chp 4- making the nation after the american revolution

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Democratic-Republicans were in favor of all of the following EXCEPT: a. Lower voting regulations. b. more emphasis on states' rights c. an economy based on small farmers d. a strong central government e. farmers and common people to run the country


Impressment refers to the practice of ____. a. Forcing boys into the military service b. Forcing slaves into naval service c. Forcing civilians to serve high-ranking naval officers d. Forcing seaman into naval service


In the Three-Fifths Compromise, 3/5 of the _____ population was counted toward the overall state population. a. Farmer b. Lawyer c. Female d. Southern slave


Why did the Massachusetts militia have the power to confront the federal government in Shays' Rebellion? a. The state of Massachusetts had a militia of 10,000 men while the federal government only had a military of 1,000. b. The farmers that made up the Massachusetts militia made better soldiers than the federal government's British-trained officers. c. They didn't have the authority because the federal government had it all. d. The federal government had no military of its own to fight back and could not enforce laws.

answer- d

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan differ? a. The Virginia plan favored big states and preferred representation based on state population while the New Jersey plan favored small states and preferred equal representation for all states. b. The Virginia Plan favored small states and preferred representation based on state population while the New Jersey Plan favored big states and preferred equal representation for all states. c. The Virginia Plan favored industrial states and preferred representation based on production output while the New Jersey Plan favored agricultural states and preferred representation based on crop production. d. The Virginia Plan favored agricultural states and preferred representation based on crop production while the New Jersey Plan favored industrial states and preferred representation based on production output.


How did Hamilton and the Federalists & Jefferson and the Republicans influence the US Federal Government? a. They set the path for the nation to be run by a two-party system. b. They set the path for the nation to be run by the National Bank c. They set the path for the nation to be run by the common citizens. d. They set the path for the nation to be run by a strong central government. e. They did not influence it at all because President Washington put a stop to the two-party system


How did the views on a bill of rights of anti-federalists differ to those of federalists in the debate regarding the ratification of the Constitution? a. Anti-federalists believed the issue of human rights protection should be observed immediately, while federalists wanted to address the issue after the Constitution was adopted. b. Anti-federalists believed that there should be a minimum Bill of Rights, while the federalists didn't want human rights discussed at all. c. Anti-federalists were not satisfied with the Bill of Rights attached to the Constitution, while federalists believed that the Constitution should abolish slavery. d. Anti-federalists believed the Constitution gave too much power to the national state in preserving civil rights, while federalists believed the Constitution did not go far enough.


How does the sixth amendment differ from the seventh amendment? a. The sixth amendment focuses on the rights of those accused of a crime, while the seventh focuses on the right of trial by jury in civil cases. b. They both focus on the rights of those accused of a crime, but the sixth amendment focuses on issues such as double jeopardy while the seventh focuses on the right to a speedy and public trial. c. The sixth amendment focuses on freedom from self-incrimination, while the seventh amendment protects you from double jeopardy. d. The sixth amendment focuses on freedom from unreasonable searches and seizure, while the seventh means you do not have to house members of the military.


President Washington: a. Warned against political parties b. Was a Libertarian c. Was a Federalist d. Was a Democratic-Republican e. All of these


What did the 1795 Treaty of Greenville accomplish? a. It ended the Northwest Indian War by ceding most of modern Ohio to the US b. It ended the Whiskey Rebellion with citizens promising they would abide by federal law. All of the participants were pardoned by Washington c. It ended the revolt started by Wayne and his Legion of the United States d. It ended the British resistance against America and their presence on US soil


What four bills made up the Alien and Sedition Acts? a. Naturalization, Alien, Alien Enemies, Sedition b. Naturalization, Sedition, Alien Enemies, XYZ c. Sedition, Naturalization, Alien Enemies, Midnight Appointments d. Alien, Sedition, Lame Duck, Alien Enemies


Which amendment provides a blanket of protection for Americans? a. The ninth amendment b. The third amendment c. The seventh amendment The first amendment


