Child Psych

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Dr. Leech believes in the value of using many different approaches to understand development. Dr. Leech is adopting the _____ approach.

developmental systems

The first stage of labor, when the cervix opens wide enough to allow the baby to emerge is called:

dilation and effacement

Psychologists and other mental health professionals:

disagree with the value of occasional spanking

Theory-of-mind abilities emerge:

during preschool

The time during prenatal development when the major body structures form is the _____ stage.


Which of these is likely a risk factor for ADHD?

environmental toxins

Konrad Lorenz was a(n):


Built-in temperamental tendencies cause people to act toward others in specific ways. The name for this nature-nurture interaction is:

evocative forces

Working memory _____ during preschool and early elementary school.

expands dramatically

In order to determine if a given treatment causes something to happen, a researcher needs to conduct a(n):


The _____ task has been used by developmentalists to demonstrate theory of mind.


What type of research tries to establish a link between events in the womb and later development?

fetal-programming research

John's friend is running for a position in local government. During a debate, she may be asked how the legal system should manage illegal teen behaviors. John suggests to his friend that the legal system should:

focus on rehabilitation, not punishment

The time period during which an organ is coming "on-line" during prenatal development is referred to as the:

sensitive period

The analogies portion of the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is in the _____ section of the test.


_____ theorists stress the power of modeling in determining one's actions.

social learning

Self-conscious emotions are important for:


When Stacey tells her 2-year-old daughter to say "please" and "thank you," Stacey is trying to:

socialize her daughter

During pregnancy, expectant fathers are apt to report experiencing:


The brain almost doubles in size from month _____ to month _____.


As the brain develops about _____ percent of its synapses are pruned.


Josephine has just given birth without a spouse. According to recent statistics, her infant joins the ranks of the _____ percent of U.S. babies born to unmarried women.


Every cell, with the exception of sperm and ova, contain _____ chromosomes.


About 1 in _____ middle-class European American toddlers are inhibited.


One in _____ infants and toddlers attend a day-care center regularly.


Three in _____ mothers return to work during their babies' first year of life.


On average, the physical changes of puberty take about _____ to complete.

5 years

Babies categorized as low birth weight weigh less than _____ pounds.


Recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicate that approximately 1 in _____ households in the United States with children can be categorized as food insecure.


A score below _____ on the Apgar scale indicates that the newborn must be monitored.


An Apgar score of this indicates that the newborn is in great condition.


What percentage of adolescent seniors in high school think it is okay for teenagers to have sexual intercourse?


It takes the ovum _____ hours to travel to the uterus.


By _____ months of age, babies cannot discriminate faces from ethnic groups other than their own.


_____ is evaluating oneself as either good or bad as a result of comparing the self to other people.


What is true about young people who enter the labor force in the United States with just a high school degree?

They can expect to earn about half the wage of those who have a college education with a master's degree.

U.S. adults earn a college degree within six years of starting college at a four-year institution.

Three in five

_____ U.S. teenagers enroll in college after high school.

Two in three

Autobiographical memory begins to develop at about the same time as:

theory of mind

_____ pregnancies end in miscarriage.

1 in 10

In the United States, approximately _____ newborn babies are classified as low birth weight.

1 out of 11

One in _____ U.S. children are being raised by single parents.


By _____ year(s) of age infants see just like adults.


Over _____ million children are raised by their grandparents alone.


What percent of babies are classified as very low birth weight?


Language development begins to rapidly increase around _____ of age.


Roughly 1 in _____ of those between 25 and 34 without a college education were unemployed in 2013.


What percentage of U.S. parents report that they often spank their children?


A baby's first word usually appears by _____ months of age.


When was the first institute in the United States devoted to studying child development established?


What fraction of high-school seniors report using illicit drugs?

2 in 5

Morning sickness impacts _____ women during the first trimester.

2 out of 3

Newborns have a visual acuity of:


By week _____, the odds of survival are 50 percent in affluent nations.


Women currently make up roughly _____ percent of the U.S. labor force.


_____ percent of children under age 6 live under the poverty line.


About 1 in _____ married couples in the United States met each other on-line.


By _____ months of age, infants show preference for human speech.


One in _____ parents label their toddlers as having problematic behavior.


A very low birth weight baby weighs:

3 pounds or less

Being impoverished during the first _____ years of life makes it less likely for a child to graduate from high school.


Which is NOT a feature of anorexia nervosa?

A total obsession with health

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that has been implicated in:


Which factor has the LEAST influence on a person's behavior?


Who published an article based on the development of his child during their first year of life?

Charles Darwin

Who were the pioneers in the study of child development?

Charles Darwin and G. Stanley Hall

Which statement about crawling is false?

Early crawlers become less sensitive to their caregivers' facial expressions.

_____ million babies are born preterm annually.


"storm and stress"

G. Stanley Hall

What is the BEST child-rearing strategy to adopt with a temperamentally fearful toddler?

Gently push the child into a few stressful situations.

_____ is the greatest risk to delivering a baby prematurely or having the baby die before his/her first birthday.


Which of the following is NOT a classic characteristic of Down syndrome?


What is it called when participants drop out of research?

Subject attrition

Childhood obesity is defined as having:

a BMI at or above the 95th percentile

For immigrant teens, the task of separating from one's parents may be more difficult because of issues related to:


Genetically determined interests cause people to put themselves in specific environments. The term for this nature-evokes-nurture principle is:

active forces

A recessive single-gene disorder occurs only if a child inherits:

an abnormal gene from each parent.

_____ is a measure that evaluates a child's knowledge in specific school-related areas.

an achievement test

When they are in the crawling phase, infants show:

an incredible variety of responses

Both anorexia and bulimia involve which of the following?

an obsession with being thin

Sternberg argued that IQ tests only measure _____ intelligence.


