Chm 1 Final Review

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At a given temperature, curve D represents gas particles with the highest molar mass

The graph shows the distribution of molecular velocities. Which of the following statements is TRUE?


The ground state electronic configuration of the manganese atom, Mn, is __________


The maximum number of electrons that can occupy an orbital labeled dxy is __________


The number of neutrons in the 37 - 17 Cl- ion is ?

C. dumbbell shaped

The orbitals of 2p electrons are often represented as being __________

2. 2Fe(s) + (3/2)O2 (g) > Fe2O3

Which of the following reactions is an enthalpy of formation reaction? 1. CH4(g) +2O2(g) > CO2(g) +2H2O 2. 2Fe(s) + (3/2)O2 (g) > Fe2O3 3. Hg(s) + (1/2)O2(g) > HgO(s) 4. Cdiamond(s) +2H2(g) > CH4(g)

c. 3, 3, 3, +1/2

Which of the following represents an impossible set of quantum numbers for an electron in an atom? a. 2, 1, -1, -1/2 b. 1, 0, 0, +1/2 c. 3, 3, 3, +1/2 d. 5, 4, -3, +1/2 e. 5, 4, -3, -1/2

3) MgO

Which of the following solids would have the highest melting point? 1) NaI 2) NaF 3) MgO 4) MgCl2 5) KF

2. Ba

Which of the following species is diamagnetic? 1. Ti 2+ 2. Ba 3. S 4. Ni 2+

3. Ar

Which of the following species is isoelectronic with S (2-)? 1. Rb+ 2. Br- 3. Ar 4. As (3-) 5. Mg (2+)

At very high pressures, a gas will occupy a larger volume than predicted by the ideal gas law

Which of the following statements about gases is true?

b. 506 J

How much energy is required to change the temperature of 21.5 g Cu from 27 to 88.1 °C? The specific heat capacity of copper is 0.385 J/gK. a. 223 J b. 506 J c. 641 J d. 729 J e. 3.41 x 10^3

Lanthanide and Actinide

The 2 types of inner transition metals are called:

c. -2512.4 kJ

2C2H2 + 5 O2 → 4CO2 + 2H2O Use the given standard enthalpies of formation to calculate ΔH for this reaction C2H2 = 227.4 CO2 = -393.5 H2O = -241.8 a. 1256.2 kJ b. -1256.2 kJ c. -2512.4 kJ d. 2512.4 kJ

Law of Conservation of Mass 1) Add 2 masses together to get PCl3 mass 12.39 + 42.54 = 54.93 g PCl3

A 12.39 g sample of phosphorus reacts with 42.54g of chlorine to form only phosphorus trichloride (PCl3). If it is the only product, what mass of PCl3 is formed?

1) Convert 750 mL to L 750 mL x 1 L/1000 mL=0.75 L Convert 315ºC to K 315ºC + 273.15 K = 588.15 K 2) PV=nRT >>> n=PV/RT n=(3.77)(0.75)/(0.08206)(588.15) n=0.059 mol of CH4 + NH3 3) Find mol of CH4 0.421 g CH4 x 1 mol/16.043 g = 0.026 mol CH4 4) Find mol of NH3 0.059 - 0.026 = 0.033 mol NH3 5) Find grams of NH3 0.033 mol NH3 x 17 g NH3/1 mol= 0.549 g NH3

A 750.0 mL metal bulb is filled with 0.421 g of CH4 and an unknown mass of NH3. If the total pressure in the bulb is 3.77 atm at 315ºC, then how much NH3 is also in the bulb?

All have the same average kinetic energy (same temperature=same KE)

A lab bench has three one liter stopped flasks. Flask A contains one mole of NH3 gas. Flask B contains one mole of N2 gas. Flask C contains one mole of SO 2 gas. All are at the same temperature. Which flask has molecules with the greatest average kinetic energy?

(Biggest molar mass=biggest density) Flask C weighs more than the rest.

A lab bench has three one liter stopped flasks. Flask A contains one mole of NH3 gas. Flask B contains one mole of N2 gas. Flask C contains one mole of SO 2 gas. All are at the same temperature. Which flask has gas with the greatest density in g/L?

