child development test 2

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Larry is born at 8 pounds. By the time he is two years old, he should weigh approximately how much?

32 pounds

What is the underlying claim of gene-environment interaction?

Genetic makeup determines a range of possible outcomes that may or may not occur depending on the environment.

What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?

Genotype refers to genetic makeup, while phenotype refers to inherited physical characteristics.

As much as Christopher's parents try to understand his temperament, even after testing, they cannot determine what his temperament type is. What does this indicate about Christopher?

His temperament would be classified as undifferentiated

What is the difference between anoxia and hypoxia?

Hypoxia occurs when the infant is deprived of adequate oxygen and experiences mild brain damage, while anoxia occurs when the infant experiences total lack of oxygen and experiences severe brain damage

Which of the following is true about the effects of alcohol during prenatal development?

It can lead to a spectrum of symptoms that include both physical and behavioral abnormalities.

How would the theory of evolution by natural selection explain the well-developed ability of human beings to seek socialization and to socialize effectively?

It is an ability that has developed over time because it promotes survival.

In the nature/nurture debate, those on the "nature" side would argue:

That who we are is determined by our genetics.

Which of the following is true about the effects of heroin use during pregnancy?

The baby could be born having heroin withdrawals showing signs of an addiction.

An enduring emotional bond between people is known as


A sign of secure attachment is:

attempting to be close to the caregiver

two parents at a playground, supervising their toddlers, discuss their parenting techniques with one another. One states, "I just let them be kids. Sometimes they fall down, but they've got to learn by doing things." What Eriksonian stage is this parent promoting?

auntomoy vs. shame and doubt

John is 20 months old, and his mother is in a hurry. She wants to put his shoes on him, but John rejects her efforts by squirming and declaring, No! Me! It takes him five minutes, and his shoes end up on the wrong feet, but he proudly skips out to the car when he's done. John is in Erikson's ________ stage.

autonomy vs. shame and doubt

What variables are compared in adoption studies?

behavioral traits of biological and adoptive relatives

Erikson and Freud disagreed on many aspects of child-rearing, including the amount of attention the parent should give a child. According to Freud, overindulging the child would leave the child orally fixated. Erikson, however, believed children would accomplish what task?

believing the world is a safe place

Which stage of labor is typically the longest?

first stage

evolutionary psychology

focuses on how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time

Which is the most compelling reason parents should introduce new solid foods to children one at a time?

food allergies may be present


genetic makeup of an individual

Genesis was born one-minute ago. Her mother and father watch as the nurse performs the Apgar test. Which of the following is not one of the five measures assessed in the Apgar test?


Amy is a slow to warm up child. Her mother understands this and gives advance warning if new people or situations are going to be introduced which allows Amy to adapt more easily. This is an example of

goodness of fit

Charles believes his rambunctious child just needs firm discipline to become more agreeable. With what principle does this idea conflict?

goodness of fit

Which of the senses is the most well-developed in a newborn at the time of birth?



helix shaped molecule made up of nucleotide base pairs

When children are immunized, they contribute to the protection of others. This is referred to as:

herd immunity

Chelsea's parents often feel like she is trying to tell them something, but they just can't understand their 1-year-old's speech. What would best help them understand one another? Sign


James uses the word more to mean I want another cookie. In this case, more is a(n)


Sally raises her arms and says "up" to communicate that she wants to be lifted up and carried. What type of speech is this?.


Jonah, a 12-month-old, uses the shortened word, ba- to indicate he wants his bottle. What kind of speech does this shortened use of a word represent?

holophrasis speech

What do behavioral geneticists study?

individual differences that occur through the interaction of genes and the environment


individuals inherited characyeristics

In the strange situation test, baby Randall sits passively and waits until it is time to leave. His behavior is indicative of what type of attachment?

insecure avoidant

Angie does not notice when her mother leaves the day-care center and ignores her mother when she returns. Angie's behavior is characteristic of a toddler with

insecure avoidant attachment

The difference between gross and fine motor skills is whether they

involve bigger of smaller muscles

In their puppet experiments, Hamlin and Wynn demonstrated a possible difference in motive between 5-month olds and 8-month olds. What was this proposed difference?

just world belief

18-month old Jamie sees his mother eat kale, while he enjoys graham crackers. Jamie's mother expresses how much she loves kale. When presented with the opportunity to give his mother either some of his graham crackers or some of the kale she likes, which will Jamie give his mother, and why?

kale because his mother likes it

Susie presents to the pediatrician's office with the following symptoms: unusual swelling of her toddler's face and abdomen and thin, colorless hair. What is the probable diagnosis?


This disease breaks down vital organs for proteins as a source of nutrition, causing abdominal swelling in a malnourished child.


