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Which of the following is the principal artery to the nasal cavity, supplying the conchae, meatus, and paranasal sinuses? a. Anterior tympanic artery b. Sphenopalantine artery c. Middle meningeal artery d. Lingual artery


Which of the following nerves is NOT located in the wall of the cavernous sinus? a. CN VI b. CN II c. CN IV d. CN V e. CN III


Which one of the following bone cells displays a functional ruffled border? a. Osteoblast b. Osteoclast c. Osteocyte d. Bone lining cell e. Osteoprogenitor cell


Which paranasal sinus is known as the antrum of Highmore? a. Frontal sinus b. Maxillary sinus c. Anterior ethmoidal sinus d. Posterior ethmoidal sinus e. Sphenoid sinus


Which two types of cartilage can calcify? a. Hyaline and Elastic b. Hyaline and Fibrocartilage c. Elastic and Fibrocartilage d. None of the above. Cartilage doesn't calcify.


Which type of chondrosarcoma is least prevalent in the jaw but the most malignant? a. Clear cell b. Dedifferentiated c. Myxoid d. Mesenchymal e. None of the Above


Which type of collagen is most frequently found in cartilage? a. type I b. type II c. type III d. type IV e. type V


Why does morphology of some chondrosarcomas present with a mass that has scattered radio-opacity? a. Metastatic calcification b. Endochondral ossification c. Dystrophic calcification d. a and b e. b and c


Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor found in the paranasal sinuses and the maxillary sinus is the most commonly involved sinus. a. The first part of the statement is true, the second part is false. b. The first part of the statement is false, the second part is true. c. Both parts of the statement are true. d. Both parts of the statement are false.


The buccal mucosa most typically has which of the following patterns of keratinization? a. Orthokeratinized b. Parakeratinized c. Nonkeratinized d. Keratinized e. Partial keratinized


The cavernous sinuses are located lateral and superior to the a. frontal sinuses b. maxillary sinuses c. sphenoid sinus d. ethmoidal sinuses


The following cartilage is made of type I collagen and found in the TMJ a. Elastic Cartilage b. Hyaline Cartilage c. Fibrocartilage


The histology of the epithelium of the sinuses is: a. Ciliated Stratified squamous cells b. Ciliated Pseudostratified squamous cells c. Ciliated pseudostratifed columnar cells d. Ciliated pseudostratifed cuboidal cells


The middle nasal concha is part of what bone? a. Nasal b. Vomer c. Ethmoid d. Palatine e. Sphenoid


The most common bone tumor in children is... a. chondrosarcoma b. osteosarcoma c. osteochondroma d. chondroblastoma e. none of the above


The primary palate is derived from the a. first brachial arch b. frontal prominence c. intermaxillary segment d. lateral nasal process e. palatal processes of the maxillary processes


These are the types of chondrosarcoma except: a. clear cell b. mesenchymal cell c. stem cell d. dedifferentiated cell e. none of the above


Tissue removed in a dental office for microscopic examination should be immersed immediately in: a. 70% alcohol b. 10% formaldehyde c. 10% formalin d. normal saline e. sterile, distilled water


A tumor which has invaded the local surrounding tissue but which has not spread to distant sites is best described as: a. a benign neoplasm b. a metastasis c. malignant but not metastatic d. metastatic but not malignant e. a malignant carcinoma


All muscles of mastication are innervated by the: a. Ophthalmic division (V-I) of trigeminal nerve b. Maxillary division (V-2) of trigeminal nerve c. Mandibular division (V-3) of trigeminal nerve d. Facial nerve (VII)


All of the following are benign neoplasms except: a. Adenoma b. Fibroma c. Carcinoma d. Hemangioma e. Lipoma


All of the following are characteristic of secondary chondrosarcomas except: a. low-grade Ollier's disease b. dedifferentiation c. arising de novo d. Maffucci syndrome


Calcification due to tissue necrosis is called? a. metastatic calcification b. metastatic ossification c. dystrophic calcification d. ectopic ossification e. dystrophic ossification


What is an advantage of using an MRI over a CT scan? a. It is less expensive than the CT scan. b. There is a shorter scanning time. c. There is no ionizing radiation. d. It has the ability to image all types of patients. e. Produces low contrast soft tissue images.


