chapters 5 and 6 final

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Which layer of connective tissue surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber?


Which of these statements describes a function of fontanels?

Fontanels allow the fetal skull to be compressed slightly during childbirth.

What is the molecular basis of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy?

Muscle fibers lack a protein that helps to maintain the sarcolemma.

What happens to a muscle when the nerve supplying that muscle is cut?

Muscle paralysis and atrophy occur.

What changes occur in the sarcomere during muscle contraction?

Z discs move closer together.

What step occurs first in the embryonic development of most bones?

a bony collar forms

Which neurotransmitter is released by motor neurons at the neuromuscular junction?


What initiates an action potential on a muscle cell?

acetylcholine binding to receptors on the sarcolemma within the neuromuscular junction

There are three types of muscle tissue. Which of the following is classified as part of the muscular system?

all skeletal muscles

What condition results if muscles are not used, such as when immobilized in a cast for healing a broken bone?


ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a disease that destroys nerve cells that control skeletal muscle activity. Without neural stimulation, skeletal muscles eventually waste away and mobility is impossible. In other words, skeletal muscles __________.

become atrophied

Which of the following muscles are antagonists?

biceps brachii and triceps brachii

What is the function of red bone marrow?

blood cell formation

What mineral is released within muscle cells to trigger contraction?


Which of these allow nutrients to diffuse from the central canal to all the osteocytes within an osteon?


What type of muscle tissue is both striated and involuntary?

cardiac muscle

What type of vertebrae have openings in their transverse processes that guide the vertebral arteries up toward the brain?


Which spinal curvature develops as an infant begins to hold up his or her head?


Which of these is responsible for the flexibility of bone?


In what type of fracture is the bone broken into many fragments?


What term refers to a smooth, sustained contraction?

complete tetanus

Which of these terms refers to the shape of a muscle?


Which one of the following muscles is involved in abduction of the arm at the shoulder joint?


What is the function of creatine phosphate?

directly regenerates ATP from ADP within a muscle cell

What term refers to the end of a long bone?


Which of these muscles is named for the arrangement of its fascicles?

external oblique

Plantar flexion at the ankle joint is accomplished by the tibialis anterior muscle.


The deltoid is a prime mover of arm adduction.


The hamstring group inserts into the distal tibia.


What term describes the ability of a muscle to vary its degree of shortening to generate the strength needed to lift a 5 lb weight, a 7 lb weight, and finally a 10 lb weight?

graded response

Which of the following is NOT a condition or injury most commonly associated with older people?

greenstick fracture

Which muscle group includes the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus?

hamstring group

What bone does NOT articulate directly with any other bone?


Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the hip ________.


During soccer practice, Sadie tripped and tried to stop her fall with her outstretched arms. Her humerus broke and the broken ends were forced into each other. Sadie suffered a(n) __________ fracture.


Which bones form the palm of the hand?

metacarpal bones

During the repair of a fracture, which of the following cells form the bony callus?


Which of these bones is most susceptible to fractures?

osteoporotic bones

Which connective tissue bundles muscle fibers into fascicles?


What type of joint is found between the atlas and the dens of the axis?


What causes the pain associated with a herniated disc?

pressure on spinal nerves by the protruding disc

Which of these muscles extends the knee?

rectus femoris

Julie fell off her horse and dislocated her right shoulder. The primary treatment to resolve this injury is __________.


What type of exercise causes increase in muscle size?

resistance exercise

Hasan is a three-year-old boy who lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is small for his age, has bowed legs, exhibits muscle weakness, and complains often of pain in his bones. Hasan most likely has __________.


What term describes the rotation of a bone around its longitudinal axis?


Which bones form the shoulder joint?

scapula and humerus

What is the origin of the deltoid muscle?

scapular spine and clavicle

Janetta has a frontal headache and pressure over her cheekbones and between her eyes. She has a thick nasal discharge and congestion. Janetta mostly likely has __________.


Which bone of the cranium contains a small depression that surrounds the pituitary gland?

sphenoid bone

Babies born with congenital torticollis are unable to rotate their heads properly and their necks are twisted to one side. The muscle that is affected in congenital torticollis is the __________ muscle.


Which of these muscles is located in the neck?


Which of these bones is part of the axial skeleton?


Which of these is a function of the skeletal system?

storage site for calcium

Which movement is associated with the hand but actually occurs in the forearm?


What term refers to a muscle that aids another muscle by producing the same the movement or reducing undesirable movements?


How is a ball-and-socket joint classified?

synovial joint

A muscle inserts on which of the following?

the bone that moves when the muscle contracts

The deepest muscle of the abdominal wall is the transversus abdominis.


The deltoid muscle is a common site for intramuscular injections.


Which bones attach directly to the sternum via the costal cartilages?

true ribs

Which of the following is advised treatment for gout?

weight loss; avoid foods high in nucleic acids; avoid alcohol; take ibuprofen

Which of these bones form the hard palate?

maxillary and palatine

Which of these characteristics applies only to cardiac muscle tissue?

intercalated discs

Which of these is a typical characteristic of the female pelvis?

ischial spines that are short and farther apart

What is the region of the coxal bone that bears most of the body weight when a person is sitting?

ischial tuberosity

What is the distinguishing feature of a synovial joint?

joint cavity

What metabolic waste accumulates in muscle with excessive exertion?

lactic acid

Which chemical is produced during vigorous exercise when the supply of oxygen is limited or inadequate?

lactic acid

Which of these muscles moves the upper limb?

latissimus dorsi

Miguel has an abnormal forward curvature in the lumbar region, resulting in a swaybacked posture. Miguel has __________.


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