CMS 306M Exam 1

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parenthetical citation

(last name, year it was published) -in body of work

discuss positives and pitfalls of permanence of records

+ reference - preserved for long time; mistakes

Understand strategies for becoming a better listener.

- Adapt to speaker's delivery - focus on message not the delivery style to enhance understanding Prepare for external noise and work to eliminate - internal distractions- like when technical difficulties occur, focus on speaker and not visual aid - Listen with your eyes as well as your ears- facial expressions , nonverbal communication cues - Monitor your emotional reaction to a message- anger or other strong emotions can cloud your listening - Avoid jumping to conclusions- give the speaker time to give the full message before forming an opinion - Be a selfish listener - find ways to benefit from the information you are being given Listen for major ideas - Identify your listening goals: emphasize, pleasure, evaluate, gain knowledge

Discuss how to write a professional email and send it strategically.

- Assume everything you write can be copied and sent to anyone, anywhere - Ask someone you trust to review your email Intro Subject line - brief, specific, clear description of the purpose of the email Begin with a salutation "Dear" is the failsafe for new professional connection "Hi" or "Hello" is for informal communications or if you know an individual well Use titles as appropriate (e.g. Dr., Professor, etc.) If you are unsure of the recipient, "To whom it may concern" or "Dear [name of organization] are acceptable Body Avoid slang Be aware of abbreviations, punctuation, spelling, grammar Use exclamation points sparingly! Be careful with sarcasm, joking, or ambiguity because of lack of nonverbal cues in email Emojis, gifs, images might not be able to be opened/viewed on some platforms Concise and to the point without being curt Main point(s) in opening sentence Total length of message between two and three short paragraphs Conclusion Standard conclusion - "Thank You," "Best," "Sincerely" If attached file, mention file in the email and make sure it's actually attached Proofread! Enter the recipient's email address LAST to avoid sending an incomplete or unpolished email Strategy Think before hitting "reply all" - does everyone in the thread really need your response? CC field is for additional people who need the info in the email but don't have to act on it Ex. question about group project - email your professor and CC group members BCC field conceals list of recipients in an email BCC'ed people receive the email, but don't see who the true recipient was Avoid forwarding chain messages and jokes Avoid advertising things for sale, requesting donations, discussing current events in work or class email lists


- Check the domain -See who sponsors the websites -Does it have a contact us -Edu- education based -Vs com- commercial uses; money making

Describe types of conflict and ways of managing conflict.

- Competing: clashing - Accommodating: Lets just go with your idea (so person is happy) - Avoiding: pretending conflict does not exist - Compromising: Think of solution together but both parties feel like they lost a little of their ideas (not fully happy) - Collaborating: Goal, give and take a little but arrive at new solution where all voices are heard

How do you judge the credibility of a website source?

- Domain - The last three letters of a website .com and .net can be purchased by anyone so should be approached with caution .org is often run by non profit organizations MOST credible sources of information come from .gov, .mil, and .edu sites. - Sponsor - You should ask who is is responsible for the website, and what are their interest - Accuracy Verify info? Does the website site provide reference for its own claims and data? - Links/sources - Objectivity- Whose interest is being served by the information on the website. - Currency Publish date? How current is it? - Diversity- Offensive content?

Explain the reasons why some people develop dispositional anxiety.

- Inadequate positive reinforcement - being taught not to talk makes you anxious about talking - learned helplessness - when communicating has led to different reactions, we don't know how to react and it makes us feel like we are not in control of their consequences therefore we get nervous - no response - not getting a positive or negative feedback but instead, no feedback at all leads to anxiety - poor skill development- people given less opportunity to grow their skills - inadequate or poor models - if parents are really quiet and reserved, their children will not have the models and therefore will often fall into being the same

Explain the different components of the model of interpersonal communication.

- Message: both verbal and nonverbal and What you say and how you say it - Channel: the medium through which a message passes on its way from source to receiver - Decoding: the receivers act of attaching meaning to a message sent by a source - Encoding: the source's act of transforming an idea into a message sent by a source - Feedback: the interplay between encoding and decoding messages - Source: the originator of a message - Receiver: the recipient of a message -Internal noise: distractions in the head Mind constantly wandering, stomach growling - External noise: distractions from outside noise

Describe how to maintain a professional profile on social networking sites

- Photos: is this something my grandma would be proud of? - Personal information: would I reveal this to my employer at an interview? - Activities: if I were applying to college, would I put this on my application? -Interests: is there anything on this list that might offend or repel people?

Explain the differences and similarities between virtue ethics, consequentialism, deontology and postmodern ethics.

- Virtue focuses on the person specifically doing an act - Consequentialism focuses on the results of an act - Deontology focuses on the act itself - Postmodern ethics looks act the morality of the act, the person and the consequences in unison


-An ethical course of action can be determined by examining the act itself, not the intentions and not the consequences -assumes universal rules, with no exceptions -do unto others....

Discuss how to write a professional email and send it strategically

-Assume everything you write can be sent to anyone. Assume there is no privacy -Ask someone to review it if you are hesitant -professional openings -Avoid slang -Non-standard abbreviations is not permissible -Caps is not permissible -Use exclamation points sparingly -Misspellings are never acceptable -Be careful with jokes or sarcasm -Be concise and to the point without being curt -finish with a standard conclusion -err on the side of being more formal

leadership styles

-Authoritarian -Laissez-faire -Democratic

delivery ethics

-Be truthful to audience -Practice so show audience respect -Obligated to do your best -Audience analysis because of their diversity


-Check the last time it has been updated

presentation ethics

-Citations give credit where it is due -Accountability (Research the Research) Is it Reasonable? Truthful? -Replication- people are able to follow you


-Envisioning yourself being successful before presentation -Allows you to approach the communication in a positive manner without unrealistic expectations


-Express how you feel -Telling a story about an allnighter while slouching over with coffee to show how tired you are

how to manage impressions in a low cues environment

-Formality -Airing in side of caution -Choosing your words carefully


-Having a conversation without any words -when the waiter comes over and motions to refill water and you smile and shake your head no

Identify the advantages of working in teams.

