Characteristics of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

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What are some accommodations that teachers can provide to students with emotional or behavioral disorders?

teachers can provide quiet spots to complete work with minimal distractions or a place where students can calm down. Also, teachers can "chunk assignments" or break tasks and directions down so students can demonstrate success. Furthermore, providing options to work alone may also help students with EBD.

What are some evidence-based practices teachers can implement for students with emotional and behavioral disorders?

Teachers can use student-directed activities, arrange their classroom to minimize distractions, develop 3-5 positive behavioral expectations, actively supervise their kids, and use specific praise.

Emotional Disturbance vs. Emotional or Behavioral Disorder

Not all students who have EBD receive special education services under the IDEA label "emotional disturbance" → their disorder does not interfere with their educational progress

How frequently are students identified with emotional and behavioral disorders?

only 1% of students are identified with an emotional disturbance

Functional behavior Assessment (FBA)

-An FBA is an evidence based procedure for assessing problem behaviors -Identify and define problem behavior; determine target and clearly define it using objective and observable language -Determine function of behavior : direct observation, interviews with parents and teachers, rating scales

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

-Organized plans for teaching student more acceptable behavior -choose appropriate replacement behavior and intervention. teach student to do a replacement behavior and alter behavior -During intervention, teacher records data


-Setting up quiet spot to complete work with minimal distractions or to calm down -"Chunking Assignments;" break tasks and directions down so students can demonstrate success -Option to work alone may also help; most struggle with academics, so teacher as a close support may be necessary -Sharing, turn taking, and other social skills should be explained and modeled, so students can practice skills, get feedback, and become socially successful

targeted interventions

-Some students require secondary or targeted intervention such as "check in, check out" -recieve teacher feedback throughout the day and provide progress reports

Social and Behavioral characteristics

-Students often have trouble with academics; may externalize behaviors (aggression, frustration) -Sometimes, students internalize emotions (depression, anxiety) -Students often have trouble forming and maintaining relationships with peers and adults, playing with others, sharing, and identifying or expressing feelings and emotions -long term outcomes : failing, dropping out, substance abuse, and crime.

Classroom management

-more structure is important -have student directed activities -develop 3-5 positive behavior expectations -active supervision to reduce negative behavior -participation during instruction


12% of school age youth exhibit symptoms of EBD -only 1% are identified with emotional disturbance and receive special education services under the IDEA -more boys than girls are identified with EBD

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders definition

An emotional disturbance is a condition exhibiting one or more of following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked extent which adversely affects educational performance: -An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors -Inability to build or maintain satisfactory relationships with peers and teachers -Inappropriate types of behavior and feeling under normal circumstances -General pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression -A tendency to develop physical symptoms of fears associated with personal or school problems


May suffer from depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, oppositional defiant disorder, or conduct disorder

Academic Characteristics

Typically have average or below IQ, experience difficulties in reading, spelling, writing, and math -academic issues are often due to frustration with work or refusal to complete work

What are the main components of an FBA and BIP?

an FBA is an evidence based procedure for assessing problem behaviors. You must identify and define the problem behavior (determine the target behavior and clearly define it using objective and observable language) and then may use a variety of means to determine the function of the behavior. A BIP is an organized plan for teaching students a more acceptable behavior. This included choosing an appropriate replacement behavior and using intervention strategies.

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders struggle with what social issues?

students often have trouble forming and maintaining relationships with peers and adults, playing with others, sharing, and identifying or expressing feelings and emotions

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