CIS 230 Exam 1 Study

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general purpose

A CPU is a ____________ processor capable of performing many different tasks simply by changing the program.


A ____ is a computer that manages shared resources and enables users other computers to access them over a network


A _____ is a data structure containing both static data and methods.


A _____ is the address of another data item or structure.

singly linked list

A _____ list stores one pointer with each list element.


A _____ typically uses the latest and most expensive technology

A byte contains 8 bits

A _______ contains 8 _________.


A _______ is an electrical circuit that implements a Boolean or other primitive processing function on single bit inputs.


A _________ is an array of characters.


A __________ CPU typically uses variable-length instructions and has a large instruction set.


A __________ instruction copies data from one memory location to another.


A __________ is an electrical switch built of semiconducting materials.

long integer

A __________ is an integer stored in double the normal number of bit positions.


A __________ is the number of bits the CPU processes simultaneously. It also describes the size of a single register.


A __________ processor doesn't directly implement complex instructions.

Computer Network

A ____________ consists of hardware and software components that enable multiple users and computer to share information, software, and hardware resources.


A ____________ is a group of dissimilar computer systems, connected by a high-speed network, that cooperate to provide services or run an application.


A ____________ is a group of similar or identical computers, connected by a high-speed network, that cooperate to provide services or run a shared application.


A ____________ is a storage location implemented in the CPU.


A microchip containing all the components of a CPU is called a __________.


A problem-solving procedure that requires executing one or more comparison and branch instructions is called a(n) ____________.


A program that solves a ____________ requires no branching instructions.

linked list

A set of data items that can be accessed in a specified order by using pointers is called a ___________.


A set of instructions that's executed to solve a specific problem is called a

white paper

A technology brief found on a vendor or manufacturer Web site is often called a __________

data structure

A(n) _____ is a data item composed of multiple primitive data items.


A(n) _____ is one instance or variable of a class.

unconditional BRANCH, conditional BRANCH

A(n) ______ instruction always alters the instruction execution sequence. A ______ instruction alters the instruction execution sequence only if a specified condition is true.


A(n) _________ data item can contain only the values true and false.


A(n) _________ is a data structure composed of other data structures or primitive data elements, commonly used as a unit of input and output to and from files or databases.

Heat Sink

A(n) __________ improves heat dissipation by providing a thermal mass and a large thermal transfer surface.


A(n) __________ instruction transforms the bit pairs 1/1, 1/0, and 0/1 into 1.


A(n) __________ is a measure of CPU or computer system performance when performing specific tasks.


A(n) __________ is a sequence of primitive data elements stored in sequential storage locations.

Linked list

A(n) __________ is an array of data items, each of which contains a key value and a pointer to another data item.


A(n) __________ operation transforms a 0-bit value to 1 and a 1-bit value to 0.


A(n) ____________ is a command to the CPU to perform one processing function on one or more data inputs.

operating system

A(n) ____________ is the most common type of system software.

integrated circuit or microchip

A(n) ______________ or __________ contains multiple transistors or gates in a single sealed package.

doubly linked list

An element in a _____ contains pointers to both the next and previous list elements.

inclusive and exclusive

Applying a(n) ______ OR transformation to input bit values 1 and 1 generates true. Applying a(n) ______ OR transformation to the same inputs generates false.


Assembly (machine) language programs for most computers use ___________ notation to represent memory address values.

IEEE Computer Society

Computer- and network-related standards can be found in the digital library of the __________


Configuring hardware and system software is an activity of the UP _________ discipline.

floating-point notation

Data represented in _____ is transmitted accurately between computer equipment from different manufacturers if each computer s CPU represents real numbers by using an IEEE standard notation.

Word size is the number of bits the CPU processes simultaneously. the CPU must execute multiple instructions to perform what's logically a single operation. In addition, inefficiencies are compounded as the operation's complexity increases. Therefore, increasing word size increases the capability to process larger units of data. The disadvantages of increased word size are increased CPU, bus, and memory complexity increases at a faster rate than the increase in word size.

Define "word size." What are advantages and disadvantages of increasing word size?

o User: user inputs and program outputs o Application software: communicates with system software to request basic service o System software: translates a service request into a sequence of machine instructions, passes these instructions to hardware for execution o Computer hardware: receives the results, and passes the results back to the application software.

Define the four system software layers.

It copies from one memory location or register to another. Its a misnomer because it doesn't delete the original. (COPIES)

Describe the operation of a MOVE instruction. Why is the name MOVE a misnomer?