Noam Chomsky believed all children were born with an innate ability to understand any language, and as they grow, they specialize in a specific, native language. What neurological construct did Chomsky cite as responsible for this ability?

language acquisition device

Nora, a 6-month-old child, babbles using a wide array of sounds. According to Chomsky, Nora's babbling is evidence of what neurological construct?

language acquisition device

Four-month-old Sylvia and 13-month-old Lizzy are left with a babysitter. How will they react?

lizzy will probably show more distress than Sylvia

Which of the following best describes the occurrence of complications during pregnancy?

major complications often require special medical treatment of hospitalization


male or female reproductive cells

According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, which of the following statements would be true?

mothers form a bond with their babies because doing so facilitates successful development

Patia, a 6-month old child, soon loses interest in an object her mother hides behind her back. What does this behavior demonstrate Patia has not yet mastered?

object permanence

theory of evolution by natural selection

organisms change over time so that those with genes and behaviors better suited for their environment will survive and reproduce, while the rest will die off

Infants lack the verbal capacity to give us feedback on their sensations and perceptions, but we can measure their abilities by monitoring bodily functions. If doctors monitor a newborn and find increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased stress hormones, and decreased oxygen in the blood, which sensation can they surmise the infant is experiencing?



an unborn human baby from nine weeks after conception until birth


any factor that can cause a birth defect

Lorena is 6 months old, and often wakes during the night. Her parents wish she would wake less frequently during the night, but as long as Lorena gets about how many hours of sleep per day, is her sleep considered normal for a child her age?

14-15 hours

Researchers placed a dot of rouge (makeup) on babies' noses and then had them look into a mirror. On average, at what age did most babies touch their own noses when they saw their reflection?

18 months

A healthy infant is born weighing 7 pounds. At one year, what should the child's approximate weight be, assuming normal development?

21 pounds

At which point during prenatal development are the internal organs developed fully enough to allow the baby to survive outside the womb if born prematurely (age of viability)?

24 weeks

A baby loses weight shortly after birth. This is normal, as the child adjusts to life outside of the womb. Approximately what percentage of their total body weight does a child lose in these first few days?


A new mother wants to breastfeed and has no health, social, or emotional reasons that would interfere with her desire. She consults with a breastfeeding specialist. What will she be told regarding the recommended approximate length of time to exclusively breastfeed her infant?

6 months

Typically, stranger wariness is first noticeable at:

6 months

adoption study

A behavior genetic research method that involves comparison of adopted children to their adoptive and biological parents.

Andy likes sweet potatoes, but doesn't like strawberries. Johnny likes strawberries, but doesn't like sweet potatoes. Amanda likes sweet potatoes, but not strawberries, but Celia likes both sweet potatoes and strawberries. Which child, Amanda, Johnny, or Celia, will Andy be most likely to want to play with, based solely on these snack preferences?


What causes the most common chromosomal abnormality, called Trisomy 21?

An extra chromosome on #21

Why do most women choose to have general prenatal screening before deciding whether or not to have more invasive testing?

Because invasive testing such as amniocentesis and CVS procedures can increase the risk of miscarriage and fetal damage.

nfants develop motor skills in an organized manner, with motor skills developing in a top-down and center-out manner. What two principles describe this process of development?

Cephalocaudal and proximodistal development

Many children learn sign language as infants and toddlers. How does this enhance their communication abilities?

Children understand more than they can vocalize, and gestures help convey meaning.


DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism

Jesse lived with a foster family when she was about a year old. Now, as a six-year-old, she lives with a different family and does not recognize her former foster parents when they pass each other in the grocery store. What is the most reasonable explanation for this lack of recognition?

Jesse's memories of the foster parents were not encoded verbally, and she has lost those memories

A mother has a second child within a close time span of the first child, and the first child no longer has access to the mother's breast milk. For what disease does the older child have a heightened risk, if other forms of nutrition are lacking in the child's diet?


Which of the following is true about complications that can be experienced during pregnancy?

Major complications often require special care and may include gestational diabetes and hypertension.

How does sex vary between types of twins?

Monozygotic twins are the same sex, while dizygotic twins can be different sexes.

Which of the following describes the way in which genetic material is distributed between twins?

Monozygotic twins share 100% of their genetic material.

Marguerite's mother asks her about what she's learning in psychology. Marguerite wants to describe the theory of evolution by natural selection. Which of the following should she describe as the major principles of the theory of evolution?

Organisms that are best suited for their environment will survive and reproduce, while those that are not well suited will die off.

Scott is talking to his friends about what he has learned in his psychology class. They want to hear more about the theory of evolution by natural selection. What should Scott tell them is the main idea of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Organisms that are best suited for their environments will prevail in survival and reproduction.

9-month old Fred concentrates on picking up small pieces of round cereal and placing them in a cup. What motor skill is he practicing?

