Cluster 4

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D. Denial

A 56-year-old male patient was diagnosed to have lung cancer two months ago and was told to have Stage II of the disease. He has decided to stop medication, had alternative treatment and sought consultation for second and third opinion from other physicians. He would likely in what stage of grieving? A. Bargaining B. Anger C. Depression D. Denial

C. Fortitude

A Radiologic Technologist who is selfless and who voluntarily helps patients waiting at the Department for procedure, helps his fellow radiologic technologists, practices the virtue of: A. Love B. Justice C. Fortitude D. Prudence

C.1 and 2 only

A diabetic patient who is prepared for a fasting radiographic exam is susceptible to a hypoglycemic reaction. This is characterized by 1. shaking and nervousness. 2. cold, clammy skin. 3. cyanosis. A.1 only B.2 only C.1 and 2 only D.1, 2, and 3

C.infection acquired in a hospital.

A nosocomial infection is a(n) A.infection acquired at a large gathering. B.upper respiratory infection. C.infection acquired in a hospital. D.type of rhinitis.

B.Dorsal recumbent with feet elevated

A patient experiencing an episode of syncope should be placed in which of the following positions? A. Dorsal recumbent with head elevated B. Dorsal recumbent with feet elevated C.Lateral recumbent D.Seated with feet supported


A patient suffering from orthopnea would experience the least discomfort in which body position? A.Fowler's B.Trendelenburg C.Recumbent D.Erect


A patient whose systolic blood pressure is less than 90 mmHg is usually considered A. Hypertensive. B.Hypotensive. C.Average/normal D.Baseline.

B. Low self esteem

A radiographer was accepted as a casual employee in a hospital. He begins to worry about his inadequacy, his limitation to communicate, his manner of dressing and his inability to approach a patient and do what is best. What do there express? A. Depression B. Low self esteem C. Poor critical thinking D. Inexperience

A. invasion of privacy.

A radiographer who discloses confidential information to unauthorized individuals may be found guilty of A. invasion of privacy. B. slander. C. libel. D. defamation.

D.1, 2, and 3

A radiologic technologist can be found guilty of a tort in which of the following situations? 1. Failure to shield a patient of childbearing age from unnecessary radiation 2. Performing an examination on a patient who has refused the examination 3. Discussing a patient's condition with a third party A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3 ampule.

A small bottle containing a single dose of medication is termed ampule. B.a vial. C.a bolus. D.a carafe.

C. Avoid using hand lotions whenever possible.

All of the following rules regarding proper handwashing technique are correct except A. Keep hands and forearms lower than elbows. B. Use paper towels to turn water on. C. Avoid using hand lotions whenever possible. D. Carefully wash all surfaces and between fingers.

D.The patient should not be permitted to insert the colostomy tip.

All of the following statements are true regarding the administration of a barium enema to a patient with a colostomy, except. A. The dressing should be removed and disposed of. B. The drainage pouch should be retained unless a fresh one can be provided. C.The colostomy tip or catheter should be selected by the radiologist. D.The patient should not be permitted to insert the colostomy tip.

C.Oxygen may be ordered continuously or as needed by the patient.

All of the following statements regarding oxygen delivery are true, except A.Oxygen is classified as a drug and must be prescribed by a physician. B.Rate of delivery and mode of delivery must be part of a physician order for oxygen. C.Oxygen may be ordered continuously or as needed by the patient. D. None of the above; they are all true. able to walk.

An ambulatory patient is one who able to walk. unable to walk. C.has difficulty breathing. D.arrives by ambulance.


An inanimate object that has been in contact with an infectious microorganism is termed a A.vector. B.fomite. D.reservoir.

D.Renal arteriogram

An informed consent is required before performing which of the following exams? A.Upper GI B.Lower GI C.Sialogram D.Renal arteriogram

D.allergic shock.

Anaphylaxis is the term used to describe inflammatory reaction. B.Bronchial asthma. C.acute chest pain. D.allergic shock.

B. the patient's birth date.

Because of medicolegal considerations, radiographic images are required to include all the following information, except A. the patient's name and/or identification number. B. the patient's birth date. C. a right or left side marker. D. the date of the examination.