The less a gas weighs, the faster it is going to move. Flask A weighs the less.

A lab bench has three one liter stopped flasks. Flask A contains one mole of NH3 gas. Flask B contains one mole of N2 gas. Flask C contains one mole of SO 2 gas. All are at the same temperature. Which flask has the molecules with the greatest average speed (velocity)?

1) Convert 0.750 L to ml 0.750 L x 1000 ml/ 1 L= 750 ml 2) Find grams of Mercury 750 ml x 13.546/1 ml= 10159.5 g 3) Find L of Ethanol 10159.5 g x 1 mL/0.789 g x 1 L/ 1000mL = 12.9 L

A mass of mercury occupies 0.750 L. What volume would an equal mass of ethanol occupy? The density of mercury is 13.546 g/mL and the density of ethanol is 0.789 g/mL.

1) Find moles: 30 g ammonia x 1 mol/17 g = 1.7647 30 g O2 x 1 mol/32 g = 0.9375 30 g propylene x 1 mol/42 g = 0.7143 2) Divide O2 moles by total moles (0.9375)/(0.9375 + 1.7647 + 0.7143) = 0.274 = partial P 3) PV=nRT >>> P=nRT/V P=(3.4165)(0.08206)(373.15)/10 P=10.46=total pressure 4) (10.46)(0.274)=2.87 atm

A mixture of 30.0 g ammonia (MW 17 g/mol), 30.0 g oxygen (MW 32 g/mol) and 30.0 g propylene (MN 42 g/mol) occupies 10.0 L at 100.0°C. What is the partial pressure (atm) of the oxygen?

1. 25 g of H2 2. 100-25= 75 g of He 3. 25 g H2 x 1 mol/2.016 g H2 = 12.4 mol H2 4. 75 g He x 1 mol/4 g He = 18.75 mol He 5. (12.4+18.75) = 31.15 6. (12.4)/(31.15) = 0.399

A mixture of hydrogen and helium is 25.0% hydrogen by mass. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen (in atm) in the mixture at STP?

1) STP = P=1 atm........T=273.15 K P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 (1)(746)/273.15 = (0.48atm)V2/428.15 K V2 = 2415 mL

A sample of N2 gas occupies a volume of 746 mL at STP. What volume would N2 gas occupy at 155°C at a pressure of 368 torr?

1) VOLUME can stay the same (mL)! Convert 70.0ºC to K = 343.15 K 2) V1/T1 = V2/T2 (460)(343.15)/(650)(Temp 2) Cross Multiply (343.15)(650)=460x x=484.89 K 3) Convert 484.89 K to ºC 484.89 - 273.15 = 212ºC

A sample of a gas occupies 460 mL at 70.0ºC and 1.00 atmosphere. At what temperature would the gas occupy 650 mL at the same pressure?

Has fewer electrons

A sodium ion differs from a sodium atom in that the sodium ion __________

Ti 4+

An argon atom is isoelectronic with __________


An atom of Fe has 2 4s electrons and 6 3d electrons. How many unpaired electrons would there be in the Fe2+ ion?

82, 195

An atom of the element of atomic number 84 and mass number 199 emits an alpha particle. The residual atom after this change has an atomic number of __________ and a mass number of __________

3. n = 3; ℓ= 2; m ℓ = 0

An electron in a 3d orbital could have which of the following quantum numbers? 1. n = 3; ℓ = 3; m ℓ = 1 2. n = 3; ℓ = 1; mℓ = -1 3. n = 3; ℓ= 2; m ℓ = 0 4. n =3; ℓ = 0; m ℓ = 0 5. n = 3; ℓ = 1; mℓ = 2 6. n = 3; ℓ = 2; mℓ = -3 7. n = 2; ℓ = 2; m ℓ = 6

(4/3)πr^3 Plug in radius: 0.755 cm 1) (4/3)(π)(0.755^3)=1.8cm^3 2) Find grams of osmium 1.289x10^23 atoms x 1 mol/6.022x10^23 atoms x 190.23 g osmium/ 1 mol = 40.7 g 3. Use d=mass/volume 40.7/1.8=22.6

An osmium sphere contains 1.289 x 10^23 osmium atoms and has a radius 0.755 cm. The molar mass of osmium is 190.23 g•mol^-1. What is the density of osmium? Recall that the volume of a sphere is given by the formula: (4/3)πr^3

1) d=(P)(MM)/RT STP: T = 273.15.........P = 1 atm d=(1)(40 g Ar)/(0.08206)(273.15) d=1.78 g/L

Assuming ideal behavior, what is the density of argon gas at STP, in g/L?

