Chp 1: Intro to Anatomy & Physiology

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Coronal section is _____ to ______


Coronal section is also known as:

frontal section

Maintenance of a stable internal environment (keeping everything in the middle)


Particles consisting of atoms joined together (i.e water, glucose)


The most common type of hemostatic mechanism

negative feedback

Deep =

more internal

What two organ systems are closely related?

nervous and endocrine systems

Functional part of a cell (i.e mitochondrion, lysosome) (structure within cells that carry out specific activities)


Composed of organ systems interacting (i.e human)


The study of body function


ex. of Integumentary system

skin, hair, nails

The ________ of organs and parts of the human body determines the ________.

structure; function

Particles that make up atoms (i.e electrons, protons, and neutrons)


What are the smaller particles that make up a cell?

subatomic, atom, molecule, macromolecule, and organelle

Houses the lungs, heart, and other thoracic organs

thoracic cavity

Contains abdominal and pelvic organs

abdominopelvic cavity

Superior =




Decision-maker that maintains THE SET POINT

control center

Receives food, breaks down food, absorbs digestion products, and excretes waste

digestive system

What 3 organ systems absorption & excretion?

digestive, respiratory and urinary systems

ex. Visceral pericardium

directly around heart

ex. Visceral pleura

directly around lungs

ex. Visceral peritoneum

directly around the abdominopelvic organs

Contains the spinal cord

vertebral canal (spinal cavity)

ex. Longitudinal section


Serous membrane consists of 2 layers:

visceral and parietal

Inner layer, which covers an organ

visceral layer



What 2 organ systems are known for transport?

cardiovascular and lymphatic systems

Transportation of gases, nutrients, blood cells, hormones, and wastes

cardiovascular system

Basic unit of structure and function in living things (i.e muscle, nerve, or blood cell)


What is the order of the levels of organization?

cell -> tissue -> organ -> organ system -> organism

Determine entry of substances, responds to signals

cell membrane mechanisms

Via membrane receptors

cell to cell communication

Specialization of cells due to gene expression

cellular differentiation

Maintenance of a stable internal environment


What decade is aging noticeable in?

third decade

What organ system is involved with Reproductive system?


Why did early healers use observations?

to understand what caused illnesses

Increase in cell number and size and increase in body size


Positive feedback refers to

"adding to the disruption"

Negative feedback refers to

"back to the middle"

Bilateral =

(same) paired structures; on both sides

What passway is between receptors and control center?


What passway is between control center and effectors?


ex. Bilateral

bicycle has 2 wheels


rib (side)

Most abundant substance in the body, environment for metabolic processes, required for transport of substances, and regulation of body temperature


INTRAcellular fluid means:

within the cell

ex. Ipsilateral

2 different structures on the same side (i.e left ear and left arm)

_______ occurs from the microscopic to the whole-body level.


Describe how an early interest in the human body eventually led to the development of modern medical science.

Early healers depended on superstition and magic, followed by observations of injuries, wound healing, and dead bodies. This evolved into experimentation and study of corpses and cadaver dissection creating new terminology for A&P.

Homeostatic mechanisms are also

Feedback loops

Blood clotting the uterine contractions of childbirth is an example of _______ feedback


________ feedback produces unstable conditions, that seem like they will not lead to homeostasis, but they will.


The 9 abdominopelvic regions are:

R. hypochondriac — Epigastric — L. hypochondriac; R. lateral (lumbar) — Umbilical — L. lateral (lumbar) R. inguinal (iliac) — Pubic (hypogastric) — L. inguinal (iliac)

What organ system is known for reproduction?

Reproductive system

What 2 smaller cavities make up the abdominopelvic cavity?

abdominal and pelvic

Extends from diaphragm to top of pelvis, and contains stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys small intestine, most of large intestine

abdominal cavity



Standing erect, facing forward, upper limbs at sides, palms facing forward, head facing forward

anatomical position

The study of body structure (aka morphology)




Peritoneum =

around abdominopelvic organs

Pericardium =

around heart in thorax

Pleura =

around the lungs in thorax

ex. Oblique section

at an angle

Tiny particles that make up chemicals (i.e hydrogen, carbon)


Lateral =

away from midline

What are the 2 main portions the human body consists of?