Multicomputer configurations include clusters, blades, and grids.

Describe three types of multicomputer configurations. What are their comparative advantages and disadvantages?

business modeling and requirements

During the ________UP disciplines, the business, its environment, and user requirements are defined and modeled.

Different components like a GPU.

How can a computer system be tuned to a particular application?

RISC processors use fixed-length instructions. Some, but not all, CISC processors use variable length instructions. Which type is better depends on their implementation specifics (especially clock rate) and the type of instructions being executed.

How does a RISC processor differ from a CISC processor? Is one processor type better than the other? Why or why not?

A supercomputer is optimized for fastest possible execution of mathematical computations. Mainframe is optimized for high I/O capacity and able to have many simultaneous users and running programs.

How does a supercomputer differ from a mainframe computer?

Workstation is more powerful, better for CAD and math computation.

How does a workstation differ from a desktop computer?

It enables a computer to perform multiple processing tasks in parallel. Parallelism can be applied to instructions or instruction sequences in a single program or multiple programs, and the result is that more work is accomplished in the same time period.

How does multiprocessing improve a computer's efficiency?

Pipelining increases the rate at which instructions can be executed by overlapping their execution in multiple stages. However, pipelining efficiencies are achieved only when the CPU can supply a continuous stream of instructions. When the instruction sequence is altered by a conditional BRANCH instruction, the CPU empties the pipeline's content and starts over with the first instruction of a new sequence. This problem can be minimized or eliminated by using branch prediction or speculative execution.

How does pipelining improve CPU efficiency? What's the potential effect on pipelining's efficiency when executing a conditional BRANCH instruction? What techniques can be used to make pipelining more efficient when executing conditional BRANCH instructions?

- IEEE (Institute for electrical and Electronics Engineers) computer society, - ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), - and the AITP (Association fortitude for Information Technology Professional).

IS students and professionals should be familiar with professional societies, such as ,______ ________, and________ .

integer and floating point

In a CPU, _______ arithmetic generally is easier to implement than __________ arithmetic because of a simpler data coding scheme and data manipulation circuitry

radix point

In a positional numbering system, the _________ separates digits representing whole number quantities from digits representing fractional quantities.

Program Status Word (PSW)

In many CPUs, a register called the __________ stores bit flags representing CPU and program status, including those representing processing errors and the results of comparison operations

(EBCDIC) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

In older IBM mainframe computers, characters were encoded according to the ____ coding scheme.

flat memory model

In the __________, memory addresses consist of a single integer.

Software takes hardware resources and uses them to provide IS services to users.

In what ways does system software make developing application software easier?


Increasing a numeric representation format's size (number of bits) increases the ________ of values that can be represented.


Key characteristics that distinguish primary and secondary storage include cost, capacity, speed, and ____________.

Program (software) files, I/O devices, text files, sound and video files, databases, Web pages

List at least five types of resources that computers on a local area network or wide area network can share.

double precision

Many computers implement ___________ numeric data types to increase accuracy and prevent overflow and underflow.

segmented memory model

Most Intel CPUs use the _____, in which each memory address is represented by two integers.

programming language

Most programs are written in a ____________, such as FORTRAN or Java, which is then translated into equivalent CPU instructions.

Hertz (Hz)

One __________ is one cycle per second.


Selecting hardware, network components, and system software is an activity of the UP________ discipline.


The CPU ____________ program instructions one at a time.

wait states

The CPU incurs one or more __________ when it is idle, pending the completion of an operation by another device in the computer system.

ISO, Latin-1

The ______ has defined a character-coding table called ______, which combines the ASCII-7 coding table with an additional 128 Western European multinational characters.

system bus

The __________ enables the CPU, primary storage, and secondary storage devices to communicate


The __________ time of a processor is 1 divided by the clock rate (in Hz).

least significant, rightmost

The ___________ is the bit of lowest magnitude in a byte or bit string.

instruction pointer

The address of the next instruction to be fetched by the CPU is held in the ________ .

op code, operands

The components of an instruction are its ______ and one or more ______.


The contents of a memory location are copied to a register while performing a __________ operation.

control unit, registers, and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The major components of a CPU are the ____________, ____________, and ____________

collating sequence

The ordering of characters in a coding table is called a __________.

underflow, truncation

The result of adding, subtracting, or multiplying two integers might result in overflow but never __________ or _____________.

