Civil War (Elective)

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What was pay for an enlistee?

$13.00 per month

The Gettysburg Address is about words long.


A derringer is a small pistol.


A loosely woven fabric made from yarn is considered homespun.


Robert E. Lee is considered one of America's greatest military leaders.


Shocking or cruel acts are considered atrocities.


The election of Ulysses S. Grant did little to help the cause of Reconstruction.


What were two questions that had to be considered at the close of the Civil War with regard to Reconstruction?

Who would oversee the rebuilding of the South? Who would govern the former Confederate states?

The first African American to win the Congressional Medal of Honor was _____

William Carney

This man could boast that the Civil War began and ended at his house.

Wilmer McLean

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned _____.

any form of racial discrimination

Which of the following best describes what was meant by the term "Bleeding Kansas"?

atrocities committed by both factions

What were the three diversions Grant planned for defeating Vicksburg?

attack the supply lines at Baton Rouge have Sherman fake an attack from the north capture Jackson, Mississippi, first

When addressing the owner, it was expected the slave would _____.

bow his head and look at his feet

Northern moved to the South to gain power and wealth.


Success in life is affected by the ability to adapt to _____.


What invention or innovation helped to make cities, factories, and railroads spring up in the North?

cheaper steel

Which of the following things are true of Lee's life?

graduated number two in his class at West Point became the president of Washington College lost his citizenship after the war until 1975 resigned his commission when his home state seceded refused to arrest John Brown after Harper's Ferry

Sectionalism means _____.

one section desires things at the expense of others

What was a common feature of Civil War prisons?

overcrowded conditions

The main idea behind this act was to allow for _____.

popular sovereignty or the right to choose

The First Battle of Bull Run was a great victory for the South.


What are some of things slaves did in the South to help the Union win the war?

rebelled against authority ran away from the owners worked harder on the farms

Which of the following were key components of the plan Scott proposed?

send an army of 60,000-80,000 men down the Mississippi to secure enemy fortifications conduct a blockade of Southern ports an immediate attack on Richmond seize and control New Orleans a call for three-month enlistments

"Four score and years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in , and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

seven, Liberty

What percentage of states are required to ratify an amendment?


The Battle of Gettysburg began when Union troops ran into Confederates who were looking for _____.


Which of the following were issues facing the North as the war dragged on?

shortage of military supplies and weapons many women having to work outside the home

Whenever someone was talking with John Brown, what subjects would eventually become part of the discussion?

slavery the bible

Why did Lee want to link up with General Johnston in North Carolina?

so he could move south and defeat Sherman's army

What were the main objectives of Grierson?

to destroy supplies at Newton Station to keep Southerners occupied to defeat the Confederate forces at Vicksburg

What was the ultimate goal of Lee and the Confederacy here?

to gain a decisive victory on Union soil

Secession means _____.

to leave an organization or group; to split

A slave could be punished for _____.

trying to escape showing disrespect preparing food the wrong way

At what age did the slave begin to work full time in the fields?


How many votes are needed in each House of Congress for an amendment to be sent to the states for ratification?


Brown maintained that slavery would only be done away with through _____.

violent conflict

The battle pointed out that neither side _____.

was prepared for a long war

Which of the following is not given in the lesson as a contributing cause of the Civil War?

western expansion of the country

What were three priorities that needed to be addressed during Reconstruction?

what to do with Confederate leaders how to integrate the South into the Union what to do about the many freed slaves

Lincoln received what percentage of the popular vote?

41 percent

How many known copies of the Gettysburg Address are there?


What two substitution policies were used by the military?

A person could pay $300.00 to get out of the war. A person could substitute one army for the other.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was passed in an effort to nullify the _____.

Black Codes

This city was a vital transportation hub to the rest of the South.


Which of the following were members of the Five Civilized Tribes?

Cherokee Sioux Choctaw Apache Seminole

The first successful override of a presidential veto came with the _____.

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Which of the following is not given as a characteristic of the slaves' lifestyle?

Families were kept together.

Which amendment made sure all male citizens had the right to vote?


Which best describes why Lee would not simply come out and attack Grant to break the stalemate?

He could not beat Grant in an all-out battle.

Personally, Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Why then, did he not end it the moment he was elected president?

He did not have the Constitutional legal right to end it.

Why was General Franklin defeated on the Confederate right?

He did not understand what it was that Burnside wanted him to do.

