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Aleah remembers that her dog is named Rocky and her cat is named Skipper, but she can't remember the name of her first grade teacher's dog and cat. This is an example of ________.

Atkinson-Shiffrin model

Which following statements about encoding is incorrect?

Encoding involves the input of information into the memory systems

Which of the following examples illustrates that the Deese-Rodriguez-Mcdermot paradigm?

Jerome is required to memorize 15 words associated with dog. When he is asked to repeat the words he has learned, dog is among them, even though dog was not a word on the original list.

Which part of my brain is probably damaged if I am unable to recognize basic objects around my house?


What is the main idea of processing theory?

if you want to remember a piece of info, you should think about it more deeply and link it to other info and memories to make it more meaningful

What is episodic memory?

information about events we have personally experienced

Chuck was in a car accident. He wishes he could put it behind him, but every night he has dreams about it, and every time he sees a car he remembers how he felt that day. Which category of memory failure associated with the seven sins of memory is exemplified?


People may not intend to distort facts, but ________.

it can happen in the process of retrieving old memories and combining them with new memories

In order to remember his lines for the play, Guy repeats his lines over and over again. This process is called ________.


The act of getting information out of memory storage and back into conscious awareness is known as


what are two components of declarative memory?

semantic memory and episodic memory

According to Craik and Tulving, how do we process verbal information best?

sematic encoding

What is the set process used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time?


Which of the following is an example of retrograde amnesia?

John Doe is in a car accident. Every day he wakes up with no memory of what he did the day before, feeling as though no time has passed because he is unable to form new memories.

In order for a memory to go into storage (i.e. long term memory) it has ti pass through three distinct stages: sensory memory, short-term memory, and ____ memory

Long Term

What did a researcher identify by timing participation on how long they took to name colors when the semantic meaning of the word differed from the color it was presented in?

Stroop Effect

What is the main idea of the Stroop effect?

The brain's reaction time slows when it must deal with conflicting information.

Pan finds it difficult to learn the alphabet, until he hears the alphabet song. Then he can easily remember it. This is an example of ________ encoding.


If i am looking at a snake and processing the fear caused by the snake, what part of my brain am I using


What does the equipotentiality hypothesis suggest would happen if the hippocampus was damaged?

another part of the brain would compensate for the damage by taking over the memory function normally managed by the hippocampus

Quincy is struck in the back of the head and finds, while she can rememeber her life up to the time she was struck on the head, she can no longer make new memories. Quincy has ____ amnesia.


Which part of the brain is most involved in creating implicit memories?


What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Long term memory has two parts: sematic memory and episodic memory

declarative memory

Lisa puts five quarters into the parking meter every time she goes downtown. However, when asked, Lisa cannot say if the head on a quarter is facing left or right. This may be an example of ________, because Lisa never paid attention to the picture in the first place.

encoding failure

Which category of memory failure associated with the seven sins of memory is exemplified by the following? Asmantha left her phone somwere but she cant remember where.


What should be changed to make the following sentence true? The step of recall, which is the conscious repetition of information to be remembered in order to move it from STM into long-term memory, is called memory consolidation.

recall to rehersal

Giorgio memorizes the German poem "The Erlking" to recite in his eighth grade German class. He remembers it well for weeks after the presentation, but gradually his ability to recite the poem fades. This is an example of ________, one of the seven sins of memory.


Felipe looks over his presentation and he notices that some of the words are written in bold and some are written in italic. His ability to remember these differences is an example of ___ encoding.


____ encoding is the encoding of images.


Remembering ____ is a good example of semantic memory.

what the world chocolate means

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