Circle Mirror Transformation

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Theresa: You and Marty are like the coolest couple ever. I loved hearing all your....your stories made me really happy. I was just like: this couple is so cool! James: Yeah. She--

(Enter) Hi.

Schultz: ...........and a big ol' bottle of red wine! Yes! Oh. And a battle axe!

(Long pause) You forgot the velvet cape.

James: You're fooling yourself

(Pause) I don't know what I'm supposed to say

Marty: Okay. Next week is our last class. So let's really try to....

(long silence) One

Schultz: I Theresa: Would James: Just Marty: Go

(pause) Home

James: all Schultz: The Marty: Mess Theresa: and

(pause) stuff.

Marty: Nine

(very, very long silence) Ten

James: two.

(with Schultz) Three

James: Six

(with Schultz): Seven

James: One

(with Theresa) Two.

Schultz: The Theresa: Gigantic-ness James: Of Marty: Capabilities


Schultz: The Theresa: Way James: I Marty: Express


James: Schultz: Evil Marty: Theresa: birds


James: Three.


Marty: Did he? Who remembers?

He forgot.

Theresa: No! You were awesome

He was starting to make me feel really bad

Marty: What would he think / was

He would say that she's always nagging him.

Marty: Why don't you engage with me anymore? James: You're too neurotic

He wouldn't say that. I mean, he wouldn't think that.

Schultz: That's great

He's a, um.....he's a doctor. Veterinarian. We run a veterinary clinic together.

Marty: That's understandable. I guess school is a mixed bag

Hey. Um. I have a question.

James: Class Schultz: Because Marty: It Theresa: Was


James: You shouldn't have broken up with me. You made a mistake

No I didn't.

James: Yes you did

No I didn't. You were domineering and you made me made me forget Who I Am

James: Who cares? Now you're going to be alone forever

No I'm not

James: Yes you are

No I'm not

James: One


Marty: Are you excited about school starting in a few weeks?

Um. I'm not sure.

Marty: I don't think I....would you be willing to remind her

Um. Yeah. Sure


Um. You're my dad. Neil. You're Neil.

Marty: ...What do you mean by 'real acting'?

Um... Like acting out a play. Or something. I don't know. Like reading from a.....

Schultz: Ah....will you be my baseball glove?


Marty: Why am I angry?

Um.....because he's angry?

James: The Schultz: ....Paper. Marty: Love Theresa: ....Truth


Marty: Yes.

Um....Are we going to be doing any real acting?

Schultz: Hey! What are you doing here in... Burlington?

Um....I live here now.

Marty: Did you....were you looking forward to that?

Um....I signed up for this class because I thought we were gonna act

Schultz: ...I Theresa: Have James: Learned Marty: So


James: Over Schultz: Head. Marty: Green Theresa: Wondrous


Marty: When I go to India.... I'm going to bring my purple shawl.

Wait. I've played this before. Isn't it California? "When I go to California"? We played this in fifth grade

Schultz: Okay Theresa: For James: Everybody Marty: But


Schultz: Will Theresa: Succeed James: Always Marty: If


Theresa: When I go to India I'm going to bring a purple shawl and a Phillips head screwdriver and a toothbrush and....a tiny velvet cape.


Schultz: Phillips head screwdriver Marty: Okay

When I go to India I'm gonna bring a purple shawl and a Phillips head screwdriver and a.....a toothbrush.

Marty: Okay. So I want everyone to take your scrap of paper and write on it....I want you to write down a secret that you've never ever told anyone


Schultz: Ah....Susan. Yeah. She's a, u....She's a seamstress


James: Wait - what you said before? About / the


Marty: ......And Lauren?


Schultz: Is that you?!

Yeah. Hi Schultz

Schultz: It seemed like she was sharing a secret

Yeah. Like a......

Schultz: Lauren?


Schultz: Wanted Theresa: To James: Become Marty: A


Marty: Hey Lauren


Schultz and James: One

...Oh my god

Marty: We are acting

...Yeah. (Pause) Okay. Thanks

Marty: Huh. Okay. Um..What was actually happening, though? What was being sad? Sorry. Said. What was being said? Schultz: Uh.....well.....I mean, the sentiment/ was

At first she seemed upset.

