chasing Lincoln's killer 1-5

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why was Seward such an appealing target to booth?

He was one of the easiest and most vulnerable members of the cabinet at the time, so killing him would be easier than the others- whom they would have to find the location for.

How did Booth implicate his fellow conspirators even before the deed was done? Why do you think he did it?

He wrote a letter to the news office with their signatures, and he told them that they had no choice but to assassinate those people because he would tell everyone they did anyways. He did it so he could have credit and prove to everyone others wanted Lincoln dead too.


not describable; too extraordinary for description:


not likely to happen unlikely and unconvincing; implausible.


partner in crime

What were some of the failed attempts to harm or Kill president Lincoln?

people sent death threats to Lincoln, and people sent him jars of poisoned fruit. And some locals tried to assassinate Lincoln in 1861, but detective Allan Pinkerton ruined the scheme by convincing Lincoln to leave early, and in disguise.


the choice members or best of a group


the diameter of the bore of the gun taken as a unit of measurement


a representation in an image form


light produced by illuminating gas

What three problems did powell have? how did he plan to solve each one?

1- How to enter the house (messenger disguise) 2- How to track down Secretary Seward (Fanny showed him) 3- How many people were in the house (he checked his surroundings as he entered)


A hallway between the outer door and the building

How did the nation learn about Lincoln's death? what details were given?

A telegram was sent out to the people, containing the time and the date Lincoln had died

Which three leaders did Booth target the night of Lincoln's assassination? Why?

Abraham Lincoln- the president Vice president Johnson, and Secretary of State Seward, because they are close supporters of Lincoln

How was Lincoln's body transported to the executive mansion? what would Lincoln have thought about the way it was done? Why?

An American flag was wrapped around him, and he was put in a simple box. Lincoln would've enjoyed the simplicity of it because he wasn't a show off type person

How did they keep Powell from killing his target? Why did his accomplice leave without him?

Augustus and Robinson fought Powell to keep him from killing Seward, and his accomplice left because he heard Fanny's scream and was frightened.

What evidence was found in Booth's hotel room? do you think he left it purposefully? why or why not?

Booth left behind evidence such as letters written to conspirators named "mike and sam" intentionally to basically show off to the government; to show how unintelligent they were for not preventing Lincoln's death.

What did booth wait for before he made the move to shoot? Why?

Booth waited for the audience to begin laughing at one of the jokes on stage, so the noise of the gunshot could be less distinct.

Why was Booth desperate to find Herold? How could he have been handy

Booth was injured and Herold knew how to survive better than he did

Why did Booth have such an intimate knowledge of Ford's theatre?

He was an actor, so he had experience with the theatre.

What was Cobb ordered to do? Why did he let Booth pass?

Cobb was ordered to not let anyone pass the bridge starting from 9:00 pm but booth told him he was just trying to get home and he decided to wait until dark to get light from the moon.

What did doctors do to Lincoln's body? Why? What parts were saved? Why

Doctors cut up Lincoln's body to investigate what happened. They conserved his blood in jars, and kept the bullet for future history.

What mistake did Fanny make? What information did Powell gain from her mistake?

Fanny exposed the room Seward was in by opening his door to check on him in front of Powell. From that- he knew where to go to kill the secretary.

What do you think Booth showed Charles Forbes? Why?

Forbes may have been part of the plot all along, and Booth could've shown him proof of identity- or Booth could've simply shown a fake ticket to kill Lincoln.


Right of ownership of an invention or process when it is registered with the government.

How did Booth get across the stage without anyone in the audience seeing him?

He used a trapdoor to get under the stage

What did Dr. Leale do to President Lincoln? What was his Diagnosis?

He checked for wounds and opened his eyelid and found a brain injury. He unclogged the hole where the bullet entered and breathed air into his lungs

What surprising information did Dr. Mudd discover? How? How did he immediately react? Why?

He discovered Booth killed Lincoln, but he remained calm and loyal to Booth and the Confederacy.

why was the secretary of state Seward confined to his bed?