Robert Epstein argues that adolescents:

are a product of their culture

The optimal child-rearing style in which parents rank high on nurturing and discipline is called _____ parenting.


The _____ of a neuron transmits messages to other neurons.


Six-month-old Grace's father is delighted when he comes into her room one morning and she says, "da da da." Her alternation of consonant and vowel sounds is called:


Intense sexual arousal may:

cause ovulation

"It begins at about 7 months and lasts throughout the toddler years." This landmark time when babies must be near their primary caregivers is called:

clear-cut attachment

Once they achieve _____, children can reason about substances and physical reality in a more adult way.

concrete operations

In Kohlberg's _____ stage of moral development, a person's moral reasoning centers around the need to obey society's rules.


Dr. Thomas and his colleagues want to study the effects of spanking on child temperament. As Dr. Thomas cannot randomly assign children to either be spanked or not; he must conduct a(n) _____ study.


Several days after seeing another child have a temper tantrum, a 16-month-old toddler does similar behavior. She is showing:

deferred imitation

Inhibited toddlers can be expected to do all of the following EXCEPT:

get excited when presented with a new object

The transition from preoperations to concrete operations is _____, and typically occurs between the ages of _____.

gradual; 5 and 7

Preferential-looking studies show that babies' understanding of physical reality actually emerges:

gradually, beginning at a young age

Pick the first sign of puberty in girls.

growth spurt

During puberty, the cephalocaudal and proximodistal trend reverses, meaning that the:

hands, feet, and legs mature before the trunk and head.

Kohlberg defined the postconventional level of morality as a person's ability to:

have moral standards apart from society's rules.

The cephalocaudal principle of development refers to the fact that prenatal development proceeds from:

head to foot

The placenta produces:

human chorionic gonadotropin

According to Erikson, preschoolers face the challenge of:

initiative versus guilt.

According to Vygotsky, thinking is a form of:

inner speech

Jeremy has received an IQ score of 65. His diagnostic classification is:

intellectually disabled

Pick the list that includes some of the intelligences evaluated by Gardner's multiple intelligences test

interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical

Which statement about cystic fibrosis is false?

it is curable

The sensory motor stage ends with the development of:

language, symbolic thought, and object permanence.

Research has shown that being suspended from school results in _____.

later delinquency

Pruning in the frontal lobes starts _____ in other brain regions.

later than

Research with infant rats suggests that _____ as a baby may insulate a person from stress as an adult.

lavish loving and stroking

According to an international poll, the main thing that makes adolescents feel loved is having parents who:

make sacrifices for them

Long hours spent in day care:

may have slightly negative effects on later development.

Social learning theorists believe people learn through:

observation or modeling

Judith Harris's peer group perspective on socialization is BEST supported by research:

on bullying

Sperm can live for about _____ in the uterus.

one week

Less than _____ U.S. families are considered to be traditional, nuclear families.

one-half of

Who cares for most U.S. infants and toddlers during the day?

parents and other relatives

Judith Harris proposed that the main force shaping children's behavior is their _____ rather than their parents.


The secular trend in puberty refers to the fact that:

people are undergoing puberty at younger ages.

A child's first words are often "da da" or "ma ma." These sound units that convey meaning are:


When infants begin to speak, they use:


The prenatal test chorionic villus sampling involves sampling a piece of the _____ during the _____ trimester of pregnancy.

placenta; first

Overregularization shows an incorrect knowledge of _____, while overextensions show that the child doesn't understand _____.

plurals and past tenses; verbal labels

During the first 3 months of life, babies are in what Bowlby called the _____ phase.


After implantation, the woman's body produces _____, a hormone that maintains the pregnancy.


According to _____ theory, excellent parenting contributes to the development of a strong ego, which leads to the development of a healthy adult personality.


In the United States, the occurrence of stunting and under-nutrition is:


Which of the following is NOT a predictor for engaging in intercourse at an early age?

religious affiliation

For contemporary U.S. parents, the MOST popular discipline strategy is:

removal of privileges

Gender schema theory suggests that once children understand their gender label, they:

selectively attend to the activities of their own sex.

Chelsea has noticed that when she and her son go to the swimming pool, instead of saying, "no in water" when he protests about going in, he has begun to say, "Don't put me in the water." Chelsea's son is mastering grammar, also known as:


Baby Marcie recently surprised her mother by saying, "me milk." This first word-combining stage is called _____ speech, and Marcie is probably _____ old.

telegraphic; between 1.5 and two

This is what makes humans different from any other species on earth.

the cerebral cortex

The social-interactionist perspective emphasizes that:

the desire to communicate with each other promotes developing language.

Behaviorists emphasize the crucial role of _____ on behavior.

the environment

_____ indicates a steady rise in overall performance on IQ tests that has been occurring around the world during the past century.

the flynn effect

An experiment conducted with children who had been living in Romanian orphanages revealed that _____ could develop a secure attachment.

the majority of children who had spent 20 months or less in the orphanage

Health-care professionals date the pregnancy from:

the woman's last menstrual cycle.

When Piaget said that children progress through qualitatively different stages of intellectual development, he meant that:

there are fundamental differences in how children of different ages reason

Collaborative pretend play involves _____, and develops around age _____.

two children fantasizing together; 4

During the clear-cut phase of attachment, babies:

typically prefer one caregiver

Piaget _____ young children's cognitive capabilities.


Which factor has NO effect on a child's attachment security at age 1?

whether the primary attachment figure is their mother or father

The basic premise of the 1960's natural-childbirth movement was that women should be able to have their babies:

without drugs over extensive medicine interventions.

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