Chp 7 Audition & 8 Sleep

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The drugs that are used to treat _____ aggravate REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.


The symptom known as ____________ is an abnormality of REM sleep.


Which of the following is not a disorder of slow-wave sleep?


Circadian rhythms are

endogenous cycles of activity over the course of a day.

The outer layer of skin is termed the


For most persons, you would expect to find nonglabrous skin on the


Which of the following is a physical dimension of auditory perception?


The pitch of a sound stimulus is related to the physical characteristic of

frequency of vibration.

Which of the following pairs of terms belong together?

frequency; pitch

In referring to the skin, the term "glabrous" means


Insomnia is define

in relation to a person's particular need for sleep.

Insomnia is defined

in relation to a person's particular need for sleep.

The cochlea is located within the __________

inner ear

The cochlea is located within the

inner ear.

A person who travels across several time zones is likely to experience

jet lag

The middle ear is to the __________ as the outer ear is to the __________.

malleus; ear canal

Only _____ and _____ experience REM sleep, while _____ and _____ have periods of rest that resemble sleep.

mammals birds, fish, amphibians

What hormone is secreted from the pineal gland during the night


REM sleep behavior disorder is to cataplexy as

movement is to paralysis.

Sleep disorders that occur during or involve REM sleep include


Sleep stages 1-4 are termed ________, whereas stages 3-4 are referred to as ________.

non-REM sleep; slow-wave sleep

The function of a nociceptor is to detect __________.

noxious stimuli

The function of a nociceptor is to detect

noxious stimuli.


objects that vibrate & set molecules of air into motion. When an object vibrates, its movements cause molecules of air surrounding it to alternate between compressing & expanding, producing waves that travel away from the object at approximately 1,200 kilometers (or 700 miles) per hour.

Which of the following is known to decrease pain sensitivity?

opiate administration

The primary function of slow-wave sleep is to

permit the brain to rest.

Anatomy of the ear


The only movements that are characteristic of sleep involve

rapid movement of the eys.

The primary function of the Pacinian corpuscle is to detect

rapid vibration.

Sudden changes in the rotation of the head are sensed by the

semicircular canals.

The primary symptom of narcolepsy is

sleeping at inappropriate times.

Narcolepsy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT


Sleep stages 3 and 4 are also called

slow-wave sleep.


snail shape structure of the inner ear that contains the auditory transducing mechanism

The receptors for ________ tastes detect the presence of hydrogen ions.


Night terrors are most likely to occur during

stage 4 of slow-wave sleep.

Cataplexy may be brought on by

strong emotions or physical exertion.


Perception of the body's own movements


Perception of the body's position and posture

Which statement about sleep is false?

REM sleep patterns are similar in all species.

________ is a sleep disorder that involves a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood during sleep.

Sleep apnea

Tympanic Membrane​:

The eardrum


The hair like appendages of a cell involved in movement or in transducing sensory information; found on the receptors in the auditory and vestibular system.

You will see _____ activity in the transition stage between being awake and falling asleep.


You will see _____ activity when the person in a relaxed state.


Which of the following pairs of terms do NOT belong together?

amplitude; pitch

The key symptom of narcolepsy is

an attack of sleep during the day.

The mallard duck is unique in that a. they can sleep with one hemisphere awake and the other asleep. b. it does not sleep. c. they can sleep with one hemisphere awake and the other asleep. d. eye movements do not occur during their sleep. e. slow-wave sleep is absent from their sleep pattern.

c. they can sleep with one hemisphere awake and the other asleep.

People with Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome tend to fall asleep around _____ and wake up around _____.

730pm, 4:30am

Timbre​: A perceptual dimension of sound; corresponds to complexity.

A perceptual dimension of sound; corresponds to complexity.

Loudness​: A perceptual dimension of sound; corresponds to intensity.

A perceptual dimension of sound; corresponds to intensity.


A perceptual dimension of sound; corresponds to the fundamental frequency

Merkel Receptors​:

A touch-sensitive cutaneous receptor, important for detection of form and roughness, especially by fingertips.

Meissner Corpuscles​:

A touch-sensitive cutaneous receptor, important in detecting edge contours or Braille-like stimuli, especially by fingertips.

Ruffini Cylinder​:

A touch-sensitive cutaneous receptor, important in detecting stretching or static force against the skin, important in proprioception.

Pacinian Corpuscles​:

A vibration-sensitive cutaneous receptor, important in detecting vibration from an object being held.