He fell off of a carriage

What did sec. of war Stanton do once he arrived at the boardinghouse? why?

He helped clear the area for Lincoln and take control of the situation and the mob there because they used to be good friends

Why do you think major Rathbone asked Dr. Leale to treat him first? who so you think he should treat first?

He may have asked him because many people may have believed the president was going to die anyways, but Rathbone believed he still had a chance unlike Lincoln- or he could've just been selfish

How did Booth use the play itself as a clock?

He memorized when the lines were being said

Why did George Atzerodt have the easiest job of all? what did he do instead? why?

He only had to open the door and stab him, but instead he got drunk and decided not to do it because he didn't want to kill anyone

What specific arrangements did booth make the day of Lincoln's visit to Ford's theatre?

He prepared a gun and things to run away with, as well as preparing the room.

What item did Stanton sent to Mary Jane Wells

He sent a lock of Lincoln's hair as a memento since she was always there when Lincoln and his family needed support

What injuries did Powell cause to secretary of state Seward and the others in the home?

He stabbed Seward's cheek, Robinson's shoulder, pushed Fanny, and harmed Fredrick and Augustus.

Why was Lincoln so cheerful? Why was his Wife unhappy?

His wife was unhappy for the loss of their son, and Lincoln was cheerful because the war was over and he was ready to leave office and he had many plans for their future.

What was the mood like in Fords theatre?

It was hectic. People finally realized what was going on so they basically started a riot

Why did the servant answer the door so late at night? Why did he then argue with Powell?

It was usual for messengers to arrive so late at night, but the servant protested when Powell said the "doctor" said he needed to deliver the package personally

For what did Laura Knee the actress, become well known for? why didn't Leale want Lincoln to die in the theatre?

Laura Knee asked to lay Lincoln's head on her lap, so her dress had remains of Lincoln's blood which people bought from her/ Leale thought it was improper to allow the killer to have the satisfaction of letting Lincoln die in the theater he was shot in

Why di you think none of the audience members or actors tried to stop Booth?

Many people believed it was part of the act, and they were unaware that the events were real.


Old fashioned, sentimental

What path did the bullet take? What injuries were most likely caused by the injury?

The bullet wend through the spot by his ear, through his brain and landed behind his eye. His brain and the rest of his body were severely impacted by the shot.

Why do you think only one man tried to chase booth in the theatre? how did Booth escape?

The people were not aware of the situation yet, and only Stewart was aware of the situation

Why do you think Booth chose the Deringer over the revolver? What other items did he bring?

The revolver may have been easier to carry, and he wanted to be known for killing Lincoln with one shot. He also brought a compass, a knife, a whistle and photographs of five of his favorite girlfriends.

Why were Booth and Herold in no danger of being stopped? How did the assassination news spread?

They escaped before the news could reach them. Booth mentions how news can only travel as fast as humans do. The people inside and outside the theatre spread the news


To awaken or revoke

Why do you think Lincoln chose not to gloat over the Union victory in his speech on April 11?

To try to bring the Union and the Confederacy together.


a cause of affliction or calamity


a false name used to conceal ones identity


a person entrusted with secrets


a punishment extracted from ones wrong doing


a small sample of fabric


an unscrupulous supporter or adherent of a political figure or cause, especially one motivated by the hope of personal gain:


characterized by dignified or serious formality, as proceedings; of a formal or ceremonious character:


clotted; thickened into a mass


crude person


for which vengeance has been taken

What did Powell do to Fredrick? Why didn't he shoot him?

he tried to- but then he missed and decided to hit Fredrick with the gun- which broke it. therefore he couldn't shoot anyone.

Where were Booth and Herold headed? Why? What did Booth say as they were leaving? Why?

they were heading south towards the confederate states- towards a doctor so booth could get help for his leg. Along the way booth bragged about killing the president to Herold.


to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action:


to withdraw formally from an alliance, federation, or association, as from a political union, a religious organization, etc.


words spoken internally or externally by a character

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