Chemical & Physical Properties/Changes

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physical change

When sugar dissolves in water, this is an example of a ________. A) physical change B) chemical change C) change of shape D) change of state E) change of size


When water in a tea kettle is converted to steam, the change taking place is a(n) ________ change.

a physical change in water

When you observe the formation of fog on a cool, humid day, what type of event are you observing? A) a chemical change in oxygen B) a physical change in air C) a physical change in water D) a chemical change in water E) a combination of nitrogen and oxygen

A log burns in the fireplace.

Identify the chemical change in the following list. A) A shoelace breaks. B) A log burns in the fireplace. C) A cat meows. D) A crayon melts in the sun. E) Water falls from the sky as hail.

Gold metal is formed from gold chloride in solution.

Identify the chemical change in the following list. A) Gold metal is formed from gold chloride in solution. B) Wax is melted out of a mold in a kiln. C) Plaster of paris is ground to a powder for making a mold. D) A gold ring is resized to fit a new owner. E) A diamond is set into a gold ring.


During a(n) ________ change, the original substances are converted to new substances with different properties.

Silver is melted and formed into a candlestick.

Identify the physical change in the following list. A) A candle is burned to give light. B) A silver candlestick tarnishes in the presence of air. C) The chemical silver nitrate produces a dark brown stain on skin. D) A piece of copper placed in a solution of silver nitrate develops a coating of silver metal. E) Silver is melted and formed into a candlestick.

Yarn is knitted into a cape.

Identify the physical change in the following list. A) Yarn is decomposed by a lighted cigarette. B) Yarn is knitted into a cape. C) Cotton can be converted to a new substance by the addition of nitric acid. D) Linen produces a black, charred substance when treated with sulfuric acid. E) Silk fibers can be digested by moths.


Is burning a log an example of a chemical or a physical change?

chemical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? a nail rusting

physical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? an ice cube melting

chemical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? baking a cake

physical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? cutting the grass

chemical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? formation of green leaves on a plant

physical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? shaking salt in your food

chemical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? silver tarnishing

physical change

Is the following a physical or chemical change? water boiling


Melting and boiling are both examples of ________ changes.


Properties of a substance that can be observed or measured without affecting its identity are its ________ properties.


True or False Ice melting is a chemical change


True or False Oxidation (rusting) of iron in the air is a chemical change.


True or False When a marshmallow is toasted over an open fire, the brown, charred surface shows evidence of a chemical change in the sugar in the marshmallow.

both a physical and a chemical change are taking place

When a firecracker explodes, giving off light and heat, and breaking the wrapper into many pieces, ________. A) a physical change takes place B) a chemical change takes place C) both a physical and a chemical change are taking place D) the wrapper evaporates into a gas E) the fuse undergoes a physical change only

a chemical change

When an egg is fried, what type of process is happening? A) condensation B) evaporation C) a physical change D) a chemical change E) melting

a physical change

When gold is melted and formed in a mold to make a piece of jewelry, what type of change is taking place? A) a chemical change B) a change of size C) evaporation D) boiling E) a physical change


When rust spots appear on the body of a car, they show that a(n) ________ change is taking place at that site.

digestion of bread

Which is the chemical change in the following list? A) grinding of wheat to make flour B) digestion of bread C) using modeling clay to make a toy horse D) drying clothes in the sunshine E) mixing sand and water to make mud

burning sugar

Which of the following is a chemical change? A) cutting a rope B) bending a steel rod C) making a snowman D) burning sugar E) melting gold

wood burning in a fireplace

Which of the following is a chemical change? A) wood burning in a fireplace B) ice melting to water C) chopping wood for a fire D) sewing a button on a shirt E) pouring water into a glass

dry ice subliming

Which of the following is a physical change? A) baking a cake B) dry ice subliming C) fermenting grapes to produce wine D) digesting a meal E) a tomato ripening

water freezing

Which of the following is a physical change? A) wood burning in a fireplace B) water freezing C) iron rusting D) digesting food E) milk souring

digesting a hot dog

Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? A) grinding pepper B) melting candle wax C) freezing water D) digesting a hot dog E) cracking an egg

grinding coffee beans

Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A) grinding coffee beans B) baking a cake C) converting water to hydrogen and oxygen D) digesting a cheeseburger E) burning coal

grinding pepper

Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A) grinding pepper B) burning a candle C) converting hydrogen and oxygen to water D) digesting a hot dog E) frying an egg

burning gasoline in a lawnmower

Which of the following would NOT be a physical change? A) freezing water to make ice cubes B) tearing a piece of aluminum foil C) boiling water for soup D) burning gasoline in a lawnmower E) melting gold to make jewelry

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