1. 5.7 times more quickly

At any given temperature, how much more quickly will He effuse than Xe? 1. 5.7 times more quickly 2. .03 times more quickly 3. 8.1 times more quickly 4. They will diffuse at the same rate 5. 0.12 times more quickly 6. 32.8 times more quickly

a) n = 3, ℓ = 2, mℓ = 0, m s = -1/2

Based on the following atomic orbital shape, which of the following set of quantum numbers is correct: a) n = 3, ℓ = 2, mℓ = 0, m s = -1/2 b) n = 3, ℓ = 1, mℓ = -3 , m s = 1 c) n = 4, ℓ = 0, mℓ = 0, m s = -1/2 d) n = 4, ℓ = 2, mℓ = -3, m s = -1/2

Isotope formula= Avg. mass=(mass of Isotope 1)(Fractional abundance)+(mass of Isotope 2)(Fractional abundance) 1) 10.81 g B=(10.013)(x)+(11.009)(1-x) x=0.1998 >>> 10B Multiply by 100= 19.98% 2) Find 11B % abundance 100-19.98= 80.02%

Boron has two naturally occurring isotopes, 10B has a mass of 10.013 amu and 11B has a mass of 11.009 amu. What is the natural or % abundance of the 10B isotope?

e) -561 kJ

Calculate the enthalpy change ΔHrxn for the combustion of carbon monoxide to make carbon dioxide: 2CO + O2 → 2CO2 given the following bond energies: BE (C≡O) = 1074 kJ/mol BE (O=O) = 499 kJ/mol BE (C=O) = 802 kJ/mol a) +2380 kJ b) +561 kJ c) +1043 kJ d) -1043 kJ e) -561 kJ

Molarity = mol/L

Calculate the molarity of bromide ions in a solution if you mixed 12.86 g calcium bromide, CaBr2, in enough water to make 305.0 mL of solution.

1) Gas A/Gas B = sqrt MMgasB/MMgasA 0.232 CO2/0.363x = sqrt MMx/44 g CO2 2) 0.639 = sqrt x/44 Square both sides 0.408=x/44 x=18 g

Carbon dioxide effuses through a pinhole at a rate of 0.232 ml/min at 25.0 °C. Another gas effuses at a rate of 0.363 ml/min. What is the molar mass of the gas?

e. [Ar]3d^3

Choose the ground state electron configuration for Mn4+. a. [Ar] b. [Ar]4s 13d^4 c. [Ar]4s 23d^1 d. [Ar]4s 23d^9 e. [Ar]3d^3

1) Br = 7A so Representative E. 7A so Halogen. 2) Ca = 2A so Alkaline Earth M. 3) H = 1A so Alkali M. 1A so Representative E. 4) No = 2nd row of Inner Trans. so Actinide. 5) Mn = Middle trans. metal 6) P = 5A so Pnictogen. 5A so Representative Element.

Classify each of the following elements into one or more of the given categories: A. Alkali Metal B. Alkaline Earth Metal C. Pnictogen D. Chalcogen E. Halogen F. Noble Gas G. Transition Metal H. Inner Transition Metal I. Representative Element J. Lanthanide K. Actinide

a) Atomic Element b) Molecular Element c) Atomic Element d) Ionic Compound e) Molecular Compound f) Molecular Compound g) Ionic compound

Classify each substance as an atomic element, molecular element, molecular compound, or ionic compound. (a) neon (b) iodine (c) lead (d) NaI (e) PCl3 (f) CF2Cl2 (g) PtO2

E) 2

How many sublevels are contained in the second shell (n=2) of a given atom? A) 1 B) 4 C) 9 D) 3 E) 2

