Chapters 8-11 Practice

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The Mormons faced public hostility because of a. rumors of unorthodox sexual practices b. their support for local Indian tribes c. their active missionary work d. all of the above

all of the above

The federal government encouraged economic expansion by a. providing financial stability through the Second Bank of the United States b. cooperating with state governments on internal improvements c. shielding American products with tariffs d. all of the above

all of the above

What did workingmen's parties advocate during the antebellum era? a. free schools b. tax-supported education c. free public lands in the West d. all of the above

all of the above

What institutions did some Americans attempt to reform? a. schools b. asylums c. prisons d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following areas experienced a gold rush in the 1800s in the United States? a. South Dakota b. Montana c. Colorado d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following ethnic and racial groups were present in California during the 1850s? a. Asians b. African Americans c. Europeans d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following groups of social outcasts did colonial families and communities take care of? a. orphans b. the insance c. paupers d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following southern cities had large free black communities? a. Baltimore b. Charleston c. New Orleans d. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following values did self-help books emphasize in the early 1800s? a. diligence b. punctuality c. thrift d. all of the above

all of the above

As president, Andrew Jackson

asserted his power most dramatically through use of the veto.

In Dartmouth College v. Woodward, the Supreme Court held that a(n) __________ granted by a state could not be modified unless both parties agreed.

state charter

Which of the following were new inventions of the early transportation and industrialization era?

steam ship

Whether secular or religious, the utopian communities of the antebellum era failed for all of the following reasons EXCEPT the

stress on the individualistic impulses of human nature.

The early mechanization of the cloth industry

supplemented rather than replaced home manufacturing.

The women who came to Lowell for mill jobs were

the first women to labor outside their homes in large numbers.

White artisans in the South viewed black workers as

threats to their livelihoods.

The most recent historical interpretations of slavery have viewed the institution

through life in the slave quarters.

The dramatic improvement in transportation networks between 1810 and 1860 contributed to the

trend toward regional specialization.

The lesson Frederick Douglass learned to survive slavery was to

understand and outwit his oppressors.

State governments promoted economic growth by

underwriting bonds for improvement projects.

Slavery inhibited the economic growth of the South because of the slaveholders'

undiversified capital investments.

During the depression of the late 1830s, the

wages of workers fell by 30 to 50 percent within two years.

The yeoman farmers of the South

were fiercely proud of their independence.

Most of the emigrants who headed for the Far West were

white and American-born.

All of the following describe the essence of prison conditions and practices in the antebellum era EXCEPT

work release to go home each night.

of the following are true regarding the Chinese American population in the 1800s EXCEPT they

worked in a variety of occupations besides mining.

Susan Warner responded to financial adversity by

writing a novel for publication.

Between 1790 and 1861, how much money did Europeans invest in the United States?

$500 million

Paralleling the growth of the southern economy and its dependence on the slave labor system, the number of slaves in the United States rapidly increased from 1.5 million in 1820 to __________ million in 1860.


The African-American denomination called the __________ church grew enormously in the two decades before the Civil War.

African Methodist Episcopal

By 1843 in Oregon,

American settlers wrote a constitution and elected a legislature.

Religious enthusiasm and commitment were the means by which some Americans of the 1830s found certainty and reassurance in a fast-changing world.


Slaves lived in poor material conditions, were whipped frequently, and suffered constant health problems.


Unprecedented urban violence raged in American cities prior to the Civil War, fed by racial and immigrant tensions.


Britain agreed to a division of the Oregon Territory at the 49th parallel so long as it retained possession of

Vancouver Island.

For __________ , the gold rush in California was a disaster of epic proportions.

Native Americans

All of the following are true about free black women EXCEPT

many owned a large amount of property.

Andrew Jackson's early national reputation stemmed mainly from his

military exploits against Native Americans and the British

Prior to 1830, southerners generally defended slavery as a

necessary evil.

Which of the following groups would have been MOST likely to favor recharter of the Second Bank of the United States?

state bankers needing credit

Improved transportation in the 1840s and 1850s undermined the trend toward regional specialization.


