Chemistry ch. 11 (Organic Compounds: Alkanes)
what are condensed structural formula
(show only specific bonds) showing the general arrangement of atoms but without showing all the covalent bonds.
what would happen if carbon containing compounds were removed from the human body
-all that would remain would be water and a very brittle skeleton and a small residue of minerals.
alkyl groups are named simply by dropping -______ from the name of the corresponding alkane and replacing it with -______
-ane; -yl
a carbon atom has 4 valence elctrons 2 of these are in
2 of theres outermost shell electrons are in an s orbital and 2 are in the p orbitals
carbon forms how many bonds?
as group IVA (14) element, a carbon atom has ____________
4 valence electrons.
the next alkane Is ethane which has which molecular formula and what is the structural formula
C2H6, and the structural formula CH3-CH3
alkanes can be represented by the general formula
CnH2n +2 where n is the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.
class= alkane what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
Functional group= none expanded= H-C-C-H condensed= CH3CH3 common name= ethane
who developed a useful model to explain the bonding characteristics of carbon
Linus Pauling
property: Bonding within molecules- Organic & Inorganic compounds
Organic= covalent Inorganic= often ionic
NH4NCO (ammonium cyanate) + Heat =
2 different alkyl groups can be derived from propane depending on which hydrogen is removed. Removal of hydrogen from an end carbon results in a
a propyl group Ch3-CH2-CH3 =. CH3-CH2-CH2 propane propyl
each carbon- hydrogen bond in methane arises from an overall of C (sp3) and an H (1s) orbital. The sharing of 2 electrons in this overlap region creates what?
a sigma bond.
what is expanded structural formulas
a structural molecular formula showing all covalent bonds.
what are functional groups
a unique reactive combination of atoms that differentiates molecules of organic compounds of one class from those of another.
what are unsaturated hydrocarbons
alkenes, alkynes, and aromatics and cotton double bonds, tripe bonds, or six carbon rings.
what is an example of functional groups compounds with a carbon-carbon double bond are classified as
what are saturatedhydrocarbons
also called alkanes are organic compounds in which carbon is bonded to four other atoms by single bonds; there are no double or triple bonds in the molecule. (hydrocarbon that contains only single bonds).
Scientists of the 18th and 19th centuries studied compounds extracted from plants and animals and labeled them organic because why
because they had been obtained from organized (living) systems.
number of carbon atoms 4 =
the fourth member of the alkanes is butane what is the molecular formula and the structural formula
butane molecular formula is C4H10 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3
groups connected by a single bond are capable of what
capable of rotating about that bond much like a wheel rotates around an axle. as a result of such rotation about single bonds, a molecule can exist in many different orientations, called conformations.
when referring to organic chemistry, we mean the chemisty of
carbon containing compounds.
the electrons not involved in forming the chain can be shared with electrons of other carbon atoms (to form)
chain branches or with electrons of other element such as hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen. carbon atoms may also share more than one pair of electrons to form multiple bonds.
Carbon atoms also have the ability to bond covalently to other carbon atoms to form
chains and networks. this means that 2 carbon atoms can join by sharing 2 electrons to form a single covalent bond. C + C = C C or C-C a 3rd carbon atom can join the end of this chain C-C + C = C-C-C
what is isomerism
characterized by compounds that have identical molecular formulas but different arrangements of atoms.
what is structural isomers
compounds that have the same molecular formula but in which the atoms bond in different patterns.
planar representations are given with no attempt to accurately portray what
correct bond angles or molecular geometries.
In contrast to organic compounds inorganic compounds are often characterized by the presence of ionic bonding. what other bonding may be present?
covalent boning but it is less common.
number of carbon atoms 10 =
the carbon atoms in all but the very simplest organic molecules can bond in more than one arrangement, giving rise to
different compounds with different structures and properties. this property is called isomerism
wohler's urea synthesis did what?
discredited the vital force theory and his success prompted other chemists to attempt to synthesize organic compounds.
number of carbon atoms 2 =
class = aldehyde what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture expanded = add C with hydrogen at each side-3 condensed= CH3- C- H (double bond with O at C) common name= acetaldehyde
class = alkyne what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture expanded= Hydrogen at each end condensed= HC triple line CH common name= acetylene
class= amine what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture expanded= add C with hydrogen at each side-3 condensed= CH3-NH2 common name= methlyamine
class= aromatic what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture expanded= picture with hydrogen at each end condensed= circle and trapezoid common name= benzene
class= ester what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture expanded= (look t book page360) condensed= CH3-C-O-CH3(o at c double) common name= methyl acetate
class = ketone what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture without H expanded= picture condensed= CH3-C-CH3 (O with double bond at C) common name= acetone
class= ether what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture without H expanded= picture condensed= CH3-O-CH3 common name= dimethyl ether
class= alcohol what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture without H on C expanded= picture condensed= CH3 CH2-OH common name=ethyl alcohol
class= carboxylic acid what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group= picture without r expanded = add c with 3 H connected condensed= CH3-C-OH (O with C on double bond) common name= acetic acid
class= alkene what is the functional group, ex. of expanded structural formula, ex. of condensed structural formula, and common name.
