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Give the IUPAC name of the following compound


Normal (non-oxidative decarboxylation of the structure below yields what?


Which of the following is a conformation of the structure shown below?


What is the molecular formula of the structure shown? a cyclohexane with 1 double bond


What is the molecular formula of the structure shown on the right? (a cyclohexane with 3 lines)


Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of cyclooctane

C8H16+__12__O2---> __8__ CO2+___8___H2O

Which is the correct organic product of the following reactant? H2N-CH3 + HO-C(=O)-CH3


Which of the following is the condensed formula a BRANCHED alkane?


Circle and label all functional groups in the molecule shown

Ester, Amine, Keton, Aromatic, and alchohol

1. Give the IUPAC names of the alcohol AND carboxylic acid REACTANTS that can be reacted to produce the compound shown. 2. Give the IUPAC name of the Product below ----> 2-heptanoate

Ethanol + Pentanoic acid are the reactants Ethyl pentanoate is the product

Which amino acid has the abbreviation Glu?

Glutamic acid

Which of the following is an amino acid?


Which of the following is a phenol?

H2N-a benzene-OH

What is the name of the compound whose condensed formula is CH3(CH2)5CH3?

Heptane (CnH2n+2)

Which statement regarding oxidative decarboxylation is FALSE?

It requires a B-ketone

Three structural isomers of the molecular formula C5H12

(Draw) 5 carbon 4 carbon with 1 methyl 4 carbon with another 1 methyl a different place

The large number of organic compounds is due in part to the ability of these compounds to form constitutional isomers. Which of the following pairs of compounds are related as constitutional isomers?

(a trinagle) and H2C=CHCH3

The hemiacetal produced from the reaction of 1 mole of 1-butanol with 1 mole of ethanol is

(last choice)

Which of the following amines is a primary amine?

a cyclohexane attached to a NH2 a benzene attached to a NH2

Which of the following statements concerning lipids is FALSE?

they can form polymers

Which is NOT a component of RNA?


Give the IUPAC name of the following molecule cyclopentane with a SH and a methyl


Which of the following are possible function of proteins?

transport, structure, signaling/regulation, nutrient source

Which of the following compounds are related as geometric isomers? (cis and trans)

triangle with two black lines (cis) and a triangle with a dashed line and a line (trans) both the same

How many chiral carbons are present in the molecule shown? C(NH) and C(OH)


Stereoisomers are compounds

with the same chemical formula and bonding pattern, but with bonds in different directions.

How is the nitrogen-containing compound best classfied? CH3CH(NH2)CH2CH2CH3


which of the following represents an ester functional group?


Rank the following compounds in order of boiling point

1 Amine 2 Aldehyde 3 Ketone ? 4 methyl

List the four techniques a cell uses to regulate its enzymatic activity. Pick one and in your own words explain how it works

1 Genetic control 2 Proenzyme/zygomen 3 Allostery 4 Covalent modification- the attachment or removal of groups through covalent bonds that change the enzymes shape and eventually changing its function/activity.

Rank the compounds in order of highest to lowest boiling point

1 carboxylic acid 2 alcohol 3 aldehyde 4 Ether

What is the IUPAC name for the following compound?


Which alcohol has the highest boiling point and the lowest water solubility? 1-propanol methanol 1-butanol ethanol


Which of the following has the lowest boiling point? 1-hexene, 1-heptyne, 2-octene, 3-nonyne


What is the IUPAC name of the compound produced by the reduction of pentanamide?


Give the IUPAC name of the best alkene REACTANT that can be hydrated to produce the compound shown. ---> 2-pentanol


1. Give the IUPAC name of the REACTANT that can be oxidized to produce the compound shown. 2. Give the IUPAC name of the PRODUCT below --> 3,7-dimethyl-4-octanone

1. 3,7-dimethyl-4-octanol is the reactant 2. 3,7-dimethyl-4-octanone is the product alchohol--> ketone

Give the IUPAC name for the REACTANT below Give the IUPAC name for the PRODUCT below

1. 4-Chlorobutanal is the reactant 2. 4-chlorobutanoic acid is the product

The reaction below has two products. Give the name of both products CH3-CH2-OH + CH3-CH2-OH --->

1. Ethoxyethane 2. water

List all the functional groups present in the molecule shown

1. Phenol 2. Ester 3. Aldehyde 4. Amine

Give examples of everyday objects that are enantiomers of each other.