-Having more information: different team members bring specialized info or perspectives -Stimulating creativity: "two heads are better than one" -A system of checks: teams provide oversight to prevent disastrous ideas -Engaging in a better decision-making process: all 3 previous checks will lead to a better decision -Division of labor: each person has a specialty so they can focus on one task more efficiently instead of everyone switching around -Motivation: we have an innate desire to not disappoint group members, & it is harder to procrastinate when others are counting on us

strategies for becoming a better listener

-Listen with eyes and ears -Monitor your emotional reaction -Don't jump to conclusions -Be a selfish listener -Listen for major ideas -Identify listening goal


-Neutrality -Who's interests are being served?


-Noise -If location frames communication -ex: pep talk in a locker room before a game


-References for tis own claims and data?


-Sarcasm and irony -Contradict the words with actions

Describe the benefits of audience analysis for the presenter and the audience

-Select topic -Support topic -Confidence -Improves your connection to the audience -Audience members have a better understanding

situational factors of giving speeches

-Size of the space -Knowledge of the people in the audience -Level of interest -Occasion

Describe the public speaking guidelines for any audience based on this chapter

-Speak slowly -Enunciating words -Appeal to different learning styles -Elevate level of formality; avoid humor -Understand local politics and customs

team roles

-Task leader -Socio-emotional -Tension releaser -Information provider -Central negative -Silent Observer


-The ethical quality of an action should be determined by evaluating its consequences -good outcome= ethical


-Waiting your turn to speak -Showing that you have something to say

virtue ethics

-all about intention -did sophie intentionally deceive the audience?


-analytical learners -logically driver - present statistics and data

five criteria for deciding how credible a website it:

-authority -accuracy -objectivity -currency -diversity

conflict management types

-competing -accommodating -avoiding -compromising -collaborating


-conceptual learners -paint a picture -tell stories -big picture people

how can you be ethical in presenting?

-delivery -presentation

Identify and describe the three broad concerns you should think about when analyzing your audience

-demographics -psychographics -cultural considerations


-different meanings -jargon is bad


-evil twin of consensus - coming to a conclusion without critical thinking or evaluation of enough alternatives

why do people have stage fright?

-fear of evaluation -unprepared -conspicuous; too much attention -holding rigid rules -negative self talk

reference citation

-for works cited


-hearing; attending

why do people have dispositional anxiety?

-inadequate positive reinforcement -lack of good role models -poor skill development

synchronous communication types

-instant message -text messages -video chat -games

personality types

-intuitors -thinkers -feelers

how can you manage stage fright?

-know your audience -over prepare -don't hold rigid rules

contextual barriers to listening

-location -cultural -gender styles


-lose/lose -avoiding conflict all together


-lose/win -letting someone win or have their way because it is easy

advantages of working in teams

-more information -stimulate creativity -synergy -system of checks -better decision making process -division of labor -motivation

how do people give feedback?

-nonverbal -verbal -delayed

two parts of APA style

-parenthetical citation -reference citations


-partial win/ partial win -neither party is entirely happy

five steps of listening

-receiving -understanding -remembering -evaluating -responding


-relational learners -tell stories about people by name -emotional learners

how to manage conflicts of interest

-removal: avoid it completely -disclosure: tell audience, provide context -management: proceeding with caution

paraphrasing vs. quoting directly

-saying the general idea -using another person's words both need to be quoted

cultural considerations

-self disclosure -formality -eye contact

how can you treat dispositional anxiety?

-systematic desensitization -cognitive therapy -cognitive restructuring -visualization

asynchronous communication types

-text messages (can be both) -email -social networking -bulletin board

types of leaders

-transformational -transactional -assigned -emergent


-win/lose -one winner and one loser


-win/win -fully engaging to make a solution that works for everyone

gender styles

-women listen to build relationships -men listen to gain information

Define audience analysis and its key componets


Understand the importance of certain specific details on your audience


The relationship between Guillaume and Pauline

.Guillaume and Pauline are in the midst of a heated conversation about what should be done with the funds raised by their organization. While they are clearly passionate about what will happen with the money, their nonverbals indicate there is clearly something else going on. According to one of the 8 propositions about communication outlined in Chapter 1, their nonverbals likely provide information on

How to make effective presentations?

1) Know your audience before you make a presentation 2) develop audience-centered messages

rules for communicating research in your paper

1. Make sure to mention all of your sources in your presentation 2. A complete oral citation includes author, title, and publication year 3. Anytime you introduce a new oral citation into your presentation, you must provide a rationale as to why the source you have chose in is credible 4. After introducing a particular oral citation into your presentation, you do not need to include a rationale the next time you introduce that same oral citation

Six ways in which nonverbal behavior interacts with verbal behavior to product meaning

1. Repeating 2. Accenting 3. Substituting 4. Complementing 5. Regulating 6. Contradicting

Understand that three broad techniques to better identify and account for audience characteristics (e.g., explain the difference between demographic and psychographic profiles).

1. The needs of the audience 2.Type of people who comprise your audience - Demographic - age, classification, major - psychographic - attitudes, values and beliefs Where demographic and psychographic meets 3. Logistics and details of presentation (as they relate to your audience)

10 strategies for becoming a better listener

1. adapt to speaker's delivery 2. listen with eyes & ears 3. monitor emotional reaction to message 4. avoid jumping to conclusions 5. be a selfish listener - find ways to benefit from info 6. identify your listening goal 7. listen for major ideas 8. practice listening 9. take notes 10. become active listener

8 Propositions about Interpersonal Communication

1. both verbal and nonverbal 2. you cannot not communicate 3. expresses both content and relationship 4. meanings are in people 5. irreversible 6. neutral tool 7. learned skill 8. takes place in physical and psychological contexts

consensus practices

1. common ground 2. go around room 3. yes, if 4. angel's advocate (say what they like about it)

Explain the eight propositions about interpersonal communication.

