CIN 2103 - Chapter 6 (Network)
The network layer uses four processes in order to provide end-to-end transport. List the 4 processes.
1- Addressing of end devices 2- Encapsulation 3- Routing 4- De-encapsulation
When a router interface is configured and activated, 2 routing table entries are created automatically. What are they?
1- C 2- L
List 3 characteristics of the IP protocol
1- Connectionless 2- Best effort 3- Media independent
When using *show ip route* command, the routing table will show ______. List 5 elements that will be displayed.
1- Directly connected and remote routes 2- How each route was learned 3- Trustworthiness and rating of the route 4- When the route was last updated 5- Which interface is used to reach the destination
A router's routing table contains 3 elements, what are they?
1- Directly-connected routes 2- Remote routes 3- Default route
List 3 advantages of IPv6 over IPv4
1- Increased address space - based on 128-bit addressing vs. 32-bit with IPv4 2- Improved packet handling - fewer fields with IPv6 than IPv4 3- Eliminates the need for NAT - no need to share addresses with IPv6
When using *route print* or *netstat -r* commands, 3 sections will be displayed. What are they?
1- Interface list 2- IPv4 Route Table 3- IPv6 Route Table
There are several network layer protocols in existence; however, the two most commonly implemented are ______ and ______
1- Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) 2- Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
A host can send a packet to ______. List 3 types of hosts.
1- Itself 2- Local host 3- Remote host
List 3 functions of Default Gateway
1- Routes traffic to other networks 2- Has a local IP address in the same address range as other host on the network 3- Can take data in and forward data out
List 4 advantages of IPv6 over IPv4 using the simplified header
1- Simplified header format for efficient packet handling 2- Hierarchical network architecture for routing efficiency 3- Autoconfiguration for addresses 4- Elimination of need for network address translation (NAT) between private and public addresses
List 6 significant fields of the IPv4 Packet Header
1- Version 2- Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) 3- Time-To-Live (TTL) 4- Protocol 5- Source IPv4 Address 6- Destination IPv4 Address
List 8 IPv6 packet header fields.
1- Version 2- Traffic Class 3- Flow Label 4- Payload Length 5- Next header 6- Hop limit 7- Source IPv6 Address 8- Destination IPv6 Address
On a Windows host, you can display the routing table using ______ List 2 commands.
1- route print 2- netstat -r *______ identifies the destination network.* A. D B. C. 90 D. 2170112 E. F. 00:00:05 G. Serial/0/0/0
*A host can ping itself for testing purposes using ______ which is referred to as the loopback interface.* A. B.
*The network layer, which resides at OSI Layer ______, provides services that allow end devices to exchange data across a network.* A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
*In the early ______, the ______ started looking at a replacement for IPv4 - which led to IPv6.* A. '80s, ICANN B. '90s, IETF
90s, IETF
*IP addresses must be unique for identification purposes.* A. Addressing of end devices B. Encapsulation C. Routing D. De-encapsulation
Addressing of end devices
*An IPv4 packet header consists of the fields containing ______ numbers. These numbers identify various settings of the IP packet which are examined by the Layer ______ process. * A. Hexadecimal, 2 B. Binary, 3
*Identifies that the network is directly connected and the interface is configured with an IP address and activated.* A. L C. C D. D
C *The letter ___ means that the network is directly connected.* A. L C. C D. D
*IP packets ______ travel over different media such as Copper Ethernet, Copper Serial, Optical Fiber, and Wireless.* A. Can B. Cannot
*No connection with the destination is established before sending data packets.* A. Connectionless B. Best effort C. Media independent
Connectionless *The ______ represents the Route Source which is how the network was learned by the router. It identifies the route as an Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) route * A. D B. C. 90 D. 2170112 E. F. 00:00:05 G. Serial/0/0/0
*The host receives the IPv4 address for the default gateway from ______ .* A. DHCP only B. Manually configured only C. DHCP, or it is manually configured
DHCP, or it is manually configured
*The OSI ______ layer is responsible for taking the IP packet and preparing it for transmission over the communications medium.* A. Transport B. Network C. Data link D. Physical
Data link
*The ______ layer tells the network layer the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).* A. Session B. Transport C. Data link D. Physical
Data link
*The destination host de-encapsulates the packet to see if it matches its own.* A. Addressing of end devices B. Encapsulation C. Routing D. De-encapsulation
*The ______ is the network device that can route traffic out to other networks. It is the router that routes traffic out of a local network.* A. Default doorway B. Default gateway
Default gateway
*This is where the packet is sent when a route does not exist in the routing table.* A. Directly-connected routes B. Remote routes C. Default route
Default route
*Address of destination.* A. Version B. Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) C. Time-To-Live (TTL) D. Protocol E. Source IPv4 Address F. Destination IPv4 Address
Destination IPv4 Address
*128-bit field that identifies the IPv6 address of the receiving host.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Destination IPv6 Address
*Used to determine the priority of each packet on the network.* A. Version B. Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) C. Time-To-Live (TTL) D. Protocol E. Source IPv4 Address F. Destination IPv4 Address
Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS)
*These routes come from the active router interfaces configured with IP addresses.* A. Directly-connected routes B. Remote routes C. Default route
Directly-connected routes
*IP is a Best Effort Delivery protocol: Unreliable means that IP ______ the capability to manage and recover from undelivered, corrupt, or out of sequence packets.* A. Has B. Does not have
Does not have
*IP is a connectionless protocol: Senders ______ whether or not the destination is present, reachable, or functional before sending packets.* A. Know B. Does not know
Does not know
*If the destination host is located in a remote network, then the sending host ______ to know where to send the packet other than to the default gateway - or router.* A. Needs B. Does not need
Does not need
*IP is a connectionless protocol: The receiver ______ when the letter is coming.* A. Knows B. Doesn't know
Doesn't know
*IP is a connectionless protocol: The sender ______ if the receiver is present, if the letter arrived or if the receiver can read the leader.* A. Knows B. Doesn't know
Doesn't know
*The protocol data units from the transport layer are encapsulated by adding IP header information including source and destination IP addresses.* A. Addressing of end devices B. Encapsulation C. Routing D. De-encapsulation
*20-bit field suggests that all packets with the same flow label receive the same type of handling by routers.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Flow Label
*Which fields were introduced in IPv6?* A. Version, Source IP address and Destination IP address B. Type of service, total length, time-to-live and protocol C. IHL, identification, flags, fragment offset, header checksum, options, padding D. Flow label
Flow label
*When a router receives a packet destined for a remote network, the router ______ to look at its routing table to determine where to forward the packet. * A. Has B. Doesn't have
*8-bit field replaces the IPv4 TTL field. This value is decremented by 1 as it passes through each router. When it reaches zero, the packet is discarded. * A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Hop limit
*Which fields were not kept in IPv6?* A. Version, Source IP address and Destination IP address B. Type of service, total length, time-to-live and protocol C. IHL, identification, flags, fragment offset, header checksum, options, padding D. Flow label
IHL, identification, flags, fragment offset, header checksum, options, padding
*At the network layer, IP encapsulates the transport layer segment by adding an ______ for the purpose of delivery to the destination host.* A. Segment header B. IP header
IP header
*In TCP/IP based networks, the network layer PDU is the ______ .* A. Segments B. IP packet C. Frame D. Bits
IP packet
*There are 4 billion ______ addresses.* A. IPv4 B. IPv6
*Lists all known IPv4 routes.* A. Interface list B. IPv4 Route Table C. IPv6 Route Table
IPv4 Route Table
*There are 340 undecillion ______ addresses.* A. IPv4 B. IPv6
*There are roughly enough ______ addresses for every grain of sand on Earth.* A. IPv4 B. IPv6
*Lists all known IPv6 routes.* A. Interface list B. IPv4 Route Table C. IPv6 Route Table
IPv6 Route Table
*The source address and subnet mask is compared with the destination address and subnet mask to determine ______.* A. If the host is on the local network or remote network B. If the subnet mask needs to change on every hop
If the host is on the local network or remote network
*IP operates ______ from the media that carries the data at lower layers of the protocol stack - it ______ if the media is copper cables, fiber optics or wireless.* A. Dependently, Cares B. Independently, Does not care
Independently, Does not care
*Lists the Media Access Control (MAC) address and assigned interface number of network interfaces on the host.* A. Interface list B. IPv4 Route Table C. IPv6 Route Table
Interface list
*Identifies that it is a local interface. This is the IPv4 address of the interface on the router.* A. L C. C D. D
*This is a host on the same local network as the sending host. The hosts share the same network address.* A. Local host B. Remote host
Local host
*IP is a connectionless protocol: This feature contributes to the ______ overhead of IP.* A. High B. Low
*IP was designed as a protocol with ______ overhead - it provides only the functions required to deliver a packet from the source to a destination.* A. Low B. High
*The network layer does have a maximum size of the PDU that can be transported - referred to as ______ .* A. Highest Transmission Unit (HTU) B. Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
*An important role of the ______ layer is to direct packets between hosts.* A. Transport B. Network C. Data link D. Physical
*Routers implement different network layer protocols concurrently over a network and use the ______ for routing.* A. Transport layer segment header B. Network layer packet header C. Data link layer frame header D. Physical layer bits
Network layer packet header
*______ layer protocols forward ______ layer PDUs between hosts* A. Transport, Network B. Network, Transport
Network, Transport
*8-bit field is equivalent to the IPv4 Protocol field. It indicates the data payload type that the packet is carrying.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Next header
*IP is a connectionless protocol: ______ dedicated end-to-end connection is created before data is sent.* A. No B. A
*Default gateway is used when the destination host is ______ the same local network as the sending host.* A. On B. Not on
Not on
*16-bit field indicates the length of the data portion or payload of the packet.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Payload Length
