Chemistry Semester 1

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the study of all substances not containing carbon

Inorganic chemistry

part of a system having uniform composition and properties


What are the steps of the scientific method?

1. problem 2. hypothesis 3. procedure 4.analyze 5.conclusion

**generic equation for synthesis reaction

A + B --> AB

Generic equation for double replacement reaction

AB + CD --. AC + BD

generic equation for decomposition reaction

AB --> A + B

generic equation for single replacement reaction

AC + B --> BC + A

the study of living things


What is the difference between an element and compound?

Element - pure substance that can't be broken down to other substances (ex- carbon, helium) Compound - made up of elements or other compounds that can be chemically broken down (ex- water, carbon dioxide)

**what are differences between ionic and covalent?

Ionic = between metal and nonmetal. Need to write the charges between elements. Charges are crosses when written. Covalent = nonmetal and nonmetal. Write prefixes of elements. Prefixes don't get cross when written (roman numerals)

**Mass can't be created or destroyed

Law of Conservation of Mass

What are the six phase changes and an example of each

Melting--> Solid to liquid, ice melting Freezing--> liquid to solid, freezing juice to make popsicles Vaporization/Evaporation--> liquid to gas, gasoline Condensation--> gas to liquid, droplets on outside of cup Sublimation--> solid to gas, dry ice Depilation--> gas to solid, frost on windows

A physical blend of two or more substances


**the study of all substances containing carbon

Organic Chemistry

Physical change vs chemical change

Physical = dealing with appearance or a basic level. Can be changed without altering the chemical (Ex- color, density, shape. hardness, or boiling point) Chemical = deals with changes on the chemical level, some of which leads to some physical change. (Ex- flammability, toxicity, solubility, reactivity)

a new substance formed in a chemical reaction, right of arrow


**starting substance in a chemical reaction, left of arrow


Name the three states of matter and how to distinguish between them

Solid - tightly packed particles Liquid - tight packed particles that freely move around each other. Gas - particles that are spread out and randomly move around

**What is the term for the horizontal rows on the periodic table: a) periods b) families c) groups d) columns


**What type of bonding occurs between metals? a) metallic b) covalent c) ionic d) James


**When two or more substances combine to form another substance, what type of a reaction occurs? a) synthesis b) single replacement c) combustion d) double replacement


**Which statement about the alkali metals is correct: a) They are located in the left-more column of the periodic table. b) They are extremely nonreactive c) They are usually gases d) They form negative ions with a -1 charge


**what is the correct formula for magnesium oxide? a) MgO b) MgO2 c) Mg2O2 d) Mg2O


All of the following are physical properties of a substance in the liquid state EXCEPT: a) indefinite volume b) definite mass c) virtually incompressibility d) indefinite shape


Chemistry is chiefly concerned with the study of which of the following types of changes in substances?: a) change in the composition b) change in shape c) change in volume d) change in the amount e) change is the sun


Elements in a family often have similar: a) chemical and physical properties b) Number of total electrons c) atomic mass d) number of total protons


In every balanced equation, each side of the equation has the same number of: a) atoms b) molecules c) moles d) coefficients e) subscripts


an important characteristic of an accepted scientific theory is that: a) it can be disproved at any time b) it can be proven true c) it cannot be modified d) it is agreed upon by all scientists


what fuel source provides most of the world's energy? a) fossil fuels b) the sun c) nuclear fusion d) nuclear fission


which of the five major divisions of chemistry require the most extensive mathematical background a) analytical chemistry b) biochemistry c) inorganic chemistry d) organic chemistry e) physical chemistry


a physical combination of two or more substances


the study of the composition of substances

analytical chemistry

**what is the symbol for aqueous


**Hydrogen is grouped with the alkali metals because it: a) doesn't readily form compounds b) has one electron in its outer energy level c) is a gas d) is a metal


**In his version of the periodic table, Mendeleev based his arrangement of the elements on an element's: a) atomic number b) atomic mass c) chemical symbol d) name