1. communication had verbal and nonverbal components 2. you can't not communicate 3. communication expresses both content and relationship 4. communication is a neutral tool 5. meanings are in people 6. communication is irreversible 7. communication is a learned skill 8. communication takes place in physical and psychological context

conflict management styles

1. competing (win/lose) 2. accommodating (lose/win) 3. avoiding (lose/lose) 4. compromising (partial wins) 5. collaborating (win/win)

decision making processes

1. consensus (groupthink, provisionalism (temporary preferences)) 2. voting

avoiding groupthink

1. consider alternatives 2. promote divergent thinking 3. vote anonymously 4. reduce stress

reasons why people get stage fright

1. fear of evaluation - reframing (see from different perspective) 2. unprepared 3. feeling conspicuous - an unwelcome focus of attention 4. holding self to rigid rules - "stuckness" (writer's block); inflexibility

intercultural communication guidelines

1. gestures 2. self disclosure 3. formality 4. eye contact

Ethical delivery

1. give best performance 2. rhetorical sensitivity - audience centered

benefits of audience analysis for audience

1. greater understanding of topic 2. inc'd interest 3. ability to act based on informed opinion

3 reasons why people develop dispositional anxiety

1. lack of positive reinforcement - learned helplessness 2. poor skill development 3. inadequate or poor models

supportive conflict resolution

1. listen thoughtfully 2. understand unique perspectives 3. ask q's 4. acknowledge value 5. demonstrate open mind

3 contextual barriers to listening

1. location 2. culture 3. gender styles

communicating research in presentation

1. mention all sources 2. rationale for new sources 3. after including oral citation, don't need to include rationale again

6 advantages of working in teams

1. more info 2. stimulating creativity 3. system of checks 4. better decision-making process 5. division of labor 6. motivation

maslow's hierarchy of needs

1. physiological 2. safety 3. belongingness & love 4. esteem 5. self actualization

types of conflict

1. procedural - agree on goal but not process for achieving it 2. role conflict - who should lead? tasks? 3. interpersonal conflict - clashing personalities/comm 4. ideational conflict - diff topics have priority

Define communication (3 parts)

1. process - ongoing, irreversible, systematic 2. stimulation of meaning - not transfer 3. both verbal and nonverbal - intertwined

benefits of audience analysis for presenter

1. reach presentation goals 2. reduce chance of poor performance 3. audience connection & responsiveness 4. less embarrassment 5. less out of body nervousness 6. confidence 7. recognize diversity

5 step process of listening

1. receiving 2. understanding 3. remembering 4. evaluating 5. responding

6 ways verbal and nonverbal interact to produce meaning

1. repeating 2. accenting 3. substituting (with gestures) 4. complementing (modify or expand) 5. regulating (pace and flow) 6. contradicting

techniques for managing stage fright

1. shaking hands - on lectern or have clipboard 2. blushing - scarf 3. get rid of keys

Modeling communication (9 parts)

1. source 2. encode 3. message 4. channel 5. receiver 6. decode 7. feedback 8. noise 9. fidelity - extent to which it's similar to original message

public speaking guidelines

1. speak slowly, clearly 2. multiple modes of presentation 3. formality 4. avoid humor 5. understand local politics

how to treat severe communication apprehension

1. systematic desensitization - therapy to associate communication with relaxation 2. cognitive therapy - directed conversation; fade unrealistic beliefs 3. cognitive restructuring - therapy - change unrealistic beliefs to realistic 4. visualization - visualize positive outcomes of future experiences

team roles

1. task leader 2. socio-emotional leader 3. tension releaser 4. info provider 5. central negative 6. silent observer

eight propositions about interpersonal communication

1. verbal and nonverbal 2. you can never not communicate 3. expresses relationship and content 4. meanings are in people 5. communication is a neutral tool 6. communication is irreversible 7. communication is a learned skill 8. communication takes place is a physical and psychological context

AUDIENCE acronym

A - analysis - who are they? how many? U - understanding - their knowledge of subject D - demographics I - interest - why are they attending? E - environment N - needs C - customized E - expectations

databases & indexes to articles

A link found on the UT library homepage that allows users to search of her wide variety of online data bases of scholarly resources

What is a low cues environment and how can you manage impressions in such an environment?

A low cues environment is an environment that lacks much of the information that we might have in a face-to-face conversation. One way to compensate for a low cue environment is by using emoticons to add noverbal indicators. However, emojis don't always get the message across effectively because they might appear differently on various phones, computers, etc.

citation style

A method of organization that allows you to integrate research into your outline and bibliography in a particular standardized text

citation style

A method of organization that allows you to integrate research into your outline and reference page in a particular standardized fashion

parenthetical citations

A method that allows a public speaker to integrate research into the body of their own text


A statement used in your presentation that demonstrates why the source you are referring to is credible

editorial columns (opinion pieces)

A type of newspaper article, written either by editors of the newspaper or approved guest writers, that expresses an opinion rather than delivering neutral reports on the news

open stacks

A way organizing the library system that allows users to retrieve their own books as opposed to having a library and find such books for the users

Raj is giving a presentation on healthy eating habits and finds a website called The website is full of statistics, is up-to-date, and seems legitimate except for the fact that he cannot find any contact information about who runs the site. Raj is smart to be nervous about using the content from the website for his presentation as the lack of contact info calls into question which key criteria for evaluating the credibility of a website from Chapter 8: Sources For Your Presentation? A) Authority B) Accuracy C) Objectivity D) Diversity

A) Authority

Blake calls her partner "Blinky" as a loving nickname. Although the word doesn't have a literal meaning, it is meaningful to them. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, which proposition of communication explains this scenario? A) Communication expresses both content and relationship B) Communication has both verbal and nonverbal components C) Communication is a learned skill D) You cannot not communicate.

A) Communication expresses both content and relationship.

Brendan helped an elderly man cross the street to get to the bank. Later that day, while watching the news, Brendan discovered the same man robbed the bank. Which ethical perspective found in Chapter 2: Communication Ethics would consider Brendan's efforts as unethical? A) Consequentialism B) Deontology C) Postmodern Ethics D) Virtue Ethic

A) Consequentialism

Amy is trying to plan a first meeting with her new group. According to Chapter 7: Technology Mediated Communication, which is the best way to meet for the first time? A) FtF B) Group text C) Google Hangout D) email thread

A) FtF

After Marissa gave an informative presentation on the French Revolution, Jason declared that he thought her presentation was "super sick." Interpreting Jason's comment to indicate that her performance was offensive, Marissa stormed out of the room. "Why is she upset?" Jason asked his classmates. "Doesn't everyone know that 'sick' means awesome?" Which of the following propositions about communication is illustrated by this scenario? A) Meanings are in people. B) Communication is irreversible. C) Communication is unavoidable. D) Communication emphasizes both content and relationship.

A) Meanings are in people.