What is the correct placement of the incision of the Caldwell-Luc technique? a. buccal-alveolar sulcus b. muco-gingival junction c. gingivo-buccal sulcus d. gingivo-alveolar sulcus


Which grade of chondrosarcoma exhibits histologically high cellularity, nuclear pleomorphism has no chondroid matrix, and myxoid in the stroma? a. Grade I b. Grade II c. Grade III d. All Grades present those characteristics


Which of the following about the Caldwell-Luc approach is not correct? a. Utilizes a sublabial incision b. Involves a fenestration to expose the maxillary sinus c. Can be used to reach the frontal sinuses d. Uses a window through the labiogingival sulcus and canine fossa e. None of the above


Which of the following conditions includes the growth of enchondromas and hemangiomas? a. osteoblastomatosis b. olliers disease c. maffucci syndrome d. chondrosarcometosis


Which subclass of chondrosarcoma arises from pre-existing lesions that become more aggressive and malignant neoplasms? a. Conventional b. Clear cell c. Dedifferentiated d. Mesenchymal e. Osteosarcoma


Which type of chondrosarcoma has the worst prognosis? a. clear-cell chondrosarcoma b. mesenchymal chondrosarcoma c. dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma d.conventional chondrosarcoma e. synovial chondrosarcoma


Which of the following is a neoplasm derived from all three germ cell layers: a. carcinoma b. sarcoma c. teratoma d. apudoma

c. (carcinoma is epithelial, sarcoma is connective, apudoma endocrine)

Because Chondrosarcomas are radiation resistant neoplasms, wide local or radical surgical excision is the treatment of choice. a. The first statement is correct and the second false. b. The second statement is false and the first statement is correct c. Both statements are false d. Both statements are correct


Possible complications of the Caldwell-Luc procedure include a. damage to the roots of the maxillary teeth b. damage to the infraorbital nerve c. post-operative collapse of soft facial tissues into the maxillary sinus d. a and b e. a, b and c


Risk factors for chondrosarcoma include which of the following? a. Mafucci's syndrome b. Ollier's disease c. Endroma d. Osteochondroma e. All of the above


Select the ONE correct property of benign neoplasms: a. unencapsulated b. cells grow well in vitro c. degenerative changes evident in tumor d. functional properties of cell are lost e. capsulated


The Maxillary Nerve includes all of the following branches, except: a. Zygomatic b. Zygomaticotemporal c. Infraorbital d. Posterior superior alveolar e. Chorda Tympani


The first pharyngeal arch gives rise to which of the following structures: a. Malleus b. Muscles of mastication c. Mandibular and maxillary processes d. a and b e. a, b and c


The most common side effects for radiation in dentistry include all except: a. xerostomia b. osteoradionecrosis c. increased caries d. mucositis e. thrombocytopenia


The submental and submandibular lymph nodes are NOT involved in draining which of the following anatomic structures? a. Lip b. Oral cavity c. Skin d. Salivary gland e. Thyroid


What grade of chondrosarcoma has binucleated cells? a. Grade 1 b. Grade 2 c. Grade 3 d. A and C e. All of the above


What is the major histological difference between hyaline cartilage and elastic cartilage? a. hyaline has more type I collagen b. Elastic has more type I collagen c. Hyaline has more elastin fibres d. Hyaline has more fibroblasts e. Elastic has more elastin fibres


Which are common side effects of radiation and chemotherapy on oral cavity? 1. Oral mucositis 2. Xerostomia 3. Dental caries 4. Gingival bleeding a.1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 2 and 4 e. all of the above


Which method(s) is used for decalcification of tissue samples for histology slide preparation? a. Acid-base method b. Chelating method c. Acid method d. A and B e. B and C


Which of the following are complications of sinusitis? 1. Periorbital cellulitis and orbital cellulitis 2. Pott puffy tumor. 3. Brain abscesses 4. Meningitis 5. Cavernous sinus thrombosis a. 1,3,5 b. 1,3,4 c. 2,3,4 d. 1,5 e. 1,2,3,4,5


Which of the following bones is produced through endochondral bone formation a. frontal b. mandible c. occipital d. parietal e. sphenoid


Which of the following muscles are innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII)? a. orbicularis oris b. mentalis c. buccinator d. two of the above e. all of the above


Which one of the following is not a site for chondrosarcoma to occur? a. pelvis b. proximal femur c. proximal humerus d. hand e. none of the above


Which muscles are innervated by the Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)? a. temporalis b. buccinator c. masseter d. sternocleidomastoid e. medial pterygoid f. a,c,e g. a,b,e