In his first inaugural address, what points did Lincoln emphasize?

He had no intention of invading the South. He was going to allow slavery in the states that already had it. He was not going to allow the seizing of Federal property.

Why did Johnston fight a protracted defensive war against Sherman?

He knew support for the war in the North was eroding away. He knew it forced Sherman to be further from his supply lines.

In which ways did Hooker turn out to be a positive for the Union army?

He made the cavalry into a much more effective fighting force. He was extremely confident of himself as a military leader. He reorganized and rebuilt the army from the ground up. He was able to enlist more men especially those from border states

What was the purpose of Sherman forcing the civilians to evacuate the city?

He planned to destroy the city by burning it to the ground.

What changed the mind of Meade, as far as the black troops were concerned in leading the charge?

He thought they were too inexperienced.

Which of the following best describes why Sherman was moving north?

He wanted to bring about a quick end to the war.

What is not a reason McClellan became so hesitant while marching up the peninsula?

He was awaiting orders from Washington.

Upon accomplishing his task, why did Grierson not just ride west to find Grant rather than riding all the way through the state?

He was forced to go south.

In what way was Hooker different from Burnside?

He was not going to attack Lee where he was dug in.

Why did General Hood march in the opposite direction of Sherman?

He was trying to get Sherman to chase him.

Why did Lincoln take so long to announce the Emancipation Proclamation?

He was waiting for a Union victory on the field of battle.

One of the risks Sherman took was cutting himself off from the outside world. Why could this be a problem?

He would not be able to get reinforcements.

was the only Confederate officer charged, convicted of war crimes, and executed after the conflict.

Henry Wirz

How did the battle affect Lincoln the most in a political sense?

His ability to lead the country during war was going to be questioned more than ever.

What are two of the mistakes made by McClellan that cost him a victory against Lee?

His headquarters were too far away to effectively lead the battle. He underestimated the strength of Lee's army.

Why was John Brown sometimes called the "avenging angel"?

His religious zeal helped develop the attitude of seeking revenge on those who promoted slavery.

Why was dividing Lee's army such a gamble?

His troops were in unfamiliar territory. He had so few men compared to the Union forces. Losing Jackson meant a loss of important leadership. The enemy outnumbered him many times over. Lee had no cavalry and therefore could not attack.

Which of the following would be true if Sherman's army was able to destroy everything in its path?

It would be left with nothing, making it more susceptible to defeat. The Confederate army would have to try to outflank them. It would show that the Confederate government could not protect its citizens.

Why were men of longer periods of enlistment preferred by Scott?

It would take time to accomplish the tasks ahead of them.

Which of the following explains why the capture of Vicksburg was so important?

Its capture would divide the Confederacy into two halves. Johnston would not be able to attack the North. It would give the Union use of the Mississippi River.

Rosecrans's chief of staff later became a president of the United States. Who was this man?

James Garfield

The other two government officials targeted for assassination were _____.

Johnson Seward

What famous Confederate general was one of Sherman's pallbearers?

Joseph Johnston

Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were born in the state of _____.


Sherman served as a superintendent of what future university?


The Confederate capital was moved from to Richmond, Virginia.

Montgomery, Alabama

Which of the following best explains why Shiloh had such an impact on America when compared to other battles?

More Americans died here than in all other wars the country had been involved in combined.

The Art of War was written by _____.

Sun Tzu

Which of the following are details about the Compromise of 1877?

The Presidential election was close between Rutherford Hayes and Ulysses Grant. Samuel Tilden would be given the win in exchange for the removal of Federal troops. It was agreed troops would leave the South in exchange for a Hayes victory.

Why did ammunition arriving at Amelia Court House allow the Union to catch up to Lee?

The Rebels had to stop and forage for food.

Despite another profound victory, why was the Confederate cause in trouble?

The South could not get Union troops to leave its soil. The North was receiving too much European support. The South could not replace fallen soldiers. Stonewall Jackson was killed in battle.

Why was the Union staying on the offensive bad for the Rebel army?

Their defensive positions each time were poor. They did not have time to rest or reinforce. They were running out of supplies and food.

The United States Constitution makes no reference to slavery at all.


Which amendment did not rule out mandatory military service?


Which of the three amendments provided protection for children and the mentally incompetent?


