Chemistry Semester I Final

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What is standard pressure?

101.3 kPa

What temperature unit is always positive?


Salt water is classified as a...

Mixture because the proportion of its components can vary.

If the relationship between P and V is inyerse, graphing the inverse should show ą direct relationship (linear). Does it?

Yes it does show a direct relationship

Degree Celsius (C) and Kelvin (K)

The two most common units for measuring tempurature


a solid that forms and settles out of a liquid mixture

What kind of gas has always moving in random and straight line?

both ideal and real

What is the percent error if you get 0.864 J/gC instead of .907 J/gC and explain where the error may have come from?

-4.741%; the error may have come from when the metal was poured into the water. Some of the heat energy may have gotten out into the air.

What two groups make up matter?

-Cannot be physically separated -can be physically separated

Heterogeneous mixtures

-The components of the mixture are not uniformly mixed throughout. -The mixture is in many phases, and the individual substances can be seen. -Samples taken within the same mixture have different compositions

Homogeneous mixtures

-The components of the mixture are uniformly and evenly mixed throughout. -The mixture has one phase, and the individual substances can't be seen -Samples taken within the same mixture have the same composition.

A cube measures 5.02cm x 2.91cm x .042cm. What is the volume of the cube to the correct number of significant figures?


A man heats a balloon in the oven. If the balloon initially has a volume of 0.4 liters and a temperature of 20 °c, what will the volume of the balloon be after he heats it to a temperature of 250 °C?

0.71 L

A soda bottle is flexible enough that the volume of the bottle can change even without opening it. If you have an empty soda bottle (volume of 2 L) at room temperature (25 C), what will the new volume be if you put it in your freezer (4C)?L

1.81 L

Which group on the Periodic Table contains two elements that are gases at STP?

17 (VIIA)

Atmospheric pressure on the peak of Mt. Everest can be as low as 150 mm Hg, which is why climbers need to bring oxygen tanks for the last part of the climb. If the climbers carry 10.0 liter tanks with an internal gas pressure of 3.04x10^4 mm Hg, what will be the volume of the gas when it is released from the tanks?

2030 L

A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of 150. milliliters at 300 K. If the pressure of the sample is held constant and the temperature is raised to 600 K, the new volume of the sample will be


Round to the correct number of significant figures: 12 miles/hr = ?yards/min


A rigid cylinder with a movable piston contains 50.0 liters of a gas at 30.0°C with a pressure of 1.00 atmosphere. What is the volume of the gas in the cylinder at STP?

45.0 L

when an object with a temperature of 12 degrees C is placed in water that is 50 degrees C, the temperature of the water will be the same as the temperature of the object once ___ is reached. A possible final temperature of the object and water could be ___.

equilibrium; 40 degrees C (possible answer)

property of movement in a gas


Compared to the valence electrons of a nonmetallic atom, the valence electrons of a metallic atom are generally what?

fewer in number and less strongly held

property of movement in a liquid

flow or slide

An example of a physical property of an element is the element's ability to

form an aqueous solution

What is an example of deposition?


physical property

is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the chemical composition of the substance.

chemical property

is a characteristic of a substance that is observed or measured through interaction with other substances.

property of arrangement in a liquid

less organized

property of attractive force in a liquid

less than solid

Process Evaporation

property boiling point differenae

The temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of matter exist in equilibrium is called its what?

melting point

property of arrangement in a gas


What kind of gas has some attraction/bonding


Is ink a mixture or a pure substance?



of boiling off and collecting each liquid of The process a mixture from the lowest to the highest boiling point.

What kind of gas has energy is transferred with collisions

both ideal and real

property of shape in a solid


property of arrangement in a solid


What gas(s) behave most like an ideal gas?

hydrogen and helium

What kind of gas has absolutely no volume?


What process was used to determine the volume of this object- -Actual density= 1.23g/mL -Initial volume of water= 25.3mL -Final volume of water= 29.6mL -mass of object= 5.46g

Water displacement

Which physical change is endothermic?

s->l, l->g, or s->g

Law of definite proportions

states that elements in a compound are combined in a fixed ratio by mass.

Kinetic energy

the energy due to the movement of particles in matter.

heat of vaporization

the energy it takes to go from a liquid to a gas


the study of matter: its composition, structures, properties, changes it undergoes, and energy accompanying these changes.