Cell proliferation requires a cell to divide. Select the ONE correct statement about the cell undergoing cell division: a. DNA is replicated during the M phase b. Cytokinesis occurs during the interphase c. Chromosome segregation occurs at M phase d. G2 phase is the interval between M phase and S phase e. Longest period in the cell cycle is M phase


Characteristics of a malignant neoplasm include all of the following except: a.Rapid rate of growth b. Usually irregular and poorly defined borders c. Mitotic activity is low d. Necrosis is often present e.None of the above, they are all characteristics of a malignant neoplasm


Cranial nerves V and VII carry: a. Sensory information only b. Motor information only c. Both sensory and motor information d. NO sensory and No motor information


DNA replication occurs during which phase? a. G0 phase b. G1 phase c. S phase d. G2 phase e. Mitosis


Diagnostic biopsy of tissue from an oral lesion (choose the ONE BEST ANSWER) a. involves removal of the entire lesion b. should only be performed by a specialist c. should include normal tissue from the area adjacent to the lesion as well as from the lesion itself d. involves significant risks that must be carefully weighed against the consequences of an incorrect or inadequate diagnosis e. reguires antibiotic coverage to prevent postoperative infection


Grading is: a.The classification of the extent of the disease b. The spread of cancerous cells c. The examination of tumor cells that have been obtained through biopsy under a microscope d. A and B e. A and C


Histologically, which grade of chondrosarcoma exhibits residual spindle cell arrangements? a. Grade I b. Grade II c. Grade III d. Grade IV e. Grade V


Loss of the corneal reflex may be due to damage to which cranial nerves: a. CN III and V b. CN III and VII c. CN V and VII d. CN III, IV and VI e. CN III, IV, V and VI


Chondrosarcoma can arise from chondrocytes which arise from . a. Hematopoietic stem cells b. Chondroblasts c. Osteoblasts d. Stromal Stem cells e. chondrocytes f. a, b, c g. b, d, e h. c, d, e


Of the given treatment options for a chondrosarcoma, what is the most probable first treatment for a nonmetastatic tumor that is slow-growing with a low fraction of dividing cells: a. Charged Particle Irradiation b. Systemic Treatment (Chemotherapy) c. Surgical Treatment d. Radiation Therapy with Adjunct Chemotherapy


What is the most abundant form of cartilage found in the body? a. Elastic cartilage b. Hyaline cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Articular hyaline cartilage e. Fetal hyaline cartilage


A caldwell-luc surgical technique is performed by placing an incision where? a. hard palate lingual to 1st premolar b. Gingivo-buccal sulcus above the maxillary canine fossa c. The chin d. Mucus membrane on the medial mandibular ramus e. Height of the muco-buccal fold along the maxillary 2nd molar


All of the following are benign tumors of mesenchymal orgin, except: a. Leiomyoma b. Osteosarcoma c. Lipoma d. Fibroma e. Chondroma


Articular surfaces of most diarthric joints are covered by: a. fibrocartilage b. hyaline cartilage c. elastic cartilage d. articular disk e. collagen


Benign bone neoplasms include all of the following, EXCEPT: a. osteoid osteoma b. osteosarcoma c. osteoblastoma d. osteofibrous dysplasia e. osteochondroma


For vincristine or vinblastine to be most effective the malignant cell should be in this phase of the cell cycle: a. G2 b. M c. G1 d. S e. Any phase


Into what structure do the frontal, maxillary, and anterior ethmoid sinuses drain? a. Middle ethmoid sinus b. Middle meatus c. Sphenoethmoidal recess d. Inferior meatus e. Posterior meatus


Which ganglion resides in Meckel's cavity (cave)? a. Submandibular ganglion b. Trigeminal ganglion c. Pterygomandibular ganglion d. Ciliary ganglion e. Geniculate ganglion


Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses contain: a. Stratified columnar epithelium b. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium c. Stratified squamous epithelium d. Pseudostratifed cubodial epithelium e. Simple squamous epithelium


Pathologists prepare sections via 2 different methods - frozen sectioning and paraffin. Paraffin method is faster than frozen sectioning. a. True b. False


The maxillary and lingual arteries of the midface branch off of which artery a. Internal Carotid artery b. External Carotid artery c. Vertebral artery d. Subclavian artery e. Aorta


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a malignant tumor? a. Active, progressive growth b. Metaplasia c. Anaplasia d. Invasion e. Metastasis


The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve supplies the: a. helix of the ear b. skin of the upper lip c. skin over the angle of the mandible d. forehead e. root of the tongue