*Used to identify the next level protocol.* A. Version B. Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) C. Time-To-Live (TTL) D. Protocol E. Source IPv4 Address F. Destination IPv4 Address
*The transport layer adds a header so segments can be ______.* A. Reassembled at the destination B. Routed through complex networks and reach their destination
Reassembled at the destination
*Having a default gateway configured creates a default route in the routing table of a host - which is the route the computer will send a packet to when it needs to contact a ______ network.* A. Local B. Remote
*This is a host on a remote network. The hosts do not share the same network address.* A. Local host B. Remote host
Remote host
*These routes come from remote networks connected to other routers. They are either configured manually or learned through a dynamic routing protocol.* A. Directly-connected routes B. Remote routes C. Default route
Remote routes
*Identifies how the network was learned by the router* A. Switch source B. Route source
Route source
*The network layer adds a header so packet can be ______ .* A. Reassembled at the destination B. Routed through complex networks and reach their destination
Routed through complex networks and reach their destination
*A host's routing table usually includes a default gateway address - which is the ______ IP address for the network that the host is on.* A. Switch B. Router
*The network layer provides services to direct packets to other networks. Routers select the best path for a packet to take to its destination network.* A. Addressing of end devices B. Encapsulation C. Routing D. De-encapsulation
*The default gateway will know where to send the packet using its ______ .* A. Course table B. Routing table
Routing table
*IP is a connectionless protocol: Very ______ sending someone a letter through snail mail.* A. Different process from B. Similar process as
Similar process as
*The IPv6 header is ______ than the IPv4 header.* A. More complex B. Simpler
*IP is a Best Effort Delivery protocol: Packets are routed through the network quickly. ______ lost en route.* A. Its impossible for packets to be B. Some packets may be
Some packets may be
*Source address of the packet.* A. Version B. Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) C. Time-To-Live (TTL) D. Protocol E. Source IPv4 Address F. Destination IPv4 Address
Source IPv4 Address
*128-bit field that identifies the IPv6 address of the sending host.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Source IPv6 Address
*An IP header contains ______* A. Source and Destination IP addresses B. Destination IP address only
Source and Destination IP addresses
*The IP header ______ from the source to the destination host.* A. Changes every time B. Stays the same
Stays the same
*IP was not designed to track and manage the flow of packets. These functions, if required, are performed by other layers - primarily ______* A. TCP B. UDP
*Limits the lifetime of a packet - decreased by one at each router along the way. * A. Version B. Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) C. Time-To-Live (TTL) D. Protocol E. Source IPv4 Address F. Destination IPv4 Address
Time-To-Live (TTL)
*8-bit field equivalent to the IPv4 Differentiated Services (DS) field.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
Traffic Class
*Which field names and positions were changed in IPv6?* A. Version, Source IP address and Destination IP address B. Type of service, total length, time-to-live and protocol C. IHL, identification, flags, fragment offset, header checksum, options, padding D. Flow label
Type of service, total length, time-to-live and protocol
*IP is a Best Effort Delivery protocol: IP is considered "______ " because it ______ that all packets that are sent will be received.* A. Reliable, guarantees B. Unreliable, Doesn't guarantee
Unreliable, Doesn't guarantee
*IP is a Best Effort Delivery protocol: If packets are missing or not in the correct order at the destination, ______ layer protocols/services must resolve these issues.* A. Lower B. Upper
*A router examines an incoming packet's header to determine the destination network. If there's a match, the packet is forwarded ______ .* A. Using the specified information in the routing table B. Without using the routing table
Using the specified information in the routing table
*Contains a 4-bit binary value set to 0110 that identifies it as a IPv6 packet.* A. Version B. Traffic Class C. Flow Label D. Payload Length E. Next header F. Hop limit G. Source IPv6 Address H. Destination IPv6 Address
*Specifies that the packet is IP version 4* A. Version B. Differentiated Services AKA DiffServ (DS) C. Time-To-Live (TTL) D. Protocol E. Source IPv4 Address F. Destination IPv4 Address
*Which field names were kept from IPv4 to IPv6?* A. Version, Source IP address and Destination IP address B. Type of service, total length, time-to-live and protocol C. IHL, identification, flags, fragment offset, header checksum, options, padding D. Flow label
Version, Source IP address and Destination IP address *The D to the left of the route indicates that it ______.* A. Is directly connected B. Was learned via the EIGRP routing protocol C. Is a default gateway of last resort
Was learned via the EIGRP routing protocol
*IP ______ designed to track and manage the flow of packets.* A. Was B. Was not
Was not
*An IP packet is sent to the destination ______ prior establishment of a connection* A. With B. Without
*The process of encapsulating data layer by layer enables the services at different layers to scale ______ affecting other layers. * A. With B. Without
*On a Cisco IOS router, the ______ command is used to display the router's IPv4 routing table. * A. show ip route B. display ip route
show ip route