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"user generated content"

"needs to be published either on a publicly accessible website or on a social networking site accessible to a selected group of people needs to show a certain amount of creative effort needs to have been created outside of professional routines and practices"

isis and social media

-app in 2014 in google play store that got taken down use it for propaganda tons and tons of isis twitter account and other put there anonymous delete the accost and track which one are promotion terrorism


-previous modes of communication showing up in new modes -what instances of remediation can you think of in our modern media / social media?

network of networks

ARPANET - military-funded scientific research 1969 - First transmission between UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute

social capitla

Both an individual's stock of resources that can emerge from sustained social relationships and the capacity of a population - a network or community - to accomplish collective action." (Rheingold, 2012, p. 2 media comes along:

Development of the Internet Networking of computers Efficiency in modularity of data Focus on machines and control Personal computer revolution Technology becomes cheaper Access spreads considerably Information function dominates early WWW Cyberculture is imagined Social media Power of networking harnessed by the multitude Possibility of democratization of information opens up Users share positives/negatives of online experience


Farhad Manjoo It's not that we're believing what isn't's that we're not believing what is true. EX hurricane sandy pic

social bookmarking

Folksonomy in action. "Allows those with sufficient attention, collaboration, and network know-how to multiply the value of a public good while serving one's own self-interest." (Rheingold, 2012, p. 132)


Instead of expert and/or authority-driven hierarchical ontologies, the Internet enables the emergence of user-generated folksonomies. Think tagging. Also think metadata "information about information"

how other media social

Old media / Legacy media Broadcast and cable television Radio Film Newspapers and magazines Books Other print media

ideological foundations

Short version Any tool or service that uses the Internet to facilitate conversations. Long version Social media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism, one-to-many, to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers.

ideological foundations

Short version Any tool or service that uses the Internet to facilitate conversations. Long version Social media is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism, one-to-many, to a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers. -Brian Solis

basic it of computing

The bit the smallest difference that makes a difference

this bit

The bit the smallest difference that makes a difference

google bomb

The terms Google bomb and Googlewashing refer to the practice of causing a web page to rank highly in search engine results for unrelated or off-topic search terms by linking heavily.

social media defined

a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content"

media richness

amount sensory information transferred between the sender and the receiver

intnerpersonal communciagtion

aproach studying communication that is primarily based on the face of ace dynamics of two people or dyadic communication

uses and gratification

common audience needs revealed through uses and gratifications research: cognitive affective social escapist


communication between two people, and usuallly happens in public or semipublic forum


communication people are co present in same digital space

two sided market

economic platform where a company provides value to two different customers.

social media hoax

fake stories that go all over social media RIP Nelson Mandela

social media effect

impacts the way we think, experience and practise online media. influences how we reflect and engage with friends, family, colleagues and politics amplifies the changes in the media landscape provides new avenues for dissemination and engagement empowers users to produce their own content exploits free labour for the benefit of corporations

relation norms

informal rules govern communication behavior between people.

media replicability

information is easy to reproduce


is a material

conversational analysis

linguist study how extralgulic cues affect communication

invisible audiences

people who can see you social media without your knowledge future employers,new co workers/classmates when yo do not consider the invisible audience you may not represent yourself in positive way

Das kapital

personal value exchange value -trade value you be people will watch it, share it, but it's not extremely valuable Tweeting breakfast=use value

social capital

physical capital-money and things you own cultural capital- style, tastes, resume, thing hat you're drawn to cultural palette expressed on social media social capital but through relationships


procedure or formula

user generated content

products made by suers and user groups


properties lend them toward some uses and away from others..

hot media

requires less involvement from the audience whereas cool media requires more active involvement

Search is both a public good-

something useful to everybody, but that individuals lack sufficient incentive to create for themselves--and a way to amass significant private wealth by selling a valuable commodity." (Rheingold, 2012, p. 85). Should search be a public good WITHOUT mega-companies making big $$$ from it?


system that coordinates exchange or interaction between two or more groups of people.

cultural convergance

the new ways that media audiences are engaging with and making sense of new forms of media content prosumption crowdsourcing participatory culture Co-creation-audience becomes active and begins to produce things of value. consumers become increasingly adept at fulfilling their own needs, primarily with technology people can collectively produce knowledge that's greater than the sum of individual knowledge audiences participate not only in consuming cultural products but also in producing them

digital divide

the socioeconomic disparity between those who do and those who do not have access to digital technology and media such as the internet global nor access vs. global south minimal access one laptop per child program people assume bridge the divide challenge-laptops are too expensive-had to create cheaper ones missed the deaccession factor- people given laptops were not educated on how to earn it properly

media convergence

the technological and economic changes which foster the flow of media content across multiple delivery technologies


the use of digital technology to disrupt organization or individuals that a social movement opposes

social presence

users being psychological present

filter bubble

whatever someone looks goes right onto there Facebook or twitter fee.d if i look at a lot of cooking networks that will show up the most.


with suers posting messages and then returning hour or days later view responses.

context collapse

you think of something in one context, but it really happens in many contexts

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