Blood pressure is measured in units of A.mmHg. per minute. C.°F. D.L/min.

B.2 only

Blood pressure may be expressed as 120 / 95. What does 95 represent? 1. The phase of relaxation of the cardiac muscle tissue 2. The phase of contraction of the cardiac muscle tissue 3. A higher-than average diastolic pressure A.1 only B.2 only C.1 and 3 only D.2 and 3 only

B.1 and 2 only

Conditions in which there is a lack of normal bone calcification include 1. rickets. 2. osteomalacia. 3. osteoarthritis. A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

A. Protected from injury.

During a grand mal seizure, the patient should be A. Protected from injury. B.Placed in a semi-upright position to prevent aspiration of vomitus. C.Allowed to thrash freely. D. Given a sedative to reduce jerky body movements and reduce the possibility of injury.

D.1, 2, and 3

Examples of COPD include 1. bronchitis. 2. pulmonary emphysema. 3. asthma. A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

C.2 and 3 only

Examples of nasogastric tubes included 1. Swan-Ganz. 2. Salem-sump. 3. Levin. A.1 and 2 only B.1 and 3 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

C.1 and 2 only

Forms of intentional misconduct include 1. slander. 2. invasion of privacy. 3. negligence. A.1 only B.2 only C.1 and 2 only D.1, 2, and 3

A. Place syringe and uncapped needle in * separate waste bins

How do you practice safety precaution when disposing used needles and syringes? A. Place syringe and uncapped needle in * separate waste bins B. Place capped needles in a waste basket for contamination garbage C. Recap needle and dispose quickly D. Detach needle from syringe and place in a collected needle receptacle

D. Radial

Identify the area frequently used to feel the pulse: A. lliac B. Ankle C. Carotid D. Radial

A.1 and 2 only

If an emergency trauma patient experiences hemorrhaging from a leg injury, the radiographer should 1. apply pressure to the bleeding site. 2. call the emergency department for assistance. 3. apply a pressure bandage and complete the examination. A.1 and 2 only B.1 and 3 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3


If the radiographer performed a lumbar spine examination on a patient who was supposed to have an elbow exam, which of the following charges may be brought against the radiographer? A. Assault B.Battery C.False imprisonment D.Defamation

C. He could give his clinical opinion especially in •emergency situations.

In Radiologic Technology - Patient relationship, which one of the following is NOT acceptable? A. Shall hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional practice B. Shall uphold the principle of informed consent C. He could give his clinical opinion especially in •emergency situations. D. Shall only provide services for which he is qualified.

B. The area nearest the invasive site first

In surgical asepsis, the sterile person should drape: A. The area farthest away from them first B. The area nearest the invasive site first C. From unsterile to sterile areas D. The area closest to them first

B.1 and 2 only

Instruments required to assess vital signs include 1. a thermometer. 2. a tongue blade. 3. a watch with a second hand. A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.1 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

D.1, 2, and 3

Involuntary patient motion can be caused by 1. post-traumatic shock. 2. medication. 3. the temperature of the room. A.1 only B.1 and 2 onlv C.1 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

B.Spinal injury.

Log rolling is a method of moving patients with suspected A.Head injury. B.Spinal injury. C.Bowel obstruction. D.Extremity fracture.

D.a vector.

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by deer ticks. The tick bite may cause fever, fatigue, and other associated symptoms. This is an example of transmission of an infection by A.droplet contact. B.a vehicle. C.the airborne route. D.a vector.