1. a pair of shoes 2. ears 3. feet 4. right/left threaded bolts 5. English vs American vehicles (steering wheels on opposite sides?

1. Give the IUPAC name of the ALKENE REACTANT below. 2. Give the IUPAC name of the PRODUCT of the reaction below.

1. cis-2-Butene 2. 2,3-dichorobutane

Give the IUPAC names of the TWO products of the following reaction. 3-heptamide + KOH--->

1. ethanamine 2. potassium pentanoate

List four things that cause denaturation of a protein. Then, pick one and explain how it causes the denaturation.

1. pH 2. Temperature- as temperature increases, the bonds within the proteins being to increase their vibration. This causes hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions to be disrupted and eventually denatured while loosing their 3D shape. They then begin to unfold and no longer are active. 3. Mechanical Stress 4 Ionic compounds

Give the IUPAC names of the two products of the following reaction: 3-pentaoate +H2O----->

1. propanoic acid 2. ethanol

Give the IUPAC names of the two PRODUCTS of the following reaction. (Saponification reaction) + NaOH-->

1. sodium propanoate 2. methanol

Give the IUPAC name of the following molecule


Draw the structure of 1,4-pentadiene

2 mountains with 2 lines of each side

What is the IUPAC name for the following compound?


What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown on the right? CH3C(triple bond) CCH2CH2CH2CH3


Draw the structure of the product of the following reaction

2-hexene + Br2 ---> 2,3-hexane

The oxidation of 2-pentanol yields pentanal 1-pentanol 2-pentanone 2-pentene none of the above

2-pentanone alcohol-->ketone

How many moles of hydrogen gas (H2) are needed to convert one mole of ethyne to ethane?

2:1-----> 2 moles

Lauric triglyceride is a simple triglyceride containing lauric acid, a 12-carbon saturated fatty acid. What is the structure of lauric triglyceride?

3 CH2's, 3 O's, 3 ketons, 3 (CH2)10CH3

What is the major product formed by the hydration of 1-propene?

3 carbon (like a tent) with a line sticking out to OH

Which of the following compounds exists as cis-trans isomers? 1-pentene, 2-methyl-1-butene, 3-hexene, 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene


Give the IUPAC name of the major PRODUCT of the dehydration reaction


Give the IUPAC name of the product of the following reaction: 5-ethoxypentanal--->

5-ethoxypentanoic acid aldehyde-->caboxylic acid

Give the IUPAC name of the organic product of the following reaction. 5-ethyl-heptanoic + CH3NH2---->

5-ethyl-N-methylheptanamide carboxylic acid --> amide

An alkane used as a lubricant contains 25 carbon atoms. How many hydrogen atoms are present in its structure?

52 (CnH2n+2)

Normally, increasing reactant concentration speeds up a reaction. However, for enzyme-catalyzed reactions, increasing reactant concentrations only increases reaction rates up to a point, after which further increases in reactant concentration do not affect the reaction rate. Explain this phenomenon.

At high substrate concentrations, all the available enzymes are being used. Any additional substate will not have enzyme access because of this and will not react. Thus, this additional amount of substrate does not increase the reaction rate.

Which of the following is formaldehyde used as an embalming/preserving fluid?


Which of the following fatty acids would be classified as an omega-6 acid?

B (3 flat hills with double bonds and a carboxylic acid)

The large number of organic compounds is due in part to the ability of these compounds to form constitutional isomers. Which of the following pairs of compounds are related as constitutional isomers?

B (same molecular formula different connectivty)

Which structural formula is represented by the condensed formula shown below? CH2BrCH2CH(CH3)2


Draw the structure of the alkane that can be halogenated to produce the following compouds?

Butane + Br2

Which of the four options listed is the enantiomer of the compound shown?

C (enantiomer is mirror imaged)

Which of the four structures listed is a conformation of the structure shown?

C and D (rotate it)

Which formula corresponds to a cycloalkane?

C4H8 (CnH2n)

Draw the structure of the major product of the following reaction: CH3-C(CH3)=CH-CH2-CH3 + H20 --H+-->


Hydrolysis of a thioester produces a thiol and a(n)

Carboxylic acid

which compound is classified as an ether?


