Close Order Drill

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Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Strong Grip

The strong grip is when the thumb is wrapped around the front of the staff with the fingers wrapped to the rear

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Rank

A line of troops or vehicles placed side by side

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Review

A review is a type of ceremony that omits certain elements found in a parade, but includes an inspection (trooping the line) not found in a parade

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Cadance

A rhythmic rate of march at a uniform step

Who Sets the Pace?

The Guide

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Mass formation

the formation of a company or larger unit in which the major elements are in column at close interval and abreast at close interval

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Line of March

the line on which individuals or units are to march

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Point of rest

the point toward which all elements of a unit establish their dress or alignment.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Left (Right)

Extreme left (right) element or edge of a body of troops.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Quick time

Cadence at 112 or 120 steps (12, 15, or 20 inches in length) per minute. It is the normal cadence for drill and ceremonies. THIS IS NOT DOUBLE TIME

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Double time

Cadence at 180 steps (36 inches length) per minute

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Slow Time

Cadence at 60 steps per minute. Used for funerals only.

Giving Commands: When Commanding a Unit That is Part of a Larger Unit

Commanders turn their heads to give commands, but do not face about except when the unit is halted and smaller units are in line. In this case, the leader faces about to give all commands except to repeat preparatory commands, for which turning the head is sufficeint

Supplementary Commands

Commands that cause the component units to act individually. An example would be the commands squad leaders give to their individual squads following the platoon commanders preparatory command, "Column of Files From the Right," and before the command of execution "March." In the drill and ceremonies manual, and this outline, supplementary commands may be shown as preparatory commands, commands of execution or combined commands, depending on the movement.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Snap

In commands or signals, the quality that inspires IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. In drill the immediate and smart execution of a movement.

Three exceptions to giving commands when commander of platoons and larger units (repeating preparatory commands)

1. No repetition is necessary for combined commands such as "FALL IN," "FALL OUT," "REST," or "AT EASE." 2. No repetition of command is necessary when a unit is in mass formation 3. The third exception is that no repetition of command is necessary during parades and ceremonies where the commander of troops, adjutant, etc, may be clearly heard by all hands, or the commander of troops and adjutant give combined commands and subordinate unit commanders cause their units to execute the command independently. (e.g., when the regimental commander gives the combined command to "PORT ARMS" subordinate battalion commander would give the command of "Port, ARMS" so that their battalion would execute the command as an independent unit of the regiment.)

4 Types of Commands

1. Preparatory Command 2. Command Execution 3. Combined Command 4. Supplementary Commands

Purposes of close order drill

1: Move Units from one place to another in a standard, orderly manner 2: Provide simple formations from which combat formations may be readily assumed 3: Teach discipline by instilling habits of precision and automatic response to orders 4: Increase the confidence of junior and non-commissioned officers through the exercise of command, by the giving of proper commands, and by the control of drilling troops 5: Give troops an opportunity to handle individual weapons

Purpose of formation

1: To BUILD UNIT COHESION and esprit de corps by recognizing Marines during awards and promotion ceremonies 2. To MAINTAIN CONTINOUS ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTROL of personnel 3. To provide frequent opportunities to observe the appearance and readiness of the uniforms, arms, and equipment of the individual Marine 4. To keep the individual Marine informed by providing the means to PASS THE WORD 5. To develop command presence in unit leaders 6. Instill and maintain HIGH STANDARDS of military bearing and appearance in units and in the individual marine 7. To ADD COLOR AND DIGNITY TO THE DAILY ROUTINE by reinforcing the traditions of excellence associated close order drill

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Assembly Area

A designated location for forming units of platoon size or larger in preparation for a parade, review or ceremony

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Ceremony

A formal military formation designated to serve a specific occasion

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Column

A formation in which elements are placed behind the other. A section or platoon is in column when members of each squad are one behind the other with the squads abreast of each other

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Line

A formation in which the elements are side by side or abreast of each other. A section or platoon is in line when its squads are in line and one behind the other.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Parade

A parade is a ceremony that involves the movement of marching units

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - File

A single column of troops or vehicles one behind the other

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Parade sling

A sling that has all excess slack removed and is taught. Th keeper is adjusted and locked in a position next to the sling tip. The sling lies on the left side of the rifle.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Arms

A term used to normally designate the service rifle, but can refer to any weapon. When in formation and a mix of weapons is carried the term arms will be used to designate all types of weapons.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Piece

An individual firearm such as a rifle

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Element

An individual, squad, section, platoon, company, or other unit that is part of a larger unit.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Formation

Arrangement of elements of a unit in line, in column, or in any other prescribed manner.

Giving Commands: If at a halt

If at a halt, the commands for movements, which involve marching at quick time in a direction other than to the direct front, such as "Column Right, MARCH," are not prefaced by the preparatory command, "Forward."