Pincer grasp

What is the defining feature of chromosomes?

They contain genetic information from each parent.

Justin is a very active child, and his mother frequently tries to discourage him from venturing around his play area, instead wanting him to sit still and calmly play with blocks. In what way is this parenting style incompatible with Justin's temperament?

This parenting style is not currently achieving a good fit for the active child

prenatal diagnosis

an aspect of prenatal care focused on pursuing additional detailed information once a particular problem has been found

twin studies

a behavior genetic research method that involves a comparison of the similarity of identical (monozygotic; MZ) and fraternal (dizygotic; DZ) twins

amniotic sac

a fluid-filled sac that cushions and protects a developing embryo and fetus in the uterus

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

a group go abnormalities in babies born to mothers who consume alcohol during pregnancy


a multi-celled organism between two and eight weeks after fertilization


a one-cell structure that is created when a sperm and egg merge


a structure connected to the uterus that provides nourishment and oxygen from the mother to the developing embryo via the umbilical cord


an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy to provide oxygen and nutrients to the fetus

For herd immunity to ensure the average person within a society is immune to a disease, what percentage of that population must be vaccinated?

about 90%

Twelve-month old Dennis accidentally knocks his bowl off the table. The bowl spins on the floor before coming to a stop. Dennis's mom picks up the bowl and places it back on the table, so he knocks it down again to see if it will spin. Dennis knocks the bowl down each time his mother picks it up. What substage of sensorimotor development does this behavior reflect?

active experimentation

Chien-Shiung has begun repeating syllables such as da-da-da-da and me-me-me-me-me. She is in the ________ stage of language development.


Which disorder is commonly associated with very low birth weight babies?

cerebral palsy

Which of the following is the most common reason for spontaneous abortions or miscarriages?

chromosomal abnormalities

Expressions of insecure-resistant/ambivalent attachment include

clinging to the caregiver

This thick, nutrient-dense substance is produced during the first few days of breastfeeding, and helps a child build immunities.



combination of alleles for a given gene

Tasha is crawling, navigating around large objects in her way, and looking up at objects taller than herself. What perceptual ability can we surmise from this information that Tasha has developed?

depth perception


derived from a single ovum


derived from two separate ova, and so not identical.

Sophia experiences uncontrolled schizophrenic episodes, and often reacts in ways that confuse her child. If her condition is left untreated, what type of attachment might the child be at risk of forming with Sophia?



division of the nucleus

Demarcus had a favorite toy as a baby, a stuffed pig. His parents find the stuffed animal years later, and ask him if he remembers it, but Demarcus does not recall the stuffed pig. What is the most likely explanation?

encoding and retrieval failures

Which of the following pain relief methods is most common during birth?


A child is born with a normal birth weight and length, but over the next few months, the child falls below the 20th percentile for these figures. What term most accurately describes this baby's development?

failure to thrive

Two-year-old Samson has some motor skill delays that an Occupational Therapist (OT) is helping him to develop. One of the tasks his OT has him perform involves grasping sheets of paper and placing them into baskets. What motor skill does the OT have Samson working on?

pincer grasp

The best example of a fine motor skill we may see in a baby/toddler is

pinching small objects

Rikarius and Shannon are new parents of an infant. What is the #1 recommendation that they need to be aware of to create a safe sleep environment?

place baby on back

This portion of the brain is the least fully-developed portion of the infant brain, and will eventually comprise about 85 percent of the adult brain.

prefrontal cortex

This portion of the brain, responsible for planned decision-making and emotional regulation, is the last to develop in an infant's brain.

prefrontal cortex

The basic presentation of the Hamlin and Wynn giver-taker puppet show revealed that children had a preference for what type of behavior?


Which of the following describes an effect of tobacco on an unborn baby?

reduced blood oxygen levels

What are low birth weight babies typically unable to do?

regulate body temperature

Shaylesa is learning about various approaches to childbirth. She is most interested in hypno-birthing and Lamaze. What is a key theme in both hypno-birthing and the Lamaze method?

relaxation and breathing

Proponents of skin-to-skin attachment may advocate for co-sleeping as a way for parents and children to form secure attachments, but co-sleeping can present the risk of SIDS. Which alternative presents an attractive compromise for parents who want to minimize the risk to their child?.

room sharing and breastfeeding

quantitative genetics

scientific and mathematical methods for inferring genetic and environmental processes based on the degree of genetic and environmental similarity among organisms

Omar, a 6-month-old child, shakes his mother's car keys to hear the sound they make. He likes the sound and wants it to happen again, so he shakes the keys again and again. What stage of Piaget's sensorimotor development does this behavior reflect?

secondary circular reactions

In this type of attachment, a child views the parent as a safe base from which to explore the world around themselves.


