Chapters 7/8 skyward quizzes

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What did the Supreme Court determine in Mculloch vs. Maryland?

-To carry out its economic powers, Congress may reasonably decide to create a national bank. -The necessary and proper clause enables Congress to take actions not specifically listed in the Constitution. -States may not tax any federal institution.

How did evangelical Christians spread religious revival during the Second Great Awakening?

By holding large camp meetings

Why was the decision in the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) of great importance in American history?

It marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court declared that it had the power to rule national laws unconstitutional.

Which of the following statements characterizes the American reaction to the French Revolution?

Many Americans praised the egalitarianism of the French republicans and began to address one another as "citizen."

Which of the following statements describes the Federalists' response to the War of 1812?

Most Federalists strongly opposed the war and some in Massachusetts met to consider amending the Constitution to prevent future such wars.

To win votes for his financial plan, Hamilton made which of the following concessions?

Proposing that the nation's new capitol be built in the Upper South

An important reason for the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine was to:

Protect republican institutions of government in the Western Hemisphere

Which of the following spurred the Panic of 1819 in the United States?

Reckless practices pursued by shady state-chartered banks

Which of the following events was the Federalists' response to the Republicans' criticism of their policies in the 1790s?

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Alexander Hamilton's 1789 financial plan for the United States included which of the following items?

The federal government's assumption of state war debts

Why did Thomas Jefferson call his election to the presidency the "Revolution of 1800"?

The government changed peacefully despite bitter partisan conflict and foreign crisis.

Which of the following describes the textile industry that was emerging in New England in the middle of the 19th century?

The industry relied on an outwork system that combined mills and household labor

Which of the following describes Jefferson's approach to the opportunity to purchase Louisiana in 1802?

The opportunity led Jefferson to revise his view of the presidential powers granted by the Constitution.

Which of the following individuals would have been unlikely to gravitate toward the Republicans in the late 1790s?

Wealthy New York banker

Thomas Jefferson's vision for the future of the United States included which of the following ideas?

Western territories populated by independent yeomen farm families

Which of the following Supreme Court cases is correctly identified?

Worcester v. Georgia: ruled that Native Americans were considered sovereign entities

The South's political clout, which ensured that the national government would continue to protect

it's domination of the Presidency and the Senate

American ministers such as Thomas Bernard argued in the early nineteenth century that women should be using

their influence on the male citizens of the coming generations

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