axial portion and appendicular portion



Replacement of lost substances, elimination of excesses


ex. Urinary system


Inferior =


ex. Superficial

body landmarks

ex. Skeletal system

bones and connective tissues

Intracellular and Extracellular are:

both water-based solutions and communicate together

ex. Digestive system

brings in good, takes out bad

All materials, including those that make up the human body, are composed of _____________


What are the requirements of organisms?

chemicals: (water, food, oxygen), heat, and pressure

Moving chemicals and cells through the body fluids


ex. Cardiovascular system

circulation of blood

Superficial =

close to body surface

ex. Proximal

close to shoulder/close to hip

Proximal =

close to the trunk

ex. Contralateral

conta= opposite

Longitudinal cut (vertical) that divides body into ventral (front) and dorsal (back) portions

coronal section

Houses the brain

cranial cavity

Major body cavities of the axial portion:

cranial cavity, vertebral canal, thoracic cavity, and abdominopelvic cavity

A cut across the structure

cross section

What are the cylindrical sections of organs?

cross, oblique and longitudinal sections



ex. Deep

deeper inside the body

Muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities


Breaking down food into usable nutrients for absorption into the blood


ex. Dorsal

dorsal fin on a shark

Muscle or gland that responds to the control center, and causes the necessary change in the internal environment


Parasagittal section is to ______ side of midline


During negative feedback, if there's a movement in __________ direction, it brings it _________.

either; back

ex. Nervous system

electrical and chemical

Integration and coordination of organ function through chemical messengers called hormones; slower, longer-lasting effects

endocrine system

Keeps cells active

energy processes

Removing waste products


Distal =

farther from the trunk

Homeostatic mechanisms for stability (positive and negative)

feedback loops

Provides necessary nutrients and supplies energy


Substances (cells) move from high to low, down pressure and concentration gradients, across permeable membranes

gradients and permeability

What are the 7 mechanisms and processes of Anatomy & Physiology?

gradients and permeability, cellular differentiation, cell membrane mechanisms, cell to cell communication, feedback loops, balance, and energy processes

9 Characteristics of life:

growth, reproduction, responsiveness, movement, metabolism, respiration, digestion, circulation, and excretion

Axial portion consists of:

head, neck, and trunk (vital organs)



Form of energy, helps maintain body temperature, and partly controls the rate of metabolic reactions


ex. Cross section


Transverse section is also known as:

horizontal section

ex. Lymphatic system

immune system; circulation of lymph

During positive feedback, activity of the effectors is _________ initially, instead of __________.

increased, decreasing

ex. If a boy was standing on his head, his mouth would be ________ to his nose


ex. Order of characteristics of life (for food):

ingesting -> digestion -> absorption -> circulation -> respiration -> excretion

What 2 organ systems does homeostasis happen in?

integumentary and urinary systems

Body covering, protection, body temperature regulation, sensory reception, and production on Vitamin D

integumentary system

What organ system is in anatomical position?

integumentary system

What 5 organ systems known for body covering, support, and movement?

integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems

What are the 11 organ systems?

integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive

During positive feedback, the change/deviation is ________ instead of __________.

intensified; reversed

Cells depend on each other

interdependency of cells

The environment within the body (in which the cells live)

internal environment

ex. The lungs are _______ to the heart


Sagittal section is _____ and ______


When referring to a body in science, the ____ and ____ is like dentistry's


During negative feedback, effectors return conditions toward normal range, and the deviation from set point _________.


ex. Parietal peritoneum

lining outer part of abdominopelvic membrane

ex. Parietal pericardium

lining outer part of the heart membrane

ex. Parietal pleura

lining outer part of the lung membrane

Lengthwise cut

longitudinal section

Negative feedback: if something is high, it goes ________; if something is low, it goes ________.


Positive feedback: if something is low, it goes _______; if something is high, it goes ______.


