CHRS-125 Campbell University Test #4

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What are the sacraments?

-Baptism -Eucharist/communion

The Church of England is also known as the _____________.

Anglican Church

John Calvin implemented his reform in the city of ________________.


What is the focus of the Pentecostal movement?

Spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues

What is theology?

Systematic study of the nature of God and religious beliefs

What is important about the words final and complete in the statement of Christian belief?

That there will be nothing new coming

When/What is ordinary time?

Period between Trinity Sunday and Advent. And the period between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday.

Like Augustine, Martin Luther was driven by his sense of _____________ _________________.

Personal sinfulness

What is the Via Media?

The Middle Way

Walter Rauschenbusch is associated with what early 20th century movement?

Social Gospel Movement

What was the Council of Trent?

A meeting of Roman Catholic leaders, called by Pope Paul III to rule on doctrines criticized by the Protestant reformers.

What story in the book of Acts is the movement known as Pentecostalism based on?

Acts 2: the coming of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues

What does the Gospel of John call the Holy Spirit?

Advocate or helper

When/what is advent?

Celebrates the coming of Christ. 4 weeks before Christmas.

What is the basic idea behind the Social Gospel movement?

Changing society and its social structures to eliminate oppression

__________________ is the term most often used to describe people who practice Pentecostalism but are still a part of a non-Pentecostal church.


What is the basic statement of Christian Belief?

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made.

True or False? The Reformation was a monolithic movement.


When did the Council of Trent meet?


Greek word for sin?

Hamartia- meaning to miss the mark

When/ is Epiphany?

-Commemorates the coming of the Wise Men to see Jesus -12 days after Christmas

Attributes of the incarnation

-Jesus is part of ​the Trinity, the same as God -Pre-existent creative force -Fully human and fully divine

Attributes of the church

-One: 1 God = 1 church -Holy: set apart -catholic: all-encompassing -Apostolic: the message of the faith can be traced back to those individuals who actually knew and learned from Jesus -Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

Attributes of God

-​One God *Monotheism/unity of God -Father *the first member of the Trinity -The Almighty *powerful -Maker of heaven and Earth *creator -Seen and Unseen *No dualism *God encompasses all that exists

Name and explain the three traditional models of salvation

1. "Latin" or Objective Model: Jesus came to die for our sins, take our place, and suffer our punishment (God's wrath). 2. "Love" or Subjective Model: Jesus came to show us how much God loves us; even to the cross. 3. "Classic" or Dramatic Model: In Christ, God fights and overcomes the principalities and powers that have taken us into bondage. In the resurrection, evil and death are defeated

What are the three basic statements of Protestantism and how do they contrast with the Roman Catholic view?

1. Believe in salvation by faith alone v. faith+ good works 2. Scripture is the sole authority vs. scripture and the pope 3. priesthood of the believer vs. priests as mediators

What are the three major changes in the Roman Catholic Church that came out of Vatican II?

1. Liturgy in the mass vernacular 2. greater openness to non-catholic Christians​ 3. more lay investment from the clergy

In the year ___________________ Martin Luther composed the _________________ as a debate against the sale of indulgences.

1517, 95 Theses

In the year _______________, the ______________ of ________________ ended the last major war brought about by the Reformation.

1648, Peace of Westphalia

When did Vatican II meet?


When/what is Trinity Sunday?

1st Sunday after Pentecost. Celebration of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Nicene Creed is recited.

When/what is Ash Wednesday?

40 days before Easter

When/what is Lent?

40 days before Easter

When is Pentecost?

7th Sunday after Easter. Coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples

______________ of ______________ are the largest denomination to come out of the Pentecostal movement

Assembly of God

What Christian ritual did the Anabaptist's disagree on?

Baptism of infants

What is believer's baptism?

Baptism of someone who is an adult and can choose to be baptized

When/what is Christmas?

December 25th

___________________was the meeting in which Martin Luther was required to recant his writings and theology to which he refused.

Diet of Worms

_______________________________, a German pastor, was a part of the resistance against Hitler and was accused of plotting to kill Hitler.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

After his father's death, ________________ took over the throne but died before reaching adulthood

Edward VI

The Puritans were a group of Protestants who were dissatisfied with the reforms occurring in _________________________.


After the American Revolution, the Anglican Church in America broke ties with the Church of England and are now called _________________________.


What is the analogy of God as Clockmaker?

God (the clockmaker) made the earth (the clock) and then left it to function on its own

Neo-orthodoxy believes that the world is not getting better, that God is ________________, and that humans _____________________.

God is unknowable and humans cannot be better

Who initiated the reform in England and for what reason?

Henry VIII because he wanted to get a divorce and the Catholic church wouldn't allow it.

What are we being saved from?

Human sinfulness

The idea behind _________________ is that in heaven there is a treasury of merit which contains all of the "extra" merit from various saints which was accessible to the pope who could sell this merit.


Where does the name Methodist come from?

It was what the members of the Holy Club were called because they were so methodical in their faith

____________________ wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion.

John Calvin

Who is the founder of Methodism?

John Wesley

_______________ ______________is the primary theologian of the Neo-Orthodox movement

Karl Barth

____________ reformers were those who carried out their reform efforts with the aid of the secular rulers.


After her brother's death, __________ took over the English throne and attempted to turn England back into a Roman Catholic country.

Mary a.k.a. Bloody Mary

Some of the Puritans fled to _______________, while others went back to the European continent.

Massachusetts Bay

hat is Ascension Sunday?

May 9th {Sunday, May 12th} Commemorates Jesus' ascension into heaven

What is the largest denomination to grow out of the Pietist movement?


When is All Saints Day?

November 1st. Remembrance of saints both known and unknown who have preceded us in faith

Attributes of sin

Overshooting & underperforming

The two ways we miss the mark

Overshooting and coming up short

Where did John Wesley go to school?


_____________reformers were those who carried out their reform efforts in opposition to/outside the power of the secular rulers.


The word Anabaptist means __________________.


What was the final result of the Council of Trent?

Reform certain abuses of Catholic practices but kept the same theologies

What is the basic belief of the Pietist movement?

Right feeling is as important as right belief

What is Deism?

The belief that God made the world and then withdrew from it

What book was Luther studying when he had his "Tower Experience"?


Martin Luther's doctrine of Justification by faith advocated that faith alone leads to _______________


Anabaptists believe in ______________________.

Solely baptizing adults

Why were the Anabaptist persecuted by both Roman Catholics and other Protestant groups?

They refused to baptize infants, which was seen as rejecting their society. Baptizing infants was also their method of keeping birth records.

What was the major goal of Ulrich Zwingli's reform in Zurich?

To have the church return to the church in the New Testament

T-- _________________: U--_________________: L--_________________ : I--_________________: P--_________________:

Total Depravity Unconditional Election Limited atonement Irresistible Grace Perseverance

Which group/reformer is connected with which of the views on communion?

Transubstantiation: Catholics Consubstantiation: Lutheran Symbolic: Zwingli

Define transubstantiation, consubstantiation, and the symbolic view of communion

Transubstantiation: The bread and the wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Consubstantiation: Christ is present in, with, and under the elements of the bread and wine. Symbolic View: Christ is only symbolically present in communion

T/F Elizabeth instituted a protestant reform based on the idea of the Via Media.


T/F John Calvin's goal was to set up a theocracy in the city of Geneva.


T/F Modern denominationalism is a product of the 19th century.


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