D.1, 2, and 3

Medication can be administered by which of the following routes? 1. Orally 2. Intravenously 3. Intramuscularly A.1 and 2 only B.1 and 3 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

D. Emergency room staff

On the X-ray, the radiologic technologist saw a fracture at the distal end of the fibula. As it was already late in the evening and everybody is sleeping, the Radiologic Technologist should relay his findings directly to the_ A. Radiology resident B. X-ray supervisor on night duty C. Attending physician D. Emergency room staff

D. A certificate of RT employment abroad

RG has friends who are working as OFW in KSA/ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and they could renew their professional identification card (PIC) with the following requirements: A. Nominal number of CPD Units and passport B. CPD Units requirement of only 25, not 45 units C. A narrative description of work abroad and certification as an OFW D. A certificate of RT employment abroad

A. Justice

Select the ethical principle practiced where the health care professional observes equal attention, care and benefit to patients •A. Justice B. Stewardship C. Autonomy D. Double effect

D: Lawsuit

Select the meaning of "litigation" A. Obligation to be fulfilled by law B. Injury or harm to patient C. Negligence D: Lawsuit

B.1 and 2 only

Skin discoloration due to cyanosis may be observed in the 1. gums. 2. nailbeds. 3. thorax. A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.3 onlv D.1, 2, and 3

C. intrathecally

Sterile technique is required when contrast agents are administered A. rectally B. orally C. intrathecally D. through a nasogastric tube

A. Contact

That ward has requested for an interventional procedure on a patient with hepatitis B, the following precaution should be practiced: A. Contact B. Airborne C. Protective D. Oral

D. The Accredited Professional Organization

The Continuing Professional Development Council shall be composed of a chairperson and two members. The first member shall come from The first member shall come from . A. The Association of Deans and Faculties of RT Colleges/ Universities B. The board of Radiologic Technology C. The professional Radiologic Technologist from an Accredited Hospital D. The Accredited Professional Organization


The Heimlich maneuver is used if a patient is A.In cardiac arrest. B.Choking C.Having a seizure. D. Suffering from hiccups.

A. To check alignment of the segments

The Orthopedic, Resident came to see the X-ray and decided to put a cast on the patient's leg and requested for an X-ray. A. To check alignment of the segments B. To see if there are other fractures present on other bones of leg C. Is no longer necessary as the fractures was already seen D. To check if there are complication due to the fracture

B. Proxy consent maker

The PRIMARY responsibility of obtaining a free and informed consent from a competent patient belongs to the: À. Attending physician B. Proxy consent maker C. Resident physician D. Nurse assigned

D. Non Maleficence

The Radiologic Technologist on duty took the x-ray, but part of the leg was NOT included in the Xray film and he needs to repeat the procedure. Identify what ethical principle in the patent care was violated? A. Maleficence B. Beneficence C. Patient's rights D. Non Maleficence

D.1, 2, and 3

The act of inspiration will cause elevation of the 1. sternum. 2. ribs. 3. diaphragm. A.1 only B.1 and 2 onlv C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3


The complete killing of all microorganisms is termed A.surgical asepsis. B.medical asepsis. C.Sterilization. D.Disinfection.

D. Transverse colon

The distal greater omentum is attached to the . A: Liver B. Rectum C. Splenic flexure D. Transverse colon

B.The thing speaks for itself.

The legal doctrine res ipsa locquitur means which of the following? A.Let the master answer. B.The thing speaks for itself. C.A thing or matter settled by justice. D.A matter settled by precedent.


The medical abbreviation meaning "every hour" is A.tid. B.qid. C.qh. D.pc.


The medical abbreviation meaning "three times a day" is A.tid. B.qid. C.qh. D.pc.


The medical term for nosebleed is A.vertigo. B.epistaxis. C.urticaria. D.aura.

C. Radiology

The non-Radiologic Technology member (TA #7431) of the Board of Radiologic Technology should be' a physician in the field of: A. Nuclear Medicine B. Medical Physics C. Radiology D. Radiation Oncology

C.12 to 20 breaths / min.

The normal average rate of respiration for a healthy adult patient is A.5 to 7 breaths / min. B.8 to 12 breaths / min. C.12 to 20 breaths / min. D.20 to 30 breaths / min.

A. Inform the chief technologist of the incident

The radiologic Technologist is on evening duty in the Department, he noticed that one of his colleagues who is also on duty smells of alcohol. What should you do? A. Inform the chief technologist of the incident B. Report the incident to the Human Resource Department for disciplinary action C. Approach him to ask and personally investigate the incident D. The chairman of the Department should be informed.