functional group=picture expanded= picture connected with Hydrogen on each end condensed= H2C= CH2 common name= ethylene
The arrangement of organic compounds into a relatively small number of classes can simplify the study of chem. This organization is done on the basis of characteristic structural features called
functional groups.
what is Linus Pauling explanation of bonding characteristics of Carbon
he found a mathematical mixing of the 2s and three 2p orbitals could produce, four new equivalent orbitals. each of there hybrid orbitals has the same energy and is designated sp3 each of the four sp3 hybrid orbitals contains a single unpaired elevtron amiable for covalent bond formation thus, carbon forms four bonds.
Friedrich wohler a German chemist did what?
heated an inorganic salt called ammonium cygnet and produced urea. This compound normally found in blood and urine was unquestionably organic but it had come from an inorganic source.
number of carbon atoms 7 =
number of carbon atoms 6 =
prefixes are used to specify the
identity, number, and location of atoms or groups of atoms that are attached to the longest carbon chain.
a small number of carbon compounds such as CO, CO2, carbonates and cyaniddes were studied before wohler's urea synthesis and they were classified as what and why
inorganic because they were obtained from non living systems, and even though they contain carbon, we still consider them to be a part of inorganic chemistry.
organic fertilizer is organic in the original sense that is comes from a
living organism.
early chemists thought organic compounds could be produced only through the action of a vital force, a special force active only in what?
living organisms.
class = amide
look at book (360) common name: acetamide
number of carbon atoms 1 =
what is the simplest alkane
methane contains one carbon atom and therefore has the molecular formula CH4.
the next alkane is propane what is the molecular formula and the structural formula
molecular formula C3H8 and the structural formula is CH3-CH2-CH3.
explain n-butane and isobutane how the names were given
n-butane= the stem but indicates that 4 carbons are in the molecule. the -ane ending signifies the alkane family. The prefix n- indicates that all carbons form an unbranched chain. The prefix -iso refers to compounds in which all carbons except one are in a continuous chain and in which that one carbon is branches from a next-to-the-end carbon.
Do alkanes have functional groups?
number of carbon atoms 9 =
number of carbon atoms 8 =
each alkyl group is a collection of atoms that can be thought of as an alkane minus
one hydrogen atom.
property: normal physical state - organic and inorganic compounds
organic = gases, liquids, or low melting point solids inorganic= usually high melting point solids
property: Conductivity of water solutions organic and inorganic compounds
organic: Non conductor inorganic: conductor
property: Solubliltiy in water organic and inorganic compounds
organic: often low inorganic: often high
property: Rate of chemical reactions organic and inorganic compounds
organic: usually slow inorganic: usually fast
property: Forces between molecules- Organic & Inorganic compounds
organic= generally weak Inorganic= quite strong.
property: flammability = organic and inorganic compounds
organic= often flammable inorgnaic= usually nonflammable i
number of carbon atoms 5 =
as the number of carbon atoms in the molecular formula increases, the number of
possible isomers increases dramatically.
IUPAC system (prefix -root- ending)
prefix= denotes number and identity of attached groups root= the longest carbon chain ending= the functional class
number of carbon atoms 3 =
The four equivalent sp3 orbitals point toward the corners of a
regular tetrahedron.
the root of the IUPAC name specifies what
specifies the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the compound.
one type of isomerism is characterized by compounds called
structural isomerism.
there are 2 major reasons for the astonishing number of organic compounds:
the bonding characteristics of carbon atoms and the isomerism of carbon containing molecules.
the ending of an IUPAC name specifies
the functional class or the major functional groups of the compound. The ending -ane specifies an alkane
what are hydrocarbons
the simplest of all organic compounds, contain only 2 elements, carbon and hydrogen
structural isomers (butanes) one is called what and the other is called a
the straight chain isomer is called a normal alkane and the other is called a branched alkane.
what is organic chemistry defined as
the study of carbon containing compounds.
what is one of the reasons for the large number of organic compounds
the unique ability of carbon atoms to form stable covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and with atoms of other elements.
what would happen if all carbon compounds were removed from earth?
there would be no animals, plants, or any other form of life.
organic compounds share one unique feature
they all contain carbon.
the 2 possible butanes are structural isomers because
they have the same molecular formulas, but they have different atom- to atom bonding sequences.
the idea that organic compounds could be produced only through the action of a vital force was central to the study of organic chemistry until 1828 because up to that time no one had been able to what
to synthesize an organic compound from its elements or from naturally occurring minerals.