Chemistry Notes Chapter 1, 2, 3 Exam Review

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an organic compound that contains only carbon single bonds has a name that ends in what suffix?


an organic compound that contains only carbon double bonds has a name that ends in what suffix?


an organic compound that contains only carbon triple bonds has a name that ends in what suffix?


Know prefixes from 1 to 10 (see Table 2.6)

1 - Mono 2 - Di 3 - Tri 4 - Tetra 5 - Penta 6 - Hexa 7 - Hepta 8 - Octa 9 - Nona 10 - Deca

given the equality 1 inch = 2.54cm, what 2 conversion factors can be derived from it?

1 inch/ 2.54 cm and 2.54 cm/1 inch

What three pieces of information are present in each box of the periodic table?

1) Atomic number 2) Atomic Mass/weight 3) Chemical Symbol

What are the four Dalton's postulates?

1) elements are composed of atoms 2) all atoms of an element are identical 3) atoms are neither created or destroyed in chem reactions 4) compounds always have same relative number and kinds of atoms. he said we can't break them apart, but we can arrange them differently

What are the different representations of molecules?

2D or 3D perspectives - ball and stick or space filling.

the isotope iron 56 contains how many neutrons?

30 = 56 - 26

What are physical and chemical changes?

A physical change in a substance doesn't change what the substance is. In a chemical change where there is a chemical reaction, a new substance is formed and energy is either given off or absorbed.

What is accuracy? Precision?

Accuracy: "trueness" - all on the target Precision: "consistency" - how close a set of measurements are to each other.

Be able to define and identify the three simple patterns (or types) of chemical reactions.

Combination Decomposition. Single displacement. Double displacement. Combustion. Redox (why only 3?) ask

What are the basic types of formulas?

Empirical - is the simplest whole number ratio of the elements in a compound. For example, the molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2 its empirical formula is HO. Likewise the molecular formula for octane is C8H18 and its empirical formula is C4H9. Molecular - tells us the number and the type of atoms in a chemical element. The molecular chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6, sucrose is C12H22O11 and octane is C8H18 Structural - ( -C-C-C-C-C-C- )

Be able to calculate mass percent, formula weight and molecular weights given the chemical formula.

Formula weight = sum of atomic weights of atoms in the chemical formula. (CaCO3) <-- not a molecule 1 x 40.1 amu = 40.1 1 x 12.01 amu = 12.01 3 x 16.0 amu = 48.0 +_________ 100.11 amu Molecular weight = formula weight of compound that forms molecular compounds (N2F5). <-- this is a molecule 2 x 14.0 amu = 28 5 x 19.0 amu = 95 +_______ 123.0 amu kinda the same thing Mass percent (of nitrogen) = 2N/N2F5 = 2 x 14.01 (28)/123.0 x 100 = 22.76%

Know how to determine the charges of ions for elements?

Group 1 = 1+ Group 2 = 2+ Ag = 1+ Zn = 2+ Cd = 2+ Al = 3+ Ga = 3+ N through P = 3- O through Se = 2- F through I = 1- He through Ra = 0

What are groups and periods? What are the 5 named groups?

Groups (18) are the columns Periods (7) are the rows 5 named groups: alkali metals - group 1 alkali earth metals - group 2 halogens - 17th noble gases - 8th column chalcOgens - column where O2 is on down. 16th

what is the SI unit of mass?

Kg - kilogram

What are the common metric multiples (2) and divisions (6)? Know how to convert one into another.

MEGA - 10^6, KILO - 10^3 deci - 0.1 = d centi - 0.01 = c milli - 0.001 = m micro - 10^-6 = μ nano - 10^-9 = n pico - 10^-12 = p

How do metals differ from nonmetals?

Metals - generally good electrical conductors + good conductors of heat. Malleable + ductile (can be stretched into thin wires). Most are shiny because the surface electrons are good reflectors of light. Nonmetals - Most non-metals form individual molecules instead of extended solids and are dull/colorless, brittle, poor conductors of electricity and heat, upper and right of periodic table

Know how to calculate molar mass; convert mass to moles; moles to mass and interconvert masses to number of particles.