8-month-old Marvin cries when his father drops him off at daycare every day, even though they do this every day. What does Marvin display?

seperation anxiety

Lucy is an overprotective mother, constantly trying to keep her toddler out of potentially dangerous situations, like playing on the slide at the playground. What message does Lucy's overprotective tendency send her child, who is trying to establish autonomy?z

shame and doubt

Simon believes his toddler is learning language to interact with others and to survive in the world. Which language learning theory does Simon likely subscribe to?

social pragmatics


specific version of a gene

What is the difference between sperm and an egg?

sperm is male gamete while egg is female gamete

Do you want to play patty-cake? Nia asks her infant daughter. The baby responds by clapping her hands. In which stage of sensorimotor development is Nia's baby?

stage 3

Amy is fascinated with the toilet. So far, her parents have caught her trying to flush a stuffed animal, a toy cell phone, and a handful of dog food. Which sensorimotor stage is Amy MOST likely in?

stage 5

Eight-month-old Howard meets his great-aunt for the first time. He clings to his mother, uncertain of this new person. What does Howard exhibit?

stranger wariness

Paul is excited his 12-month old is speaking a few words, and at a company picnic, he tries to show off his child's skill, encouraging the child to speak for one of his co-workers. The child doesn't speak, and instead, ducks into Paul's shoulder. What is the child displaying?

stranger wariness

The campaign to increase back-sleeping awareness in infants attempts to address which of the following sleep concerns?

sudden infant death syndrome

Barbara has a toddler, a boy, and another child, a girl, on the way. She's accustomed to her boy's fussiness, so she thinks she will be just fine adjusting to her second child's temperament. What is Barbara failing to take into consideration?

temperament and goodness of fit may differ

Prenatal screening

testing that is used to identify whether a fetus is at risk for a birth defect such as Down syndrome or spina bifida (e.g., multiple marker maternal serum screening in pregnancy) To detect problems with the health of the zygote, embryo, or fetus.

By 10 months of age, David has a vocabulary of a dozen words. B. F. Skinner would have attributed David's rapid speech development mainly to:

the amount his parents talk to him

Dr. Sue just told Teresa that she has reached the end of stage 1 labor. Which event marks the end of stage 1 during a normal delivery?

the dilation of the cervix to 10 cm

Jacqueline just found out that she is pregnant. She is aware that exposure to harmful substances can damage her baby. During which period of prenatal development is the baby most vulnerable to damage if exposed to harmful substances?

the embryonic period

behavioral genetics

the empirical science of how genes and environments combine to generate behavior

The average newborn triples her birthweight in:

the first year

What happens with gametes to create chromosomal abnormalities?

the gametes do not divide evenly when forming

If Mary, an 8-month-old could articulate her decision-making process in Hamlin and Wynn's puppet experiment, what reason might she cite for choosing a puppet who hindered another puppet from opening a box, after the puppet in need of help was the "taker" puppet in a previous show?

the mean puppet got what it deserved

In which of these scenarios is it more ideal for a mother to use formula than to breastfeed?

the mother has a transmittable disease

Zaria and Kalvin recently received the results of the prenatal screening conducted for their unborn baby. They were provided with a risk score. What does a risk score tell expecting parents about their baby?

the probability of a birth defect being present

Jeanie's infant turns his head toward a hand placed near his cheek. What does this head-turning behavior exemplify?

the rooting reflex

During which stage of labor is the baby born?

the second stage


the study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence; the prefix epi- means above monozygotic:

Tanya's daughter has been diagnosed with a chromosomal abnormality. As Tanya's friend, how would you describe why chromosomal abnormalities occur?

the wrong number of chromosomes inherited

What event occurs at the end of the germinal period?

the zygote is implanted into the uterus lining

Dendrites grow rapidly in infancy, making complicated neural networks possible, through a process called

transiden exuberance

The first crisis of life, according to Erikson, is

trust vs. mistrust

The idea that children are resilient helps compensate for possible missteps or downright failures in caregiving early in life. If a baby is resilient and learns to believe the world is a safe place, which Eriksonian task has the child tackled?

trust vs. mistrust


two copies of the same allele for a given gene

Which of the following is a common critique of Piaget's work?

underestimated cognitive abilities of children

Sadie is a 4-month-old baby. During the sensorimotor stage, the main task for Sadie is to

uses senses and motor skills to understand the world

Hector, an 8-month old puts everything in his mouth, much to his parents' chagrin. Fortunately, they can rest assured that he is not likely to get such diseases as diphtheria and tetanus, because he has received what type of medical care?


Many forms of communicable disease are preventable. Some immunities are transferred to children through the mother's breast milk. Immunities to other diseases are administered to children at medical appointments, in what form?


The sense that is the least developed at birth is:


JaNola is said to be securely attached to her mother. Secure attachment makes a toddler

willing to explore

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