**Previous periods in history were known as the stone age, the iron age, and the bronze age. The modern world is primarily the age of ___. a) recycling b) plastic c) aluminum d) solar power


**The nucleus of an atom contains: a) Protons and electrons b) Protons and neutrons c) Neutrons and electrons d) All of the above


**Which statement is true: a) nonmetals tend to gain electrons and become positive ions b) nonmetals tend to gain electrons and become negative ions c) nonmetals tend to lose electrons and become positive ions d) nonmetals tend to lose electrons and become negative ions


**Which type of reaction is represented by the equation, Ab + C --> AC + B a) synthesis b) single replacement c) combustion d) double replacement


**chemical reactions must be balanced to satisfy the: a) law of definite properties b) law of conservation of mass c) law of multiple proportions d) principle of avogadro


**what type of reaction is represented by the equation, Na3P--> 3 Na + P a) synthesis b) decomposition c) single replacement d) combustion


Elements that shares properties of both metals and nonmetals are called: a) ions b) metalloids c) periods d) valences


In order to predict whether or not a single-replacement reaction takes place, you need to consult a chart that shows the: a) periodic table b) activity series of metals c) common polyatomic ions d) ionic charges of representative elements e) formulas and names of common metal ions having an ionic charge greater than 1


Metals can be stretched because they are: a) alloys b) ductile c) malleable d) brittle


What is the chemical symbol for gold?: a) Ag b) Au c) Hg d) Na


a catalyst is: a) the product of a combustion reaction b) not used up on a reaction c) one of the reactants in single-replacement reactions d) a solid product of a reaction


how many hydrogen atoms are present in one molecule of ammonium acetate, NH4C2H3O2? a) 4 b) 7 c) 11 d) 12


the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law is that: a) a law only summarizes observations; a theory attempts to explain observations b) a theory only summarizes observations; a law attempts to explain observations c) there is no difference


which of the following changes would be most appropriately considered in a study of chemistry, rather than any other sciences: a) a rock sinking in the water b) a rock melting because it's heated c) a rock breaking upon impact d) a rock rolling down a hill e) a rock warming in the sun


which of the following statements are false? a) the photos, art, and captions in your text book contain valuable information b) chemistry is always best learned by studying it by yourself c) taking notes often results in a greater understanding of the material d) working the practice problems is the text book will help you understand the material


**Alkaline earth metals ions have a charge of: a) +1 b) -1 c) +2 d) -2


**Noble gases are unreactive because: a) they readily form positive ions b) they can have either a positive or negative charge c) their outermost energy levels are filled d) their outermost energy level is only missing one electron


**The elements in Groups 3-12 on the periodic table are the: a) actinides b) alkaline earth metals c) transition elements d) halogens


**The study of the composition and structure of matter is the domain of which fields of science: a) physics b) biology c) chemistry d) geology


**What is the name of the compound with the formula NaCl? a) chlorine sodiate b) sodium chlorate c) sodium chloride d) sodium dichlorude


**Which state of matter takes both the shape and volume of its container?: a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) both b and c


**a hypothesis is: a) an observation recorded from an experiment b) a descriptive model for observations c) a concise statement that summarizes the results of a wide variety of experiments d) a thoroughly tested model


**something that's added to a reaction to speed it up a) reactant b) inhibitor c) catalyst d) double replacement


**the type of reaction that takes place when one element reacts with a compound to form a new compound and a different element is a: a) combination reaction b) decomposition reaction c) single-replacement reaction d) double-replacement reaction e) combustion reaction


**what do you call a number that you place in front of a chemical in an equation? a) superscript b) subscript c) coefficient d) none of the above


**what type of bond forms when a metal bonds with a nonmental? a) metallic b) covalent c) ionic d) James


**which is the correct formula for magnesium nitrate? a) MgNO3 b) Mg2NO3 c) Mg(NO3)2 d) Mg2(NO3)2


A family of elements that contains the most reactive metal is the: a) noble gases b) alkaline earth metals c) alkali metals d) transition elements