True or False: The Caldwell-Luc procedure is a surgical procedure that includes creating an opening in the maxillary palate to access the maxillary sinus. a. true b. false


42. Which one of these conditions are malignant? a. Chondroma b. Chondrosarcoma c. Osteoma d. Chondromyxoid fibroma


88. All of the following are branches of the facial nerve except: a. Temporal b. Frontal c. Buccal d. Mandibular e. Cervical


116. The Caldwell-Luc procedure includes an antrostomy through the middle meatus of the nasal cavity. a. The first part of the statement is true, the second part is false. b. The first part of the statement is false, the second part is true. c. Both parts of the statement are true. d. Both parts of the statement are false.


88. Which of the following paranasal sinuses is/are fluid-filled during development? a. Maxillary b. Ethmoid c. Sphenoid d. Frontal e. All of the above


A benign tumor compares to a malignant tumor by: a. being more differentiated b. having a high rate of growth c. being more invasive d. revealing more metastasis e. there is no difference


A chondrosarcoma is made up of what type of cartilage? a. Hyaline b. Elastic c. Fibrous d. Type 1 e. Type 2


All of the following muscles are innervated by the facial nerve EXCEPT: a. anterior belly of the digastric b. stapedius c. buccinator d. platysma e. orbicularis oris


All of the following muscles are innervated by the facial nerve EXCEPT: a. levator palpebrae superioris b. stapedius c. buccinator d. platysma e. obicularis oris


Although most chondrosarcomas are resistant to chemotherapy, which of the following two variants respond to chemotherapy? a. Dedifferentiated and mesenchymal b. Dedifferentiated and conventional c. Clear cell and mesenchymal d. Conventional and mesenchymal e. Myxoid and hyaline


CN V innervates all of the muscles listed EXCEPT the a. posterior belly of the digastric b. muscles of mastication c. tensor tympani muscle d. tensor veli palatini muscle e. mylohyoid muscle


Cartilage and bone increase in size by a. appositional growth b. interstitial growth c. hypertrophy d. a and b e. a, b and c


Chondrosarcoma most often occurs from a. normal cartilage cells b. preexisting benign (non-cancerous) bone c. cartilage tumor d. cancer cells


Diseases associated with enchondromas include: a. Ollier's disease b. Leukoplakia c. Epstein-barr virus d. Osteogenesis Imperfecta e. Leukemia


Flat bones form via intramembraneous ossification and does not contain cartilage during formation. a. First statement is true and second statement is true b. First statement is true but second statement is false c. First statement is false but second statement is true d. Both statements are false


Osteoradionecrosis results in exposure and necrosis of bone, which is a type of osteomyelitis. a. The first part of the statement is true, the second part is false. b. The first part of the statement is false, the second part is true. c. Both parts of the statement are true. d. Both parts of the statement are false.


88. Which of the following cells is primarily responsible for producing bone matrix under the osteogenic layer of the periosteum? a. Osteoprogenitor cell b. Osteoblast c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast e. Bone lining cell


Possible innervation complications from excisional surgery of chondrosarcoma may include both temporary and permanent paralysis because often the location of the tumor is close to vital vascular structures and neurologic structures. a. Both the statement and the reason are correct and related. b.Both the statement and the reason are correct but not related. c.statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. d.The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct. e.NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.


Regarding the genesis of hyaline cartilage: 1. Interstitial growth of hyaline cartilage is result from cell division of pre-existing chondrocytes; 2. Appositional growth is the differentiation of chondrogenic cells in the perichondrium a. Both statement are correct b. Both statement are incorrect c. First statement is true, second statement is false d. First statement is false, second statement is true


The approximate five-year survival rate for Grade I conventional chondrosarcomas is a. 90% b. 50% c. 30% d. 10% e. 2%


The most common type of jaw cyst is: a. radicular cyst b. nondontogenic cyst c. pseudocyst d. dentigerous cyst e. eruption cyst


The most successful treatment of chondrosarcoma is: a. surgery b. radiotheraphy c. chemotherapy d. proton therapy e. all of the above


The odontogenic epithelium is encountered in which pharyngeal arch: a. First arch b. Second arch c. Third arch d. Fourth arch e. Fifth arch


What epithelium lines the nasopharynx? a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar b. stratified columnar c. stratified squamous d. ciliated cuboidal e. pseudostratified squamous


