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What are the basic building blocks of macros? A. Actions B. Events C. Code D. Clauses

A. Actions

What procedure eliminates blank space in a database to make it smaller and avoid corrupting the database? A. Compacting and repairing B. Sorting and filtering C. Validation D. Datasheet formatting

A. Compacting and repairing

A __________ integrates data from multiple tables building a relational data source inside an Excel workbook. A. Data Model B. PivotChart C. PivotTable D. PowerPivot

A. Data Model

What is an action that is either automated or triggered by a user? A. Event B. Function C. Expression D. Program

A. Event

You can create a record in a database by selecting this command in the Records group on the Home tab. A. New B. Save C. More D. Field

A. New

A _______________ shows the PivotTable values graphically. A. PivotChart B. Column C. Cell D. Rows

A. PivotChart

Use a __________ summarize large sets of data in a separate table without altering the actual data. A. PivotTable B. Background C. Properties D. PowerPivot

A. PivotTable

Software developer Pito Salas is considered the inventor of ______ _______. A. PivotTables B. Data Model C. PivotChart D. Properties

A. PivotTables

The Excel ______ _______add-in helps to prepare and merge data from multiple sources. A. PowerPivot B. PivotPower C. PivotTable D. PivotChart

A. PowerPivot

The End _____ identifies the end of the code. A. Sub B. Name C. Formula D. Code

A. Sub

Once the initial setup has been completed, the macro recording will ________ begin recording each step you complete until you stop recording. A. automatically B. randomly C. involuntarily D. routinely

A. automatically

The two ways to make a macro are to record it or to _____ it. A. code B. form C. solve D. insert

A. code

A ________ performs repeated calculations in computer code to return a value. A. function B. formula C. macro D. property E. recorder

A. function

What is a macro? A. A programming language in Microsoft Access or Excel B. A tool that allows a user to automate tasks, such as forms and reports, in Access C. A standard language for relational database systems D. A tool only usable after mastering Visual Basic Applications

B. A tool that allows a user to automate tasks, such as forms and reports, in Access

When designing a macro, which of the following can be found on the right side of your screen to assist you? A. Navigation Pane B. Action Catalog C. Macro Wizard D. SQL Wizard

B. Action Catalog

What is a collection of data that is stored in a computer system? A. Spreadsheet B. Database C. File D. Folder

B. Database

The two main types of data macros are which of the following? A. Event Driven and Action Driven B. Event Driven and Name Driven C. Name Driven and Report Driven D. Event Driven and Table Driven

B. Event Driven and Name Driven

The ____ ______ is one of Microsoft Excel's data analysis tools, presenting the user with a list of fields and a field grid to show rows, columns, filters and values. A. PivotGraph B. PivotTable C. Function Equation D. Sum Function

B. PivotTable

What are the rules of a programming language called? A. Structure B. Syntax C. Conditions D. Events

B. Syntax

Data from Access forms will flow into which of the following objects? A. Report B. Table C. Datasheet D. Worksheet

B. Table

You can view and edit VBA code or create a macro from scratch in the ________ _________ __________. A. Graphic Basic Editor B. Visual Basic Editor C. Viewing Basic Editor D. Visual Bottom Activity

B. Visual Basic Editor

These macros are managed from the Table tab and do not appear as a macro object in the Navigation pane A. Macro Groups B. Embedded Macros C. Data Macros D. SQL Statements

C. Data Macros

The tool that records a series of commands the user performs in a sequence and converts the commands into programming syntax is the ________ __________. A. Flute Recorder B. Macro Editor C. Macro Recorder D. Visual Recorder

C. Macro Recorder

Where can a list of objects be found on an Access screen? A. Ribbon B. Toolbar C. Navigation Pane D. File list

C. Navigation Pane

Which is a field that has unique values in each row? A. ID Number B. Primary Field C. Primary Key D. Primary Record

C. Primary Key

What ensures the relationships created among two tables remain intact between a primary key in one table and a foreign key in another? A. Validation B. Primary Key C. Referential Integrity D. Compacting and repairing

C. Referential Integrity

Syntax made up of clauses resulting in data output is known as a(n): A. Expression B. Function C. SQL statement D. VBA Code

C. SQL statement

SQL stands for which of the following? A. Standard Query Language B. Standalone Query Language C. Structured Query Language D. Syntax Query Language

C. Structured Query Language

When you place _______, data can be isolated depending on your selection. A. numbers B. letters C. a filter D. ribbons

C. a filter

You can sort text and number records in these two ways. A. Up and down B. Grouping and filtering C. Forms and reports D. Ascending and descending

D. Ascending and descending

To remove a protection in Excel, click the Protect Workbook button in the _______ group on the Review tab. A. Comments B. Format C. Numbers D. Changes

D. Changes

The ______ Function identifies where and when to end of the function. A. Middle B. Beginning C. First D. End

D. End

Which Access tab AND group are used to import data from Excel into Access? A. Database Tools and Move Data B. Database Tools and Add-Ins C. External Data and Export D. External Data and Import & Link

D. External Data and Import & Link

Which is the user interface for creating and editing macros in Access? A. Macro Wizard B. Action Catalog C. VBA Wizard D. Macro Designer

D. Macro Designer

The _____ ______ _______ task pane will present options to define aspects of the PivotTable report layout. A. Fields Table Charts B. PivotChart Fields C. Data Table Fields D. PivotTable Fields

D. PivotTable Fields

When you are preparing to make a PivotTable, it is important to take a look at the data you intend to use and answer a few questions about the data and the end result. Which of the following is not a question you would ask? A. Which rows and columns of the data will you want included and how is best to group the data? B. Which numeric fields contain the values you want to use?C. Which summarizing function would be best applied - sum, average or count? D. Should the PivotTable be placed on a different computer or within the same computer where the source data is located?

D. Should the PivotTable be placed on a different computer or within the same computer where the source data is located?

After completing each step you want to have recorded in the macro, click the _____ button on the Status bar at the bottom left side of the Excel window to stop your macro record. A. Pause B. Start C. End D. Stop

D. Stop

What are Access objects consisting of lists of data stored in vertical columns and horizontal rows? A. Cells B. Fields C. Forms D. Tables

D. Tables

When you are ready to record a macro, begin by clicking on the _____ tab and turning on the Macro recorder. A. File B. Insert C. Page Layout D. View

D. View

Working with very large and varying data sets can result in a ______ _____ with Excel application and even computer speed. A. measured down B. speed up C. turn off D. change up E. slow down

E. slow down

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