Jeremy works for a bicycle store where he earns a commission. He wants to give a speech for class about the benefits of owning a bike. At the beginning of his speech, he discloses that he works at a local bicycle store. According to Chapter 2: Communication Ethics, which ethical dilemma has Jeremy attempted to avoid? A) conflict of interest B) lack of accountability C) negligence D) rhetorical insensitivity

A) conflict of interest

While listening to a classmate's persuasive speech, Jenny finds that the presenter's point of view goes against her morals. Although Jenny disagrees with her classmate's argument, Jenny tries to distinguish facts from personal interpretations before jumping to conclusions. According to Chapter 5: Listening, Jenny is demonstrating which step of the listening process? A) evaluating B) receiving C) responding D) remembering

A) evaluating

You are talking to your friend on the bus, but you are finding it very difficult to concentrate. You notice that both a loud siren and the vehicle's air conditioning make your friend's voice almost impossible to hear. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, what type of noise do these factors represent? A. External B. Physiological C. Internal D. Psychological

A. External (p. 7)

What are some sources you can use for your presentation and how do you choose which are the best?

Academic Journals (Most credible source created by experts) Books (credible but focus more on profit margin rather than credibility) Magazines (periodical source- meaning they are published on a regular not a daily basis) Newspapers (published everyday and focus on both sides of the story, unless it is an opinion piece in which it is biased)

Josh is uncomfortable with the amount of alone time that his girlfriend, Ling, spends with her ex-boyfriend. After discovering how insecure Josh is feeling, Ling decides to stop seeing her ex-boyfriend. According to Chapter 2: Working in Teams, which conflict management style is Ling utilizing?



According to Chapter 3, which form of ethics allows us to have shared social and cultural norms of ethics?

level 3: social needs

Affiliation, sharing, affection, acceptance, participation, and membership

Meanings are in people.

After Marissa gave an informative presentation on the French Revolution, Jason declared that he thought her presentation was "super sick." Interpreting Jason's comment to indicate that her performance was offensive, Marissa stormed out of the room. "Why is she upset?" Jason asked his classmates. "Doesn't everyone know that 'sick' means awesome?" Which of the following propositions about communication is illustrated by this scenario?

Transformational leadership

After the Cylons destroy the twelve colonies, the survivors must rally themselves in order to escape. When they seem like they are without hope, Commander Bill Adama gives a speech in which he appeals to the value of human survival. According to your textbook, which type of leadership is Adama demonstrating?

transformational leadership

After the Cylons destroy the twelve colonies, the survivors must rally themselves in order to escape. When they seem like they are without hope, Commander Bill Adama gives a speech in which he appeals to the value of human survival. According to your textbook, which type of leadership is Adama demonstrating?

Central negative

Allison's group is really excited about the skit they plan to do at the start of their presentation, but she isn't sure about it. In the planning meeting she speaks up to the group and says "Maybe we should do something else? I'm not sure if the skit will be professional." After some thought, her group agreed. They were glad to have Allison playing which team role?

Deontology (ethical orientation)

An ethical course of action can be determined by examining the act itself, not the intentions or consequences. Ethical acts are carried out according to a set of obligations and duties, have set of rules to guide behavior (civil obedience, laws). "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Categorical imperative- something is justified if it would be ok for everyone to do it in any situation.


An individual responsible for filing complaints directed to an organization and providing explanations to the inquiries

The Lenny Laskowski AUDIENCE acronym

Analysis Understanding Demographics Interest Environment Needs Customized Expectations

According to Chapter 4: Communication Ethics, which of the following would be considered plagiarism?

Anna copied and pasted parts of information from several different journal articles and strung them together. She then reworded the text, but kept the main ideas intact and added one reference.

fear of evaluation

Anna is a UT campus tour guide and loves teaching new students about the Longhorns. Despite her experience, speaking in front of other students in her 306M class makes her nervous since almost half of her grade is based on in-class presentations. Anna's apprehension is most likely the result of


Are the age, sex, race, religious background, education level


As a funeral director, Gail is constantly working with grieving family members. The stories of loss that Gail encounters all have started to sound the same to her. In order to do her job better, she has decided to think about herself sitting in the chair of the one who has to make funeral arrangements for a loved one. Which of the following steps for listening to empathize is Gail utilizing?

large power distance

As a subordinate, you expect clear direction from your boss and respect his or her final decision. Your values are reflective of the _______ value dimension.

Identify various methods of audience analysis

Ask the question associated with the Analysis,Understanding, Demographics, Interest, Environment, Needs, Customized, Expectations or just think about the 1) Needs of your audience 2) Types of people who comprise your audience 3) Logistics and details of your presentation

Which of the following is an example of using Machiavellian tactics?

Asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is messy.

systematic desensitization

Associating communication with relaxation through meditative music and practices

Haneen sends an urgent text message to his friend Jorge, who responds two hours later. Haneen becomes very upset with Jorge. According to Chapter 7: Technologically Mediated Communication, Haneen struggles with what aspect of text-based communication?

Asynchronous? (I got it wrong)

edited books

At type of book that does not consist of one comprehensive study but instead a number of studies written by various authors

Articulate presenter and audience benefits of audience analysis

Audience benefits from an audience analysis because they'll 1) audience will have a greater understanding of the topic 2) audience will be more interested in presentation 3) audiences will have an ability to acting based on and informed opinion rather because they have been informed at their level a level that they'll understand. Presenters benefits: 1) increases the chance of reaching your presentation goals 2) reduced the chance of poor presentation performance 3) increase likelihood of audience connection 4) Increase confidence of presenter 5) Reduce the chance of your presentation being rejected

Often Ben seems to be leading his group through a process of lies and manipulation. Their goals are unclear, except to ensure Ben's survival. When the others in the group question Ben, he tells them he is following the orders that Jacob has given him and that they must do what he says. He doesn't want their input. Which type of leadership is Ben demonstrating?

