Chapters 23-28
Bryan's speech was promoting a stronger government role in (the)
American economic system
The statement was written in response to the Supreme Court decision that
Found Deb's guilty for failure to comply with the Espionage Act, by showing the "intention and effect of obstruction the draft and recruitment for the war
The promise of no oppressive taxes leading to greater freedom from government for capitalist ventures is known as
Which groups does this cartoon imply is exercising control over legislation in the U.S. in the late 1800s?
Owners of trust companies
Which constitutional idea does the author of this cartoon only is being threatened in the late 1800s?
Popular sovereignty
The above statement would most likely been made by a member of which political party?
In the late 19th century, the views expressed by Jane Addams most directly contributed to
The development of the Americanization of immigrants
President Jackson's "specie circular" policy and the issue brought to light by Bryan's speech are similar in that
The policies were meant to benefit the "common man"
Which of the following most directly undermines Jane Addams's assertions?
Workers are responsible for their own misery and should not receive government support
In the 19th century, the major national labor unions wanted to improve the position of workers mainly by
obtaining the legal right to organize and bargain collectively
Individuals opposed to the concept in the cartoon would have most likely agreed with which of the following perspectives?
America should avoid imperialist expansion
The cartoon most directly reflects a growing belief that:
America should pursue military involvement in the Western hemisphere
Which of the following was an immediate cause of increased American influence in the Caribbean and Pacific Islands
American victory in the Spanish-American War
This cartoon could best be used to support which of the claims made about business owners in the late 1800s?
Business owners should be considered "Robber Barons" who unfairly used their money and influence to take advantage of politics in the United States.
The arguments of the People's Party would differ most from which argument of the
Democratic Republicans
The diagram above has the greatest impact on what aspect of American culture?
Which of the following reforms would most likely have resulted from the city living conditions that the Irish, Italians, and others experienced?
Establishment of settlement houses
This political cartoon was intended to
Expose corruption in New York City's government
Opponents of the message contained in this cartoon found their greatest ally in the
Federal government
The era that the diagram above describes is the
Gilded Age
This police cartoon most directly reflects
Graft in city politics
In the United States, industrial unions of the 1880 and of the 1980's had similar goals in that both campaigned for
Greater job security and higher wages
The corporate ethics portrayed in this cartoon was later challenged by which individual?
Ida Wells-Barnett
This political cartoon most clearly depicts which of the following historical developments in the late 19th and early twentieth centuries?
Which of the following would have been most likely to support Jane Addam's view expressed in the excerpt?
Jacob Riis
Which of the following early 20th century issues most closely parallels the economic issues depicted in the cartoon above?
Labor movement
The cartoon above represents a continuation of what earlier 19th century movement
Manifest Destiny
The ideas expressed in the cartoon best characterize which of the following periods in United States history?
Manifest Destiny
What is the concept that led to the American idea of opening lands for white settlement?
Manifest Destiny
Of the advertisements listed on the gangplank, which one is listed in the Bill of Rights?
No knouts and dungeons
The inequalities expressed in the cartoon above most directly led to the creation of the
Populist Party
Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspectives of the cartoon?
The controversy highlighted in the cartoon above most directly led to
Proposed legislation to break up alleged illegal combinations of businesses
Which organization was set-up to transition immigrants to American assimilation?
Settlement Houses
The social and economic structure depicted in the cartoon would have best reinforced which idea?
Social Darwinism
The majority of Native American groups who were forced to Oklahoma (Indian Territory) came from:
Southeast United States
The People's Party Platform would most benefit
The Mountain West and Great Plains
Due to the immigration and nativism which increased during the later years of the 19th century,
The federal government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
The influx of immigrants in the United States in the second half of the 19th century most directly led to which of the following?
The formation of cultural neighborhoods where people from the same country/region could support one another
In the period immediately following the Pullman Strike and the use of federal troops to strike it down the response was:
The threat of more violence inhibited more union activity
Which of the following was a significant cause for the People's Party to adopt this platform?
The use of federal subsidies to find privately owned transcontinental railroads
The author of this cartoon would have most likely supported which type of U.S. legislation in the late 19th century and early 20th century?
Which statement best describes the status of the labor union movement in the United States in 1900?
Unions were still struggling to gain public acceptance.
Which of the following criticisms would the cartoonist most likely apply to business of the late 19th century?
Unregulated monopolies
In the United States, organized labor made its greatest membership gains when
the right to unionize and bargain collectively was guaranteed by legislation