Which elements form ions that are usually colored in solid compounds and in solution?

transition elements

What is the process for the property of miscibility?



Definite Shape and Volume. Rigid. Crystalline Geometric Structure


Definite Volume. No Definite Shape. Free Flowing

A mixture consists of sand and an aqueous solution. Which procedure can be used to separate the sand, salt, and water from each other?

Filter out the sand, then evaporate the water

What is the process for the property of size


Explain the shape of the heating and cooling curves in terms of potential and kinetic energy.

In a heating curve there is a lined that goes up over time. This line shows that the kinetic energy is increasing. This element is currently a solid. The heating curve goes flat over time. This shows that the potential energy is increasing while the kinetic energy stays the same. This element is currently changing from a solid to a liquid. The line then goes back up, showing the increase in kinetic energy. This element is currently a liquid. The line then again flattens out with potential energy increasing. This element is currently changing from a liquid to a gas. The line then keeps going up with increasing kinetic energy. This element is currently a gas. This is the opposite for cooling curves

What graph represents the relationship between pressure and volume for a sample of an ideal gas at constant temperature?


what is the formula for the combined gas law?

P1 V1 / T1 = P2 V2 / T2a

What kind of change is flattening cookie dough?


What kind of change is boiling water?

Physical change

What kind of change is peeling potatoes?

Physical change

A Los Angeles class nuclear submarine has an internal volume of eleven million liters at a pressure of 1.250 atm. If a crewman were to open one of the hatches to the outside ocean while it was underwater ( pressure 15.75 atm), what be would the new volume of the air inside the submarine?

873015.87 L


: The process of recovering the solid of an aqueous mixture by evaporating off the water or cooling the solution.


What a temperature of a substance is measured with

Explain how a hot cup of tea can have less heat energy than a cold pool filled with water.

a hot cup of tea can have less heat energy than a cold pool of water because a cup of tea is smaller than a pool filled with water. Also heat is the total amount of energy so although a cup of tea may be hotter temperature wise, there is less of it so the total amount of energy is lower than a pool of water which is way bigger than it. Although a pool of water is colder, it has more particles, so therefore it can have more energy than a hot cup of tea.


a pure substance that cannot be chemically separated


are characteristics of a substance that can be used to identify and cl assify that substance.

Aqueous solutions

are homogeneous mixtures made with water.


are pure substances that are composed of identical atoms with the same atomic number.

Pure Substance

are types of matter composed (made up) of particles that are the same


are types of matter that are composed of two or more different substances that are physically combined.

The arrangement of the elements from left to right in Period 4 on the periodic table is based on what?

atomic #

The temperature of a sample of matter is a measure of the what?

average kinetic energy of its particles

What is the process for the property of boiling point?


Intensive properties

do not depend on the sample size or amount.

The amount of energy required to change a unit mass of a solid to a liquid at a constant temperature is called the heat of what?


Which phase change results in the release of energy?

g->l, l->s, or g->s

Which group contains elements in three phases of matter at STP?


property of attractive force in a solid

has an attractive force

What are two properties of most nonmetals?

high ionization and poor electrical conductivity

real gases behave most like ideal gases when there is ___ temperature and ___ pressure

high; low

Conductivity in a metal results from the metal atoms having what?

highly mobile electrons in the valence shell

Why might someone record the measurement of something to be 54.90cm instead of 54.9cm?

To show that they used a more accurate measuring device. 54.9 is less accurate because it could have more or less than it's supposed to, which could be problematic than if it was 54.90.

Under what conditions does a gas behave most like an ideal gas?

Under low pressure and high temperature.

As atomic number increases within Group 15 on the Periodic Table, atomic radius does what?

increases, only

property of shape in a gas


property of shape in a liquid


property of volume in a gas



is anything that has mass and takes up space, in other words, is "stuff." Can be grouped and classified as pure substances or mixtures In this lesson, you will learn about the different types of matter.

physical change

is the change of a substance from one form to another without altering its chemical composition.

chemical reaction

is the way a chemical change occurs. Compounds are formed or broken down through chemical reactions.

If the metal had a measure of 0.864 J/gC for a specific heat instead of .907 J/gC and there was a percent error of -4.741%, did the metal gain or lose energy? How can this be seen numerically while doing the calculations above?

lost; the metal had a negative in it's change or temperature.


matter that can be physically separated

heating curve

shows a change of a substance starting with the substance as a solid.