Which of the following hypothetical candidates meets the constitutional qualifications for president? a. Businessman Walter Schwartz, age 45, was born in the United States to an American-born mother and a Canadian father. He has resided in the U.S. for 15 years. b. Congresswoman Nancy Bueller, 51 years old, was born in Austria to German parents who later immigrated to the Pacific Northwest where Nancy was raised. She and the members of her family became U.S. citizens in an emotional ceremony just 14 years ago. c. Governor Harrison, a natural born U.S. citizen, is 32 years old and has resided in the United States for the past 8 years, following a brief career as a Navy pilot stationed in Japan. d. Professor Tammy Turner was born in Wisconsin to immigrant parents from Wales. She has lived most of her life in the United Kingdom, but three years ago, at the age of 27, she returned to take up residence in the state where she was born


Which treaty thwarted war between America and England in 1794? a. The Jay Treaty b. The Genet Treaty c. The Treaty of Paris d. The Treaty of San Lorenzo


Why was the Jay treaty of 1795 hugely unpopular with the American Public? a. The treaty did not address the British impressment of Americans nor British meddling in American trade b. The treaty let the British stay in the Northwest indefinitely but dismissed claims of the British seizing American ships c. The treaty allowed the British the right to trade in the West Indies, which threatened the American slave trade d. The treaty did not address the British enslavement of Americans nor British claims to the West Indies


Why were state conventions responsible for the ratification of the Constitution rather than the state government? a. Because state governments would want to yield the least amount of power they possibly could. b. Because the state government was still under dwindling British influence. c. Because state governments were all anti-federalist. d. Because the state government was only then being formed, and did not have the necessary experience to carry out the ratification.


How did Shays' Rebellion and others similar to it influence the future of America? a. A convention was called to create the U.S. Constitution. b. These rebellions allowed states' rights to remain supreme. c. Federal prisons were introduced. d. The life of average Americans became more difficult due to the introduction of heavy taxation by the central government

answer- a

South Carolina's Constitution established that the following people could vote: a. White males who owned enough property b. All males loyal to King George c. White men and women, who owned enough property d. All taxpayers

answer- a

The Articles of Confederation were ratified: a. In 1781, after territorial disputes had been solved b. Immediately following the signing of the Declaration of Independence c. In 1865, after the end of the civil war d. When John Adams told everyone they had to do it e. After the U.S. Constitution proved to create too weak of a central government

answer- a

1. What did Shays' Rebellion reveal about the federal government? a. The federal government was strong under the Articles of Confederation. b. The federal government was weak under the Articles of Confederation. c. The federal government had not given enough power to the state governments d. Farmers made horrible soldiers.

answer- b

How did the Northwest Ordinance affect the treatment of Native Americans? a. It was a turning point. After the Northwest Ordinance all Native Americans were treated fairly. b. It said they were to be treated 'decently', but in reality, even this minimal protection was not honored. c. It didn't affect their treatment. Native Americans were not mentioned in the Northwest Ordinance. d. They weren't given the same rights as whites, but they were mostly treated well.

answer- b

Under Pennsylvania's radical new constitution, which group of people had voting rights? a. All adult men and women b. All adult males who paid taxes c. All adult male property owners d. White males e. All of these are correct

answer- b

1. The people of Massachusetts rejected the constitution that was proposed by the state legislature in favor of one written by _____. a. The governor b. The people c. A specially elected committee d. The Quakers in Pennsylvania

answer- c

Which of the following was NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation? a. The federal government had no power to tax its citizens. b. The federal government could not enforce laws. c. The federal government was more powerful than the state governments. d. The federal government had no power to create an army.

answer- c

Which power did the central government not have under the Articles of Confederation? a. Settling disputes between the states b. Diplomacy, making treaties, etc . c. The power to tax d. Coordinating the war effort e. Under the Articles of Confederation the central government had all of these powers

answer- c

1.What led to Shays Rebellion? a. As a result of lost land, farmers couldn't vote. b. Farmers lost their land and couldn't feed their families. c. The national debt grew. d. All of these

answer- d

The Articles of Confederation established a central government that was too weak. Which of the following describes the effect of a weak central government? a. States were asked to send troops to form an Army; however they did not have to do so b. Money was printed, but since the states could not be taxed, the money was worthless c. Primary power was left to the states; in Congress, 9 of 13 states had to agree to make a law d. All of these

answer- d

How did most states determine how to rule themselves according to the idea that the people are the highest authority (popular sovereignty) when drafting their state constitutions? a. According to their experiences and cultural identity b. By taking the majority of power away from the governors c. By continuing the colonial structures d. By giving the assembly the majority of the power e. All of these are correct