Hydrocholrination of ethene produces what?

Chloroethane ethene-->ethane

What term is used to describe the various spatial arrangements of a molecule formed by rotation around C--C single bonds?


Which of the following is a VALID structure?


The acetal produced from the reaction of 1 mole of 1-butanol with 2 moles of ethanol is

D (2 O's with one having an ethyl)

Which fo the structures shown below is a polyester polymer? (The squiggly bonds indicate the structure repeats?

D (an O with a squiggly line, 3 Esters, a ketone with a squiggly line)

Which of the following classes of compounds contain amines?

DNA and RNA Amino Acids Alkalkoids

Which is a neurotransmitter associated with schizophrenia?


Briefly explain why enzyme activity decreases as the pH of the solution is changed.

Enzyme activity decreases as the pH of the solution is changed because the pH changes how ionization occurs for R groups of amino acids. They also include hydrogen bonding that cal also be affected due to the pH. Either higher pH or lower, the enzyme can lose its active configuration and it becomes denatured. Some enzymes can hold on with higher pH's while others can with lower as it depends on the type of enzyme.

Which statement regarding enzymes is TRUE?

Enzymes decrease the activation energy

Define the terms monomer and polymer

Monomers are small molecules that can be reacted together repeatedly to form really long molecules called polymers

Which of the following statements concerning carbohydrates is FALSE?

Monosaccharides join together to form disaccharides and polysaccharides by hydrogen bonding.

What is the IUPAC name of the following compound?


Which of the following is a biological oxidizing agent?


which of the following is a biological reducing agent?


Which is the product of the following reaction? N-H + HCl--->

NH2 and Cl-

Type out the general formula for an ether function group


Define Replication

Replication is the process in which all the double-stranded DNA in a cell is duplicated exactly. The result is two identical copies of DNA.

The substrate of the sucrase enzyme is an _____ and the type of reaction it catalyzes is a ___

Sucrose, hydrolysis

When a carboxylic acid is mixed with NaOH, the organic product is

a carboxylate ion

Which of the following monosaccharides are shown the alpha anomeric form?

The OH group is below (three of them)

Which statement concerning the structure of a fatty acid is FALSE?

The carbon chain in a fatty acid may be branched or unbranched.

Describe the induced-fit model of substrate-enzyme binding.

The induced-fit model of substrate-enzyme binding acts as a flexible pocket in order for the substrate molecule to fit in. As the substrate molecule beings to bind, it wraps around the shape of the substrate molecule, making it the exact fit or perfectly complimentary for the substrate molecule in order to bring out an effective substrate-enzyme binding reaction.

which statement regarding soaps is FALSE?

They can be formed via the hydrolysis of an ether.

Is the sugar shown below a reducing sugar? (Fisher Projection) CHO-H-OH-H-OH-H-OH-OH-H-CH2OH


what product results when benzene undergoes the halogenation reaction below?

a benzene with 1 Br sticking out

Which of the following is a heterocyclic aromatic compound?

a benzene with a carbon (like nitrogen) splitting it

Draw the structure of meta-diflurobenzene

a benzene with two F's

Which bonding pattern is NOT typical of carbon atoms in organic compounds?

a. (a carbon with 5 lines shooting out)

which reaction type is most characteristic of alkenes?


Alkenes can undergo what reaction type(s)?

addition and combustion

Hand Sanitizer contains which type of functional group?


Monosaccharides, by definition, must include which of the following in their structure?

aldehyde/ketone and two or more alcohols

The monosaccharide shown is an

aldopentose (way left OH group below, way right OH group above)

What is the name of the species represented by the structure (R3N-H)+Cl-

alkylammonium salt

All steroids have the steroid nucleus in their structure. Which of the following compounds would be classified as steroids?

all with a straight, 3 cyclohexane, 1 cyclopentane group (not curved)

Which of the following is a branched polymer of glucose?


Which carbohydrate is present in plant startch?

amylopectin and amylose

To form an ester, you need to react

an alcohol and a carboxylic acid

The correct order for the process of lipid digestion is

bile salts emulsify lipids, then lipase hydrolyzes lipids, then GI tract absorbs.