C) 6.91 kJ

Ethanol (C2H5OH) melts at -114°C. The enthalpy of fusion is 5.02 kJ/mol. The specific heats of solid and liquid ethanol are 0.97 J/g•K and 2.3 J/g•K, respectively. How much heat (kJ) is needed to convert 25.0 g of solid ethanol at -135°C to liquid ethanol at -50°C? A) 207.3 kJ B) -12.7 kJ C) 6.91 kJ D) 4192 kJ E) 9.21 kJ

e) -59.0

Given the following reactions Fe2O3(s) + 3CO (s) → 2Fe (s) + 3CO2(g) >>> ΔH = -28.0 kJ 3Fe (s) + 4CO2(s) → 4CO (g) + Fe3O4(s) >>> ΔH = +12.5 kJ The enthalpy of the reaction of Fe2O3 with CO3Fe2O3(s) + CO (g) → CO2(g) + 2Fe3O4(s) is ________ kJ. a) 40.5 b) +109 c) -15.5 d) -109 e) -59.0

Urms=sqrt 3RT/MM 1) Convert MM of He to kg 4 g He x 1 kg/1000g = 0.004 kg 2)sqrt (3)(8.3145)(273.15)/0.004 Urms= 1305

Helium is the lightest noble gas in the air. Calculate its root-mean-square speed (in m/s) in the winter when it is 0oC outside. (R = 8.3145 kg m 2 s -2 mol -1 K -1)

Its spectrum resembles that of the hydrogen spectrum

Helium, 4-2 hE, has 2 electrons in the !s orbital. When it becomes singly ionized, forming He+ __________

c. 2.49 x 10^22 chloride ions

How many chloride ions are present in 65.5 mL of 0.210 M AlCl3 solution? a. 4.02 x 10^23 chloride ions b. 5.79 x 10^24 chloride ions c. 2.49 x 10^22 chloride ions d. 8.28 x 10^21 chloride ions e. 1.21 x 10^22 chloride ions

3. 6

How many electrons can possess this set of quantum numbers: principal quantum number n = 4, magnetic quantum number mℓ = -1? 1. 0 2. 18 3. 6 4. 12 5. 10 6. 8 7. 2 8. 4 9. 16 10. 14

mol = M x L

How many moles of Ca 2+ ions are in 0.100 L of a 0.450 M solution of Ca3(PO4)2?

1. HCl (g) → H (g) + Cl (g)

How many of the following processes would be exothermic (ΔH < 0)? 1. HCl (g) → H (g) + Cl (g) 2. Br (g) + Br (g) → Br2(g) 3. KI (s) → K+(g) + I-(g) 4. CO2(g) → CO (g) + O (g)

C) 9

How many orbitals are contained in the third principal level (n=3) of a given atom? A) 7 B) 5 C) 9 D) 3 E) 18

(e) σ = 6 π = 2

How many sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds are there in a molecule of sulfuric acid (H2SO4)? (a) σ = 4 π = 2 (b) σ = 7 π = 1 (c) σ = 2 π = 5 (d) σ = 3 π = 3 (e) σ = 6 π = 2

Look at the molar mass of each one. The lowest molar mass will travel the fastest. d. Ne

Identify the gas particle that would travel the fastest at a temperature of 293 K a. SO2 b. CO2 c. N2 d. Ne e. Ar

The pressure in the O2 container is greater than that in the HBr container O2 has more moles than HBr

If equal masses of O2 (g) and HBr (g) are in separate containers of equal volume and temperature, which one of the following statements is true?

1) Find O3 moles PV=nRT >>> n=PV/RT n=(3x10-3)(1 L)/(0.08206)(255) n=1.43x10-4 mol O3 2) Convert mol to molecules (1.43x10-4) x (6.022x10^23)/ 1 mol = 8.6x10^19

If the pressure exerted by ozone, O3, in the stratosphere is 3.0 x 10-3 atm and the temperature is 255 K, how many ozone molecules are in one liter?

