Chp. 5 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

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Area where bones are joined to each other:

Anterior to its usual postion

At what position does a displaced joint disc of the temporomandibular joint usually lie?

Lateral side

The temporomandibular ligament is located on what side of the TMJ?

sphenomandibular ligament

This ligament becomes accentuated and taut when TMJ is protruded, and is involved in trouble shooting the inferior alveolar block due to its location:

Stylomandibular ligament

This ligament runs from the styloid process of the temporal bone to the angle of the mandible, and separates the parotid and submandibular salivary glands:

masseter, temporalis, and medial pteryoid muscles

What are the muscles of mastication?

mastication, speech, and respirations

What are the three functions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?

Temporal and mandible

What bones articulate with the TMJ?


What is another name for the articular (mandibular) fossa?

Articular fossa

What is the dpression in the temporal bone termed?

Provides strength and prevents excessive retraction or moving backward of mandible

What is the function of the temporomandibular ligament?

Medial side

What is the location of the sphenomandibular ligament in relation to the TMJ?

Postglenoid process

What is the name of the sharper ridge posterior to the articular fossa?

Articular eminence

What is the smooth, rounded ridge positioned anterior to the articular fossa? It is a protuberance on the inferior aspect of the zygomatic process.


What is the term for the dislocation of the TMJ when the head of each condyle moves too far anteriorly on the articular eminence?

Gliding and rotational

What movement occurs during lateral deviation of the mandible?

muscles of mastication

What muscles are involved in rotational (elevation) movement of the mandible?

both lateral pterygoid muscles

What muscles are involved in the gliding (protrusion) movement of the mandible?

posterior parts of both temporalis muscles

What muscles are involved in the gliding (retraction) movement of the mandible?

contralateral lateral pterygoid muscles

What muscles are involved in the movement of gliding rotational (lateral deviation) of the mandible?

anterior suprahyoid muscles

What muscles are involved in the rotational (depression) movement of the mandible?

Mandibular condyle

What specific part of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone?


What type of movement occurs during depression of the mandible?


What type of movement occurs during elevation of the mandible?


What type of movement occurs during protrusion of the mandible?


What type of movement occurs during retraction of the mandible?


Where is the Articular eminence located in relation to the articular/mandibular fossa?

D. Condyle

Which area of the mandible listed below articulates with the temporal bone at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? A. Lingula B. Mandibular notch C. Coronoid process D. Condyle


______are fibrous bands of tissue that connect bones.

Joint disc

A cap-like shape structure on the mandibular condyle with its superior aspect concavoconvex from anterior to posterior and its inferior aspect concave:

Muscles of mastication

During both mandibular protrusion and retraction, the rotation of the articulating surface of the mandible against the joint disc in the lower synovial cavity is prevented by the:

upper and lower synovial cavities

How does the joint disc divide the TMJ?

Temporomandibular; Stylomandibular; Sphenomandibular

List the three main ligaments associated with the TMJ.

Gliding and Rotational

List the two basic types of movement performed by the TMJ:

C. bringing the lower jaw forward

Protrusion of the mandible is an action that primarily involves: A. Opening the jaws B. closing the jaws C. Bringing the lower jaw forward D. bringing the lower jaw backward E. shifting the lower jaw to one side

Joint capsule

The TMJ is completely enclosed in a fibrous _________.

third; 5th cranial (trigeminal)

The TMJ is innervated by the _____ division of the _______ nerve.

hinge; sliding

The TMJ is known as both a _______ and _______ type of joint.

Articular; mandiblar

The _____ or ______ fossa of the temporal bone is the site where the condyle of the mandible articulates with the skull.

superior deep cervical

The _______________ nodes drain the joint.

external carotid artery; superficial temporal branch

The blood supply to the joint is from the branches of the _______________ predominantly the __________________.

synovial cavities; synovial fluid

The disc divides the TMJ into two compartments known as ___________; the lining of these cavities secrete ________ to keep the joint lubricated.

Articular disc

The disc of the joint is also known as the:

Mandibular condyle

The joint capsule of the TMJ wraps around which structure?

C. Articular eminence, articular, fossa, postglenoid process

Which list is in order of location from the MOST anterior structure to the MOST posterior structure as found within the temporomandibular joint? A. Articular fossa, postglenoid process, articular eminence B. Condyle, coronoid process, mandibular notch C. Articular eminence, articular fossa, postglenoid process D. Coronoid process, condyle, mandibular notch

C. Gliding and rotational movement

Which of the following is an overall description of the basic movement performed by the TMJ? A. Gliding movement only B. Rotational movement only C. Gliding and rotational movement D. No movement is involved

A. Postglenoid process

Which of the following is located posterior to the articular fossa within the region of the TMJ? A. Postglenoid process B. Articular eminence C. bony separation of the nasal septum D. Zygomatic process of the temporal bone

B. External carotid artery

Which of the following is provides arterial branches for the MOST direct blood supply to the TMJ? A. Internal carotid artery B. External carotid artery C. Common carotid artery D. Aorta alone

B. Condyle

Which of the following landmarks associated with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located DIRECTLY on the mandible? A. Articular eminence B. Condyle C. Articular fossa D. Postglenoid process

C. Temporomandibular

Which of the following ligaments associated with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) serves to reinforce the joint capsule? A. Styloid B. Stylomandibular C. Temporomandibular D. Sphenomandibular

E. Mandibular elevation and retraction

Which of the following movement s of the lower jaw is assisted through contraction by the temporalis muscle? A. Mandibular depression only B. Mandibular elevation only C. Mandibular retraction only D. Mandibular depression and elevation E. Mandibular elevation and retraction

C. Lateral pterygoid muscle

Which of the following muscles is involved in the lateral deviation of the mandible? A. Masseter muscle B. Medial pterygoid muscle C. Lateral pterygoid muscle D. Temporalis muscle E. Digastric muscle

D. Trigeminal nerve

Which of the following nerves innervates the TMJ? A. Facial nerve B. Hypoglossal nerve C. Vagus nerve D. Trigeminal nerve E. Glossopharyngeal nerve

C. Perforations of the structure

Which of the following situations can possibly happen to the joint disc of the TMJ as a person ages? A. Increased blood supply B. Fewer calcifications C. Perforations of structure D. thickening of structure

A. Head of condyle moves too far anteriorly on the articular eminence.

Which of the following situations occurs when there is subluxation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? A. head of condyle moves too far anteriorly on the articular eminence. B. Neck of condyle moves too far posteriorly on the articular eminence. C. Coronoid process moves too far anteriorly on the articular eminence. D. Coronoid process moves too far posteriorly on the articular eminence.

B. Disc is attached anteriorly and posteriorly to the condyle

Which of the following statements about the TMJ disc is INCORRECT? A. Disc separates the TMJ B. Disc is attached anteriorly and posteriorly to the condyle C. Gliding movements take place between the disc and the temporal bone D. Inferior surface of the disc is concave

A. Sphenomandibular ligament lonly

Which of the following temporomandibular joint ligaments has the inferior alveolar nerve descending nearby in order to gain access to the mandibular foramen? A. Sphenomandibular ligament only B. Stylomandibular ligament only C. Temporomandibular ligament only D. Sphenomandibular and stylomandibular ligaments E. Stylomandibular and temporomandibular ligaments

B. Articular fossa

Which off the following landmarks is located upon the temporal bone? A. Condyle B. Articular fossa C. Coronoid notch D. External oblique line

Joint Disc

Which structure of the TMJ secretes synovial fluid?

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