A cooling curve

shows a change of substance starting with the substance as a gas.

phase change diagram

shows the relationship between temperature and phase changes of a substance over time as the substance is heating or cooling.

In which sample of water do the molecules have the highest average kinetic energy?

small volume and high temperature

can exist in one of three main states or phases called what?

solid, liquid, or gas.

Which phase(s) cannot be compressed

solids and liquids

The phase change represented by the equation I2(s)->I2(g) is called what?


what phases are endothermic?

sublimation melting evaporation

Kinetic energy is the measure of what?


property of movement in a solid

vibrate (stay together)

What happens to volume as Temperature increases

volume increases

What happens to volume as pressure decreases?

volume increases

Does a gas have strong or weak attractive forces?


property of attractive force in a gas



measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in matter.

A solid element that is malleable, a good conductor of electricity, and reacts with oxygen is classified as a what?


phase change

physical chang change where a substance changes its form (or state) without changing its chemical composition

I often hit the same spot on a dartboard no matter where I am trying to hit. If I hit the 18 spot 75% of the time even, though I am trying to hit the bullseye and 6 other numbers as well, you would describe me as ___ but not ___.

precise; accurate

What happens to pressure as temperature increases?

pressure increases

Which group contains elements composed of diatomic molecules at STP?

17 (VIIA)

What are two units for eat energy?

Joules and Calories


Makes bonds Release energy (exo); Absorb energy Break bonds (endo)

Extensive properties

depend on the sample size or amount present.

Name extensive properties

mass, volume

If I initially have 4.0L of a gas at a pressure of 1.1 atm, what will the volume be if I increase the pressure to 3.4 atm?

1.29 L



Which group has Br?


What kind of sample of matter can be separated into different substances by physical means?


What is the percent error if you got 1.27g/mL and it was actually 1.23g/mL?


What two groups can pure substances be separated into?

-can be chemically separated -cannot be chemically separated

What two groups can mixtures be separated into?

-heterogenous -homogeneous

Divers get "the bends" if they come up too fast because gas in their blood expands, forming bubbles in their blood. If a diver has 0.05 L of gas in his blood under a pressure of 250 atm, then rises instantaneously to a depth where his blood has a pressure of 50.0 atm, what will the volume of gas in his blood be? Do you think this will harm the diver?

0.25 L; yes this would harm them

A gas sample has a volume of 25.0 mililiters at a pressure of 1.00 atmosphere. If the volume increases to 50.0 millimeters and the temperature remains constant, the new pressure will be

0.500 atm

Round all answers to the nearest thousandth and include units: What is the specific heat of a substance that absorbs 360 joules of heat when a sample of 12 g of the substance increases in temperature from 20.0 Celsius to 70.0 Celsius?

0.6 J/gC

Use the data to find the specific heat of the metal (round to the nearest thousandth place): mass of metal - 45.9g; initial temperature of metal - 95.2 C; initial temperature of water - 21.7 C; temperature of mixture - 28.9 C; mass of water - 87.4g; specific heat of copper - .390 J/gC; specific heat of lead - .130 J/gC; specific heat of aluminum - .907 J/gC

0.864 J/gC

Round to the correct number of significant figures: 59,659.30 inches = ?miles


A commercial airliner has an internal pressure of 1.00 atm and temperature of 25 ° C at takeoff . If the temperature of the airliner drops to 17 " C during the flight, what is the new cabin pressure?

0.97 atm

Calculate the density of the object with the following information (round answers to two decimals) -Actual density= 1.23g/mL -Initial volume of water= 25.3mL -Final volume of water= 29.6mL -mass of object= 5.46g


What is the number of Kelvins between the freezing point and the boiling point of water at a pressure of 760 torr (sea level)


What is the answer to the following question to the correct number of significant figures? 9.256 + 2.3 + .0254=___


Round all answers to the nearest thousandth and include units: what is the amount of energy needed to melt 45g of solid water?

15030 J

If divers rise too quickly from a deep dive, they get a condition called "the bends" which is caused by the expansion of very small nitrogen bubbles in the blood due to decreased pressure. If the initial volume of the bubbles in a diver's blood is 15 volume of the bubbles when mL and the initial the diver has surfaced pressure is 12.75 atm, what is the to 1.00 atm pressure?

191.25 mL

What is the number of significant figures in 310?