5. 1.02 x 10^20 photons

In 1.0 s, a 60 W bulb emits 11 J of energy in the form of infrared radiation (heat) of wavelength 1850 nm. How many photons of infrared radiation does the lamp generate in 1.0 s? 1. 6.82 x 10^-14 photons 2. 1.04 x 10^29 photons 3. 6.63 x 10^23 photons 4. 1.10 x 10^-19 photons 5. 1.02 x 10^20 photons

5. 18

In a given atom, what is the maximum number of electrons that can have principal quantum number n = 3? 1. 8 2. 32 3. 2 4. 10 5. 18

Electrons and protons

In all neutral atoms, there are equal numbers of __________

E. gamma ray

In an experiment of the photoelectric effect, an incident beam of ultraviolet radiation shined on a piece of metal and produced electrons with zero kinetic energy. Which of the following radiation would be most likely to produce electrons with some kinetic energy? A. radio wave B. microwave C. green light D. infrared E. gamma ray

2 cmHg x 10 mmHg/1 cmHg = 20 mmHg 780 mmHg - 20 mmHg = 760 760 mmHg = 1 atm

In diagram a, what is the pressure in the manometer if h = 2.00 cm and the barometric pressure is 780.0 mmHg?

Overcome the force of repulsion of the nucleus

In effecting nuclear changes by bombarding target nuclei with positively charged alpha particles, it is necessary to accelerate these particles to high speed because it is necessary to __________

MnO(4-) = Oxidizing Agent N2H4 = Reducing Agent

In the following reaction identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent: 32 H(+) + 14 MnO4(-) + 5 N2H4 → 14 Mn(2+) + 26 H2O + 10 NO3-

The ion has an inert gas electron configuration; the atom does not

In what respect does an atom of magnesium, Mg, differ from a magnesium ion, Mg 2+?

39-19 K+ and 40-19 K+

In which pair are the two species both isoelectronic and isotopic?


Inner transition metals are the __________ 2 rows


Ionic compounds do not use numerical prefixes. T/F

C. 1.31 x 10^3 kJ

It is possible to determine the ionization energy for hydrogen using the Bohr equation. Calculate the ionization energy (in kJ) for a mole of hydrogen atoms, making the assumption that ionization is the transition from n = 1 to n = ∞. A. 7.62 x 10^3 kJ B. 2.76 x 10^3 kJ C. 1.31 x 10^3 kJ D. 3.62 x 10^3 kJ E. 5.33 x 10^3 kJ

4. X 2-

Let X be a hypothetical element. Which of the following would be largest? 1. X 2+ 2. X 3. X+ 4. X 2- 5. X-

B. 80.3

Lithium metal is the only member of Group 1 that reacts directly with nitrogen gas to produce a nitride according to: 6 Li (s)+ N2 (g) → 2 Li3N(s) What mass of lithium nitride can form 48.0 g of Lithium and 7.50 x 10^23 molecules of N2? a) 56.8 b) 80.3 c) 96.1 d) 101 e) 115

1A - 8A

Representative elements are groups ( ) through ( )

d) Ba

Of the following atoms, which has the smallest second ionization energy? a) Be b) Al c) Li d) Ba f) In

Use isotope formula Avg. mass=(mass of isotope 1)(%/100)+(mass of isotope 2)(%/100)+(mass of isotope 3)(%/100) 1) 24.21 g Mg=(0.787)(23.99)+(0.1013)(x)+(0.1117)(25.98) x=24.98 amu

Only three isotopes of magnesium exist on earth. 24Mg is the most common form at 78.70% natural abundance with a mass of 23.98504 amu. 25Mg has a 10.13% natural abundance, while 26Mg has a natural abundance of 11.17% and a mass of 25.98259 amu. What is the mass of the 25Mg isotope?


Only transitions metals that have more than 1 charge are named with Roman Numerals. T/F

A. 1.12 x 10^3 J

Oxygen gas at 34.5°C is compressed from 45.7 L to 34.5 L against a constant pressure of 0.987 atm. If the oxygen gas is defined as the system, how much work is done (in J) on the system? (1 L atm = 101.3 J) A. 1.12 × 10^3 J B. −1.11 × 10^1 J C. 1.11 × 10^1 J D. −4.55 × 10^3 J E. −1.12 × 10^3 J

-ate = # of Oxygens -ite = drops # of Oxygens

Polyatomic ions have -ite or -ate. What does -ite and -ate represent?

b) CF4

Predict which of the following molecules is non-polar. a) HBr b) CF4 c) H2S d) NI3 e) CHCl3


The charge in Group 1A is ?