Why did Brown and his followers raid Harper's Ferry?

to arm the slaves with guns from there

Which best explains why soldiers answered the call to enlist?

to be part of the excitement and prestige

Why were some Union troops sent back north?

to deceive the pursuers to cover their tracks some were ill

Which of the following explain why the Yazoo River Expeditions failed?

Overhanging trees damaged the boats. There was too much debris in the river. It was too narrow for Union boats.

The Gettysburg Cemetery is located in _____.


Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865, and he passed away on the _____.


The conflict between regions that finally became the Civil War began to "come to a head" during the _____.


Which best describes why the South was struggling in the war, despite so many important victories in the East?

The war in the West and the blockade were putting pressure on the South.

What did the untrained white troops do once they got to the crater?

They went down into the center of the crater.

Why were the Confederates surprised by all of this?

They were confident of their ability to control the river.

Which statement is the most accurate concerning the life of a slave?

They were considered property; similar to a horse.

Why were black troops going to be used to lead the charge after the explosion?

They were fresh and at full strength.

The former Democratic senator from Tennessee who became president after Lincoln's assassination was _____.

Andrew Johnson

The event that finally caused South Carolina to secede from the Union was _____.

Abraham Lincoln being elected president

General Hood was forced back to Atlanta and then evacuated the city. Why?

All railroad lines coming into the city had been cut.

Which of the following were terms for surrender?

All weapons and supplies would be turned over. Confederate troops had to cease hostilities. Officers and cavalrymen could keep their horses.

Grant was now going to make this a war of "attrition." How was this going to shorten the war and force a Confederate surrender? Explain your points in 125 words.

Although the Confederate troops were inflicting heavier casualties on the Union force, they were becoming too weak to launch any kind of counterattack. In addition, the losses Grant suffered were being replaced by fresh troops. The men in gray did not have that luxury. There were no reinforcements, no supplies. Grant was going to fight and make this a war ofattrition. Grant finally withdrew and continued running a course toward Petersburg and Richmond. In the meantime, Lee scrambled to stay ahead of the Union army. They would meet up again ten days later at Cold Harbor.

The two most notorious prison camps during the Civil War were _____.

Camp Sumter Elmira

President Lincoln was re-elected due in large part to Sherman's victory at _____.


Quantrill's Raiders attacked and destroyed much of which two towns?

Baxter Springs Lawrence

The last battle of the Civil War was fought near Texas.


The Battle of Fredericksburg was lost by the Union because _____.

Burnside was unable to adapt to changing circumstances

The group from Missouri that practiced guerilla warfare and sympathized with the South was called _____.


Democrats who were opposed to the Civil War were called _____.


President fought in the Mexican-American War.


Why did President Davis replace General Johnston with General Hood?

Davis did not like the idea of a waiting game. General Hood was much more aggressive. Johnston had lost most of his army retreating.

The South believed the Federal government needed to provide more control over its citizens.


The Union army set fire to Richmond as revenge for the war.


The main speaker at the dedication ceremony was _____.

Edward Everett

Who is credited with the invention of the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

The huge riot in New York City during the war was caused by the _____.

Enrollment Act of Conscription

A Calvinist is a person who is skilled in giving public speeches.


African Americans usually could attend school if they wanted to in the South.


Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from the state of Alabama.


If something is dire it is about to be conquered or defeated.


Knowing a war was going to start anyway, Congress did little to stop it.


Lincoln ran against Johnson for the presidency in 1864.


Most European immigrants came to the South to work on plantations.


Not wanting to face danger, few blacks enlisted following the battle of Fort Wagner.


Someone who is fraudulent is considered honest and upright.


President Lincoln was assassinated while attending Theatre.


The two battles that spelled doom for Lee and his attempt to protect Richmond were _____.

Fort Stedman Five Forks

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka came as an interpretation of what amendment?


Which amendment contains the due process clause?


Which of the three amendments has had the greatest impact on America?


This organization was designed to provide various kinds of assistance to blacks.

Freedman's Bureau

The Democratic presidential candidate, , did not support ending the war

George McCellan

This general was nicknamed "The Rock of Chickamauga" due to his bravery.

George Thomas

In 125 words, explain why the Battle of Gettysburg so was significant.