Molar Mass - the formula weight in grams

What is the mole? Avogagado's number?

Mole: number of a substance is equal to the number of C atoms in 12 atoms in 12 grams of C-12 Avo's Number = 6.022 x 10^23

Know the basic polyatomic ion formulas and charges.

PO4^3- Phosphate PO3^3- Phosphite CO3^2- Carbonate SO4^2- Sulfate SO3^2- Sulfite NO3^1- Nitrate NO2^1- Nitrite ClO4^1- Perchlorate ClO3^1- Chlorate ClO2^1- Chlorite ClO^1- Hypochlorite BrO4^1- Perbromate BrO3^1- Bromate BrO2^1- Bromite BrO^1- Hypobromite IO4^1- Periodate IO3^1- Iodate IO2^1- Iodite IO^1- Hypoiodite

Know how to convert binary molecular formulas into chemical compound names and backwards.

Practice: Si2N7 - S6F9 - H2CO3 - KHCO3 - Zn3(PO4)2 - Cu(BrO2)2 - Si3Cl5 - Ag2HPO4 - Cu2SO3 x 2H2O - backwards Ammonium Phosphate - Calcium Sulfite - Phosphoric Acid - Disilicon noniodide - Iron (II) Nitride - Chromium (III) Nitrate - Tin (IV) Sulfate - Lead (II) Acetate Trihydrate - Aluminum Hydroxide -

What are the basic metric, SI & practical units of mass, length, volume, temperature and amount of substance?

SI unit - length, mass, temp, time, amount. meter, kilogram, kelvin, seconds, mole, meter, cubic meter Basic Metric - gram, meter, liter, C

What is the definition of chemistry?

a physical (sensible), experimental (test), quantitative (number) science (scientific method)

who is considered the father of chemistry?

antoine lavosier

what are the 2 characteristics of matter?

anything that has mass and takes up space (volume)

what is matter?

anything that has mass and volume or takes up space

What is the basis of the modern periodic table?

arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic number.

Know how to write correct chemical formulas from ionic compound names and the opposite.


What is the atomic number, mass number and atomic weight?

atomic number = number of protons in nucleus mass number = sum of protons and neutrons in nucleus atomic weight = weighted avg of masses of different isotopes using mass spectrometer determined from masses of isotopes and relative percentages. sum (masses of each isotope x relative abundance/100) example: Rb-85 84.9118 amu, 72.15%, -> 72.15/100 = .7215 x 84.9118 = 61.26 Rb-87 86.9092 amu, 27.85%, -> 27.85/100 = .2785 x 86.9092 = 24.20 add 61.26 + 24.20 = 85.47 amu (your atomic weight or weight avg)

what kind of zero or kinds of zeros that are present in the in the following number? 60.1860

captive, trailing

Know the simple organic compounds.

carbon and hydrogen must be present.

Know how to name cations and anions.

cations = has positive charge anions = has negative charge Br^- = bromide anion S^- = sulfide anion K^+ = potassium cation

What are physical properties and some examples?

change in appearance - color, smell, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, partical size, density, solubility, hardness, magnetism, conductivity (heat or electrical)

What are chemical properties and some examples?

change in composition - interaction with another substance. flammability, corrosivity

what scientist is given credit for naming the indivisible particles that all matter consists of?


How do you separate a mixture?

distillation, filtration or evaporation - physical processes, you dont have to do any chemical reactions.

What are the types of matter based on composition? What the their characteristics?

elements - cannot be chemically interconverted or broken down into simpler substances and are primary constituents of matter. (N2) compounds - a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements (HCl) mixture - mixing salt and water creates a homogeneous mixture. mixing oil and water creates a heterogeneous mixture.

what single word or term describes a chemical reaction that requires energy?


