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What is the numerical evaluation of how close the measured value is to the actual value of the dimension measured?


Convert km to meter

1 km = 1000 m

Convert L to mL

1L = 1000mL

Convert cm to mm

1cm = 10 mm

Convert grams to mg

1gm = 1000 mg

Convert g to kg

1kg = 1000g

Convert km to cm

1km = 100000 cm

chemical changes that liberate energy


What was the name of those who were known for trying to change common metals into gold


Metals which are solid at room temperature, Chemically reactive, Conduct heat and electricity, have low densities and donate electrons?

Alkali metals

A person's preference for certain conclusions over other conclusions is defined as


to accurately subdivide into measurement units


The study of matter and its change structure and composition changes in structure and composition interactions with energy properties


Conversion of gas to liquid is? At what temperature?

Condensation; 212 degrees F

when you pour liquid off out and the solid stay at the bottom


developed the philosophical model of the atom


Four most common states of matter

Density, Malleability, Ductility, Conductivity

the measure quantities scientists use such as length, mass, volume, time, and electrical charge


the simplest form of matter that has a unique set of properties


changes that absorb energy


measure of disorder or randomness in the beaker-


conducted the experiment with alpha particles were deflected by gold foil

Hans Geiger

Arranged elements by Atomic number

Henry Moseley

The six major branches of chemistry

Inorganic, Organic, Biochemistry, Nuclear, Physical, Analytical

any artificial device made for the purpose of refining, extending, or substituting for the human senses when measuring


discovered the neutron

James Chadwick

combinations of atoms form different compounds; atoms of different elements have different masses

John Dalton

He arranged elements by atomic mass---the Law of Octaves

John Newlands

discovered electrons through experiments with cathode rays

John Thomson

proposed the wave-particle duality

Louis de Broglie

What are the three Characteristics of Metalloids?

Luster, Hard, Semiconductors

a measure of the amount of matter that an object contains


anything that occupies space and mass; the basic building block of the universe


What is the first law of thermodynamics?

Matter cannot be created or destroyed

the act of comparing an unknown quantity to a standard unit


Conversion of solid to liquid? Temp?

Melting; 32 degrees F, 0 degrees C

What unit is used for length?


two or more atoms is called a____


described electrons as having principal energy levels

Niels Bohr

Can physical methods be used to separate compounds? Explain your answer.

No, because they are normally bonded

Crumbly solids that always gain electrons are called ____

Non metals

Law that states properties of elements vary with atomic numbers

Periodic Law

an arrangement of elements in which the elements are separated into groups based on a set of repeating properties

Periodic table

any artificial device made for the purpose of refining, extending, or substituting for the human senses when measuring is called a ______


An idea that a person assumes to be true without proof.


invented the spectroscope

Robert Bunsen & Gustav Kirchhoff

a means of measuring


the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them


simplified representatives that characterize a system or a phenomenon

Scientific Modeling

All natural processes tend toward the highest entropy (greatest disorder) and minimum usable energy

Second law of thermodynamics

Conversion of liquid to solid? At what temperature?

Solidification; 32 degrees F, 0 degrees C

Conversion of solid to gas? Temp?

Sublimation; 212 degrees F

a particular kind of matter with uniform properties


Definition meaning "one of something"


calculate the volume of a rectangle

V = L x H x W

calculate the volume of a cylinder,

V=πr2h or V=Ah

Conversion of liquid to gas? At what temperature?

Vaporization; 212 degrees F

a measure of the space occupied by a sample of matter


calculate the volume of a cube,

Volume = a3

proposed that it is impossible to know an electrons energy and location at the same time

Werner Heisenberg

a process used to separate components of a mixture using differences in boiling points


a process that separates a solid from the liquid in a heterogeneous mixture.


a mixture that is not uniform in composition, components are not evenly distributed

heterogeneous mixtures.

a mixture that is uniform in composition; components are evenly distributed

homogenous mixtures

The density of carbon tetrachloride is 1.59 g/mL. What is the mass of 3.65 mL of carbon tetrachloride?

m=dxv.....mass=density x volume ...1.59 x 3.65 = 5.8035

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