Gettysburg Was the Turning Point of the War. The Battle of Gettysburg, fought on July 1-3, 1863, was the turning point of the Civil War for one main reason: the plan Robert E Lee had to invade the North and force an end to the war failed. Against the advice of his superiors, including the president of the C.S.A., Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee chose to invade the North in the early summer of 1863. The Battle Was Enormous. The clash at Gettysburg was enormous by any standards, and a total of 170,000 Confederate and Union soldiers came together around a town that normally held 2,400 residents. Heroism and Drama at Gettysburg Became Legendary. The Battle of Gettysburg actually consisted of a number of distinct engagements, several of which could have stood alone as major battles. Abraham Lincoln Used Gettysburg to Justify the Cost of the War. Gettysburg could never have been forgotten, but its place in American memory was enhanced when President Abraham Lincoln visited the site of the battle four months later, in November 1863.

This woman chewed up and swallowed some important papers before they could be captured.

Ginnie Moon

Originally, this Civil War general was supposed to go with the Lincolns to the theater.


Why did Lee attack Grant in the Wilderness?

Grant would not be able to use all his men. The terrain gave Lee a tactical advantage. Lee had a much larger army for once.

Project: The Art Of Compromise

In 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed Kansas to decide whether it wanted to be a Free or Slave state even though it was north of the 36°30' line. This was done because Nebraska was going to be admitted as a Free State, which made the Senate uneven between Free and Slave. Even though most of Kansas's citizens were abolitionists, the state voted to be a Slave state after many border ruffians from Missouri came to Kansas and voted for slavery. The state eventually entered the Union as a Free State. This Act abolished the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas-Abraham Lincoln's opponent in the influential Lincoln-Douglas debates-the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise's use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory. The conflicts that arose between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the aftermath of the act's passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped paved the way for the American Civil War. By the time Kansas was admitted to statehood in 1861 after an internal civil war, southern states had begun to secede from the Union. The Independent Democrats and many northern Whigs abandoned their affiliations for the new antislavery Republican Party, leaving southern Whigs without party links and creating an issue over which the already deeply divided Democrats would split even more. The railroad was eventually built but not along the route Douglas wanted and with funds voted by a Republican Congress during a Republican Civil War administration.

Which of the following helped the North stay economically strong during the Civil War?

Industry grew, particularly in coal and steel. Most of the war was fought in the West rather than the North. Plenty of labor was available from immigrants.

Why is fighting on the defensive such an advantage for untrained troops?

Inexperienced troops will not have to execute maneuvers.

Why was popular sovereignty so well-supported as a just and fair way to settle the slavery question?

It allowed citizens of a territory to decide the slave issue. It allowed Congress to have some input into the political events in territories.

What impact did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the old Missouri Compromise line that had been the longtime border for slavery?

It allowed the expansion of slavery north of the 36°30' line. The line would no longer be valid.

Which of the following is true about the Bliss copy of the Gettysburg Address?

It can be found at the Library of Congress. It can be found in the White House. It is not the "official" copy of the Address.

Why was Five Forks such an important battle for the Union?

It cut Rebel supply lines.

Why did so many immigrants sign up and join the armies?

It gave them a job with a steady source of income.

Why was Petersburg such an important target?

It guarded the city of Chattanooga. It was a major transportation hub. Its defeat would cut off Richmond.

What was the New England Emigrant Aid Society?

It helped people move to Kansas to vote against slavery. It helped to set up abolitionist communities.

Why were the men from Pennsylvania perfect for the task at hand in building the tunnel?

They were miners, used to digging tunnels.

How did Shiloh end the thought that the war was going to be a quick one?

It put an end to the idea that one Rebel was worth ten Yankees. Neither side backed down in spite of the terrible losses; very few ran.

Why was Corinth such an important target for the Union?

It was a major railway center.

Why was Texas so important to the Confederacy?

It was able to avoid the Union blockade.

How did the Confederacy view the Union and their membership in it?

It was an alliance of states. These states had joined for a common purpose at an earlier time, and now the time had come to go their separate ways.

Why did the Confederates take the offensive so soon after they saved Richmond?

It was best to follow up on the successful campaign while enemy morale was shaky.

Why did Kansas become the battleground over slavery?

It was the first time slavery tried to move into free territories.

Why do you think that the Emancipation Proclamation was so controversial in the North?

It was very difficult to enforce in Southern states. Many felt it did not go far enough to end slavery. It would cause slaves on both sides to rebel.

Which of the following made the act seem so appealing to many people?