Transportation of fluids from tissue spaces to blood; carries fats from digestive system to blood, and defends body against infection

lymphatic system

Large particles composed of many smaller molecules (i.e DNA, proteins)


Mid-sagittal is also known as:

median section

Region between lungs in the thoracic cavity, which contains heart, esophagus, trachea, and thymus gland


Homeostatic mechanisms require most of our?

metabolic energy

The sum of all chemical reactions in a living system; energy production and nutrient cycling


What are the 2 types of sagittal sections?

mid-sagittal and parasagittal

Divides body into equal left and right portions

mid-sagittal section

Contains the middle ear bones

middle ear cavities

Mid-sagittal section is _______ only


Change in body position or location; motion of internal organs


ex. Muscular system


Support and movement, main source of body heat and posture

muscular system

Connecting with several air-filled sinuses

nasal cavity

Integration and coordination of organ function through nerve impulses and neurotransmitters; rapid short term effects; detects changes inside/outside of the body

nervous system

What are the differences in Nervous and Endocrine system?

nervous system organ function through nerve impulses and neurotransmitters and has rapid short-term effects; endocrine system organ function through chemical messengers called hormones and has slower, longer-lasting effects

An angular cut

oblique section

Contralateral =

opposite sides

Contains teeth and tongue

oral cavity

Smaller cavities within the head contains:

oral cavity, nasal cavity, orbital cavity, and middle ear cavities

Contains the eyes and associated skeletal muscles and nerves

orbital cavity

Group of different tissues with a common function (i.e heart, kidney)


Group of organs with a common function (i.e digestive system)

organ system

EXTRAcellular fluid means:

outside the cell

Releases energy from food


Sagittal section lateral (away from) to the midline

parasagittal section

Outer layer, which lines wall of cavity

parietal layer

Enclosed by pelvic bones, and contains end of large intestine, urinary bladder, internal reproductive organs

pelvic cavity

The uncommon feedback mechanism in the body


Application of force on an object, atmospheric pressure (important for breathing), and hydrostatic pressure (keeps blood flowing)


ex. Knee is ______ to ankle


ex. Endocrine system

purely checmical, produce hormones

Detects and provides information about the stimuli


What are the 3 homeostatic mechanisms?

receptors, control center, effectors

Anatomical terms of ___________ are based on a person standing in anatomical position.

relative position

One thing related to another

relative position

Production of new cells and organisms


Male and female systems produce and transport sex cells, produce hormones, and produce new like organisms; female also provides for fetal development and childbirth

reproductive system

Making energy (most organisms do it by taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide)


Moves air in/out of body; exchanges gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between blood and air; absorbs oxygen

respiratory system

Reaction to a change inside or outside the body


The 4 abdominopelvic quadrants are:

right upper quadrant, right lower quadrant, left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant

What are the body sections or planes?

sagittal (mid-sagittal and parasagittal) plane, transverse (horizontal) plane, and coronal (frontal) section

A longitudinal (vertical) plane that divides the body or any of its parts into right and left portions

sagittal section

Ipsilateral =

same side

Homeostatic mechanisms are:

self-regulating systems that monitor aspects of the internal environment and correct them as needed

Slippery fluid that prevents friction between layers (helps move around in cavity)

serous fluid

Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities are lined by double-layered _________, which secrete serous fluid.

serous membrane

Positive feedback is known to be _______-lived.

short (temporary)


similar to

Support and movement, framework, protection, attachment sites, storage of inorganic salts, and production of blood cells

skeletal system


standing still

Interrelated (connect)

structure & function

What are the 13 terms of relative position?

superior, inferior, ventral, dorsal, medial, lateral, bilateral, ipsilateral, contralateral, proximal, distal, superficial, and deep

Early healers depended on

superstition and magic

All living things consist of ______.

the cell (cells)

6 Key concepts of Anatomy & Physiology:

the cell, internal environment, homeostasis, interdependency of cells, and structure and function

Negative feedback is called "negative" because ________

the response to the change moves the variable in the opposite direction of the deviation from the set point


the study of

Layer or mass of cells with specific function (i.e adipose tissue)



to hang something

ex. Medial

to the middle

ex. Lateral

to the side

ex. Superior


Transverse section is ______ and ______


Medial =

toward midline

Dorsal =

toward the back

Ventral =

toward the front

Divides the body into superior (top) and inferior (bottom) portions

transverse section

Appendicular portion consists of:

upper and lower limbs (arms/legs)

Removes blood wastes; regulates electrolyte, water balance, and blood pressure; produces urine and excretes it by transporting it to outside of body

urinary system

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