The charge in Group 2A is ?


The charge in Group 3A is ?


The charge in Group 5A is ?


The charge in Group 6A is ?


The charge in Group 7A is ?

C5H8O2F 1) Find grams of C & H 2) Find grams of F 0.58 g F/3.63 g C,H,O,F = x/ 4.16 g x = 0.665 g F 3) Find grams of O 4.16 - (grams of C+H+F) = 1.11 g of O 4) Find moles of C,H,O,F 5) Divide C,H,O,F moles by smallest # of moles (F)

The combustion of 4.16 grams of a compound which contains only C,H,O, F yields 7.7 g CO2 and 2.52 g H2O. Another sample of the compound with a mass of 3.63 g is found to contain 0.58 g F. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

1) Convert 175 torr to atm 175 torr x 1 atm/760 torr=0.23 2) MM=dRT/P MM=(1.14)(0.08206)(398.15)/ 0.23atm MM=162 g/mol^-1

The density of the vapor of allicin, a component of garlic, is 1.14 g. L^-1 at 125ºC and 175 torr. What is the molar mass of allicin?

1x10^-15 m x 1 nm/10-9 m x 10 Å / 1 nm = 1x10^-5 Å

The diameter of the nucleus of an atom is approximately 1x10^-15 m. If 1 nm is equal to 10 Ångstroms, what is the diameter of the nucleus in Ångstroms?

2. [Ar]3d^3

The electron configuration of Cr3+ is: 1. [Ar]4s 13d^5 2. [Ar]3d^3 3. [Ar]4s 23d^1 4. [Ar]4s 13d^2


The element X occurs naturally to the extent of 20% 12 X and 80% 13 X. The atomic mass of X is nearest __________

Vsphere=(4/3)πr^3 d=(2)Radius 1) Find VOLUME. 1.9x10^27kg x 1000g/1 kg x (1cm3)/(1.34gcm3) = 1.42x10^30 cm3 (VOLUME) 2) Plug in volume into Vsphere >1.42x10^30 cm3=(4/3)πr^3 >4.25x10^30 cm3=4πr^3 >r^3 = 3.38x10^29 cm3 Take cubed root of both = 6.97x10^9 cm x 1 m/100 cm = 6.97x10^7 m (RADIUS) 3) Find diameter d=(2)Radius d=(2)(6.97x10^7) d=1.39x10^8 m

The estimated mass of the planet Jupiter is 1.90 × 10 27 kg and the density is believed to be 1.34 g/cm3. If Jupiter were a perfect sphere, what would be its diameter?

Atomic line spectra

The existence of discrete (quantized) energy levels in an atom may be inferred from __________

Collisions of the gas molecules with the container

The pressure exerted by a gas is caused by: ?


Transition metals are the __________ 4 rows

-ous = smaller positive charge -ic = bigger positive charge

Type II Metals end with -ous or -ic. What does -ous mean? What does -ic mean?

B) -673 kJ

Use the data given below to construct a Born-Haber cycle to determine the lattice energy of KBr. ΔH°(kJ) K(s) → K(g) >>> 89 K(g) → K+(g) + e- >>>419 ½ Br2(l) → Br(g) >>>96 Br(g) + e- → Br-(g) >>>-325 K(s) + ½ Br2(g) → KBr(s) >>-394 A) -885 kJ B) -673 kJ C) +367 kJ D) -464 kJ E) +246 kJ

Compounds that possess a charge

What are polyatomic ions?

2) 2, 1, 1

What are the correct quantum numbers (n, ℓ, m ℓ) for the seventh electron of Cl? 1) 3, 1, 0 2) 2, 1, 1 3) 3, 0, 0 4) 3, 1, 1 5) 2, 0, 1 6) 2, 1, 2 7) 2, 2, 1 8) 3, 2, 1

More than 1 of the same element type together (Non-Metals) Ex: Cl2, O2, F2

What is a molecular element?