It would allow for popular sovereignty. Congress would not decide on the slavery issue there. It would give a clear edge to the Southern states.

Lee and Grant spoke briefly about their meeting during the War.

Mexican-American War

What was odd about the contrast between Lee and Grant when they met to discuss surrender?

Lee was dressed well; Grant was very dirty.

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ was written by Civil War commander _____.

Lew Wallace

These men were assigned the task of killing two other government leaders.

Lewis Powell George Atzerodt David Herold

Teaching himself law, President passed his state's bar exam.


Joshua Chamberlain ordered the famous bayonet charge from his position at _____.

Little Round Top

What were the names of the three Confederate generals that won the Second Battle of Bull Run?

Longstreet, Lee, and Jackson

The commanding officer of Fort Sumter was _____.

Major Anderson

Why were the Republicans more appealing in 1860 than they were in 1856 and thus able to win the Presidency?

Many events of the 1850s led people to despise slavery.

Which of the following were concerns or problems for those who were going to try to adjust to army life?

Many had enlisted solely for the money or fame. Many had never slept much outdoors. Many had never been around so many people. Many had never had fired a rifle or gun before.

How did the battle affect the Southern view of their Yankee enemies?

Many in the South thought it might be a quick war since Northerners were not the equal of Southerners in battle.

This woman was the first to be executed for a crime by the United States government.

Mary Surratt

The most famous black military unit during the Civil War was from the state of _____.


How did the Lost Order #191 help the Union?

McClellan knew what the Confederates were going to do ahead of time.

Which of the following applies to the Republican Party?

They were the anti-slavery party. They won the election of 1860.

What event led to bloodshed in Missouri after it had declared itself neutral in the war?

Nathaniel Lyon seized an arsenal for the North.

When Northern soldiers proclaimed they were fighting to "save the Union," what did that really mean? The Union is an idea or concept. Why would men be willing to suffer so much for something so vague?

Northerners were concerned about their future and about what would happen if secession was accepted.

The name of the play at the theater Lincoln attended was _____.

Our American Cousin

African Americans first fought during the _____.

Revolutionary War

The targets of Grant's two-pronged attack were the cities of _____.

Richmond and Atlanta

Why were there few transportation innovations in the South compared to the North?

Rivers provided all the transportation needs of the plantation and farm owners.

What incidents ensured a Confederate loss at Chattanooga?

Sherman arrived with 20,000 troops. Bragg chose a siege rather than a major attack. Chattanooga was reinforced by Union gunboats. Bragg was relieved before the battle began. Longstreet left with 15,000 men.

What transpired that sealed an election victory for Lincoln in 1864?

Sherman won big at Atlanta and Savannah.

What issue was the Kansas-Nebraska Act supposedly going to settle?

Slavery in the Louisiana Territory could be expanded if voters allowed it.

Fort Sumter was located in _____

South Carolina

Explain in a 125-word paragraph why the economy of the South become so bad during the Civil War.

South suffered economically far more than the North. From the beginning, the North held a huge edge in industry and transportation. The gap between the two sides only grew larger as the war progressed. In addition, much of the war was fought on Southern soil; therefore what little industry that was encountered was destroyed. Thousands of acres of prime farm land were ravaged by Union forces as they made their way south. General William Sherman, in particular, destroyed everything in a sixty-mile-wide path as he rampaged through the South in the latter stages of the war.In order to pay off debts and have enough money to survive, the Confederacy printed vast amounts of cash. While this may sound like a good idea, it made the value of Confederate money nearly worthless as the war neared its end. Toward the end of the war, the Confederate government did enact some tax legislature, but it was too little too late.

The South promoted the idea that they were fighting for the right to self-government. Which of the following explains their feelings?

Southern states felt that the Federal government in Washington was too often being influenced by Northern interests, which in turn did harm to the Southern states.

Which best explains why Lee did not want to retreat after the first day?

They won the battle that day.

Explain in a 125-word paragraph why it can be said that General Scott's plan had a great impact on Union strategy in fighting the war.