Most gold miners struck it rich and returned home wealthy.


Most miners to California wanted to remain and settle permanently.


Revivalism shifted to

New York and the Old Northwest.

Most free blacks lived in the Upper South.


Utopian leader William Miller lost credibility by his

failure to predict accurately the Second Coming of Christ.

In the election of 1840, the Whigs

featured new flamboyant electioneering styles and techniques.

As many as __________ Indians gathered at the Ft. Laramie Council of 1851.


In 1850, prostitutes accounted for approximately ______ percent of the female population in California.


In 1860, __________ percent of the American people lived in cities.


The last Latin American countries to abolish slavery were Cuba and __________ .


In 1853 Charles Brace started the __________ in New York City that became a model of change.

Children's Aid Society

The island of __________ , by 1840, was the world's largest producer of sugarcane.


Brazil's slave population reached over 15 million by 1860.


All of the following describe the historical development of sugar within the Latin American system of slavery EXCEPT:

European demand for sugar declined over time before 1860

After the congressional ban on the importation of slaves, the slave population in the United States steadily declined from 1808 to 1860.


Thomas __________ helped to found schools for the blind and deaf.


All of the following statements characterize the life of Rev. J.C. Pennington EXCEPT:

He led slave revolts.

Which of the following individuals was not an abolitionist?

John C. Calhoun

In 1837, Illinois blacksmith __________ developed a new steel plow that rapidly became popular.

John Deere

The conviction that America's superior institutions and culture gave the United States a God-given right, even an obligation, to spread its civilization across the continent was expressed in the phrase __________ .

Manifest Destiny

During the 1840s, __________ and Anglo Americans came into extensive contact for the first time.

Plains Tribes

Upon news of the Texas rebellion, Mexican dictator and general __________ hurried north to crush it with an army of 6,000 conscripts.

Santa Anna

All of the following describe the life and work of Abbey Kelly EXCEPT:

She led slave rebellion in the South.

The Cherokee remember their forced removal, during which perhaps a quarter of their tribe died, as the __________ .

Trail of Tears

As sugar production increased in Latin America, the average working life for slaves in the fields dropped from 15 to 7 years.


Between 1828 and 1832, dozens of workingmen's parties arose in the United States.


By the 1830s, southerners became increasingly defensive concerning the institution of slavery, no longer claiming it as a "necessary evil" but defending it as a "positive good."


Despite his antagonistic stance, President Polk avoided war with Britain over Oregon Territory by offering to settle its boundary at the 49th parallel.


In 1839, Theodore Weld published American Slavery as It Is, a major criticism of the institution.


In 1860, nearly 3,000 Chinese lived in Chinatown, a large district in San Francisco.


In 1880, the California legislature passed a law banning intermarriage between a white person and any "negro, mulatto, or Mongolian" person.


In five northern states, free blacks could not testify against whites nor sit on juries.


International trade problems probably contributed more to the Panic of 1837 and the subsequent depression than Jackson's policies.


Mob actions sometimes lasted for days because there was no effective police to stop them.


In Oregon, early settlers seemed most anxious and able to establish

a political system.

Which of the following groups of blacks did NOT compose the Catholic population of Baltimore and New Orleans?

abolitionists from Boston

How did the character of the free black community shape the Philadelphia riot? a. the black community was large and visible, angering whites b. it had its own institutions and elite, which challenged white supremacy c. it had its own wealth, which frustrated jobless whites d. all of the above

all of the above

In what physical areas did urban whites attempt to restrict free black mobility? a. grogshops b. gambling halls c. brothels d. all of the above

all of the above

In which of the following industries did slaves work in Central and South America? a. cacao b. coca c. cotton d. all of the above

all of the above

Plains tribes that stood in the path of Anglo American westward expansion included a. Cheyenne b. Apache c. Arapaho d. all of the above

all of the above

House slaves, in contrast to field slaves, had

less privacy.

Free African Americans were likely to

be older and more literate.