Authoritarian Leadership

Ainsley is giving a speech to a faith-based organization where she knows all the employees have the same beliefs and attitudes, which follow the mission of the organization. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, what kind of information should Ainsley gather to make sure she can identify the differences in her audience? A) Cultural B) Demographic C) Psychographic D) Value

B) Demographic

Nashwa wants her staff to operate as a team rather than a group. According to Chapter 3: Working in Teams, this increases the chance that members experience which of the following? A) greater efficiency B) Heightened creativity C) Increased work products D) Reduced conflicts

B) Heightened creativity

Donna sometimes makes spelling and grammar errors when writing. However, she is very friendly, dresses professionally, and most people find her pleasant. According to Chapter 7: Technology Mediated Communication, what type of environment will most likely bring her problems? A) Hyper-personal communication B) Low cues C) High cues D) Co-located

B) Low cues

Sarah and Jane are working together on a project for 306M. Sarah thinks of a few topic ideas while in her Interpersonal Communication Theory class, which Jane is also in but is sitting further back in the class. Sarah texts Jane the ideas and Jane immediately responds with questions. The two text back and forth during their class until the professor dismisses class. According to Chapter 7: Technology Mediated Communication, what term describes this type of communication? A) Asynchronous B) Synchronous C) Indirect feedback D) Direct feedback

B) Synchronous

Samilla is planning to present on the candidates for student government. Before her speech, she talks with some of her peers in the class to find out what they already know about the candidates. She decides to organize her speech with two main points: 1.) a short description of each candidate's platform and 2.) a simple 'pros and cons' list for each candidate. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, Samilla's audience gains which of the following benefits from this presentation? A) The audience has an increased confidence in the candidates B) The audience gains the ability to act based on an informed opinion C) The audience has an increased trust in the speaker D) The audience is more likely to accept the message

B) The audience gains the ability to act based on an informed opinion

Sergio is enthusiastic and always manages to get others to follow his lead. His followers are drawn to his likeability and positive energy, and Sergio often informally leads groups of people to bring about change. According to Chapter 3: Working in Teams, what type of leader is Sergio? A) Assigned B) emergent C) transactional 4) transformational

B) emergent

Ronald watches a recording of his persuasive speech. While evaluating his delivery, Ronald mutes the sound and observes gestures and body language. According to Chapter 5: Listening, which strategy for becoming a better listener has Ronald used? A)Be an active listener B)Listen with your eyes as well as your ears C)Look for information handlers D)Monitor your emotional reaction to a message

B)Listen with your eyes as well as your ears

Sawyer suggests a topic for her group to address in their presentation. When a debate arises over her suggestion she quickly dismisses her idea in order to get a quick resolution and prevent an argument. According to Chapter 3: Working in Teams, which conflict management style is Sawyer using? A. Collaborating B. Accommodating C. Avoiding D. Compromising

B. Accommodating (p. 63)

Before giving her speech, Coralyn conducts a psychographic profile on her audience. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, which of the following questions might she ask during this analysis? A. What is the religious background of your audience? B. What are the beliefs of your audience? C. What is the education level of your audience? D. What is the sexual orientation of your audience?

B. What are the beliefs of your audience? (p. 151)

During lecture, a professor sees her students slouching in their seats, yawning, and doodling in their notebooks. She adjusts her lecture accordingly by beginning a class activity. Which communication concept alerted the professor to the need to alter her presentation?

Backchanneling cues.

Describe the benefits of audience analysis for the presenter and the audience.

Benefit for the Presenter Increased chance of achieving goals of presentation Increased likelihood of connection with audience Reduced anxiety Increased self confidence Benefit for audience Audience more likely to be addressed on "their level" Audience will have greater interest in the presentation Audience more capable of making an informed opinion


Bliss knew it was time to end her relationship with Darrell, though she worried that breaking up would upset him greatly. She practiced how she would word the breakup as gently as possible and planned to tell him on Thursday, when they agreed to meet at the Student Union for lunch. Unexpectedly, she ran into him on Tuesday and knew that she could not put off telling him the relationship was over. In her thoughts, she quickly went through her breakup script before speaking. What component of the model of interpersonal communication did Bliss utilize during this thought process?

Giada was recently promoted to senior vice president of Longhorn Oil, based in Austin, Texas. As part of her new duties, Giada must give a presentation to several clients in Russia. During her presentation, she wanders about the room and speaks "off the cuff.' According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, to which intercultural communication guideline did Giada neglect to pay attention? A) Avoiding humor B) Eye contact C) Formality D) Self-disclosure

C) Formality

During a work gathering, Terrance tells a joke and his colleagues do not laugh. He decides to skip the rest of his jokes and be more serious throughout the meeting. According to Chapter 5: Listening, Terrance responds to what kind of audience feedback? A) Delayed B) Direct C) Indirect D) Physical

C) Indirect

Reggie is giving an informative presentation on the health benefits of chocolate. To ensure he applies the most credible research out there, Reggie should seek information from a source that he can be sure has been read, edited, and approved by other experts in the field. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, this type of source is referred to as: A) Database results B) Abstract C) Peer-reviewed D) Periodicals

C) Peer-reviewed

Dr. Rachel Honor has been invited to give a lecture to the Women's Studies Department at Yale. In order to prepare, Dr. Honor develops a psychographic profile of her audience by asking which of the following questions? A) What are the religious backgrounds of the group I'm presenting to? B) What is the sexual orientation of the group I'm presenting to? C) What are the guiding principles of the department I'm presenting to? D) What is the socio-economic status of the department I'm presenting to?

C) What are the guiding principles of the department I'm presenting to?

Before Cary gave his persuasive presentation, he felt confident. As he began speaking, he started to fumble because he worries he will go over time and lose points. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, which of the following is Cary experiencing? A) external noise B) message infidelity C) Internal noise D) Feedback

C) internal noise

Allen tries to convince his classmates to reduce waste by recycling. He argues that making this small change will have an impact on all of us. According to Chapter 2: Communication Ethics, Allen is using which principle of communication ethics? A. Deontology B. Virtue Ethics C. Consequentialism D. Conflict of Interest

C. Consequentialism (p. 33)

A company is trying to find more information about two potential job candidates. The supervisor suggests some co-workers do an online search for information about the candidates. According to Chapter 7: Technologically-Mediated Communication, what activity is the supervisor suggesting? A. Permanence of records review B. Multicommunicating C. Cybervetting D. Network interviewing

C. Cybervetting (p. 171)

During Alejandro's informative presentation he uses information he learned from a TED Talk. Although he cites the talk in his bibliography, he mentions research and stories from the talk without properly attributing these specific pieces of information to their source. According to Chapter 4: Communication Ethics, what type of plagiarism is this? A. Global B. Patchwork C. Incremental D. Accidental

C. Incremental (p. 41)

Sarah is reading an academic journal. She comes across complicated terminology she has never seen before. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, what has Sarah encountered? A. Abstract B. Subject bias C. Jargon D. Closed domain

C. Jargon (p. 194)

Avoid speaking up or answering questions in classes.