C. 15

The required number of CPD Units in the new CPD implementing rules and regulations during the transition period is: 'A. 35 B. 25 C. 15 D. 45

B. Decrease possibility of introducing microorganism into the open wound

The skin is disinfected before any interventional radiology imaging procedure to: A. Ensure success of procedure B. Decrease possibility of introducing microorganism into the open wound C. Protect health workers from contamination D. Protect sterile drapes from contamination

B. Surgically removed

The suffix "-ectomy" means: A. Drain B. Surgically removed C. Cut into D. Scope examination

A. Blue

The suffix "cyan-" means: A. Blue B. Yellow C. Black D. Red

A.NPO 8 h before the exam.

The usual patient preparation for an upper Gl exam is A.NPO 8 h before the exam. B.light breakfast only the morning of the exam. C.clear fluids only on the morning of the exam. D.2 oz castor oil and enemas until clear.

C. Continuing Professional Development

This refers to the inculcation of advance knowledge, skill and ethical values in the post licensure specialization in multidisciplinary field of study. A. Professional Tract for Radiologic Technology B. Career Progression C. Continuing Professional Development D. Asean Qualification Frame work


What blood type is the Universal Recipient? Blood type. A. AB B. B C. A D. O

A. Before

What does the prefix "ante" means? A. Before B. After C. Behind D. Against

D. Head

What does the term "cephalo" refers to? A. Spine B. Feet C. Neck D. Head

A: Holding sterile objects below the waist level

What is a violation of the sterile technique observed in the operating room or when doing interventional radiology procedures? A: Holding sterile objects below the waist level B. Replacement of soiled gloves C. Pass face to face when passing a colleague in sterile gown D. Circulating nurse should stay outside of the sterile area

B. Aseptic

What is the TECHNIQUE performed by the Interventional Radiologist in doing a procedure to keep an area free from contamination? A. Septic B. Aseptic C. Contamination-free D. Antiseptic

C. Ensure one direction of blood flow

What is the function of the heart valves? A. Eliminate unlikely materials from the bloodstream B. Move the blood through arteries C. Ensure one direction of blood flow D. Filter infection inside the heart

C. Behind

What is the meaning of the prefix "Aur-" means? A. Before B. After C. Behind D. Against

A. Aura

What is the medical term to describe awareness or feeling of an approaching seizure? A. Aura B. Aphasia C. Vertigo D. Ataxia

C. Cathartic

What is the medicine that a patient should take to prepare bowels in barium enema procedure? A. Analgesic B. Anticholinergic C. Cathartic D. Antipyretic

D.Human hands

What is the most common means of spreading infection? A.improperly disposed of contaminated waste B.Instruments that are improperly sterilized C.Soiled linen D.Human hands

B. Peristalsis

What is the term that describe movements of the small intestine to transport food elements in its lumen? A. Spasm B. Peristalsis C. Stratification D. Segmental motion

D. Beneficence

What is the virtue of giving "what is best" to your patient? A. Justice B. Sacrifice C. Non maleficence D. Beneficence

A. Life-long

What kind of learning does a Radiologic Technology acquire when he undergoes computer Tomography subspecialty in a hospital institution with an approved training program and accreditation? A. Life-long B. Self-directed C. Formal D. Informal

B. Anaphylactic shock

What would have possibly happened when a patient, after contrast media injection for an x-ray procedure developed difficulty of breathing? A. Septic shock B. Anaphylactic shock C.Hypovolemic shock D.Cardiogenic Shock

B.remove clothing from the uninjured arm first.

When a patient with an arm injury needs help in undressing, the radiographer should A.remove clothing from the injured arm first. B.remove clothing from the uninjured arm first. C.always remove clothing from the left arm first. D.always cut clothing away from the injured extremity.

C. The patient states that he experiences extreme pain in the upright position.

When a radiographer is obtaining a patient history, both subjective and objective data should be obtained. An example of subjective data is A. The patient appears to have a productive cough. B. The patient has a blood pressure of 130/95. C. The patient states that he experiences extreme pain in the upright position. D.The patient has a palpable mass in the right upper quadrant of the left breast.

D.Do not recap the needle and dispose of the entire syringe.

