Child Life Internship Interview Preparation
Prepare a child for an IV start
-Consider the age of the child -Explain "to help you feel better" -Rubber band around arm, "tight squeeze" -Clean arm with small wipe. Might feel cold. -Nurse will touch your arm to find the right spot -You'll feel the poke, which is a tiny needle. Needle won't stay in your arm. -What will stay is a bendy little straw. -Tape/bandaid over it to help it stay -You can still move your arm!
School Age Interventions
-Encourage conversations about interests, skills, abilities -Give choices and an appropriate "job" -Encourage self-care, help with tasks (gratification upon completing something important for self) -Reassure that crying, other emotions are ok -Encourage peer interaction -Procedure preparation is vital
Adolescent Interventions
-Encourage participation in treatment decisions (as much control as possible) -Respect privacy, confidentiality -Opportunities for independence -Personalization projects (tshirts, room decorations) -Assist in creating daily schedule -Encourage socialization w/ other teen patients
Discuss a time you were in a conflict situation. How was it resolved?
-MizzouThon Recruitment Leadership Team o Present to organizations across campus, encourage signing up o While I am only a member, there were certain people who were not presenting or volunteering to o While it is not my job as I am not the director of recruitment to directly question people, I would just ask them if they would like to present with me o This made it so there was someone there to present with them (in the instance they were worried about this) and would be encouraged to do it with a friend o This was non-direct and also allowed us to build bonds
What type of kids do you like to work with? Least like to work with?
-School Aged, more experience with them, developmentally more able to have conversations and are able to understand you being there -Toddlers/Infants because less experience, easier for me to play with them, however still learning how to communicate best with them and parents
What do you hope to gain from this internship?
I view this internship as a powerful opportunity. I want to gain in-depth knowledge of child life, and take advantage of this chance to ask questions and receive constant feedback from people who have expertise in this field. When I leave this internship, I want to have the resources I need to effectively support children and families. I'm so excited for how much I'm going to learn and grow.
You have a 3 year old who is grabbing toys in the playroom from other patients without asking. How would you handle the situation?
I would use distraction and redirection first. If that doesn't work - calmly set limits. "Someone was already playing with that toy, and I don't want to hurt their feelings by taking it. You can play with it when they are done. For now, these are your toys."
What would you bring to a 3 year olds bedside?
It depends so much on the child and what they need from me. At that age, I think a normalizing activity at the bedside is often a good idea. Erikson's Initiative VS Guilt - give control, choices whenever possible. Sensory - finger paints. However, some kids do not want to touch the paint, get dirty. Playdoh or malleable clay Building blocks that we can stack or put together
How would a child you've worked with describe you?
Kind, funny, supportive. When I say goodbye to kids for the last time, they usually
Initiative VS Guilt
Preschool (age 3 to 6) Initiative - Motivated to learn more, and accomplish tasks on their own Develops self-worth Guilt - Discouragement, punishment from environment can cause the child to feel guilty and inadequate. Feel they can't accomplish what they want to.
Magical Thinking
The belief that one's own thoughts, wishes, or desires can influence the external world Preschool age
Toddler Interventions
-Caregivers should assure child they will return -Medical play for hospital familiarity -Safe environment for play, exploration -Tell parents regression is normal -Comfort items from home -Playdoh and sensory experiences -Use playroom for independence, exploration
What qualities and skills do you possess that will help you during your internship and later as a specialist?
-Empathy o Correlated with how the first few years are significant in our development-my mother in order to prevent us from fussing at the store over what we wanted she would say "We have to leave it for the other kids so they could have it if they wanted" § Taught me from an early age to think about how others might be thinking and to consider this as well o Example: During practicum, a 4 year old patient was in the hospital due to a motorcycle incident with his father. His father is the one that brought him to the hospital despite his own injuries. When my supervisor was asking the patient if he knew why he was there and if he could identify what hurt, I noticed that his father was tearing up and wiping his eyes. Given the situation, I understood that while the father was part of the fault of the incident, it appeared from the tears and how he put his son before him that he felt guilty and upset. Because of my empathy, I felt for the father in his mistake and understood more of him because of this, where other medical team members expressed otherwise. o Relate to CL in understanding patients and families more holistically -Learner o Always eager to learn new things as everyone has knowledge we can learn from if we just take the time to listen o Example: -Optimism o Love bringing joy to people's lives no matter what they are going through. Like to look at life as half full and that even if you're going through something tough I like to look at it as a situation you can cope with through different measures -Adaptability -Includer
What will cause stress in this situation: An 8-year-old child is having an IV start. The previous IV start took multiple sticks. The child's parents had to go to work and the child will be alone for the procedure.
-Fear of pain from the IV start -
What are your areas of growth?