Preparatory Command

Indicates a movement is to be made and also indicate the direction of the movement. In the drill and ceremonies manual, and this outline, preparatory commands are shown beginning with a capital letter followed by lower case letter. The comma indicate a pause between the preparatory command and the command of execution Examples: "Forward," "LEFT," "About," "Platoon," etc.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Loosened sling

Indicates a sling adjusted for the movement sling arms

Giving Commands: Command Voice (Part 3)

Inflection is the rise and fall in pitch, the tone changes of the voice A. Preparatory commands should be delivered with a rise and inflection in the voice. (e.g, "BaaaTAL ion," "TO the REAR," FooreWARD," etc.) In particular those preparatory commands that cause suppelmental movements should be heavily accentuated on the last syllabe. (e.g., The command "Present, ARMS" the preparatory command Preee (pause) ZENT" causes those armed with swords to execute the first count of the movemnt and the national color to go to the carry. Another example is "Officers, Center, MARCH." On the preparatory command of "OffiCERS" those armed with swords go to the carry, on the preparatory command of "CennnTER" the officers' step and/or face). B. A command of execution is given in a sharper and higher pitch than the tone of the preparatory command's last syllable. A good command of execution has no inflection, but it must have snap. It should be delivered with sharp emphasis. If properly given, troops will react to it with snap and precision. C. Combined commands such as "FALL IN" are delivered without inflection. They are given in the uniform high pitch and loudness of a command of execution.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Unite Leader

Is the individual who is drilling the unit. This can be any individual who is conducting drill or can be those assigned a specified billet such as squad leader, platoon sergeant, platoon commander, etc.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Step

The distance from heel to heel between the feet of a marching individual. The half step and back step are 15 inches. The right and left steps are 12 inches. The steps in quick and double time are 30 and 36 inches, respectively.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Alignment

The dressing of several elements on a straight line

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Base

The element on which a movement is regulated

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Extended mass formation

The formation of a company or larger unit in which major elements are in column at close or normal interval and abreast at a specified interval greater than normal interval.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Interval

The lateral space between elements on the same line. Interval is measured between individuals from shoulder to should and between vehicles from hub to hub or track to track. It is measured between elements other than individuals and between formation from flank to flank. Unit commanders and those with them are not considered in measuring interval between elements of the unit. NOrmal interval between individuals is one arm's length. Close interval is the horizontal distance between shoulder and elbow when the left hand is place on the left hip.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Head

The leading element of a column

Giving Commands: Commands that Use Unit Designations

The only commands that use unit designations, such as "Battalion" or "Company," as preparatory commands are "ATTENTION" and "HALT." Such commands shall have no further designation added (e.g., "First Battalion, ATTENTION" or "Company C, HALT"). Commands shall be given only as stated herein.

Combined Command

The preparatory command and the command of execution are combined. In this drill and ceremonies manual, and this outline, combined command are shown in CAPITAL LETTERS Examples: "AT EASE," "REST," "FALL IN,"

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Muffling

The procedure of draping colors for mourning with a mourning streamer or black bunting. It also refers to the musical instruments of a band for specific types of ceremonies

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Flank

The right or left extremity of a unit, either in line or in column. The element on the extreme right or left of the line. A direction at a right angle to the direction of an element or formation is facing

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Distance

The space between elements in the direction of depth. Between individuals, the space between your chest and the person to your front. Between vehicles, the space between the front end of a vehicle and the rear of the vehicle to its front. Between troops in formation (wither on foot, mounted or in vehicles), the space from the front of the rear unit to the rear of the unit in front . Platoon commanders, guides, and others whose positions in a formation are 40 inches from a rank, themselves, considered a rank. Otherwise, commander and those with them are not considered in measuring distance between units. The color guard is not considered in measuring distance between subdivisions of the unit with which it is posted. In troop formation,t he distance between ranks is 40 inches.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Depth

The space from head to rear of an element or a formation. The depth of an individual is considered to be 12 inches

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Front

The space occupied by an element or a formation, measured from one flank to the other. The front of an individual is considered to be 22 inches.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Rigged

This term refers to the condition when uniforms and equipment are properly fitted out int he manner fro which they were intended for use. Swords are considered rigged when attached tot he frog (NCOs) or sword sling (Commissioned Os). A Marine is rigged when wearing the prescribed uniform or equipment.

Giving Commands: For Company Formations or Larger

When commanding marching troops from the head of a column or massed formations commander march backward while giving commands

Giving Commands: Commander of Platoons and Larger Units

When drilling as part of a still larger unit, repeat all preparatory commands or give the proper new command or warning. There are three exception to this

Giving Commands: Command Voice (Parts 1 and 2)

A command must be given loud enough to be heard by all member of a unit 1: The position of attention is the proper position for giving commands. A leader's bearing will be emulated. If it is military, junior personnel will be inspired to respond to command with snap and precision. 2: Distinct commands inspire troops, indistinct commands confuse them. All commands can be given correctly without loss of effect or cadence. Raising the hand to the mouth to aid in projecting commands is not proper

Command of Execution

Causes the desired movement to be executed. In the drill and ceremonies manual, and this outline, commands of execution are shown in CAPITAL LETTERS Examples: "MARCH," "FACE," "ATTENTION," etc.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - "V" grip

The "V" grip is with the staff place in the "V" formed by the thumbs and forefinger with the fingers extended and joined

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Commander of Troops (COT)

The COT is the senior officer taking part in the ceremony. If an enlisted ceremony the COT is the senior enlisted.

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Guide

The individual (base) upon whom a formation, or other elements thereof, regulates its march. To guide: to regulate interval, direction, or alignment; to regulate cadence on a base file (right, left, or center).

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Pace

The length of a full step in quick time, 30 inches

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Line of troops

The line on which troops are to form when in formation

Standard Drill Terminology: Definition - Center

The middle element of a formation with an odd number of elements or the left center elements of a formation with an even number of elements

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