Chemistry Ionic and Molecular Compounds

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What is an ionic compound?

- A compound made up of a cation/mental and an anion/non-metal - Electrons are transferred in ionic compounds

What is a molecular compound?

- A compound made up of non-metals - Electrons are shared in molecular compounds

What is a poly atomic ion? Give an example.

- An ion made up of more than one atom Ex. SO4^-2 and OJ ^-1

How many valence electrons in Li?


How many valence electrons in Al?


How many valence electrons in N?


When do you use Roman numerals in the name of an ionic compound?

All transitional metals and Sn and Pb need a Roman numeral in their name to indicate charge of the cation

Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds: Diboron Tetrabromide


What is the formula for Ba^+2 and S^-2?


Decide whether the following compounds are Ionic or Molecular: Carbon Tetrafluoride

CF4 = Molecular

Write the formula for the following compounds: Calcium Phosphate


Name the following chemical compounds: Ca(C2H3O2)2

Calcium Acetate

How do you name an ionic compound?

Cation - same name as on periodic table Anion - add -ide to the ending unless it is a poly atomic ion then just look at cheat sheet

If Cl gains 1 electron, what kind of charge does it have?


Write names for the following ionic compound: CuBr2

Copper (II) Bromide

Write the formula for the following compounds: Chromium (III) Nitrite


Name the following molecular formula: N2O

Dinitrogen Monoxide

Name the following chemical compounds: P2O5

Diphosphorus Pentoxide

What is different about a Covalent/Molecular Bond?

Electrons are shared

What is different about an Ionic Bond?

Electrons are transferred

If Fe loses 2 electrons, what kind of charge does it have?


Which group(s) of elements don't form ions?

Group 4A and 8A

Write the formula for the following compounds: Mercury (II) Bromide


Name the following compounds: Fe(ClO3)3

Iron (III) Chlorate

Name the following chemical compounds:FePO4

Iron (III) Phosphate

Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds: Potassium Carbonate


Write the formula for Potassium Sulfide?


What is the formula for Li and O?


Decide whether the following compounds are Ionic or Molecular: Lithium Iodine

LiI = Ionic

Name the following compounds: LiCN

Lithium Cyanide

Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds: Magnesium Chloride


Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds: Maganese (II) Phosphate


Name the formula for the following compounds: Nitrogen Triflouride


Write the formula for Sodium Iodide?


Name the following molecular formula: PCl3

Phosphorus Trichloride

What condition must be met in writing a balanced formula for an ionic compound?

Positive charge must cancel out negative charge

Write names for the following ionic compound: KCl

Potassium Chloride

Name the formula for the following compounds: Disulfur Dichloride


Decide whether the following compounds are Ionic or Molecular: NaCl

Sodium Chloride = Ionic

Decide whether the following compounds are Ionic or Molecular: SO2

Sulfur Dioxide = molecular

Name the following molecular formula: SF6

Sulfur Hexafluoride

What does the subscript, +1, in Li^+1?

The charge of Li

What does the subscript of NO2 represent?

The number of atoms of O

Name the following chemical compounds: Ti(SO4)2

Titanium (IV) Sulfate

When do you NOT use mono to name a molecular compound?

When the first element only has 1 atom -Ex. Co2 = Carbon Dioxide not monocarbon dioxide

When are parentheses used in writing a chemical formula?

When there is more than one of a poly atomic ion

Write names for the following ionic compound: ZnS

Zinc (II) Sulfide

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