CIT final

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set user password

echo 'Password01' | sudo passwd --stdin userName

Now you need to use fdisk and mkfs to create a new ext3 formatted drive from your 2nd hard drive.

lsblk, sudo fdisk /dev/sdb, n, sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1, sudo mkdir /mnt/backup

Create a new folder under teacher-share called cit-225.

sudo cd /school/teacher-share sudo mkdir /school/teacher-share/cit-225

Create a file in the teacher-share/cit225 folder called CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt Add a line that says STUDY AND PRACTICE A LOT!

sudo cd /school/teacher-share/cit-225 echo "STUDY AND PRACTICE A LOT!" > CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt sudo chown root:Teachers CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt sudo chmod 760 CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt

(Create a new folder under teacher-share called cit-225.) Give all student users the rights to only read files in that folder.

sudo chmod 764 /school/teacher-share/cit-225 sudo chown root:Teachers /school/teacher-share/cit-225

Create groups

sudo groupadd groupName

Use a compression utility to compress the passpolicy.pdf from above and save it in backup.

sudo gzip /school/teacher-share/CYBR445/passpolicy.pdf -c > /school/backup/passpolicy.pdf.gz **sudo chown -R your_username: /mnt/backup

Create a logical volume:

sudo lvcreate -L 20M -n backup2 myvg sudo lvdisplay

Create a folder under /mnt called backup2:

sudo mkdir /mnt/backup2

Create a directory called school in the root of the file structure (/school)

sudo mkdir /school

Create a sub directory under school called student-share Give all student users the rights to Read and Write files in that folder.

sudo mkdir /school/student-share sudo chmod 760 /school/student-share sudo chown root:Students /school/student-share

Create a sub directory under school called teacher-share Give all teacher users the rights to Read and Write files in that folder.

sudo mkdir /school/teacher-share sudo chmod 760 /school/teacher-share sudo chown root:Teachers /school/teacher-share

Login as your user and pretend you got an email from Dr. Clark asking you to copy the Password-PolicyFile from her folder to a new folder under the teacher share call CYBR445. Don't move it, just copy it she says. Make sure Captain Hook and Micky Mouse have access to read it. Also, she wants the name shortened to passpolicy.pdf

sudo mkdir /school/teacher-share/CYBR445 sudo cp /home/uclark/Downloads/password_policy.pdf /school/teacher-share/CYBR445/passpolicy.pdf

Format the logical volume as ext3:

sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/myvg/backup2

Use the mount command to mount it under /mnt/backup.

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/backup

Mount the logical volume:

sudo mount/dev/myvg/backup2 /mnt/backup2

From the remaining 2 drives you created, use the pvcreate command to add the 2 drives to physical volume

sudo pvcreate /dev/sdc /dev/sdd sudo pvdisplay

Give Donald Duck and Micky Mouse the permissions needed to read the CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt (Not Captain Hook)

sudo setfacl -m u:dduck:r CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt sudo setfacl -m u:mmouse:r CIT-225-StudyGuide.txt

Create users

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -c "Full Name" -G groupName -U userName

Create a volume group:

sudo vgcreate myvg /dev/sdc /dev/sdd sudo vgdisplay

Use your favorite command to view a list of your running processes and then view ALL running processes.

top, q

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