Marty: You know what? I want us to try something different

But -


Hi. My name is Schultz. I'm a carpenter. And I don't just.... I mean, I do regular carpenter things but I also make these amazing chairs that are like...this one chair has, the headrest is the sun and the whole thing is gold? It's kind of hard to explain. There's this other chair that looks like a cloud. Um....I'm forty-eight years old. I grew up in Maryland and my mom died when I was really little. She was an elementary teacher. I always wanted to be a baseball player. Um.... I'm really nice to everyone. (Pause) I met my wife Becky right out of college and we.... (Schultz says something) Yeah. I know. I was gonna -- We just separated. Divorced. I'm in a lot of pain about it. But um, to look on the bright side, I have more time now to work on my chairs and maybe find a way for them to um, spread out to um, more people. (Pause) I am an artist. I am a really good artist.

Marty: If


Marty: Four

I don't get it. I don't get what the point is.

Marty: It's okay, Lauren

I don't remember anything else.

Schultz: Oh. Man. That's awesome

I live here with my boyfriend

Marty: Lauren?

I think I might be in love with Theresa. (very long silence) Um....

Marty: The point is being able to be totally present. To not get in your head and second-guess yourself. Or the people around you

I want to know how to become a good actress.

Marty: Okay. Let's make it a little / more --

I'm not going to be alone forever.

Schultz: How are you?

I'm, um, I'm okaky

Schultz: How old are you now?


Marty: Is everyone done?

Just.....hold on

James: Okay This is um. You' You're in an armchair. You're reading. Um. Will you be my mom? You're um...... You're angry.

Marty: Okay. Sure. But I never got it.

Maybe it got lost in the mail.

James:Pain Schultz: Um......ah....loneliness Marty: are Theresa: feeding


Marty: Whose turn is it?

Me. Um....When I go to India I'm gonna bring a purple ca -- a purple shawl, a Phillips head screwdriver, a toothbrush, a velvet cape, a copy of the Bible.....a bottle of red wine.....and, um......a battle axe. And a calico kitten. I did it! Right? I did it!

Marty: Thanks, you guys. I think this was a really, really great start. --- Hey- Lauren? I almost forgot. Just before you-- I think you still owe me a check?

My mom was supposed to mail it to you

James: That was one of the things you secretly liked about me

No it wasn't? Yes it was. Okay, yes it was, but that doesn't mean it was good for me. I am a beautiful, um, really cool woman and I'm really attractive and there are lots of men out there who will like me and be nice to me.

James: Self-actualization Schultz: ....Friends Marty: Were Theresa: Part


Marty: Um. Well. Honestly? I don't think so.



Okay. Um. I was on the subway. In New York. And there was this old guy. Who was..... who was maybe Jewish. He had a beard. A-and.... He was totally anti-Semitic.

James: ...enormous Schultz: I Marty: Feel Theresa: Fantastic


Schultz: I Theresa: Will James: Try Marty: To


Schultz: I don't understand / what

Say what she said and then add something. "When I go to India I'm gonna bring my purple shawl and a," like, another object. Then the next person lists all the other things and adds on something new.

Theresa: I won't be....I won't be inconsistent anymore. I think we.... I think the best thing might be for....maybe we should take a break from seeing each other. Outside of.....and then I won't have to..... (Enter with James and Marty)

She said she mailed it to you three weeks ago

Schultz: Five


Theresa: Whew! Marty: That was great.



Stop haunting me, Mark

Marty: Well?

That was pretty good.

Schultz: Yeah. Yeah. She's fantastic

That's so cool. What's her name?

Marty: Okay. Good. Stop. What were they communicating? Schultz:....They seemed very connected Marty: Uh-huh. Good.

They were in love. (Pause) It seemed like they were in love

Marty: I Theresa: Took


James: Two


James: washes Schultz: over Marty: my Theresa: little


Schultz: Aw. Great


James: I'm the best guy you'll ever have, Theresa. I was the best guy you'll ever have.

You don't know that. Have you....have you, like, met all the guys int he world?

Schultz: Weird. So do I! I live here with my wife.

You got married again?

James: should I just...

You should / just

Marty: Lauren, maybe you should wait until after class to talk to me about this.

You were like a real actress. Why aren't you the teacher? What's the point of counting to ten?

James: No one will ever love you the way I do

You were too possessive


You're It

Schultz: Is Theresa:....Indescribable James: Peace Marty: is


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