Thiol functional groups are important systems because they

can form disulfide bridges in proteins

Which item below is an accurate descriptor of the quaternary structure of a protein?

can involve salt bridges, is the arrangement of subunits in space, can involved hydrogen bonding between R groups

Which item below is an accurate descriptor of the tertiary structure of a protein?

can involve salt bridges, is the overall 3D shape of a polypeptide, can involve hydrogen bonding between R groups

Organic chemistry is the study of

carbon-containing compounds

Which is the structural carbohydrate in insects?


Hydrochlorination of ethene produces what?

chloroethane ethene-->ethane

Which reaction is NOT possible for alkene and alkyne functional groups?

condensation and substitution

Give the IUPAC name of the product of the following reaction. cyclohexene + H2O-->


Which of the following leads to an increase in the melting point of a fatty acid?

decrease in the amount of unsaturation

Oxidation of thiols produce


Which neurotransmitter has been correlated with Parkinson's disease


What type of carbon-carbon bonds are never found in a saturated hydrocarbon?

double and triple bonds

The following molecule is best classified as an


Which of the following can react via hydrolysis?

ethers and esters

Which monosaccharide is also known as fruit sugar?


Esters often have

fruity, pleasant odors

Lactose is composed of

glucose and galactose in a B(1->4) glycosidic bond

Which class of human plasma lipoproteins returns excess cholesterol to the liver?

high density lipoproteins (HDL)

Which item below is an accurate descriptor of the secondary structure of a protein?

involves hydrogen bonding between backbone peptide groups, contains alpha helices and beta-pleated sheets

Which item below is an accurate descriptor of the primary structure of a protein?

is the specific sequence of amino acids, is held together through peptide bonds

The conversion of a ketohexose to an aldohexose requires which type of enzyme ?


The Fisher projection for the monosaccharide dihydroxyacetone is shown below. Is this D-dihydroxyacetone or L-dihydroxyacetone?

it is neither D nor L because dihydroxyacetone is not chiral

Oxidation of a secondary alcohol yields an


What additional condition or reagent is necessary for methane to react with chlorine according to the reaction equation shown below? CH4+Cl2--> CH3Cl + HCl

light or heat

Give the IUPAC name of the following molecule an cyclooctane with a -O-CH3 sticking out


Which of the following is NOT a common amino acid?


Which steroid hormone class regulates blood sodium and potassium levels?


____ stores oxygen in the cell, while _____transports oxygen through the bloodstream

myoglobin, hemoglobin

The amino acid shown below is classified as H2N-CH(CH-OH CH3) C(=O)-OH

neutral polar

Which is the correct order of melting points for the following alkanes, from highest temperature to lowest temperature?


A chemical that temporarily binds to an allosteric site on an enzyme thereby decreasing its activity is an

noncompetitive inhibitor

Which item below is an accurate descriptor of the pentary structure of a protein?

none of the above

How many chiral carbons are present in the structure shown?

one (C=O) does not count

List the four parts of a triacylglycerol

one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids

What is the name of the bond that links amino acids together?

peptide bonds

Which types of lipid has the following components: glycerol, 2 fatty acids, phosphate and choline?


Proteins that contain a phosphate prosthetic group are called


What type of polymer could form between the two molecules shown below? COH(=O)-benzene-COH(=O) and a butane with two OH's on the end


The purpose of the primase enzyme in replication is to

polymerize several RNA nucleotides

The alcohol shown is


The reduction of a carboxylic acid produces a thiol

primary alcohol

Which level of protein structure is NOT affected by denaturation?

primary structure

Amylose digestion

produces glucose monomers

The COX enzyme produces inflammation by catalyzing the production of what?


Which is associated with inflammation?


Substrates are


Fibrous proteins contain a lot of

secondary structure

The function of a protein determined by its ___, which is ultimately determined by its_____ structure

shape, primary structure

Coenzymes are

small organic molecules

Thiols are notable for their

strong, disagreeable odor

The structure of an organic compound may be represented in several different ways. Which formula for an organic compound explicitly shows all of the atoms and bonds in a molecule?

structural formula

which of the following reaction types is most characteristic of aromatic compounds?


For compounds of similar molecular weight, which of the following types would have the lowest boiling point? tertiary amine secondary amine alcohol primary amine

tertiary amine

Which correctly describes the geometry and bond angles around the indicated carbon in the structure shown?

tetrahedral, 109.5

The specificity of an enzyme is due to

the structure of the active site

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