answer- e

The Northwest Ordinance: a. Organized the territories and gave a clear path to statehood. b. Abolished slavery in the territories. c. Granted freedom of religion and the right to trial by jury to settlers d. None of these e. All of these

answer- e

The Pennsylvania constitution was drafted to eliminate the governor and formed a unicameral government for all of the following reasons EXCEPT? a. They believed the people could rule more effectively b. They thought the governor was the same as a king c. They thought the higher assembly was like the House of Lords in Parliament d. They believed the current government represented the wealthy aristocrats e. They preferred having one person as a legislator instead of a governor

answer- e

Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the _____ party and Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the _____ party a. Libertarian; Federalist b. Federalist; Democratic-Republican c. Franciscan; Libertarian d. Federalist; Loyalists e. Democratic-Republican; Federalist


How did the capacity of the federal government to govern during the Whiskey Rebellion differ from its capacity under the Articles of Confederation? a. The federal government, especially presidential authority, was far stronger under the Articles of Confederation. b. In the times of the Whiskey Rebellion, the federal government had the tools to quell the rebellion which it did not have in the times of the Articles of Confederation. c. The federal government had a far larger source of tax funding in the times of the Articles of Confederation d. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government had a far stronger capacity to act. During the Whiskey Rebellion, the federal government did not have the tools to prevent a rebellion, allowing it to start in the first place


How were the Alien and Sedition Acts viewed by the citizens of the United States? a. The citizens did not care one way or the other. b. They were viewed negatively because they were offensive to the freedom and rights of the individual. c. They were viewed positively because the citizens liked John Adams d. They were viewed negatively because the citizens wanted to make peace with France. e. They were viewed positively because the citizens were afraid of the French


The Alien and Sedition Acts a. Were an attempt by three agents of France to gain a large bribe. b. Were aimed at stopping recent immigrants from causing disruption and anarchy in the U.S. c. Were a big reason John Adams won his second term. d. Were aimed at keeping Martians from entering the U.S. e. Were aimed at stopping U.S. citizens from leaving the country


The capital of the United States before Washington D.C. was: a. New York b. Philadelphia c. Baltimore d. Richmond e. Annapolis


Under Article III of the Constitution, which situation would the Judicial Branch be concerned with? a. The appointment of a replacement vice president in the event of a death. b. A dispute between the state of Arizona and the federal government over the proper scope of a law enacted by Congress. c. A dispute between member nations of NATO over the appropriation of funds. d. The appointment of a replacement justice to the Supreme Court in the event of a death.


What happened in the XYZ Affair? a. President Adams used three accomplices to rig the election of 1800. b. The three U.S. commissioners sent to France to negotiate were met by three agents of the French foreign minister, who demanded a $250,000 bribe and a $12,000,000 loan c. Thomas Jefferson demanded a $250,000 bribe not to run for president against John Adams in 1800. d. Three British agents requested $12,000,000 for their services to bribe the French foreign minister with $250,000. The British wanted the French to ally with them against the Americans. e. The United States Congress discussed legislation to remove the letters X, Y, and Z from the alphabet


Which of the following was NOT a federalist? a. John Jay b. George Clinton c. Alexander Hamilton d. James Madison


Which of the following was the LAST state to ratify the Constitution? a. New York b. Rhode Island c. Delaware d. Pennsylvania


Why did the Northwest Indian War start and who was the leader of the American troops? a. It started because white settlers began moving into Native American territory and, foreseeing British support, they battled against American troops led by President George Washington. b. It started because white settlers began moving into Native American territory and, foreseeing British support that never arrived, they battled against American troops led by the war hero General 'Mad' Anthony Wayne. c. It started because the Native Americans felt oppressed and Washington, sensing the importance of the rebellion, led the militia personally. d. It started because the Native Americans had a far larger federal tax to pay under the Articles of Confederation and Washington, sensing the importance of the rebellion, sent the war hero General 'Mad' Anthony Wayne.


A tariff is a: a. Tax on all politicians b. tax of services c. Tax on imported goods d. Tax on locally made products Tax on income


Adams' midnight appointments __________. a. Stacked the U.S. courts with Democratic-Republicans. b. Stole the election of 1800 for Thomas Jefferson. c. Stacked the U.S. courts with Federalists. d. Stole the election of 1800 for John Adams. e. Were the famous rides John Adams took to warn people that the French were attacking.