Carlos suffers from dispositional communication apprehension and, as a result, is likely to

avoid speaking up or answering questions in class

Carlos suffers from dispositional communication apprehension and, as a result, is likely to

Allison's group is really excited about the skit they plan to do at the start of their presentation, but she isn't sure about it. In the planning meeting she speaks up to the group and says "Maybe we should do something else? I'm not sure if the skit will be professional." After some thought, her group agreed. They were glad to have Allison playing which team role?

Central negative


Checking if a website cites its sources


Checking to see if an internet website offers sources to back up its claims allows a public speaker to test a website's credibility through which of the following criteria:

What is a citation style and how do you appropriately cite something in APA style?

Citation style is a method of organization that allows you to integrate research into your outline and reference page in a particular standardized fashion. Authors (last and first name), year, name of article or book (what volume and issue) publisher, (pages or URL)

the process whereby one individual stimulates meaning in the mind of another through verbal and/or nonverbal means.


When Beth gets home from work, she tells Lisa everything is fine, but Lisa knows something is wrong. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, this scenario demonstrates which proposition of communication?

Communication expresses both content and relationship.

Which communication proposition from Chapter 1 best explains the phrase, "We need to talk," coming from a significant other rather than those same words coming from a work colleague?

Communication expresses both content and relationships.

Diego is a morning radio host on a local sports station. After interviewing an angry Dallas Cowboys fan, Diego mumbles "What a moron" under his breath upon ending the call. Unfortunately, Diego did not realize he was still on air, and the comment cost Diego his job. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, which communication component does this example illustrate?

Communication is a process.

Three components of communication

Communication is a process. Communication is the stimulation of meaning (not the transfer of meaning). Communication is both verbal and nonverbal.

During a fight, Sumaira calls her roommate, Aaron, "a big jerk." She later apologizes, tells him that she didn't mean it, and they decide to "forgive and forget." However, Sumaira notices that Aaron has become noticeably colder towards her. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, which of the following statements best illustrates this scenario? Communication is ongoing Communication is systematic Communication has both verbal and nonverbal components Communication is irreversible

Communication is irreversible

Explain the importance of audience analysis for effective presentations

Conducting a audience analysis is effective b/c: 1) increases the chance of reaching your presentation goals 2) reduced the chance of poor presentation performance 3) increase likelihood of audience connection 4) Increase confidence of presenter 5) Reduce the chance of your presentation being rejected 1) audience will have a greater understanding of the topic 2) audience will be more interested in presentation 3) audiences will have an ability to acting based on and informed opinion rather because they have been informed at their level a level that they'll understand.

In a freshmen orientation seminar, incoming students are strongly encouraged to think about the detrimental results of academic plagiarism. Orientation speakers also share stories about students whose records were permanently scarred because of plagiarism. Considering the viewpoints that guide our ethical evaluations, this scenario illustrates what type of ethical perspective described in Chapter 4: Communication Ethics?


Understand how communication expresses content and relationships.

Content: substantive information that it conveys to the listeners Relationship: converys emotional, affective information-- leads listeners to to think that the speaker likes or dislikes them

Jackie works for an advertising firm that relies on her reputation in order to secure large accounts. Last weekend she went to Austin City Limits festival all weekend and her friends posted pictures of her falling down and being escorted out of the festival for being too intoxicated. Monday morning her boss takes her off one the largest accounts she manages because she thinks the client may see the pictures. According to Chapter 7: Technologically Mediated Communication, which area of professional communication did her boss consider for deciding to take her off the account?


Your roommate, Kelly, is preparing a speech on Blu-Ray technology and wants to use an online technology advice center as a source. The website vigilantly updates consumers daily about problems and solutions surrounding Blu-Ray technology, but you notice that many of its proposed solutions are directly opposed to industry standards. Being a responsible 306M student, you advise Kelly that while the website clearly has a great deal of _________, it appears to lack in __________ and should be avoided as a source.

Currency; Accuracy

Delta found a great source for her speech, but is unsure how to properly cite the source in her outline. She is planning on paraphrasing information found on page 44 of Winslow and Homer's 2013 book. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, which of the following is the proper way for Delta to cite her source in-text? A) (Winslow and Homer, 2013) B) (Winslow & Homer, p. 44) C) (Winslow and Homer, 2013, p. 44) D) (Winslow & Homer, 2013)

D) (Winslow & Homer, 2013)

While preparing a speech on the benefits of annual physical exams, Jennifer carefully kept a detailed record of all the sources she would use for her presentation so she could properly cite them during the presentation. According to Chapter 2: Communication Ethics, which of the following is not the reason for Jennifer's citation of sources? A) Citation gives credit where credit is due. B) Citation holds you accountable to standards of reason and truth. C) Citation creates the potential for replication of research D) Citation gives a speaker rhetorical sensitivity toward audience.

D) Citation gives a speaker rhetorical sensitivity toward audience.

Adriana disagrees with Mutsa on which topic to include in their project. Adriana says, "Let's see if we can figure out a solution that incorporates both of our ideas." According to Chapter 3: Working in Teams, which conflict management strategy is Adriana using? A) Avoiding B) Accommodating C) Compromising D) Collaborating

D) Collaborating

Jeremy is using EBSCO host database to search for research articles on euthanasia. All that has come up on his searches are short abstracts that don't give him enough information about the research findings. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, Jeremy can use which of the following to enhance his search? A) Use another database B) Use Boolean operators C) find only book sources D) Select Full Text field

D) Select Full Text field

After a long game against the Saggies, the Shorthorns' star receiver, Jimmy, was unsure about his performance. When entering the locker room, Coach Big Mac gave Jimmy a "thumbs up" from across the room, soothing his fears that he had played poorly. In this instance, nonverbal communication is interacting with verbal communication in which way? A) Contradicting B) Complementing C) Conflicting D) Substituting

D) Substituting

Kim went to a political candidate's speech rally hoping to better understand his position on the issues. The candidate began his speech with a strong statement that Kim disagreed with. Kim thought the speech was terrible and the candidate lost her after his first statement. According to Chapter 5: Listening, which step of listening is Kim practicing? A) responding B) receiving C) remembering D) evaluating

D) evaluating

While researching for his persuasive presentation, Jonathan finds statistics from four different research studies as evidence. During his presentation, Jonathan shares all the statistics but only uses one verbal citation. According to Chapter 2: Communication Ethics, which type of plagiarism may Jonathan be guilty of? A) incremental B) global C) multi-submissions D) patchwork

D) patchwork

In her persuasive speech, Jialin cites Hillary Clinton's campaign website to make an argument about President Donald Trump's experience in politics. According to Chapter 8: Sources For Your Presentation, which of the following characteristics does Jialin's source lack? A. Diversity B. Authority C. Accuracy D. Objectivity

D. Objectivity (p. 199)

Rory is unsure how to address his new teacher in an email. According to Chapter 7. Technology Mediated Communication, what should he use as a greeting?