Different non-metals together

What is a molecular/covalent compound?

An element by itself

What is an atomic element?

Positive ion and negative ion (metal and non-metal) Ex: NH4Cl, NaNO3

What is an ionic compound?


What is the SI base unit of length?

5. microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, γ-rays

What is the correct order of increasing energy? 1. microwaves, x-rays, γ-rays, visible light, ultraviolet light 2. microwaves, ultraviolet light, visible light, x-rays, γ-rays 3. ultraviolet light, visible light, microwaves, x-rays, γ-rays 4. x-rays, γ-rays, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet light 5. microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, γ-rays

B. NaBO2

What is the empirical formula for the substance with the following analysis? Na 34.9% B 16.4% O 48.6% A. Na3BO3 B. NaBO2 C. Na4BO4 D. Na3B2O2

E) 2.76 × 10^5 J

What is the energy in joules of a mole of photons with the energy of the 434 nm spectral line of hydrogen? A) 5.78 × 10^-25 J B) 2.76 × 10^-4 J C) 434 J D) 9.21 × 10^-4 J E) 2.76 × 10^5 J


What is the formula of nitrous acid?

Sodium Acetate

What is the name CH3COONa?

Copper (II) Sulfate x PentaHydrate -2 is SO4 charge x + 1(-2) = 0 x = +2 for Copper

What is the name of CuSO4 x 5H2O?

Copper (II) Chloride

What is the name of CuCl2?

Potassium permanganate

What is the name of KMnO4?

Nitrogen Trifluoride

What is the name of NF3?

Tin (IV) Sulfate -2 is SO4 charge x + 2(-2) = 0 x = +4 for Tin

What is the name of Sn(SO4)2?

b) 3 : 2

What is the ratio of oxidizing agent to reducing agent? _______ Ca2+ (aq) + _______ Al (s) → _______ Ca (s) + _______ Al3+ (aq) a) 2 : 3 b) 3 : 2 c) 1: 1 d) 4 : 6

B) 3

What is the smallest acceptable value for the missing quantum number? n = ?, ℓ = 2,mℓ = 0, ms = +1/2 A) 4 B) 3 C) 1 D) 5 E) 2

5s^2 5p^1

What is the valence electron configuration for the element in Period 5, Group 3A?

Millikan determined the magnitude of the charge on an electron

What significant information about atomic structure came from the Millikan experiment using charged oil drops?

D. does none of these

When an atom of an electropositive atom becomes an ion it __________

a. 2.92 x1 0^15

When an electron of an excited hydrogen atom falls from level n = 3 to level n = 1, what is the frequency (in s-1) of the light emitted? a. 2.92 x1 0^15 b. 3.43 x 10^-16 c. 1.62 x 10^-15 d. 6.17 x 10^14 e. 4.00 x 10^19

1) Convert 63.8 mL to L 63.8 mL x 1 L/1000 mL = 0.0638 2) Convert 22ºC to K 22 + 273.15 = 295.15 K 3) Convert 747 mmHg to atm 747 mmHg x 1 atm/760 mmHg = 0.9829 atm 4) MM=mRT/PV MM=(0.1035)(0.08206)(295.15)/ (0.9829)(0.0638) MM=40 g The gas is Argon!

When an evacuated 63.8 mL glass bulb is filled with a gas at 22ºC and 747 mm Hg, the bulb gains 0.1035 g in mass. What is the gas?

1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 2d^2

Which electron configuration is impossible?


Which element is represented by 36 - 24 X?

n=3 >>> n=1

Which emission line in the hydrogen spectrum occurs at the highest frequency?

Look for smallest mass = Ne

Which gas sample has the greatest volume at STP? a. Ar b. Rn c. Ne d. Kr e. Xe

Group 6A

Which group are chalcogen?

Group 7A

Which group are halogens?

Group 5A

Which group are pnictogen?

Group 1A

Which group are the alkali metals?

Group 2A

Which group are the alkaline earth metals?

