Climate Change Final

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Since 1880 the average temperature of the earth has increased by about how much?

0.8 C

in the last one millions years, the frequency of ice age cycles has been roughly

100,000 years

one kilogram equals


On average, which two regions have warmed at about the same rate since 1980

24S-90S and 24S-24N

at what temperature would most people prefer to go swimming

30 C

Which city sits on land that was not covered by ice during the last ice age?

Atlanta, GA

If the energy absorbed by an object is less than the energy it emits, then the internal energy of the object will _____ and its temperature will ____

Decrease, Decrease

Knowledge about the climate is more useful than knowledge about the weather when making short term decisions.


T/F Climate and weather refer to the same thing.


T/F as the temperature of a black body radiator increases, its wavelength of maximum emission also increases?


Which of the following is one reason that global warming cause sea level to rise?

Global warming causes water in the ocean to expand.

The prime meridian runs through

Greenwich, England

T/F Photons are small packets of energy


why is venus warmer than mercury

Venus has a bigger greenhouse effect

A watt is?

a joule per second

the little ice age ended when

around the year 1880

the solar constant for a planet

decreases as you move farther out in the solar system

Because of anthropogenic climate change the earth is now warmer than it has been at any time in its history


T/F Light from the sun travels through space by convection


T/F ultraviolet radiatin is of lower energy than infrared ratiation


low energy electromagnetic radiation travels slower than higher energy radiation


t/f the amount of solar energy the earth receives at any given longitude is constant


the amount of solar energy the earth receives at higher latitudes is greater than it receives at lower latitudes


the earth began to experience regular ice ages immediately after the eocene climate optimum 50 millions years ago


the solar constant is the same for every planet in our solar system


tree rings can provide paleoproxy records that go back 100s of thousands of years


visible light is of lower energy than IR radiation


water boils at 100k


without including the effects of the atmosphere in our simple climate mode, we calculated the earths tempterature to be about the same as its actual temperature


albedo is

how reflective the planet is

in the n layer atmosphere model as you increase the number of atmospheric layers the temperature of the surface of the planet


which of these is a property of a blackbody radiator

it emits elextromagnetic radiation across all frequencies

was average sea level higher or lower during the last ice age?


melting of sea ice contributes more to sea level rise than does melting of ice on land

melting of sea ice does not contribute to sea level rise

At the end of the last ice age the land where the city of virginia Beach sits was

several miles inland

if an object behaves as a blackbody radiator and its temperature in K doubles, it will radiate

sixteen times as much power

the earth emits most of its photons in

the infrared

In the n-layer atmosphere model, the surface temperature of a planed does not depend on

the radius of the planet

the sun emits most of its photons in

the visible

incandescent light bulbs are inefficient because

they emit most of their photons in the infrared

on average the amound of solar energy fallin on you decreases as you

travel north from the equator

0 K is the same as -273.15 C


Large losses of sea ice in the arctic and little loss of sea ice in the antarctice since 1980 are consistent with the regional temperature trends shown in this figure


a sheet of ice has a higher albedo than a black asphalt surface


all electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed


our atmosphere warms the planet because it is opaques to infrared radiation and transparent to visable radiation


we cant see a room temperature object glowing because it radiates energy that is below visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum


which planet has what we call a runaway greenhouse


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