Dear Professor Song,

Andres had to give a big speech for his fraternity. Afterwards, Andres's buddy approached him and said, "You did a pretty good job on the speech, but I got a little lost when you explained the history of the philanthropy." According to Chapter 5: Listening, what type of feedback did Andres's buddy provide?

Delayed direct

Allyssa gives a speech on hunger in Africa and explains, "So many children are dying because they are not receiving enough food. If we were to donate at least one dollar a month we could change the world and abolish hunger." According to Chapter 8: Sources For Your Presentation, not citing any research to support just how many children are dying demonstrates Allyssa's neglect of which of the main reasons for gathering research for a presentation?

Demonstrating Logos

subjective bias

Describes the particular partisan stands a source may have on the contents it is recording

peer reviewed

Designation of an academic journal that indicates that it's articles have been approved by experts in the field

Like many of his 306M peers, Alejandro is nervous about delivering a speech in front of the class. Unlike many of his peers, however, Alejandro also gets nervous when talking in small groups or even with casual acquaintances. According to the book, which of the following best describes the kind of communication apprehension that Alejandro experiences?

Dispositional Anxiety


Do your best, practice, take all of audience into consideration, actively consider others perspectives or rhetorical sensitivity. Refrain from using offensive language.


Doris published on a regular but not daily basis that can encompass a wide array of publication styles

What are the guiding principles of the audience I'm presenting to?

Dr. Rachel Honor has been invited to give a lecture to the Women's Studies Department at Yale. In order to prepare, Dr. Honor develops a psychographic profile of her audience by asking which of the following questions?

rhetorical sensitivity

Drake is planning on giving an informative presentation titled "How to Woo the Opposite Sex with a Guitar." Realizing that his course most likely has students of all sexual orientations, he changed the title to "Guitar Seduction" and made sure to use language that was inclusive of everyone. Which critical aspect of having ethical delivery is Drake using?

Communication is irreversible

During cross examination, the prosecuting attorney commented on evidence that was previously ruled inadmissible (not allowed in the courtroom).The defense attorney yelled, "Objection!" The judge agreed with the defense attorney's objection to the presence of the evidence and said, "Sustained...strike that last comment from the record." But the damage was done because the jury still heard the comment even though it was officially struck form the record. This situation demonstrates which proposition about communication?

Harriet has been a part of a team for months now. Each person has their own tasks clearly defined. According to Chapter 7. Technology Mediated Communication, which is the best way to keep up to date with other team members?

Email Thread

Harriet has been a part of a team for months now. Each person has their own tasks clearly defined. According to Chapter 7. Technology Mediated Communication, which is the best way to keep up to date with other team members?

Email thread

Sergio is enthusiastic and always manages to get others to follow his lead. His followers are drawn to his likeability and positive energy, and Sergio often informally leads groups of people to bring about change. According to Chapter 2: Working in Teams, what type of leader is Sergio?


Bliss knew it was time to end her relationship with Darrell, though she worried that breaking up would upset him greatly. She practiced how she would word the breakup as gently as possible and planned to tell him Thursday, when they agreed to meet at the Student Union for lunch. Unexpectedly, she ran into him on Tuesday and knew that she could not put of telling him the relationship was over. In her thoughts, she quickly went through her break up script before speaking. What component of the model of interpersonal communication did Bliss utilize during this thought process?


monitor your emotional reaction

Eric is giving a speech about the importance of testing pharmaceutical products on animals. Several students in the class are strong supporters of PETA and find his message disturbing. After trying to hear him out, one student starts rolling her eyes whenever Eric announces a new point. What strategy should this woman in the audience adopt so as to actually evaluate the content of Eric's speech?

Understand the aspects of ethical communication in public presentations (e.g. understand the reasons for citation and ways of making sure you properly cite your sources).

Ethos (Credibility) Logos -Speaker's use of evidence and reasoning (Logic) Pathos- Speaker's use of emotional appeal (emotion) Reasons for citation: - Give credit where credit is due - Hold you accountable to standards of reason and truth - Create the potential for replication of your research. Rhetorical sensitivity: Speaker keeps the audience in mind when making communicative choices. Meaning refraining from using words that are homophobic, racist, or offensive to the audience.

Amanda and Kayla were invited to Mallory's in-home jewelry sales party, Mallory gives a pretty lengthy speech about how fun and profitable working for the jewelry company is. When Mallory asks if they are interested in becoming sales representatives, Amanda turns to Kayla and say, "It sounds nice, but Mallory has the tendency to exaggerate."Based on Chapter 5: Listening, what stage of the listening process is Amanda demonstrating?


Kim went to a political candidate's speech rally hoping to better understand his position on the issues. The candidate began his speech with a strong statement that Kim disagreed with. Kim thought the speech was terrible and the candidate lost her after his first statement. According to Chapter 5: Listening, which step of listening is Kim practicing?


After graduating from the University of California - San Diego, Sean moves to New York City and starts a job in banking. On the first day of his job, he asks his boss, Ms. Stevens, "Hey Linda, is it cool if I take off next Friday to go to a wedding?" To Sean's surprise his boss gives him an offended look and walks away. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, which public speaking guideline did Sean overlook on his first day of work?

Evaluating the appropriate level of formality

JuJu practiced her speech ten times in front of her roommate and feels confident about the speech. During her presentation, she is calm and portrays to the audience that she is rehearsed and not speaking from memorization. According to Chapter 9: Speaking to Inform, what kind of speaking is JuJu demonstrating?


Explain the reasons why someone may experience stage fright.

Fear of evaluation Being unprepared When you feel conspicuous Holding yourself to rigid rules Negative self-talk

You are on the CapMetro bus listening to music through your headphones. A woman takes a seat next to you and starts reading. Every so often, she frowns and glances towards you. You realize that your music is loud enough for her to hear through your headphones and you turn the music down. According to the Model of Interpersonal Communication in Chapter 1, the woman's frowns and glances are best described as:


During a nurse training session, Vero uses personalized photos of patients throughout the presentation for relational appeal. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, Vero is tailoring her session to what audience type?



