○ Different defense: § Injury occurred as the result of inherent risk of the sport and not as a failure on the coaches part to fulfill legal duty § Often an athlete may have contributed to the injury, such as failure to follow instruction (contributory negligence) --> not negligence Comparative negligence: both parties have committed negligence

Duties of team captain

○ Discuss athletes concerns with coach ○ Represent the athletes to the coaches, presenting their ideas and suggestions ○ Organize team activities away from the athletic environment ○ Show leadership on and off the field, helping team make decisions ○ Model hard work academically and athletically ○ Demonstrate sportsmanship and positive attitude and encourage other athletes to do the same ○ Abide by team rules and code of conduct and influence other athletes to do the same ○ Help resolve conflicts between team members ○ Serve as the team's spokesperson with officials


○ Help parents understand the objectives ○ Allow parents to become acquainted with you ○ Inform parents about the nature of the sport ○ Let parents know what is expected ○ Explain team rules ○ Let parents express their own concerns ○ Establish clear lines of communication ○ Obtain help from parents

Relationship with your assistant coaches

○ Need to delegate responsibilities appropriately ○ Create meaningful role for your assistants, giving them responsibilities for some aspect of the program ○ Assign your assistants to positions for which they are qualified ○ Help prepare your assistants for their duties ○ Time to communicate ○ Assistants in as much of the decision process as possible ○ Formal and informal evaluations ○ Athletes attempt to play you and your assistants against each other ○ Team publicity and privately during the season ○ Try to make the experience fun for them

Instructional manager with questions

○ Preseason § Set instruction goals § Select subject matter § Create season § Practice plans § What are your instructional goals? § What subject matter will you teach to achieve this goals? § What's the best way to organize this subject matter for instruction? ○ In-season functions § Organize instruction § Adjust plans to performance § Are you following your season plan but making adjustments based on performance? § Are you seeking input from your athletes and assistants? § Are you developing practice plans that work? § Are you filing those plans for future reference? ○ Post-season functions § Evaluate season plans

Risk management process (4)

○ Step One: Identify the risks § Likely risks your sport faces § Responsibility, activity, environment, equipment, methods of instruction § Ex: wrestling, infectious skin disease ○ Step Two: evaluate the risks § Assign a probability to the likelihood that each risk may lead to an injury and the likely severity of the injury § Think about financial impact, high/med/low § Ex: disease occurring is high, but severity and financial impacts are low ○ Step Three: Select an approach to manage the risk § Eliminate the risk by removing hazard or by fulfilling your duties competently § Find the column that represents your response Severity of injury or financial impact Often Infrequent Seldom High Avoid or transfer Transfer Transfer Medium Transfer Transfer or accept Transfer or accept Low Accept Accept Accept ○ Step Four: Implement the approach § Eliminate or minimize the risk by acting reasonably and prudently □ You can avoid the risk by not engaging in the activity □ You can accept the risk □ You can transfer the risk ® School responsibility ® Insurance ® Agreements

Legal liability

○ The responsibility and duties between persons that are enforceable by the courts ○ Focuses on tort laws ○ Legal liability --> civil law --> torts/contracts Legal liability --> criminal law --> property/persons


○ Tort is concerned with determining if a person has failed to conform to legal duty ○ As a coach, you have legal duty to fulfill ○ This failure can result in injury, you can be sued under tort law ○ Failing to fulfil your legal duty is called negligence ○ Fail to exercise the skill and knowledge normally possessed by fellow coaches in working with those to whom you have a legal duty ○ Inappropriate action or inability to act


○ Understand what is expected of you ○ Stay organized ○ Keep administrator informed ○ Keep requested records ○ Offer help without being asked to do so Give credit to your administrator during and after season

Relationship with your head coach

○ You are a part time leader ○ You need to be a good follower ○ Be a critical thinker and offer suggestions respectfully to coach ○ Show initiative ○ Keep head coach informed ○ Think and act independently ○ Head coach's philosophy ○ Observe team, offer opinions/suggestions ○ Have courage to disagree ○ Continually develop your knowledge of tactical and technical skills

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