Perhaps most emigrants to the Far West were motivated by dreams of

bettering their lives by cultivating the land.

All of the following are true regarding the political rights of free blacks in the United States in the 1800s EXCEPT

black women could vote.

Women workers at the Lowell mills

lived in closely supervised company boardinghouses.

The most important innovation of Francis Cabot Lowell's Waltham operation was to

combine the steps of cotton production under one roof.

For members of his "perfectionist" community at Oneida, John Humphrey Noyes advocated

communal child rearing.

In contrast to the travel journal of Robert Bode, the travel journal of Mary Stuart Bailey reveals a greater preoccupation with the

conditions of travel.

Which one of the following was NOT one of Finney's beliefs?

conversion as the end of religious experience

The role of the ideal woman in antebellum America was to

create a clean and wholesome home for family life.

Preachers of the Second Great Awakening such as Charles Finney emphasized

logic and emotion.

The campaign between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams in 1828

degenerated into a nasty but entertaining contest.

The Tredegar Iron Company of Richmond decided in 1847 to shift from white to slave labor to

destroy the potential power of organized white workers to strike.

Essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson urged Americans to

look inward for knowledge and self-reliance.

Manufacturers primarily valued education for their workers because it

encouraged habits of discipline and productivity.

The Preemption Acts during the 1830s and 1840s

encouraged westward migration by protection of "squatters' rights."

Intangible factors contributing to America's antebellum economic growth included the

entrepreneurial mentality and mechanical nature of most Americans.

All of the following describe the historical development of the free black church EXCEPT the

free black church did not reach out to slaves.

With the victory at San Jacinto in 1836, Texas

gained its independence from Mexico.

n the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848), the United States agreed to

guarantee the civil and political rights of former Mexican citizens.

A dramatic rise in the concentration of wealth in the United States from 1820 to 1860

hardened class lines.

All of the following describe the lives of free southern blacks EXCEPT:

hey owned substantial amounts of property.

One of Andrew Jackson's key principles included the

importance of majority rule.

For most Cincinnati workers before the Civil War, a manufacturing job

imposed a form of "wage slavery."

In contrast to the agricultural frontier, migrants to the mining frontier were more

intent on making a quick profit.

According to agreements made in 1818 and 1827, the United States and Great Britain

jointly occupied Oregon.

Mining camps were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

large numbers of women.

For pioneers in the west, determination to reestablish familiar institutions was most apparent in

law and politics

Many slaveholders urged their slaves to attend church because it

offered the slaveholder a form of social control.

Urban growth in many antebellum cities

outpaced the government's provision of public services.

As a result of Mexican restrictions in Texas, American settlers there

plotted a revolution.

Laws to control the domestic slave trade were

poorly enforced.

Of the following economic indicators describing conditions in Philadelphia, which one DECREASED from 1820 to 1860?

proportion of craftsmen in the laboring class

In his popular Emigrants' Guide to Oregon and California (1845), Lansford Hastings

provided both practical information as well as encouragement for frontier settlers.

During the 1820s and 1830s, canal building projects

provided cheap and reliable access to distant markets and goods.

Sociologist George Fitzhugh argued that southern black slaves

received better treatment than northern factory workers.

Most whites in the antebellum South

regarded slaveholding as a path to upward economic mobility.

Between 1815 and 1860, southern production of cotton

represented more than half of all American exports.

The continuing urban growth of New York City from 1820 to 1860 resulted primarily from its

role in domestic and foreign trade

In 1845, President Polk sent ________ to Mexico City

secret agent John L. Slidell

Antebellum Americans joined the temperance crusade, as they did other reform societies, partly to

seek relief from loneliness and uncertainty.

Eastern Indian tribes from the South and Old Northwest, whom the American government forcibly relocated in the West,

served ironically as agents of white civilization.

Robert Francis Allston's chief concern as a slaveholder was to guard against his slaves'

sickness and death.

Democrats such as Stephen Douglas supported the annexation of Texas on the grounds that it would

spread the benefits of American civilization.

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