-Need to be more Confident o Over time, build this up, however initially I am slow to warm and so engaging over elongated periods of time helps me to better know people well -Self-Critical o Overthink things often and repeat situations in my head about what I did wrong o However, working on it by recognizing that I cannot change what occurred and focusing on the present -Overcommitted/Take on too much responsibility o Have a hard time saying no to things, however I just am interested in a lot of different opportunities o Working on focusing on the things that I think would impact me and others the most -Being Spontaneous o Better when planned o I like to feel in control of whatever is happening
Feedback is an important part of the learning process. Give an example of a time in which you received constructive feedback and tell what you did with the information?
-Practicum doing introductions o With 5 month old baby and her mother o I asked "typical questions" like if she had been here before and how it went o She had when she was born but that was it o Mom made the point that she was just a baby so she didn't know o Learned that introductions vary each time dependent on the patient, family, developmental age, and so on -Perspective: Better I am at my job, the better I can support the child and family
Toddler Development
-Preoperational (language, dramatic play, egocentric, here and now, everything is black/white) -Autonomy vs shame and doubt -Drive for independence = defiance, tantrums -Stranger anxiety -Doesn't understand reality vs fantasy -Separation anxiety (18-24 months) -Gross motor skills
Preschool Development
-Preoperational (symbolic representation, imagination, magical thinking) -
Preschool Interventions
-Reassure they aren't at fault -Procedure preparation is vital -Use stories, pictures, drawings to explain procedures -Medical play (explore equipment) -Sense of self: "about me" book, featureless body outline doll -Painting (brushes, syringes, sponges, cotton balls)
Infant Interventions
-Recording of family voices, and comfort items from home -Make schedules (routines, consistency) -Change position (swings, seats, high chair, bouncer) -Mobiles and sensorimotor toys -Avoid overstimulation
Tell me about yourself
-Regan, Senior at Mizzou, from KC -Extrovert-get energy from spending time with other people -Takes me a while to warm up in certain situations but once I'm comfortable I'm very outgoing -Loved children ever since I was one, feel like I've never fully grown up although mature in some aspects
Infant Development
-Sensorimotor -Trust vs Mistrust -Basic needs (love, security, trust) -Foundation of personality develops -Dramatic physical development -Goes from reflexive movements to deliberate exploration -Separation anxiety (begins around 9 months)
Please describe a specific experience you've had with a hospitalized child or family that was significant for you?
-Volunteering at the hospital last semester and built a consistent relationship with a patient and his mom/family o Would tell us about their life/joke with them/he would come in at the times he knew I was scheduled to volunteer/they asked if I would want a shirt at the end o My last day before winter break was also his last week of treatment before he got home-we got to celebrate together!
There are many careers involving service to and advocacy for children and families. Why have you chosen to pursue child life?
-combination of all the aspects I love: children, psychology, nursing -Centered around child development -Evidence-based practices -Every day is so different -Work with all populations and cultures -Fast paced environment
Family-Centered Care
A philosophy of care that recognizes the family as the constant in the child's life and holds that systems and personnel must support, respect, encourage, and enhance the strengths and competence of the family. The family is a unit. What affects one affects the other. In the healthcare setting, we have to focus on the needs of every individual - the needs of mom, dad, the patient, sibling, cousin. When we help them cope effectively, they will be a better support system for one another.
Identity VS Role Confusion
Adolescence (13 to 20 or so) Identity - Developing a sense of self (who they are, what they believe, values, clothes, peer groups) Experimenting with "who they are" Can become confused about their role in life. Who am I? What is my purpose? Am I happy with myself?
Cultural Competence
An understanding of how a patient's cultural background shapes their beliefs, values, and expectations. Incorporating a person's culture and background into conversations, treatment, and interventions can be so powerful.
Use 3 words to describe yourself.
Caring Driven Reliable
If you could choose any unit you would want to work in for the rest of your time as a Child Life Specialist, what unit would it be?
During my practicum, I had the opportunity to be in both the inpatient unit and the emergency department. Throughout my time there, I really enjoyed meeting patients but loved it when I had recurring patients in the inpatient unit. This reminded me of my time volunteering in the children's blood disorder and cancer unit where each day is different, but patients return every so often. I think I like the idea of working in a blood disorder and cancer unit because not only do you interact with familiar patients and people, but each day is unique in having new patients and experiences.
You have a 13 year old whom you have developed a positive relationship with in the hospital. Upon discharge, she hugs you and asks for an email. How would you respond?
I would tell her that I loved spending time with her over the last few weeks, and I am also so excited that she is able to go home. Saying goodbye can be hard, but the rules at the hospital are that we don't give out our emails. I would offer to give her the Child Life mailing address, in case she would ever like to write a letter.
How does a Child Life Specialist work with the Multidisciplinary team?
In healthcare, a large team of people must work together in order to effectively support the physical, psychosocial, and emotional needs of a child and their family. Everyone has their own areas of expertise, and when we are able to work together we can help a child heal, develop, and grow.
How do you handle stress?