Be able to calculate the atomic weight given the mass of an elements isotopes and relative abundances.

example: Rb-85 84.9118 amu, 72.15%, -> 72.15/100 = .7215 x 84.9118 = 61.26 Rb-87 86.9092 amu, 27.85%, -> 27.85/100 = .2785 x 86.9092 = 24.20 add 61.26 + 24.20 = 85.47 amu (your atomic weight or weight avg)

what single word or term describes a chemical reaction that produces energy?


What is the modern nuclear model?

has more to do with electrons. where the electron density occupies a certain volume of space. like the jimmy neutron atom thingy.

What is a hydrocarbon? A functional group? An alcohol? A carboxylic acid?

hydrocarbons: only C and H functional group: hydroxyl group, carboxyl group, carbonyl group, a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic reactions of a particular compound. alcohol: C and H and O and an OH functional group end in ol. carboxylic acid: compounds which contain a -COOH group. looks like a bent form of this: O=C-OH

what is the name of the ion IO^-

hypo iodite ion

Know the charges of given transition elements with multiple charges.

iron can either be +2 or +3. copper is 1+ or 2+.

What is an isotope? Know how to convert an isotope name into isotope symbol (see page 49).

isotopes = atom with same number of protons but different number of neutrons different versions of an element. so like, B-10 B-11 or Rb-85 or Rb-87 they are all the same element, just different version. their protons are the same always in each of those different versions of the element.

what law states that mass of reactants equals the mass of the products in the chemical reaction?

law of conservation of mass

if a piece of matter has an indefinite shape and a definite volume, the matter would be called a....


What are the laws of conservation of mass and multiple proportions?

matter cannot be created nor destroyed. when 2 elements combine to form multiple compounds, the masses of the two elements are in rations of small whole numbers.

the origins of chemistry are

medicine, technology, alchemy

what does the metric abbreviation μ represent?


What are the steps of the simple scientific method?

observation -> hypothesis -> test hypothesis (falsify) -> results

properties/characteristics of matter

physical and chemical

what are the characteristics of matter?

physical and chemical properties.

use 2 words to describe chemistry

physical or experimental or quantitative

in the modern nuclear atom, the nucleus contains what charge?


What are the 3 basic subatomic particles and their characteristics?

protons - positive charge (Rutherford 1919) electrons - negative charge (1897 Thompson) neutrons - neutral charge (Chadwick 1932)

Know how to determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for an isotope.

protons = Atomic number neutrons = Mass number - Atomic Number electrons = Atomic number +/- the charge on the isotope. if its 3+, you subtract 3 from your atomic number, and that is your electron number. if 3-, then you add 3 to the proton number.

What is the nuclear model of the atom?

protons and neutrons in the nucleus (almost all mass, very little volume), electrons around the nucleus in the electron cloud (little mass, almost all the volume).

What are the characteristics of measurements?

quantitative observations, comparison to a standard - number and unit.

What is an isomer?

same formula, but different structures. example: FeCl3 you don't say iron trichloride, you say iron (III) chloride

What are the common phases on matter and characteristics?

solid- def shape, def volume liquid- indef shape, def volume gas- indef shape, indef volume

What is an equality? What are conversion factors?

something that has been defined. such as the USCS or the SI derived from the metric. conversion factors = 12 eggs/ 1 dozen

energy is...

thermal (heat) chemistry

What do the elements in each group share?

they have similar chemical properties: The elements in each group have the same number of electrons in the outer orbital ( valence electrons). they do similar chemical reactions.

What is a significant figure? Know how to determine SF given a number.

trailing zeros = 24.0000 (ONLY significant if decimal is present) leading zeros = 0.0057 (NEVER significant) captive zeros = 24.0100 (Significant) all nonzero digits are certain all leading zeros are NOT SF all captive seros are SF trailing zeros with decimal are SF. Without the decimal are NOT SF.

Know how to locate an element in the periodic table from period and group numbers (names).

you can do this.

Be able to balance chemical equations.

you got this

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