child development chapter three

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what is the amnion? umbilical chord? placenta?

*amnion- bag or envelope containing a clear fluid in which the developing embryo floats *umbilical chord- tube that contains the blood vessels that travel from the placenta to the developing organism and back again *placenta- permits exchange of materials between he bloodstream of the fetus and that of the mother (semipermeable, very small molecules can pass through)

what are the 3 basic kinds of medications used for labor? what are they used for?

1. analgesia- used to relieve pain 2. anesthesia- blocks sensation and consciousness (epidural block numbs woman from waist down) 3. oxytocin/pitocin- synthetic hormone used to stimulate contractions

what are the two patterns of development?

1. cephalocaudal development (head to body) - areas near head develop faster 2. proximal distal development 0 development starts in center areas, proceeds to more distal areas

what are 4 general principles concerning effects of teratogens?

1. genetic susceptibility- effects impacted by genotype of woman and of the fetus or embryo 2. nature of teratogen 3 close-response relation- longer exposure/higher dose = more harm 4. timing of exposure- do more damage when they occur at some points in development than others

what are the three periods of prenatal development?

1. germinal- organism is a zygote (conception to 2 weeks) 2. embryonic- organism is an embryo (3rd-8th week) 3. fetal- organism is a fetus (9th week- birth)

what are the 3 stages of labor? which is the shortest? the longest?

1. regular uterine contractions 2. infant descends through birth canal and is delivered 3. uterus expels the placenta

what are the sex differences in conception, for miscarriage, though the life span?

120-150 males conceived per 100 females however, males miscarried at a higher rate than females, they are more vulnerable to developmental disorders, and are more vulnerable to illness throughout the life span

what age is the adjustment to a new baby most difficult for siblings?

2-4 years old

how long does prenatal development usually last?

38-40 weeks

what are 2 important developmental milestones of the embryonic phase?

3rd week- development of the neural tube 4th week- heart beat

what weeks are the embryonic period? describe this period

3rd-8th week. rate of cell differentiation intensifies. major development occurs following implantation

what is the blastocyst? what does the inner layer eventually become?

4th day after conception. inner mass: cells eventually become the embryo

What are some ways the social environment of birth varies across historical periods and across cultures?

99% of births in US occur in hospitals

describe the fetal period

9th week to birth fetus is about an inch long at the start of the fetal period

what are 5 important developmental milestones of the embryonic period? at what weeks do they occur?

9th week- all internal organs present 12th week- sex is distinguishable 18th-20th week- can begin to feel baby move and doc can hear heart beat 24th-25th week- baby is biable, brain and lungs sufficiently developed so if born at this time, has a chance of surviving 32nd week- prenatal learning, responds to sounds, CNS developed enough so that learning and memory can occur

describe the germination period

a period of rapid cell division

how long does the postpartum period last? what adjustments are needed?

about 6 weeks

what does the zygote do after fertilization?

after fertilization in fallopian tube, it moves towards the uterus (can take up to a week)

what happens during the third stage of labor?

afterbirth, shortest placenta, umbilical chord expelled and detached

what are the five health signs that are rated and scored?

appearance (skin color) pulse grimace (reflexes) activity (of muscles) respiration (breathing)

what is the neonatial intensive care unit network neurobehavioral scale (NNNS)? what does it assess?

assesses newborn's behavior, neurological and stress responses. used to assess at risk infants

how big is the average north american baby at birth?

average baby is 20 inches long and weighs 7.5 lbs

what were the results of The Cat in The Hat study? what does this demonstrate?

babies can recognize things they heard while in womb, want to hear mothers voice and familiar story

what is a c-section?

baby is removed from uterus via an incision in the mothers abdomen

what is a breech position?

baby's butt is first to emerge during delivery, can cause respiratory problems

when does the germinal period begin?

begins with conception, process called fertilization

when does prenatal development begin and end?

begins with fertilization, ends with birth (38-40 weeks)

what begins and what ends at the second stage of labor?

delivery baby's head moves through cervix, ends with complete emergence

what is the neonatal behavioral assessment scale (NBAS)? why is it done and when? what does it assess?

done 24-36 hours after birth measures neurological development, 16 reflexes, and reaction to people and objects. used to assess normal, healthy , full term infants

what is an apgar score? why is it done and when?

done at 1 min and 5 min after birth evaluates infants heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, body color, and reflex irritability scored 0, 1, or 2. total score is 0-10

what are some physical adjustments that take place during the postpartum period?

dramatic changes in hormone production, loss of sleep, fatigue

During which prenatal period is the probability of a structural defect the greatest?

embryonic period

what are the 3 layers of cells of an embryo? what will they become?

everyone eventually develops from these 3 layers 1. endoderm- inner layer, will develop into the internal body parts (digestive and respiratory systems) 2. mesoderm-middle layer, will develop into parts that surround the internal areas (circulatory system, bones ,muscles, reproductive system, excretory system) 3. ectoderm- outermost layer, will develop into surface parts (nervous system, hair, sensory receptors)

what is the zygote

fertilizd egg, has a full complement of human genetic material

During which prenatal period is the effect more likely to be to stunt growth or create problems in the way organs function?

fetal period

how are the periods of prenatal development associated with trimesters?

first trimester- zygote, embryo, fetus 2nd trimester- fetus 3rd trimester- fetus

what is the neural tube? what does it eventually become?

forms out of the ectoderm at 3rd week. u-shaped groove, eventually becomes the brain and spinal chord

what is kangaroo care?

keep baby on chest

what is the trophoblast and what does it later provide?

outer layer of the blastocyst, provides nutrition and support for the embryo

what are the effects of teratogens?

physical birth defects alter the developing brain some effects not apparent until later in life

what are doulas?

provides continuous, physical, emotional, and educational support for the mother before, during, and after childbirth functions as part of birthing team

what are : a tarragon, teratology, behavioral teratology?

teratogen- any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes teratology- the field of study that investigates the causes of birth defects behavioral teratology- field of study that investigates teratogens that do not cause physical birth defects but can alter the developing brain and influence cognitive and behavioral functioning

what is implantation? about when does it take place?

the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall (11-15 days after conception)

what is the perinatal environment

the environment surrounding birth (huge variability within and across cultures)

what is organogenesis?

the process of organ formation during the firs two months of prenatal development. organs are especially vulnerable to environmental changes while they are being formed

what is the function of contractions?

to open the cervix, longest of the stages

what is natural childbirth? what is prepared childbirth?

tries to reduce mothers pain through education and breathing methods/relaxation techniques prepared- includes a special breathing technique t control pushing in the final stages of labor

Concerning exposure to teratogens during prenatal development: during which prenatal period is the developing organisms usually not susceptible to teratogens, and if they do have an effect, the effect is more likely miscarriage?

usually not susceptible in first two weeks, effect is most likely a miscarriage (if there is one) embryonic period- probability of a structural deficit is greatest fetal period- more likely to stunt growth or create problems in the way the organs function

what is an embryo?

when blastocyst attaches to the uterine wall, the mass of cells is now called an embryo. 3 layers of cells form

what is fertilization?

when the sperm and egg unite in one of the two fallopian tubes

can teratogens influence development before conception? for men and women?


what are postpartum blues and postpartum depression?

~70% feel postpartum blues- feel dressed, anxiety, upset, usually goes away after 1-2 weeks ~10% feel postpartum depression- major depressive episode, usually about 4 weeks after delivery

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