clp3144 review

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Which of the following observations about chronic insomnia is true?

Chronic insomnia is more frequent in women than in men.

In the United States, coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for ________ percent of all deaths.


Which of the following is true of sleepwalking as a disorder of arousal?

It occurs during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.

Which of the following is true of sleep terror disorder?

It occurs most often in children.

Which of the following is one factor that explains how hostility may lead to coronary heart disease?

Over-arousal of the sympathetic nervous system

People in high-stress jobs are at increased risk for coronary heart disease (CHD), particularly if their jobs are:

highly demanding but provide them little control.

Which form of mental health care is most likely to be provided for prison inmates?

Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings for substance abusers

Dennis is undergoing treatment to deal with his alcohol use disorder. Whenever he takes this drug, he can't even have one alcoholic drink because he starts to feel sick and dizzy and feels like vomiting. Which drug is he using?


Alicia's doctor has prescribed Alicia helpful medication to help with her anxiety and insomnia. Which of the following class of medications has he most likely prescribed?


Which of the following statements about coronary heart disease (CHD) is true?

Exercise is effective in reducing both CHD and depression.

Raymond usually sleeps 12 hours at night but still wakes up feeling sleepy. He falls asleep during team meetings in his office and often while working at his desk. This has been going on for months now, and is jeopardizing his career. Which of the following conditions is Raymond probably suffering from?


Which of the following is true of the effects of sleep deprivation?

It is cumulative in nature.

Why do date-rape victims fail to recognize that they have been drugged with rohypnol?

It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

Which of the following is a concern raised by mental health professionals about the insanity defense?

It requires after-the-fact judgments of a defendant's state of mind at the time of the crime.

Which of the following makes cocaine more likely than most substances to lead to a stimulant use disorder?

Its rapid, strong effects on the brain's reward centers

Which of the following is true of gambling disorder?

Pathological gamblers have a greater disruption in the systems regulating the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Which of the following is true about the verdict "guilty but mentally ill"?

Proponents argue that it recognizes defendants' mental illness while still holding them responsible for their actions.

Which of the following is a positive coping strategy?

Seeking social support

Which of following is true about the "not guilty by reason of insanity" verdict?

Some states require that people who receive the verdict should only be institutionalized for the same length of time they would have served if they had received prison sentences.

With the repeated use of substances such as cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines, more of the drug is needed to produce the desired effects. Which of the following helps explain this statement?

The brain reduces its production of dopamine.

Which of the following statements is true of mental health courts and drug courts?

These courts tend to be controversial as they may coerce offenders into treatment.

According to studies, which of the following is generally true of pessimistic people?

They see negative events as their fault.

Under which of the following conditions would it be difficult for the courts to apply the M'Naghten rule?

When a person has posttraumatic stress disorder

When does obstructive sleep apnea typically occur?

When airflow is stopped due to a narrow airway or an obstruction in the airway.

When does central sleep apnea typically occur?

When the brain does not send the signal to breathe to the respiratory system

In which of the following cases can a state ignore a person's right to refuse treatment?

When the person is manic or psychotic

In the context of gender responses to stress, which of the following observations is true?

Women are more physiologically reactive than men to marital conflict.

Celeste went to a fraternity party on Saturday night and had too much to drink. Although the last thing she remembers is dancing with Paul, she does not recollect how she got home. Celeste is most likely experiencing:

a blackout

Morris was held in a mental health facility against his will. Such an action is called _____.

civil commitment

Jim is over at a friend's house to pregame before going out. He takes a substance that provides an instant rush of euphoria followed by heightened self-esteem, alertness, energy, and feelings of competence. He begins taking the substance regularly and develops symptoms such as grandiosity, hypersexuality, and impulsive behavior. He has most likely taken:


All of the following are withdrawal symptoms associated with opioids, EXCEPT:

delirium tremens.

Which of the following is true of the link between depression and the risk of recurrent heart attacks and mortality in individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD)?

depression doubles the risk

Hank began snorting cocaine about three years ago. He said the first high was the most astounding, exciting, mind-blowing experience he'd ever had. However, he has never been able to recapture that initial euphoria, and now he needs more and more of cocaine to get anywhere near his first experience. Hank has most likely:

developed a tolerance to cocaine.

Long-term users of this drug risk several cardiac problems and liver failure, and they show increased rates of anxiety, depression, psychotic symptoms, and paranoia. Another effect is teeth-grinding; some users even suck a baby's pacifier at parties to relieve this. Which drug is being discussed here?


Compared to Asians and Asian Americans, European Americans benefit more from:

explicit forms of seeking social support.

Binge drinking is defined as consuming:

five or more drinks within a couple of hours for men.

The insanity defense:

has increasingly become the defense for female survivors of domestic violence.

The notion of diminished capacity to abstain from performing an act refers to being:

incapable of resisting the impulse to commit the crime.

An individual who lacks the capacity to understand information, to think rationally about alternative courses of action, to make good choices, and to appreciate one's situation as a criminal defendant:

is likely to be judged incompetent to stand trial.

A problem associated with the M'Naghten rule is:

it requires that a person not know right from wrong at the time of the crime in order to be judged not guilty by reason of insanity.

Harvey was found to be so mentally incapacitated at the time he murdered his wife that it was determined he could not conform to the rules of society. Consequently, he is likely to be:

not guilty by reason of insanity.

The insanity defense:

only requires that the client be judged insane at the time of committing the illegal act.

All of the following are components of the Type A pattern as originally formulated, EXCEPT:

predictability of reactions.

A verdict of guilty but mentally ill (GBMI) implies that the person should:

receive treatment.

The disease model of alcoholism followed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) predicts that because of biological, psychological, and spiritual deficits, _____.

some people will lose all control over their drinking once they have one drink

Franco has fallen ill, lost his job and his wife has left him due to his problem with heroin. His friends and family are telling him that he is an addict because he is exhibiting:

substance dependence

Mac took a capsule at a party earlier in the evening and is now showing changes in the functions of his central nervous system that are manifesting in both behavior and physiology. He is most likely experiencing:

substance intoxication.

Clea has been using cocaine daily for a while now. However, for the past 24 hours, she has been without any cocaine and as a result is experiencing strange behaviors and physiological responses. Clea is most likely showing signs of:

substance withdrawal

The ruling in Barrett v. United States (1977) established:

that temporary insanity created by the voluntary use of alcohol or drugs did not qualify a defendant for acquittal by reason of insanity.

The criterion of "dangerousness to self" is most often invoked:

when it is believed that a person is imminently suicidal.

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