Main Memory or Memory

The term _____ refers to storage devices, not located in the CPU, that hold instructions and data of currently running programs

Secondary Storage

The term ____________ describes the collection of storage devices that hold large quantities of data for long periods


Two 1-bit values generate a 1 result value when a(n) __________ instruction is executed. All other input pairs generate a 0 result value.


Types or classes of larger servers include ____________, which are generally optimized for data storage and I/O capability, and ____________, which are generally optimized for computational capacity and speed.

Unified Process



Unlike ASCII and EBCDIC, ______ is a 16- bit or 32- bit character coding table.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

WWW resources are identified and accessed by a ____________.

Registers are storage locations in the CPU used to hold instructions and data temporarily.

What are registers? What are their functions?

Internal storage locations - each holds one data item The hold inputs to and outputs from the ALU

What are registers? What do they do?

The CPU designer designates the content and use of special-purpose registers. Their content is controlled by the control unit and can't be accessed directly by programs. - instruction register, - instruction pointer, - and program status word

What are special-purpose registers? Give three examples of special-purpose registers and explain how each is used.

Binary: 0,1. Octal: base-8: from 0-7. Hexadecimal: base-16: from 0-9, A, B, C, D, E, F.

What are the binary, octal, and hexadecimal representations of the decimal number 10.

Primary storage is more volatile, faster, and more expensive. Because of its higher cost, its capacity is usually lower than in secondary storage. Secondary: holds large data, non volatile, slower than primary

What are the differences between primary and secondary storage?

Discipline and Iteration

What are the two concepts of the UP?

Application software: satisfies a specific user need Like games, or mp3. System Software is more general like operating system.

What characteristics differentiate application software from system software?

Memory access speed should be less than the CPU cycle time to eliminate wait states for CPU memory access. In addition, the number of bytes accessed by a single load operation should be greater than or equal to the CPU's word size.

What characteristics of the CPU and primary storage should be balanced to achieve maximum system performance?

Any computer class can be used for a server. The class depends on the number and type of resources and the number ppl accessing these resources

What classes of computer systems are normally used for servers?

Performs computation and logic instructions.

What does Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) do?

Holds programs currently being executed. Also known as RAM

What does Primary storage do?

Moves data among registers and other computer system storage locations. Accesses program instructions and either executes them (data movement) or directs the ALU to execute them (computation and logic instructions)

What does the Control Unit do?

directs flow of data to/from memory, registers, and the ALU

What does the Control Unit do?

The most important factor is miniaturization—decreased size of devices and the wires connecting them. Smaller devices and shorter wires mean electricity has less distance to travel to perform a processing function. Therefore, the function is performed more quickly, resulting in higher clock rates.

What factor(s) account for the dramatic improvements in microprocessor clock rates over the last three decades?

s 8 digit values (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

What is Octal notation?

Hard drive, Hold large quantities, much slower.

What is Secondary Storage, what does it do?

CPU brain of system. fetches and executes instructions. The primary CPU components are the control unit, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and registers.

What is a CPU? What are its primary components?

instructions that implement comparison and branching

What is a Logic instruction?

Set of bit flags containing error and other codes of processing results.

What is a Program Status Word (PSW)?

A RISC avoids unnecessary complex instructions. Minimizes complex instruction formats and length.

What is a RISC?

A benchmark is a performance measure for a computer or a computer part. There are Artificial and Live-Load, Artificial is made-up based on a real load, and Live load is of a real load.

What is a benchmark?

Any device that can: 1. Accept numeric inputs 2. Perform computational functions, such as addition and subtraction, and 3. Communicate results

What is a computer?

A comparison or other logical operation that produces a Boolean (true or false) result.

What is a condition?

A complex mathematical relationship that can be solved with a specific sequence of instructions. (An algorithm is more complex)

What is a formula?

A device that can perform the following: o Computation (+, ‒, ×, ÷) o Comparison (<, =, >, ≠, ≤, ≥) o Data movement among memory, mass storage, and I/O devices

What is a processor?

A stored set of instructions for performing a specific task

What is a program?

Quantum particles can exist in multiple states at the same time

What is a qubit?

The communication channel that connects all devices in the computer system. Bus speed determines the overall PC speed.

What is a system bus?

software or hardware being unable to process further instructions while waiting for some event such as the completion of a data transfer.

What is a wait state?

A copy of most recently fetched instruction.

What is an Instruction Register?

An OP code is a unique binary number representing the processing function, and a template for extracting Operands.