A vapor is which state of matter?: a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) both b and c


Elements that lie along the stair-step line of the periodic table are: a) liquids b) nonmetals c) metalloids d) metals


Substances that conduct electricity only under certain conditions are most likely: a) metals b) noble gases c) metalloids d) transition metals


The noble gases are in: a) actinides b) alkaline earth metals c) transition elements d) halogens


When balancing a chemical reaction, what is the first step? a) counting the number of atoms in reactants only b) counting the number of atoms in reactants and products c) write the chemical equation for the reaction using formulas and symbols d) choose coefficients that balance the equation


When the equation Fe + Cl2 -> FeCl3 is balanced, what is the coefficient for Cl2? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


Which of the following is NOT a physical change?: a) the cutting of cheese b) the melting of cheese c) the spoiling of cheese


Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?: a) oil in water b) soot in water c) alcohol in water


Which of the following is a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect? a) decaying radioactive waste b) ozone layer depletion c) carbon dioxide gas d) pheromones


in a combustion reaction, one of the reactants is: a) hydrogen b) nitrogen c) oxygen d) a metal e) a binary ionic compound


substances that can be separated into simpler substances only by chemical means


**A group of covalently bonded atoms that acts together as one charged atom is a ____. a) crystal b) molecule c) negative ion d) polyatomic ion


**Elements within the same group in the periodic table have similar properties because they have the same number of: a) protons b) ions c) neutrons d) valence electrons


**Matter is defined as anything that: a) has a fixed volume and weight b) has a definite volume c) can be weighed on a balance d) has mass and takes up space


**Separating a solid from a liquid by evaporating the liquid is called: a) emulsification b) condensation c) theorizing d) distillation


**What is the first step of the scientific method? a) reaching a conclusion b) conducting an experiment c) formulating a hypothesis d) making an observation e) starting a theory


**how many electrons are needed in the outer energy levels of most atoms for the atom to be chemically stable? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8


**why do the noble gases NOT form compounds readily? a) they have empty outer energy levels b) they have no electrons c) they have seven electrons in the outer energy levels d) their outer energy levels are completely filled with electrons


A family of elements that has seven electrons in its outer energy level is the: a) actinides b) alkali metals c) alkaline earth metals d) halogens


At room temperature, most metals are: a) gases b) liquids c) radioactive d) solids


physical properties of a substance include: a) color and odor b) melting and boiling points c) density and hardness d) all of the above


the sum of the ions in a neutral compound is always: a) a negative number b) one c) a positive number d) zero


what is the total number of atoms in the compound Ca(CIO3)2? a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 9


**when a liquid is boiled to produce a vapor that's condensed again into a liquid


Which of the following statements is true concerning single-replacement: a) they are restricted to metals b) they involve a single product c) they involve a single reactant d) any metal replaces any other metal e) they are also called displacement reactions


what is the symbol for gas


What are the properties of metals: good conductors brittle luster malleable poor conductors ductile

good conductors, luster, malleable, ductile

**not uniform in composition

heterogeneous mixture

**mixture with a non-uniform composition

heterogenous mixture

mixture with uniform composition

homogeneous mixture

What are the seven diatomic elements?

hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine

what is the symbol for liquid


what are the five major divisions of chemistry and examples of each?

organic chemistry, medicine inorganic chemistry, medicine analytical, matter can't be created or destroyed physical, molecules biochemistry, bacteria

concerned with theories and experiments that describe the behavior of chemicals

physical chemistry

What is the symbol for solid


what is the relationship among observations, hypothesis, experiment, theory, and law, with respect to the scientific method

the scientific method is: theories can be used together to make laws, which attempts to explain what's seen/formed by many people over time. Has four steps: 1. observation, what is seen. 2. hypothesis, what you think will happen. 3. experiment, what happens. 4. theory, summary of observations.

Gas that is normally a liquid or solid at room temperature


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