The Anaconda Plan or Scott's Great Snake is the name widely applied to an outline strategy for subduing the seceding states in the American Civil War. Proposed by General-in-Chief Winfield Scott, the plan emphasized the blockade of the Southern ports, and called for an advance down the Mississippi River to cut the South in two. Because the blockade would be rather passive, it was widely derided by the vociferous faction who wanted a more vigorous prosecution of the war, and who likened it to the coils of an anaconda suffocating its victim. The snake image caught on, giving the proposal its popular name. Although almost a century and a half has elapsed since the end of the Civil War, the importance of the Anaconda Plan remains to some extent a matter of debate. Clearly, the war was not the relatively bloodless affair that General Scott promised in his original proposal. Most historians regard this as merely a modification of the basic strategy in the course of events. At least one serious historian, however, denies that there ever was anything like a coherent strategy for subduing the South. Rowena Reed contends that the central government in Washington was unable to impose its will on the field commanders, so that the war was a series of independent campaigns, each of which was conducted according to the whims of whatever general happened to be in charge. According to her view, the Anaconda is a later, conceptual imposition of order on events for which order did not exist at the time that they took place.

Why was South Carolina targeted for such damage?

The Civil War started there.

In a 125-word paragraph, explain what economic issues facedthe South as the war dragged on.

The Confederacy suffered through a whole series of major issues as a result of the war. The most damaging was the blockade of its port cities. Unlike the North, the Confederacy was unable to have a healthy exchange of trade with foreign nations. While the North was able to get needed supplies and products, the South had to make do with what it had. As the war dragged on, there were fewer and fewer supplies of basic food and clothing. It was not at all unusual for Confederate troops to wage war in bare feet. The blockade prevented foreign exchange, and as a result, there was no way to purchase the steel necessary to rebuild the industrial infrastructure.

In a 125-word paragraph explain how the Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) affected the North and South?

The Union army would attack the Confederate left flank and follow shortly with an attack to the right flank. As both sides caved in, reserves would attack the center, collapsing the entire Southern army. Unfortunately, two major problems interfered with the plan. McClellan had a habit of not telling his commanders anything about the battle other than what they needed to know concerning their part in it. Consequently, this caused organizational problems for his commanders, who had no clue what the others were doing, or where and when they were doing It., McClellan insisted on having his headquarters miles from the battle front, making it difficult to get and receive information. Orders were consistently delayed, thereby causing confusion and indecision. This began a series of attacks and counterattacks, as both generals moved and manipulated their forces around the countryside. By late in the afternoon, both sides were completely exhausted. Had McClellan used all the forces, the outcome would have been a great Union victory. As it was, a stalemate was declared. That evening, a truce allowed for care to be given to the thousands of wounded soldiers left on the battlefield. By next morning, Confederate forces were already leaving to head back down South. Rather than pursue the Southern army and thereby salvage a victory, McClellan chose to stay put, allowing them to escape.

When the Union army first arrived at Petersburg, what three mistakes were made?

The Union commanders overestimated the Confederate strength. Federal troops allowed the Southern army to dig in before attacking the city. Lee was not there to defend it, thinking the Union was headed to Richmond.

How did Pittsburg Landing fit into the Northern strategy in fighting the war?

The Union wanted to gain control of the tributaries that flowed into the Mississippi River.

What would the Confederacy gain by receiving British recognition?

They would become strong allies. It would guarantee their independence.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act is associated with which amendment?


In a 150-word essay explain how the Wilmot Proviso was so controversial in raising the debate over the slave issue again to such intense levels.

The Wilmot Proviso, is one of the major events leading to the American Civil War. The Wilmot Proviso, as it became known, would forbid the extension of slavery to any territory acquired from Mexico. The proviso caused a split among the Democrats as northerners supported it and southerners opposed it. It lead to the Civil War, due to the provise proclaimed to have tthe terrotories as fre Slave States. The Wilmot Proviso was revised into law as our 14th Amendment, which word cited documents as the Wilmot Proviso are required to be attached to an revised law. I, Marcia Renee Wilmot and an David Wilmot is an Ancestor. I did reach in my college history course for my college history paper and placed work cited proof of the Wilmot Proviso was revised into law as our 14th Amendment.

Why were railroads attacked by Grierson along his route?

The ability to supply depended on the railroad

Why was slave labor not as important to the North as it was to the South?

The climate did not lend itself to making slave labor profitable.

What were the three conditions of President Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan?

The institution of slavery had to be abolished. Ten percent of the states' voters would have to want to return. States had to swear allegiance to America.

Why did Sherman cut so wide of a path when marching to the sea?

The more he destroyed, the more civilian morale was harmed. He was not in control of his army and did not know what they did. He had a lot of men in the army to feed and clothe.