What is the name of the mechanism of cancer cell metastasis as the cancer cells exit the capillaries and enter the organs? a. Extravasation b. Diapedesis c. Intercalation d. Infiltration e. Invasion


What statement is not true of fibrosarcoma? a. Most lesions occur in the maxillary sinus. b. Are tumors of malignant fibroblasts and collagen c. Can affect bone tissue d. A and B e. A and C


Which cell cycle checkpoint is most commonly problematic in cancer? a. G1 b. G2 c. M d. S e. G0


Which nerve innervates the mucosa of the maxillary sinus? a. infra-orbital nerve b. zygomatic nerve c. frontal nerve d. lacrimal nerve e. supra-orbital nerve


Which of the following foramen does the maxillary nerve go through: a. rotundum b. ovale c. superior orbital d. mental e. zygomaticofacial


Which of the following has shown the greatest success for treating chondrosarcomas? a. Wide margin surgical excision b. Chemotherapy c. Radiation therapy d. Proton beam radiation e. Brachytherapy


Which of the following nerves in NOT located in the wall of the cavernous sinus? a. Abducens b. Maxillary c. Trochlear d. Ophthalmic e. Oculomotor


Which type of cartilage displays histologic territorial and interterritorial matrices? a. Hyaline b. Elastic c. Fibrocartilage d. a and b e. a, b and c


Which type of malignant cancer is the most commonly occurring in the paranasal sinus? a. Squamous cell carcinoma b. Adenocarcinoma c. Chondrosarcoma d. Osteosarcoma


A malignant tumor which closely resembles its tissue of origin in cellular structure and architecture is described as a. anaplastic b. metaplastic c. well-differentiated d. poorly-differentiated


88. Acute sinusitis is treated medically whereas chronic sinusitis is treated surgically. a. The first part of the statement is true, the second part is false. b. The first part of the statement is false, the second part is true. c. Both parts of the statement are true. d. Both parts of the statement are false.


88. Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumor of bone but is relatively rare in the jaws. a. The first part of the statement is true, the second part is false. b. The first part of the statement is false, the second part is true. c. Both parts of the statement are true. d. Both parts of the statement are false.


Anaplasic malignant cell characteristics include which of the following? 1) Nuclear and cellular pleomorphism 2) Hyperchromasia 3) Decreased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio 4) Abundant mitosis 5) Tumor giant cells a. 1, 2, 3 b. 2, 4, 5 c. 1, 4, 5 d. all of the above


A benign tumor of squamous epithelial tissue would be classified as a(n): a. Carcinoma b. Adenoma c. Angioma d. Papilloma e. Sarcoma


All are signs and symptoms of occlusal trauma EXCEPT: a. Mobility b. Chipped or Fractured tooth c. Widened PDL space d. Mucobuccal lesion


All of the following statements concerning the nasal cavity are true, except: a. The roof is formed by the nasal, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones b. The floor is formed by the palantine process of the maxilla and horizontal plate of the palantine bone c. The lateral walls are formed by the superior, middle, and inferior conchae d. The medial wall or nasal septum is formed entirely by the vomer bone e. The bridge of the nose is formed by two nasal bones


Dental treatment planning for the patient with cancer begins with establishment of the diagnosis. Planning involves: a. Pre-treatment evaluation and preparation of the patient b. Oral health care during cancer therapy, which includes hospital and outpatient care c. Post-treatment management of the patient, including long-term considerations d. All of the above e. None of the above


During development, the neurocranium is formed by a. endochondral bone formation b. Intramembranous bone formation c. endochondral bone formation and appositional growth d. intramembranous bone formation and appositional growth


Fibrocartilage normally occurs in? a. epiglottis b. external ear c. epiphyseal plate d. intervertebral discs e. C-shaped rings in the wall of the trachea


For conventional chondrosarcomas, which grades are considered indolent? a. Grade 1 b. Grade 2 c. Grade 3 d. a and b e. a, b and c


In which of the following conditions does the histopathology display a "starburst" pattern? a. Osteosarcoma b. Chondrosarcoma c. Fibrous dysplasia d. a and b e. a, b and c


Lamellar bone differs from hyaline cartilage in that hyaline cartilage lacks a. blood vessels b. canaliculi c. ground substance d. a and b e. a, b and c


Maffucci syndrome a. is a subclass of enchondromatosis b. characterized by multiple enchondromas c. is characterized by large soft tissue hematomas in addition to the bone problems d. a and b e. a, b and c