Group 8A

Which group are the noble gases?

Ni 2+

Which ion has 26 electrons?

At constant pressure and a fixed amount of gas, the volume is 0 L at 0 K

Which is a true statement about ideal gas in a container?

b) C2H2

Which molecule does not contain a double bond? a) HNO b) C2H2 c) H2CO d) C2H4 e) S2

C) N4Se4=Tetranitrogen tetraselenide

Which of the following compounds is named CORRECTLY? (Assume the formulas are correct. Cobalt can form more than one type of ion.) A) LiCl=Lithium (I) Chloride B) Mg3N2=Trimagnesium dinitride C) N4Se4=Tetranitrogen tetraselenide D) BrF5=Bromine fluoride E) CoSO4•7H2O=Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate

Look at molar mass. Highest MM = highest density a. SO3

Which of the following gases has the highest density at STP? a. SO3 b. CO2 c. NO2 d. Ar e. N

a. O2(l)

Which of the following has a non-zero ΔHf°? a. O2(l) b. C (graphite) c. N2(g) d. F2(g) e. Cl2(g)


Which of the following has the largest first ionization energy? Li Na O S


Which of the following is the largest atom? Li Na O S

S (2-)

Which of the following is the largest ion? Li+ Na+ O (2-) S (2-)


Which of the following is the most electronegative element? Ba Ca Po Se


Which of the following is the most metallic element? Li Na O S

D. Work

Which of the following isnot a state function? A. Pressure B. Concentration C. Internal energy D. Work

d) II and III

Which of the following isomers of PF2Cl3 are polar? a) only I b) only II c) only III d) II and III e) I, II, and III

a. Standard temperature and pressure are 25.0°C and 1.000 atm b. The volume of a fixed quantity of gas maintained at constant temperature is inversely proportional to temperature d. In a given sample of an ideal gas. gas molecule behavior is dependent on molecular attraction and repulsion

Which of the following statements are false?

a. n = 4 to n = 2

Which of the following transitions (in a hydrogen atom) represent emission of the smallest or shortest wavelength? a. n = 4 to n = 2 b. n = 3 to n= 4 c. n = 1 to n = 2 d. n = 7 to n = 5 e. n = 2 to n = 5

e. n = 1 to n = 3

Which of the following transitions represent absorption of a photon with the highest frequency? a. n = 3 to n = 1 b. n = 2 to n = 4 c. n = 1 to n = 2 d. n = 6 to n = 3 e. n = 1 to n = 3

^ ^

Which of these electron diagrams could represent the ground state of the p valence electrons of carbon?


Which of these species is/are paramagnetic?

d. H2O (s) → H2O (l)

Which one of the following processes is endothermic? a. 2 H2(g) + O2 → (g) 2 H2O (g) b. H2O (g) → H2O (l) c. CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2 H2O (g) d. H2O (s) → H2O (l) e. 2 Al (s) + Fe2O3(s) → Al2O3(s) + 2 Fe (l)

F-, Mg2+

Which pair of particles has the same number of electrons?

l=3, m1=-3, ms=+1/2

Which set of quantum numbers is correct and consistent with n=4?

Zn 2+

Which species has this ground-state electron arrangement?

Protons and neutrons have most of the mass but occupy very little of the volume of the atom

Which statement concerning the structure of the atom is correct?

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in 1 atom

Which statement is true?

a) 50.0 g Al, CAl = 0.903 J/g°C

Which substance (with specific heat capacity provided) would show the smallest temperature change upon gaining 200.0 J of heat? a) 50.0 g Al, CAl = 0.903 J/g°C b) 50.0 g Cu, CCu = 0.385 J/g°C c) 25.0 g granite, Cgranite = 0.79 J/g°C d) 25.0 g Au, CAu = 0.128 J/g°C e) 25.0 g Ag, CAg = 0.235 J/g°C


Which term best characterizes the relation of hydrogen in deuterium?

1) AgCl 2) Na2S 3) Al2S3 4) CaO

Write a formula for the ionic compound that forms between each pair of elements. 1. silver and chlorine 2. sodium and sulfur 3. aluminum and sulfur 4. calcium and oxygen

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