Which statement is most accurate about the causes of the Civil War?

The root causes of the Civil War began in the very early history of the United States and developed over time.

Why would a Southerner be more loyal to his own respective state instead of the national government? In other words, why did they consider themselves for example, a Virginian first, and an American second?

The state was the closest government entity to the people themselves. This was the governing body that the people mostly dealt with, and it was the one most trusted.

Why was the spirit of a nation now the target for Sherman?

The support of people is needed to win.

Which best describes why Johnston did not help relieve Vicksburg once the siege began?

There simply were not enough troops available.

Which best describes why Southern prisons did such a poor job of feeding Union soldiers?

There was a shortage of food in the Confederacy.

Why was the Wilderness not a good place to fight a battle?

There was heavy, thick underbrush.

Which statement shows that the North was becoming "war weary"?

There were a tremendous number of casualties suffered in May and June

In a 150-word essay, explain how you think the stereotypes created by the actions of people like John Brown and characters in popular readings like Uncle Tom's Cabin helped promote the coming of war.

These stereotypes helped promote the coming of the war by causing hatred between both sides. The north and the south both created images of what the other side was like. The anger that both sides shared created the anger on both sides to rise, therefore making it easy to help cause the civil war. These stereotypes made it easy for them both to make everything around them and everything that was going on hard to figure out and make conflict rise. These stereotypes made them both dislike each other and made them fight for what they actually wanted, it eventually helped them seek answers as to what they actually wanted.

What are some similar characteristics in the lives of Grant and Sherman?

They attended West Point at the same time. Neither was very successful in civilian life. Both resigned their commissions during the Civil War.

Which of the following things do Grant and Lee have in common?

They both served in the Mexican-American War.

What would make General Lee think that this plan on the third day could work?

They came very close to winning the first two days. He thought the Union was weak in the center. Both of the Union flanks had been attacked.

Why did Jackson and Lee seem unbeatable?

They consistently had more men at their disposal during battles. There was less political pressure on them to do well. They have won huge victories despite their underdog status. The Union seemed to have every advantage, but still lost battles. Lincoln could not seem to decide on a general who would fight.

On Sundays, slaves could do the following.

They could tend to their gardens. They could sing, dance, and worship.

How did the War Department fail Burnside?

They did not get him all the troops he needed. No bridge-building material arrived on time. They did not send him enough military supplies. They supplied him with misinformation about Confederate troop strength.

When the lesson stated "this was not the same army Grant had started with on his march into the Wilderness," what was different?

They did not have the same fighting spirit. They had suffered tremendous casualties.

Which best explains why General McClellan lost the trust of his political superiors in early 1862?

They felt he did not support the war and could be a traitor.

The following are characteristics of the slaves' living conditions.

They lived in a one-room shack. Six to twelve people lived together. They were allowed to tend small gardens.

What are two ways Southern states went around the Fifteenth Amendment?

They required all voters to pay a poll tax. They required voters to take literacy tests.

Explain in 125 words how the successes at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville lead General Lee to think the South should attempt another invasion of the North.

Two great battles had been recently fought between the contending forces in Virginia-at Fredericksburg and at Chancellorsville-both resulting in the defeat of the Army of the Potomac. At Fredericksburg, that army, under the command of General Burnside, assaulted the enemy in a position naturally strong and thoroughly fortified, and was repulsed with heavy loss. General Meade, in this action, won great distinction. Holding the left of our line with his noble division, the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, he made an impetuous assault on the enemy's right, broke into his lines, and drove him from his works for over a half mile, capturing over two hundred prisoners, and several standards. In this advanced position, in which General Meade was left without support, he encountered heavy reinforcements of the enemy, who poured into his lines a destructive fire of infantry and artillery, not only in front but also on both flanks. Meade, unwilling to abandon the advantage he had gained, called repeatedly and earnestly for reinforcements, but in vain, and after a loss of nearly forty per cent. Of his command, he was compelled to fall back, which he did without confusion. The history of the war does not contain the record of a more gallant assault, and by his brilliant conduct on this occasion, General Meade added to his already high reputation in the army. Soon after, in the latter part of December, 1862, he was promoted to the command of the Fifth Army Corps.

Which things are true of the Battle of Chickamauga?

Union General Sherman ran from the scene. Union General Thomas stood his ground. Longstreet's division smashed the Union lines. Union General Rosecrans ran from the scene. Confederate General Wood won a major victory.