What is an OP code?

one or more groups of bits after the op code that contain data to be processed or identify the location of that data (a register or memory address)

What is an Operand?

A command to a processor to perform a specific function.

What is an instruction?

mathematical system of manipulating and combining true and false values

What is boolean logic?

In excess notation, the sign is assigned the first bit of the representation, and all positive numbers are represented by 1 while negative numbers are resented by zeros. Twos complement notation is a technique of signed number representation in which positive numbers are encoded as ordinary binary numbers and negative values encoded as the complement of the directly related positive value with the addition of 1. Therefore, integer values be represented by ordinary binary numbers because a technique of notation denotes choices that are specific in relation to ease of manipulation, numeric range, and accuracy.

What is excess notation? What is twos complement notation? Why are they needed? In other words, why can't integer values be represented by ordinary binary numbers?

16 digit values: 0-9, A-F

What is hexidecimal notation?

Main memory is a collection of storage locations, typically implemented with random access memory (RAM), that holds instructions and some or all of the data of currently running programs. Primary storage has more capacity than registers but is slower to access.

What is main memory? How does it differ from registers?

The ALU executes computation and comparison instructions.

What is the ALU? Arithmetic Logic Unit

Data movement instructions executed by the control unit itself.

What is the Execution Style?

They are data inputs loaded into registers and input to the ALU

What is the Instruction Style?

ASCII is lowercase and uppercase letters, 0-9 digits, and symbols. Unicode uses letters of English and other language.

What is the difference between ASCII and Unicode?

Reads its program instructions from a storage device. Content can't be changed.

What is the role of General Purpose Processor?

Storage can't be altered. Single program wired to the processor.

What is the role of Special Purpose Processor?

to convert a user request or statement of need into a set of instructions

What is the role of software?

Optical computing could eliminate interconnections and simplify fabrication problems because photon pathways can cross without interfering with one another. Eliminating wires would vastly improve fabrication cost and reliability.

What potential advantages do optical processors offer compared with electrical processors?

Fabrication complexity and unreliability caused by heat, friction, and resistance

What shortcomings of electrical computation will optical computing devices address?

Slow speed, unreliability, and fabrication complexity

What shortcomings of mechanical computation did the introduction of electronic computing devices address?

Harness energy of something moving, speed limits based on moving parts

What similarities exist in mechanical, electrical, and optical methods of computation?

instruction register

When an instruction is first fetched from memory, it's placed in the ______ and then decoded to extract its components.

in most cases, a benchmark is a better measure of computer performance because CPU speed measures only one aspect of computer performance. A benchmark measures all aspects of computer performance for a particular type of computing problem

Which is the better measure of computer system performance—a benchmark, such as SPEC CINT, or a processor speed measure, such as GHz, MIPS, or MFLOPS? Why?

Real numbers consist of both fractional values as well as whole numbers. They also have floating point notation is considerably more complex than twos complement notation. The more greater the complexity, requires more processing circuitry. Computational circuits for real numbers generally have at least 2X more components than for integers

Why are real numbers more difficult to represent and process than integers?

Access to data stored in registers is immediate, but access to data stored in memory locations generally incurs some delay. As the number of general-purpose registers increases, more of these items can be held in registers, reducing the need to access memory for these items.

Why does program execution speed generally increase as the number of general-purpose registers increases?

The CPU can compare only numeric values, so each character constant is converted to its numeric value in some character coding scheme, such as ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode. Because all modern character coding schemes encode uppercase and lowercase letters as different numeric values, the equality comparison always returns false.

Why doesn't a CPU evaluate the expression 'A' = 'a' as true?

For computer applications to produce accurate outputs, reliable data transport is important.

Why is binary data representation and signaling the preferred method of computer hardware implementation?


_____ notation encodes a real number as a mantissa multiplied by a power (exponent) of 2.


_____ occurs when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the number of bits available to store it.


__________ generates heat in electrical devices.


__________ is a CPU design technique in which instruction execution is divided into multiple stages and different instructions can execute in different stages simultaneously.

Gallium arsenide

__________ is a semiconducting material with optical properties.

Moore's Law

__________ predicts that transistor density will double every two years or less.


____________ is a technique that enables a single computer to host multiple virtual machines.

Grosch's Law

____________ says that larger computer classes are more cost-efficient than smaller ones - doesn't accurately describe modern computing hardware.

Systems Architecture

the term _______________ includes several other types of computer-related architecture including computer, network, and software

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