How did the people react to the fact that Washington personally led the anti-rebellion militia? a. They understood they were important, which gave them a false sense of strength and prolonged the revolution b. They thought it was strange for a president to do so, but there was no reaction to it. c. They felt the significance of it which helped to quickly end the rebellion d. They fought Washington's militia in a series of battles, but after several significant defeats and the loss of many lives, they chose to surrender


The Great Compromise ____. a. Established one house of Congress with 2 votes for each state (Senate). b. Ignored elements of the Virginia Plan. c. Established one house of Congress based on population (House of Representatives) and the other with equal representation (Senate). d. Ignored elements of the New Jersey Plan


The police have raided your house, but they do not have a warrant or the legal authority to do so. Why is this prohibited by the fourth amendment? a. Because it provides you with the legal right to bear arms b. Because it defines due process and police conduct c. Because it provides you with the freedom from unreasonable searches and seizure d. Because it protects you from double jeopardy


What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention? a. To write the Declaration of Independence b. To write the Constitution c. To amend the Articles of Confederation d. To elect a new president e. To institute the three-fifths compromise


Which of the following statements about the 1795 Treaty of San Lorenzo is FALSE? a. American settlers could be engaged in commerce in the city b. It allowed the United States physical access to what are now Mississippi and Alabama c. Spain did not recognize the southern and western boundaries of the United States d. American settlers could deposit their exports in New Orleans


Why did the Whiskey Rebellion start in the United States? a. Because the population was angry with the federal government for placing a 25% tariff on the import of foreign whiskey. b. Because President George Washington decided to prohibit the consumption and production of alcohol with the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. c. Because Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton put a 25% excise tax on all of the liquor sold in the US. d. Because the federal government banned the import of all foreign alcohol products, which hurt the sales of domestic importers.


Why is divided government significant to the U.S. political system? a. It ensures that another candidate is swiftly named by Congress in case the vice president dies b. It prevents too much change to the power structure of the federal government and slows down legislative progress. c. It allows the individual branches of government to keep the power of the other branches equally balanced and in check. d. It ensures the two-party system of the United States to function and allows for a peaceful transition of power every four years


Why was the tenth amendment enacted? a. In order to regulate free trade. b. Because there was a need to establish a legal basis for a well regulated and trained militia c. Because the states were fearful of giving too much power to the federal government. d. In order to regulate the criminal justice system


Article I of the Constitution establishes ____ a. The judicial branch of the government, the Supreme Court. b. The executive branch of the government, the president. c. The right to bear arms. d. The legislative branch of the government, the Congress


In which of the following scenarios is the Fifth Amendment NOT relevant? a. When you have been tried for robbing a bank and found innocent, but a prosecutor wants to try you for the same crime again. b. When you are accused of a crime and do not want to incriminate yourself. c. When you have helped somebody rob a bank by giving him information about the bank schematics and do not want to answer questions so as to not incriminate yourself. d. When you saw somebody commit a crime, but you refuse to testify about it because you fear retribution from that person


What was President Washington's position on American involvement in the French Revolution? a. He advocated helping the French but received pushback from the American people b. He pledged American troops and resources to help the French but was turned down c. He maintained that helping the French was an unwise idea because America's alliance with Britain was strong d. He maintained that America was a young country that lacked the resources and strength to help other nations


Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury? a. Henry Knox b. Thomas Jefferson c. John Adams d. Alexander Hamilton e. Edmund Randolf


Why did Congress debate for two days whether they should discipline the delegates of the Constitutional Convention? a. For creating a completely new military system rather than just modifying the Declaration of Independence. b. For not adhering to the Bill of Rights. c. For having far too many Enlightenment Era ideas in the final draft, such as federalism. d. For creating a new form of government instead of just modifying the Articles of Confederation.


_____, known for his patience and fairness, was chosen to preside over the convention. a. Benjamin Franklin b. Thomas Jefferson c. Patrick Henry d. George Washington John Adams


Federalist were in favor of which of the following? a. well educated property owner to run the country b. a strong central government c. an economy based on manufacturing, commerce, and foreign trade d. the creation of a National Bank e. all of these


How many terms did President Washington serve? a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 5 e. 2


Who was President Washington's VP? a. Thomas Jefferson b. Henry Knox c. Alexander Hamilton d. Edmund Randolf e. John Adams


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