civics section 4- The American Party System

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The Democrats fought bitterly at times over _____.

-banking policies -slavery issues -tariff rates

What are duties of the national chairman?

-campaign manager and fund-raiser -campaign fund spending and fund management -public relationships -assisting the President in awarding loyal party workers

The Chairman of the Democratic National Committee: _____. Select all that apply.

-decides where national funds are spent during campaigns -has skills in fundraising, organizing, and public relations -grants favors and rewards party faithfuls by recommending them for political appointments

Throughout the 20th century, Republicans have done which of the following? Select all that apply.

-lost to Jimmy Carter and won with Ronald Reagan -elected Dwight D Eisenhower- twice -won majorities in both the House, Senate, and presidency during the middle of the century

The Democrats won all the elections from 1828-1860 EXCEPT in

1840 and 1848

---party systems are most common in the English-speaking countries of the world.


The president and vice president are elected once every

4 years

legislation which gave the President power to deport any alien he deemed dangerous

Alien and Sedition Acts

Which of the following are major political parties in Canada? Select all that apply.

Alliance Liberal

Which are examples of left-wing protest groups? Select all that apply.

Communist Party U.S.A. Socialist Labor Party Socialist Workers' Party Democratic Socialists of America

Which of the following are Republican presidents? Select all that apply.

Dwight D. Eisenhower William Howard Taft Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Ronald Reagan

Which of the following describes the early Republican party?

In 1856, John C. Freemont won eleven northern states on an anti-slavery platform.

Which of the following best describes Republican dominance from the time of Abraham Lincoln?

Its policies appealed to a wide variety of constituents, including farmers, merchants, and industrialists.

Which of the following are Democratic presidents? Select all that apply.

Kennedy Jackson Carter

What is a coalition?

a temporary alliance of political parties

The_____ Party is a left-wing protest party that was formed in 1919.

american communist

one of the first two American political parties; it wanted a weak central government

anti federalists party

the federal power of the country

central government

a person who does not hold an office but who is trying to unseat an incumbent


Dictatorships are most commonly found in which of the following places? Select all that apply.

communist countries fascist countries

Voters in a district who elect a public servant are known as a(n) _____.


gathering for the purpose of creating a Constitution which would frame the laws for running the U.S.

constitutional convention

What party do the large U.S. cities tend to support?


Which U.S. political party controlled the South from 1861 to the early 1960s?


a country with a one-party leader who is in complete control, usually one who is unfair


an uneasiness due to the lack of stability in the financial market

economic unrest

a period from 1816- 1824 where there was only one political party: the Democrat-Republicans

era of good feelings

a group that may not be in agreement with the general direction of the larger population


one of the first two American political parties; it wanted a strong central government

federalist party

The----believed in a loose construction of the Constitution.


the believed that the Federal government should possess all powers not specifically denied to it.


The Republican party originated _____.

from a firm political stance against slavery

a person who currently hold office


Political parties are ---to express the wishes of the people.


America's voting system could be considered ineffective because _____.

it is nearly impossible to ensure the majority of voters have enough information on all of the candidates and issues to make informed decisions at the ballot box

What are the major political parties in Great Britain? Select all that apply.

labour conservative

interpretation of the Constitution allowing the federal government powers not specifically denied it

loose construction

The primary responsibility of the precinct captain is to _____.

make sure that all members of their party are registered to vote

The _____ stands for prevention-oriented government, conflict-free politics, and proven solutions designed to bring national life into harmony with natural law.

natural law party

4.titles of the offices appear across the ballot, candidates of parties for each office are below the titles

office bloc arrangement

Many times, a political party is accused of------if it appears it puts its party's agenda ahead of the good of the people.

partisan politics

In most states, committee members chosen by _____.

party primaries

a group of people organized with a governmental agenda in mind

political parties

A citizen who is paid by the parties to keep a watchful eye on the voters and the officials.

poll watcher

Specific voting area; each voter is assigned a particular place within the district where he lives.

polling place

Each county, district, or city is divided into:


The _____ Party is an example of a single-issue party.


arrangement or groundwork laid to establish a program


The party formed by Texas billionaire Ross Perot 1990s was a member of the _____ Party.


democracies where the people elect representatives to act as their agents in making laws

representative democracies

Which of the following are types of public buildings used for polling places? Select all that apply.

schools libraries police stations fire stations

a ticket for voting that shows only the names of the candidates for the highest offices

short ballot

The Populist Party of the 1890's was an example of a party formed chiefly to help a

specific group of people

voting for the best candidates for each office regardless of party

split ticket

financial panic where the market lost so much power that many people lost their fortunes in days

stock market crash of 1929

a person votes for all candidates of that party for all offices

straight ticket

The Anti-Federalists believed in a------- interpretation of the Constitution.


interpretation of the Constitution limiting the Federal government to the powers in the document

strict construction

A characteristics of short ballot voting is _____.

the candidates voted in at the upper levels probably have more understanding of who would serve the public best

Why did Democrats hold power for so long in the 30s, 40s, and 50s?

the country entered the Great Depression

The Anti-Federalist would limit the Federal government strictly to _____.

the powers the constitution delegated to it

The Democratic split was so severe during the 1860 elections that _____.

they ran two candidates for the presidency

a party formed mainly to fight the Democratic Party and Andrew Jackson; formed in the 1830's

whig party

The only Democrats to serve as President from 1860 to 1916 were _____. Select all that apply.

wilson cleveland

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