In the work place, I honestly think I work even better under stress and pressure. But working in a high paced, stressful environment also means that self-care cannot be forgotten. I know that if I'm not taking care of myself, and I'm not in a good head space, I won't be able to help others. Walking my dog every day is one of the ways I cope with stress. I enjoy getting some fresh air. And then I also think that hiking, cooking, and doing yoga help me cope with stress.
Trust VS Mistrust
Infancy (birth to 18 months) Trust - Develops trust in the world Feels safe thanks to reliable care giving Secure relationship with caregiver Mistrust - Unreliable caregiving Doesn't feel safe Doesn't develop secure relationships
How would you introduce Child Life services to a new healthcare professional?
My job as a part of the child life team is to support the psychosocial and emotional health of pediatric patients and their families, through interventions such as developmentally appropriate medical education and therapeutic play.
Preschool: Effects of Hospitalization
PRIMARY ISSUE = BODY MUTILATION -Thinks hospitalization is b/c they were "bad" -May blame family for injuries/illness -Loss of control over routines -Regression (tantrums, clingy, withdrawal, noncompliance) -Restricted opportunities for gross motor development
Toddler: Effects of Hospitalization
PRIMARY ISSUE = SEPARATION -Interruption of caregiver relationship perceived as loss of love -Loss of control, competence -Thinks of hospitalization as punishment -Restricted exploration -Regression (thumb sucking, won't feed self, wetting pants)
Infancy: Effects of Hospitalization
PRIMARY ISSUE = STIMULATION & REGULAR ROUTINE -Unfamiliar environment (strange people, beds, etc) -Interruption of caregiver relationship -Experiences primarily painful stimuli -Interruption of sleep, routines -Lack of appropriate stimulation = failure to thrive
School Age: Effects of Hospitalization
PRIMARY ISSUE = UNDERSTANDING/ CONTROL, & DESIRE TO PLEASE -Loss of control, autonomy, competence -May blame illness on past mistakes -Loss of peer contact = anger, resentment, sadness at being left out -Interruption of routines -Control is taken away
Industry VS Inferiority
School Age (ages 6 to 12) Industry: Sense of competency with useful skills and tasks Coping with social, academic demands Inferiority: Lack of confidence, negative responses from peers, teachers, family
How do you build rapport with a child and family?
Take steps to get to know each other - names, personality Nonverbal communication: Getting down on child's level, making eye contact, smiling when appropriate, nodding when they speak Bonding: Shared interests/experiences "My favorite color is blue, too!" Assessments that can be used to guide interventions, conversations: What is the family's cultural background? How do they seem to be coping?
Why you are interested in working in the healthcare setting?
There's so much that I love about the healthcare setting. -The challenge of it -Different experiences every day -Always on your toes/ never know exactly what to expect -Have to be able to work quickly under pressure (I thrive in that type of situation -Opportunities to work with children and families of all ages and backgrounds. Cultures, special needs, etc.
Introduce yourself as a CCLS
To a child: Hi! Are you ____? It's nice to meet you! My name is Regan and my job is to make the hospital a better experience for you while you are here. I'm a little like a teacher in I can tell you what will happen and can answer any questions you might have. I can also bring things to pass the time, like games, toys, or an iPad! Do you have any questions for me right now? To an adult: Hi! My name is Regan and I am a child life specialist here at the hospital. My job is to help children and families with coping through explaining what is to come, help reduce stress, and encourage optimal development while they are here in the hospital. I can also bring in things to pass the time like toys or games to promote these things! Do you have any questions right now? Do you need anything or want anything?
Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt
Toddler (18 months to 3 years) Autonomy - Developing control over environment. Wants to be as independent as possible (decide what they wear, eat, where they go and when) Individuation - me and caregiver are separate Shame and Doubt - If they aren't allowed enough autonomy, or if they get negative feedback when doing things themselves, they can begin to doubt their abilities.
You have a 5 year old that you are interacting with for an art therapy activity in the playroom. A 6 year old and 14 year old enter the playroom whom are both new patients. How would you include them and what would you provide?
Welcome them to the group Introduce myself and the 5 year old Let them know how excited I am to see them Give them options for what they can do Ask if they want to join us - ask 5 year old if he's fine with them joining us Build rapport, encourage them to socialize with each other Offer individualized attention, activities as necessary
Tell us about a time when you may have had a difficult time maintaining a professional (versus personal) relationship with a child or family.
While not specifically in the hospital setting, a time I had a difficult time maintaining a professional relationship was with one of my campers, K. He opened up about his home experiences with physical abuse, and when had told me that in the past CPS had been called but he got separated from his mother because of his stepdad and had to live with someone else. Knowing that my job required disclosing this information, I told K. that I would have to tell my boss about it. This was difficult because he asked me not to because he would have to get away from his mother, however it was my responsibility to disclose this despite it being difficult knowing we were so close. Remind myself that my job is to support them, and most importantly to support the child.
Adolescence: Effects of Hospitalization
worried about body appearance, doesn't want to lose control, fear of missing out on peer relationships, school, may not adhere to regimen