Element M is a metal and its chloride has the formula MCl2. To which group of the Periodic Table does element M most likely belong?

2 (IIA)

In a thermonuclear device, the pressure of .050 liter of gas within the bomb casing reaches 4.0x10^6 atm. When the bomb casing is destroyed by the explosion, the gas is released into the atmosphere where it reaches a pressure of 1.00 atm. What is the volume of the gas after the explosion?

2.0x10^5 L

1.00 L of a gas at standard temperature and pressure is compressed to 473 mL. What is the new pressure of the gas?

2.11 atm

Some students believe that teachers are full of hot air. If I inhale 2.2 liters of gas-at a temperature of 18 C and it heats to a temperature of 38° C in my lungs, what is the new volume of the gas?

2.35 L

A child has a toy balloon with a volume of 1.80 liters. The temperature of the balloon when it was filled was 20° C and the pressure was 1.00 atm. If the child were to let go of the balloon and it rose 3 kilometers into the sky where the pressure is 0.667 atm and the temperature is -10° C, what would the new volume of the balloon be?

2.42 L

Round to the correct number of significant figures: Convert 6,252.96 yen/pound to peso/g

2.49364 peso/g

Write the number 25,062,004 in scientific notation to 3 significant figures.


Round 265,254.70 to 3 significant figures.

2.65x10^5 or 265000

What is standard temperature?

273 Kelvin

A 220.0-mL sample of helium gas is in a cylinder with a movable piston at 105 kPa and 275 K. The piston is pushed until the sample has a volume of 95.0 mL. The new temperature of the gas is 310. K. What is the new pressure of the sample?

274 kPa

Ihave made a thermometer which measures temperature by the compressing and expanding of gas in a piston. I have measured that at 100° C the volume of the piston is 20 L. What is the temperature outside if the piston has a volume of 15 L? What would be appropriate clothing for the weather?

279.75 K; hats, gloves, winter jacket because it's cold

On hot days, you may have noticed that potato chip bags seem to "inflate", even though they have not been opened. If I have a 250 mL bag at a temperature of 19 ° C , and I leave it in my car which has a temperature of 60 C, what will the new volume of the bag be?

285.10 mL

You experimently found the amount of energy in a cashew in Cal/g. Round your answers only to the nearest thousandth place. mass of cashew - 5.60g; mass of burnt cashew - 1.30g; mass of water in can - 42.0g; initial temperature of water - 20.1 C; final temperature of water - 89.6; accepted Calories/serving (from nutrition label) - 140; accepted g/serving (from nutrition label) - 65; calories released from cashew = ___; experimental Cal/g in a cashew = ___; accepted Cal/g in a cashew = ___

2919 cal; 0.679 Cal/g; 2.154 Cal/g

People who are angry sometimes say that they feel as if they'll explode. tf a calm person with a lung capacity of 3.5 liters and a body temperature of 36° C gets an gry, what will the volume of the person's lungs be if their temperature rises to 39 C. Based on this, do you think it's likely they will explode?

3.53 L; it is not likely that they will explode

Round all answers to the nearest thousandth and include units: What is the final temperature of copper if 260 calories are released from 400 grams of copper at 39 Celsius? the specific heat capacity of copper is 0.092 cal/gC

31.935 Celsius

A temperature of 37C is equivalent to a temperature of what in K?


What is the number of significant figures in .005210?


A bag of potato chips is packaged at sea level (1.00 atm) and has a volume of 315 mL. If this bag of chips is transported to Denver (0.775 atm), what will the new volume of the bag be?

406.45 mL

What is the number of significant figures in 1.0590?


What is the number of significant figures in 201.23?


How hot will a 2.3 L balloon have to get to expand to a volume of 400 L? Assume that the initial temperature of the balloon is 25 C

51826.09 K

If there are 16.2 Gimply's in .59 gagzooks, 95 rimbles in 19 snazzy's, and 1.9 gagzooks in 63 snazzy's, how many Gimply's are in 326 rimbles?

54.0 Gimply's

Round to the correct number of significant figures: 16.59m = ?feet


Round to the correct number of significant figures: Convert 203 kg/L = ?g/ft^3


Round all answers to the nearest thousandth and include units: What amount of heat is required to increase the temperature of 95.0 g of water from 22.6 Celsius to 42.1 Celsius?