When disposing of contaminated needles, they are placed in a special container using what procedure? A.Recap the needle, remove the syringe, and dispose of the needle. B.Do not recap the needle, remove the syringe, and dispose of the needle. C.Recap the needle and dispose of the entire syringe. D.Do not recap the needle and dispose of the entire syringe.


When performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an infant, it is required that the number of compressions per minute, compared to that for an adult, A.remain the same. B.double. C.decrease. D.increase.

C.2 and 3 onlv

When radiographing the elderly, it is helpful to 1. move quickly 2. address them by their full name. 3. give straightforward instruction. A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.2 and 3 onlv D.1, 2, and 3

B.1 and 3 onlv

When radiographing young children, it is helpful to 1. let them bring a toy. 2. tell them it will not hurt. 3. be cheerful and unhurried. A.1 only B.1 and 3 onlv C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

C. Give information to the patient

When the Radiographer is tasked to remove the retention urinary catheter, he should start by: A. Cleaning the urinary meatus B. Maintaining patient privacy C. Give information to the patient D. Deflating the balloon


Which ethical principle is related to the theory that patients have the right to decide what will or will not be done to them? A.Autonomy B.Beneficence C.Fidelity D. Veracity

A. Systolic pressure lower than 60 mmHg

Which of the following blood pressure measurements indicates shock? A. Systolic pressure lower than 60 mmHg B. Systolic pressure higher than 140 mmHg C. Diastolic pressure higher than 140 mmHg D. Diastolic pressure lower than 90 mmHg


Which of the following conditions describes a patient who is unable to breathe easily while in the recumbent position? A.Dyspnea B.Apnea C.Orthopnea D.Oligopnea

D.110 mmHg

Which of the following diastolic pressure readings might indicate hypertension? A.50 mmHg B.70 mmHg C.90 mmHg D.110 mmHg

B.Contributory negligence

Which of the following legal phrases defines a circumstance in which both the health-care provider's and the patient's actions contributed to an injurious outcome? A.Intentional misconduct B.Contributory negligence C.Gross negligence D. None of the above

A.1 and 2 only

Which of the following medical equipment is used to determine blood pressure? 1. Pulse oximeter 2. Stethoscope 3. Sphygmomanometer A.1 and 2 only B.1 and 3 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

B.2 only

Which of the following patient rights is violated by discussing privileged patient information with an individual who is not involved with the patient's care? 1. The right to considerate and respectful care 2. The right to privacy 3. The right to continuity of care A.1 only B.2 only C.1 and 3 only D.2 and 3 only

C.intravenous catheter.

While performing mobile radiography on a patient, you note that the requisition is for a chest film to check placement of a Swan-Ganz catheter. A Swan-Ganz catheter is a(n) A.pacemaker. B.chest tube. C.intravenous catheter. D.urinary catheter.

A. Non-PRC professional

Who can NOT apply as a CPD provider? A. Non-PRC professional B. Individual or sole proprietor C. Accredited Professional Organization D. Corporation or Professional Societies

B. The patient

Who own the medical record of the patient? A. The court B. The patient C. The attending physician ID. The hospital

B.1 and 3 only

With a patient suffering abdominal pain, it is frequently helpful to 1. elevate the head slightly with a pillow. 2. perform the exam in the Trendelenburg position. 3. place a support under the knees. A. 1 and 2 only B.1 and 3 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

D.1, 2, and 3

You and a fellow radiographer have received an unconscious patient from a motor vehicle accident. As you Perform the examination, it is important that you 1. refer to the patient by name. 2. make only those statements that you would make with a conscious patient. 3. reassure the patient about what you are doing. A.1 only B.1 and 2 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2, and 3

D.Check with the referring physician.

You receive a patient who is complaining of pain in the area of the left fourth and fifth metatarsals; however, the requisition asks for a left ankle exam. What should you do? A.Perform a left foot exam. B.Perform a left ankle exam. C.Perform both a left foot and a left ankle exam. D.Check with the referring physician.

B.Moist heat.

the most effective method of sterilization is A.Dry heat. B.Moist heat. C.Pasteurization. D.Freezing.

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