_____ is one of the most important transmitters for arousal.


Oval Window​:

An opening in the bone surrounding the cochlea that reveals a membrane, against which the baseplate of the stapes presses, transmitting sound vibrations into the fluid within the cochlea.

Which of the following is true of the sleep cycle during a night of sleep?

As the night goes on, the relative length of REM sleep increases in each successive cycle.

________ is a sleep disorder that is the opposite of REM-sleep behavior disorder.


Hertz​: Cycles per second

Cycles per second

What is the difference between declarative and nondeclarative memories?

Declaritive memory is recalling things you have learned or experienced, much like graduation day or prom night. We can recall who was prom queen. Nondeclarative memories is more like muscle memory, some activities are like tieing shoelaces, or riding a bike. Declarative memories are memories for experiences in your life and nondeclarative memories are memories for procedural types of information.

Which of the following findings support the memory consolidation theory of REM sleep?

Deprivation of REM sleep results in poor learning in rats.

The deepest stage of sleep is REM sleep.


Which of the following is true of taste?

Flavor is a mixture of olfaction and gustation.

Which statement is true of taste?

Flavor is a mixture of olfaction and gustation.

Name two reasons why we sleep.

Give brain time to rest, Brain development

________ is an example of a ________ .

Light; zeitgeber

________ are located in the finger tips and are used to detect form and roughness.

Meissner's corpuscles

Detection of roughness is to __________ as detection of vibration is to __________.

Merkel's disks; Pacinian corpuscles

Which of the following is true of human narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy involves the intrusion of REM sleep components into the awake state.

Cutaneous Sense​:

One of the somatosenses; includes sensitivity to stimuli that involve the skin.

Which of the following is a reason why stage 4 is considered to be the deepest sleep stage?

Only very loud stimuli will awaken a person from stage 4 sleep.

Pinna (auricle)​:

Outer part of the ear

Which of the receptors below are found in hairy and glabrous skin and are sensitive to vibration?

Pacinian corpuscles

Which of the following is true of the functions of pain?

Pain can be triggered by tissue damage within the body.

Which of the following is a rhythm that tends to occur over a 90 minute period?

a single non-REM/REM sleep cycle

The perceived pitch of a steady note played by a clarinet corresponds to its a. fundamental frequency. b. overtone. c. decay phase. d. attack phase. e. characteristic frequency.

a. fundamental frequency.

Pitch is to frequency as a. timbre is to complexity. b. hue is to saturation. c. frequency is to timbre. d. loudness is to sound amplitude. e. timbre is to sound amplitude.

a. timbre is to complexity.

The ________ pattern of EEG activity is characterized by irregular, high-frequency (13-30 Hz), low-amplitude waves.


The function of kinesthesia is to provide information about

body movement and position.

Describe the difference between cataplexy and sleep paralysis.

cataplexy is a narcolepsy attack, when mucles weaken without warning, or mucle goes limp.Sometimes experiencing strong feelings to the point that muscles go weak. it usually presents itself while awake and perfoming normal activities, and without warning cataplexy can occur. Sleep paralysis usually happens when you are about to fall asleep or between sleep stages. It is the inability to move after awaking, it usually last a between less than a minute to up to several minutes. Catapplexy is when someone has a narcoleptic attack and has muscle weakness and falls to the floor. Sleep paralysis is the inability to move right before sleep.

Sound can best be thought of as

changes in air pressure produced by the vibration of an object.

Stages of sleep are easily distinguished by

changes in the electrical activity of the brain.

In the human auditory system, the analysis of "what" corresponds to ________ , whereas the analysis of "where" corresponds to ________.

complex sounds ; location of a sound

The ________ contains the primary biological clock that controls sleep-wake cycles in the rat.

suprachiasmatic nucleus

Tigers and cats are unable to sense the taste qualities of


The loudness of a sound is related to

the amplitude of the vibration.

The cutaneous senses signal information about stimuli that interact with __________

the external surface of the skin

The cutaneous senses signal information about stimuli that interact with

the external surface of the skin.

The transition between wakefulness and sleep is marked by the appearance of ________ waves in the sleep record.


The fact that different instruments can play a C note and they sound different is due to differences in __________.


The ossicles are

tiny bones located within the middle ear.

The formal name for the eardrum is the

tympanic membrane.

Light serves as a _____, which means that it resets our circadian rhythm.


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