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Jewish man was traveling to Damascus in order to persecute Christians when he was struck down by a light from heaven and converted to the Christian cause?


Who was arrested by the Romans for causing a riot when he visited the Temple of Jerusalem and ultimately executed in Rome under Emperor Nero?


"the second founder of Christianity," is, according to tradition regarded as the author of fourteen of the twenty-seven books in the Christian New Testament?


Christian holiday commemorates the day on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of Jesus and enabled them to preach in different languages?


To what party of Judaism did Paul belong, and what eschatological idea did his party accept?

Pharisees and bodily resurrection at a Day of Judgment

Which term refers to the successor of St. Peter, as Bishop of Rome, who is considered by many to be the "father" or "papa" of Christianity?


Division of Christianity emerged when a Catholic monk questioned the selling of indulgences and began preaching justification by faith alone, religious truth through scripture alone, and the priesthood of all believers?


division of Christianity emerged as the strongest division of Christianity and is based on the belief that its leader is a spiritual successor to St. Peter and inherits the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus gave to St. Peter?

Roman Catholic

the Protestant idea that "faith alone," as opposed to good works, is the key to salvation?

Sola fides

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus advises that when one is praying, fasting or giving gifts of charity, one should act in which of the following manners?

Be modest, quiet, and discrete about it.

What could one find in a Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Christian bible that one will not find in a Protestant Christian bible?

Books from the Hebrew or Old Testament Apocrypha

language was the Christian New Testament originally written?


What, according to Christianity, happened to Jesus, after his resurrection, at the end of his time on earth?

He ascended into heaven to join God

Why did Martin Luther become an Augustinian monk?

He made a vow in the midst of a lightning storm

means "fish" in Greek, represents, as an acronym, the essential Christian message: "Jesus, Christ, God, Son, Savior"?


What ritual, for Roman Catholic Christianity, became necessary as a means to rid the participant of the taint of original sin?

Infant Baptism

What is the significance of Maundy Thursday?

It commemorates Jesus' "command" at the Last Supper for his disciples to serve others as he served them by washing their feet.

Who is referred to by a title which translates into "anointed one of God"?


Why do most Christians worship on Sunday rather than on the Sabbath?

Jesus was resurrected on Sunday morning

Who began the Protestant Reformation, in 1517, by tacking his ninety-five theses to the door of a collegiate church in Wittenberg of the Germanies?

Martin Luther

From the perspective of the Roman Catholic Church, Halloween or "All Hallows Eve" refers to which of the following?

the evening before the day upon which the lives of all the saints are honored

To what does "catholic" refer?

the hope that Roman Christianity would become "universal"

The date for which Christian holiday, one of the last major holidays to be accepted, was most probably incorporated form the Roman cult of Mithra, a Persian sun god whose rebirth was celebrated on the same day?


Who converted to Christianity and, in 313, issued the Edict of Milan/Toleration which made Christianity a legal religion in the Roman Empire?


What, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, serves as a summary of Hebrew scripture (the Law and the Prophets)?

do unto others as you would have done unto you

Christian holidays derives its name from a pagan, Celtic goddess of fertility?


in numbers how does Christianity rank among the religions of the world?


What knowledge, according to Paul in the book of Romans, comes from being under the law (the Jewish Torah)?

it taught people how sinful they are

Which of the following, from an Old English word for "spring," refers to the forty days prior to Easter Sunday?


How many times does a word for "trinity" appear in the Christian New Testament?


What, meaning "coming," refers to the four-week period in the Christian calendar prior to Christmas?


Phrase attributed to Johann Tetzel, best captures the idea of indulgences at the time of the Reformation

As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory into heaven springs.

the Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt who, in 367, sent out an Easter letter making a clear distinction between the books which Christians ought to regard as authoritative and those that they should not regard as authoritative?


Who saw the sign of the cross and heard instructions to conquer under that sign?


division of Christianity only gradually separated itself from the division based on St. Peter, but in 1054 made a significant break with that division because of doctrinal and political disputes?

Eastern Orthodox

Described as an advocate, a comforter, a force attesting to truth, a force for miracles and ecstatic experiences, and a force that cultivates virtues and various gifts?

The Christian Holy Spirit

Who established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire?


What, in his Sermon on the Mount, does Jesus say about those who judge others?

Those who judge others should remove the logs in their own eyes before they attempt to remove the specks or splinters in the eyes of others

Which of the following describes the New Testament Apocrypha?

a collection of books that could have been included in the Christian New Testament but were not ultimately deemed worthy enough

When was Jesus of Nazareth born?

around but not after 4 B.C. or B.C.E.

How, on the day of Pentecost, did God the Holy Spirit assist the apostles of Jesus in spreading the Christian message?

by giving the apostles tongues like flames of fire, enabling them to speak about Jesus in diverse languages so that anyone could understand

Which of the following describes the concept of sacred reality or God in Christianity?

trinitarian monotheism

According to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, instead of taking an eye for an eye, the Christian should do which of the following?

turn the other check to the offending party

On what day was Jesus born?

we dont know

When, according to Roman Catholicism, is the Pope infallible?

whenever he speaks ex cathedral or "out of his official chair"

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