At the same time Confederate forces were losing at Gettysburg, they were also losing at


Grant and Sherman decided on a plan of action to end the war after the Battle of _____.


Burnside ordered a frontal assault on Marye's Heights. What motivated him to do something like this?

Washington was urging and pressuring him to act and gain victories.

Why were long-term enlistments not a popular idea?

You were admitting that the war would probably take longer to fight.

Which best describes what Northern newspapers were hoping to see happen with regard to the fighting of the war?

a brief, glorious conflict, ending with the capture of the Confederate capital

Calvinists were _____.

a religious group with very strict ideals

Frederick Douglass was _____.

a runaway slave an abolitionist

What effects of the war did both sides share?

acute food and clothing shortages a shortage of manpower as losses increased the loss of healthy foreign trade due to war failure of military leaders to adapt to change

Which of the following would best classify John Brown?


What options did the Lecompton Constitution give the voters of Kansas?

allow slaves already here to stay, but no government interference allow slavery with no restrictions

You could say Grant was terrible at _____.

conducting businesses

Which of the following were characteristics of Civil War prisons?

decent food overcrowding poor sanitation

What was one of the things the Black Codes were designed to do?

deny all blacks the right to vote

A free-stater is another name for those who _____.

did not support the extension of slavery

If a person is chastised, he has been _____.


Which of the following things are true about Grant's life?

elected president of the United States once wrote his memoirs before dying of cancer forced Lee to surrender at Chancellorsville fought mostly in the Western theater of the war

Before the war began, how many Southern states seceded from the Union?


Which of the following rulings were applied under the Fourteenth Amendment?

elimination of poll taxes and violence the principle of "separate but equal"

Which of the following can be considered goals that President Buchanan wanted to accomplish with regard to Kansas?

get himself re-elected president get a constitutional convention and decide on the issue

What did Lincoln want to do with former Confederate leaders?

give them amnesty

The Missouri Compromise _____.

established the northern border of Missouri as the border for the extension of slavery allowed slaves north of the southern border of Missouri, but only in Missouri

Which of the following can be applied to John Brown?

failure as a businessman very little schooling weathered numerous lawsuits

What issue constantly plagued Lincoln as the war progressed?

finding a general who would be aggressive and win the war

The Compromise of 1850 had _____ provisions.


The Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860-61 _____.

formed the Confederacy

How many more states seceded from the Union when Lincoln called for volunteers to fight the South?


The Emancipation Proclamation _____.

freed all slaves living in states that had seceded from the Union

What are two of the things Lee hoped to accomplish by invading the North?

imprison Union sympathizers in the Border states seize badly needed war supplies and food

Which of the following best describes most of the commandants of the camps?


The North was a(n) society and the South was a(n) society

industrial agrarian

Which of the following hindered the battle plans of both armies?

inexperienced and incapable staffs untrained troops poor chain of command

Which of the following could be considered characteristics of Southern culture in the 1850s?

large plantations slavery predominately Catholic

The Wilmot Proviso _____.

mandated that no land acquired from Mexico after the war would allow slavery did not become law

Which of the following could be considered a characteristic of Northern culture in the 1850s?

many immigrants small farms cultural melting pot industry several cities over 100,000 population

The Abolitionists' main goal was to _____.

stop the expansion of slavery and eventually do away with it

One of the most controversial things Lincoln did as president was _____.

suspend the writ of habeas corpus

In this part of the South, slaves were treated the worst.

the Deep South

What territories that were acquired by the United States helped bring about the need for compromises dealing with slavery?

the Louisiana Purchase the Wilmot Proviso

The biggest reason for compromises on the slave issue was _____.

the acquiring of new territory by the United States

Which are reasons why slavery was not as important in the North as in the South?

the availability of immigrant labor less interest in money

How did agitators on both sides of the slavery issue make things worse?

through their writings by compromising on too many things by putting out bounties on certain people

What one event led to a rapid increase in the number of slaves in the South?

the invention of the cotton gin

What one event led to a rapid increase in the production of cotton in the South?

the invention of the cotton gin

"Growth of a slave power" as a cause of the war referred to _____.

the political power of those who supported slavery

Growth of a "slave power" in the United States referred to _____.

the political power of those who supported slavery

A total of military campaigns took place in the Valley Campaigns of 1864.


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