7743.45 J

Part of the reason that conventional explosives cause so much damage is that their detonation produces a strong shock wave that can knock things down. While using explosives to knock down a building, the shock wave can be so strong that 12 liters of gas will reach a pressure of 3.8 x 104 mm Hg. When the shock wave passes and the gas returns to a pressure of 760 mm Hg, what will the volume of that gas be?

600 L

A toy balloon has an internal pressure of 1.05 atm and a volume of 5.0 L If the temperature where the balloon is released is 20° C, what will happen to the volume when the balloon rises to an altitude where the pressure is 0.65 atm and the temperature is -15 C?

7.11 L; volume will grow

Submarines need to be extremely strong to withstand the extremely high pressure of water pushing down on them. An experimental research submarine with a volume of 15,000 liters has an internal pressure of 1.2 atm. If the pressure of the ocean breaks the submarine forming a bubble th a pressure of 250 atm pushing on it, how big will that bubble be?

72 L

The highest pressure ever produced in a laboratory setting was about 2.0x10^6 atm. If we had a 1.0 10^-5 liter sample of a gas at that pressure, then release the pressure until it is equal to .275 atm, what would the new volume of that gas be?

73 L

A small research submarine with a volume of 1.2 x 10^5 L has an internal pressure of 1.0 atm and an internal temperature of is 15° C. If the submarine descends to a depth where the pressure is 150 atm and the temperature is 3° what will the volume of the gas inside be if the hull the submarine breaks?

766.67 L

The ratio of chromium to iron to carbon varies among the differeat types of stainless steel. Therefore, stainless steel is classified as

A mixture


A pure substance that can be chemically separated

Which group has Cs?

Alkali metal

Which group has Ba?

Alkaline earth metal

heat of fusion

Amount of energy required to change a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase.

What substance can not be decomposed by a chemical change?

An element

What is a homogeneous mixture

Aqueous solution

what two substances sublime at room temperature?

CO2 and I2

What contains particles arranged in a regular geometric pattern?


Which two compounds readily sublime at room temperature (25 degree Celsius)?

CO2(s) and I2(s)

What kind of change is baking a cake

Chemical change


Chemically Separated are pure substances composed of two or more different elements that are chemically combined in a fixed ratio.

Name intensive properties

Density, boiling point, melting point, etc.

What graph shows the pressure-temperature relationship expected for an ideal gas?


Which graph represents the relationship between volume and Kelvin temperature for an ideal gas at constant pressure?


When we add magnesium to HCL what pieces of evidence were there that a change occurred? What type of change occurred?

Energy in the form of heat and light were given off as well as gas with bubbling; chemical change

Describe how the volume of gas was determined in the video on how to determine the density of a gas.

First, you completely submerge a 100mL graduated cylinder with no air bubbles and then turn it upside down with no air. Put the nose of the tube from the stopper in the graduated cylinder. Drop Alka seltzer in a small flask of deionized water and then immediately cover flask with stopper. Take out the stopper when it is done bubbling. Determine the amount of gas in the graduated cylinder by using measurements on the cylinder to record the volume.

Which element in Period 2 of the Periodic Table is the most reactive nonmetal?



different throughout

What gases behave most like an ideal gas?

Hydrogen and Helium

How can you tell, by the formula, if a substance is an element or a compound

If in the formula it has more than 1 capital letter than it is a compound. Element Formulas only have 1 capital letter

What evidence proves that ink is a mixture?

In ink, such as brown, there are different colored ink mixed together to form a mixture. The way I know this is that each color has different solubility so when you get water on a piece of filter paper with ink on it, the colors spread out with their different solubility levels, this is called chromatography.

Based on shape of the curvel/line of your graph, is the relationship between pressure and volume direct or inverse?


How do you convert Kelvin to Celsius?


What is the formula to go from Celsius to Kelvin?


pure substance

Matter that cannot be physically separated

Does mass change with a physical change, chemical change, both, or neither. Why?

Neither; because if you melt ice it has the same mass as before which is a physical change. The same thing as when you mix calcium nitrate and sodium carbonate, they have the same mass as before even after the chemical change


No Definite Shape nor Volume. Fast Movig Weak Fores

Which group has Xe?

Noble gas

Process distillation

Property boiling point difference

Process Decantation/Funnel Separation:

Property density difference

Process Filtration:

Property particle size or solubility difference

Process Chromatography

Property polarity difference

Process crystallization

Property solubility difference


Same throughout

What is the name of Mrs? Glass's son's cat?