Malignant connective tissue tumors are classified as: a. lymphoma b. carcinoma c. adenoma d. sarcoma e. melanoma


Most tumors advance from invasive to in situ to benign. Oncogenes are regular cellular genes that contribute to cancer when changes are made. a. Both statements are true and related b. Both statements are false c. Both statements are true and unrelated d. First statement is false, second statement is true e. First statement is true, second statement is false


Perichondrium can be found around the perimeter of a. elastic cartilage b. hyaline cartilage c. fibrocartilage d. A & B e. A & C f. B & C


The TNM tumor classification is used to a. stage a malignant tumor b. help determine the prognosis of a malignant tumor c. grade a malignant tumor d. a and b e. b and c


The following is not derived from mesenchymal stem cells a. Osteoblasts b. Fibroblasts c. Chondroblasts d. Osteoclasts


The stromal cells of osteosarcoma may be: a. osteoblastic b. chondroblastic c. fibroblastic d. all of the above e. a and b


The terminal branches of the external carotid artery are the superficial temporal artery and the a. lingual artery b. infraorbital artery c. facial artery d. maxillary artery e. inferior alveolar artery


What is the longest phase (in terms of time) of the cell cycle? a. S Phase b. M Phase c. G1 Phase d. Interphase e. G2 Phase


Which is not one of the paranasal sinuses? a. Frontal sinus b. Maxillary sinus c. Sphenoid sinus d. Medial sinus e. Ethmoidal sinus


Which of the following are possible characteristics of Chondrosarcoma A) Usually a tumor of older age groups. B) Approximately twice as common in men as in women. C) No racial preferences have been noted. D) Tends to arise in the pelvis, femur, ribs and upper arms. a. A and B b. A, B, and C c. A, B and D d. All of the above


Which of the following is NOT a complication of a dental patient undergoing cancer treatment? a. Secondary infections of Candida albicans b. Thrombocytopenia c. Mucositis d. Hypersalivation e. Neutropenia


Which of the following is NOT a proposed function of the paranasal sinuses? a. Act as resonating chambers for the voice b. Provide protection to the brain from trauma c. Moisturize and humidify ambient air d. Absorb oxygen into the blood stream e. Decrease the weight of the skull


Which of the following types of cartilage contain primarily Type II collagen? a. Elastic b. Hyaline c. Fibrocartilage d. a and b e. a, b and c


Which one of the following provides the best identification of vascular structures of the head and neck? a. CAT scan b. PET scan c. Radiograph d. MRI e. Ultrasound


Which of the following conditions increase the risk of developing osteosarcoma? a. Osteomalacia b. Osteoporosis c. Osteoblastoma d. Osteitis deformans e. Osteogenesis imperfect

d. (also referred to as Paget's disease)

116. Differential diagnosis of chondrosarcoma includes a. osteosarcoma b. fibrosarcoma c. chordoma d. meningioma e. All of the above


116. Which of the following is considered a differential diagnosis for fibrosarcoma? a. Osteosarcoma b. Malignant fibrous histiocytomas c. Fibromatoses d. None of the above e. All of the above


58. The majority of DNA is synthesized during which phase of the cell cycle a. M b. G0 c. G1 d. G2 e. S


78. Clinical presentation in a chondrosarcoma patient vary depending on the location of the tumor, but presentations may include 1. headaches 2. hearing loss 3. pulsatile tinnitus 4. facial numbness 5. dysphagia a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4 c. 3, 4, and 5 d. 2, 3, 4, and 5 e. All of the above


ALL of the following are types of chondrosarcoma EXCEPT: a. Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma b. Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma c. Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma d. Secondary Chondrosarcoma e. Clear Tissue Chondrosarcoma f. Conventional Chondrosarcoma


All of the following are true about cranial nerve V EXCEPT: a. It is both a sensory and motor nerve b. It provides sensory innervation to the face c. The motor portion innervates the muscles of mastication d. It innervates the tensor tympani muscle e. It is the sensory nerve to the posterior tongue


All the following are histological subtypes of chondrosarcoma except: a. Conventional b. Clear Cell c. Mesenchymal d. Dedifferentiated e. All the above are subtypes of chondrosarcoma


Chondrosarcoma preferentially metastasizes to what areas? a. liver b. lungs c. bone d. skeletal muscle e. both a & b


Conditions that are known to give rise to secondary chondrosarcomas include a. Ollier's disease b. Mafucci's syndrome c. Paget's disease d. fibrous dysplasia e. all of the above


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