How do the atomic radius and metallic properties of sodium compare to the atomic radius and metallic properties of phosphorus?

Sodium has a larger atomic radius and is more metallic

The phase a substance is in, is dependent on what two factors?

Temperature and pressure


a change from gas to solid


a change from liquid to gas


a change from liquid to solid

What would happen if more of a substance was used in a heating curve, than if the same substance that was used in the cooling curve?

The flattening out level would be a lot longer because it would take more time to change from a solid to a liquid. So the line would stay at the same temperature for a longer amount of time.

what is different and what is the same of two heating curves of the same pure substance, one with a test tube only 1/4 full of the substance and the other 1/2 full?

The melting and boiling point does not change on the amount of substance you have, but what will change is the time. The time it takes to melt and vaporize will be longer if there are more of a substance than before.

What can you conclude about the melting and freezing points of a pure substance?

The melting and freezing points should really be the same temperature.

A mixture of crystals of salt and sugar is added to water and stirred until all solids have dissolved. Which statement best describes the

The mixture is homogeneous and cannot be separated by filtration


a change from solid to gas

A student was conducting an experiment to determine the amount of energy in a peanut. While doing the experiment the water the peanut was transferring heat energy to started to boil. The teacher indicated that the student could not continue gathering useful data for the trial. Why did the teacher say this?

The peanut was still giving off energy but the temperature stayed the same because the water was going through a phase change. Therefore, they wouldn't get the right data.


The process of heating a soluble salt solution to boil off the solvent and leave behind the solute.

Decantation/Funnel Separation:

The process of removing layers of liquids that do not dissolve well in each other.


The process of separating a solid from a liquid through a filter setup.


The process of separating and analyzing the components of an ink or a pigment by how far they travel with the solvent.

What experimental factors are assumed to be constant in Boyle's law

The temperature

According to the kinetic molecular theory, what statement describes an ideal gas?

There are no attractive forces between the gas particles.

What could the student do in a future trial so that he/she could find the energy content in the peanut and why?

They could have used more water because water has a high specific heat. Since the water has a higher specific heat it takes more energy to raise the temperature. therefore the more mass there is of water, more energy it takes to raise the temperature of water

Why did water he tucked into the flask in Charles's law lab? Be sure to explain completely using gas laws.

When the flask is sealed shut and being boiled, it's volume was completely full. When the temperature is high, then the volume is also high. Then we took the flask with the high temperature, and made it so that it was still sealed shut with our fingers. We then placed it in a bath with a low temperature and kept it sealed for a few minutes. When there is a lower temperature, the gas's volume also goes down too, shrinking. We then released our fingers and water got sucked into the flask. When the gas got put in the colder temperature, it shrank and had lots of extra empty space which is where the water pulled into because the gas shrunk and made room

You are going on a trip and pack a bag of potato chips in your suitcase. The plane you are taking does not have a pressure controlled baggage compartment. Knowing that as you increase in altitude the air pressure decreases, should you be worried about the bag of chips in your luggage? Why or why not. Be sure to explain completely using gas law(s)

You should be worried about the bag of chips in your luggage because it might explode. When the pressure decreases, the volume of air inside the bag of chips gets bigger. The gas particles, therefore, have more room to roam around causing more volume. If there gets to be too much of a decrease in pressure of the air, the volume could get so big that the vag might pop and explode all over in your luggage


a change from gas to liquid

What is the process for the property of solubility

ability to dissolve

When a bond breaks, energy is what?


What is the name of a device used to reduce the transfer of heat energy into or out of a system?


property of compression force in a gas

can be compressed

property of compression force in a liquid

cannot be compressed

property of compression force in a solid

cannot be compressed


change from solid to liquid.

When you mix two different aqueous solutions a yellow powder was created. What does this prove? (type of change)

chemical change

what phases are exothermic

condensation freezing deposition

As the first five elements in Group 15 are considered in order of increasing atomic number, first ionization energy does what?


property of volume in a liquid


property of volume in a solid


A gas changes directly to a solid during what?



describes a process that absorbs heat energy.


describes a process that releases heat energy.

What type of energy is associated with a release of energy?


Which set of properties does a substance such as CO2(g) have?

no definite shape and no definite volume

The element sulfur is classified as a what?


The elements in Group 2 have similar chemical properties because each atom of these elements have the same what?

number of valence electrons

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