For his presentation on diabetes, Herold wants to quote a statistic that he found on a discussion board on the WebMD website. According to Chapter 9, which one of the following online criteria is Herold missing?


Fred has come into work late the past several days. Today, in the weekly meeting his manager Mark talks about the necessity to be on time to work. He tells everyone at the meeting that if an employee is late on a continual basis he will be given one warning and the second offense will be termination. Mark is displaying what type of leadership style?


General and systematic study of what ought to be the grounds and principles for right and wrong human behavior.

What are the cultural considerations you should be aware of when presenting?

Gestures - pay attention to the gestures you make Self Disclosure - only give out information you feel is important or relevant to include. Some information could catch the audience off guard or irritate them. Formality Eye Contac

cognitive therapy

Getting rid of unrealistic expectations about presentation; creates reasonable goals


Give credit where credit is due. Hold you accountable to standards of reason and truth Create the potential for replication of your research

Understand the different types of plagiarism and how to avoid them.

Global Plagiarism: Simply taking another person's work in full and representing it as your own while making little to no changes to the material Patchwork plagiarism: Means combining information from several different sources to create your work. Incremental plagiarism: Means failing to properly attribute a specific piece of information to its source. (basically means failing to cite it)

Crystal was invited to host a workshop for elderly people interested in website design. While preparing for the workshop, she surveyed the attendants to learn their skill levels and reasons for attending. After the workshop, an attendant told her, "I thought this would be above my level, but your instruction was easy to follow for someone like me with little programming knowledge." According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, which benefit of audience analysis is illustrated here? Greater likelihood of understanding the topic Improved appreciation for the subject Increased capability of acting on the information Reduced chance of embarrassment

Greater likelihood of understanding the topic

Journal APA format

Greene, R. W. (2007). Rhetorical capital: Communicative labor and money/speech. [startITALICS]Communication and Cultural Studies, 4[endITALICS], 327-333.

The relationship between Guillaume and Pauline.

Guillaume and Pauline are in the midst of a heated conversation about what should be done with the funds raised by their organization. While they are clearly passionate about what will happen with the money, their nonverbals indicate there is clearly something else going on. According to one of the 8 propositions about communication outlined in Chapter 1, their nonverbals likely provide information on

Book APA format - edited

Harrison, M. A. (2017). The ideal teleworker: A critique of ideal-worker constructions. In E. Fish-Hatfield (Ed.), [startITALICS]Communicating and the work-life balancing act: Intersections across identities[endITALICS] (pp. 3-24). Landham, MD: Lexington Books.

Dave Nelson took Bill McNeal's public speaking course at the Learning Center and learned that he grew nervous because he felt conspicuous. Bill suggested the following to overcome this particular anxiety:

Have Dave focus on a few friendly audience members and concentrate on his message rather than his delivery.

Understand the difference between hearing and listening.

Hearing: to physically hear sound/someone talking. Listen: to pay attention to someone talking, hear someone with thought and giving consideration

Talk about real people and situations to personalize the data.

Hugo volunteers for an organization that assigns student teachers to work in an underserved school district. He often makes presentations to prospective student teachers, a group often characterized as "Feelers." Understanding the Personality Types described in Chapter 6, how should Hugo address his audience?

level 1: physiological needs

Hunger, thirst, sleep, health, physical well being, sex


I've just GOT to get to south padre island. You emphasize the word got and scrunch your face as you say it to accent that part of the verbal message

What is Maslow's need theory

Idea that audience members have all kinds of needs and effective presenters must be mindful of those needs in an effort to motivate those people who are listening

Cati and Patrick are arguing over whether their group project should focus on homelessness or urban sprawl in Austin. Believing that the peace of the group is more important than getting her way, Cati agrees to Patrick's idea. Based on Chapter 2: Working in Teams, this scenario illustrates what type of group conflict style and which conflict management style?

Ideational, Accommodating

strong uncertainty avoidance

In 1997 Korean Air flight 801 ran out of fuel and crashed 16 miles shy of the JFK airport. The plane's pilot was afraid of being rude to the air traffic controllers in the tower and failed to make it clear how low their fuel was. Avoiding conflict as such is an example of:

Communication is both verbal and nonverbal.

In face-to-face encounters, the verbal and nonverbal components are inherently intertwined.

be a selfish listener

In her CMS 306M class, Saki is listening to the instructor lecture on the different steps of listening. The material sounds very dry and boring. Saki is sitting in the first row in the room, and she does not want to show her instructor that she is uninterested. She also knows that if she can focus now, she will not have to study as hard later. In order to maintain her concentration, Saki asks herself, "How can I use the information about the listening steps to better my communication with my boyfriend?" Which strategy is Saki practicing to become a better listener?


In the communication model, what is the term for something that affects the fidelity of the message being sent?

Sara copies a sentence from a scientific journal into her speech outline and uses synonyms for some of the terms in the sentence. She cites the source parenthetically at the end of the sentence. According to Chapter 4: Communication Ethics, which type of plagiarism is Sara committing:

Incremental plagiarism

Which of the following terms means "failing to properly attribute a specific piece of information to its source, including faulty paraphrasing?"

Incremental plagiarism

In attempting to construct a psychographic profile, which piece of information would be the most valuable?

Interviews with the audience to determine their attitudes on religion

Communication is a process.

It is ongoing, irreversible, and systematic.

just mention the author's first and last name

Jasmine did a lot of research for her presentation on global warming. When presenting her speech, she decides to cite all four sources in her presentation. One source in particular, authored by UCLA professor Jared Diamond, she references several times throughout her speech. According to your book, when referencing Jared Diamond a second (and each subsequent) time around, Jasmine should:

Adapt to the speaker's delivering by focusing on the message, not the delivery style

Jeb is really very intelligent, but when he gives speeches he tends to go monotone, he mumbles a lot, and he doesn't move around much or use many gestures. Most listeners have trouble tuning in to Jeb, even though his speech content is often excellent. Which tip to increase your listening efficiency offered in your text best applies in this instance?

Cognitive Restructuring Therapy

Juan started going to a therapist because of his anxiety during public speaking. During the sessions, the therapist often challenged Juan to think about why he is nervous. Then uan and the therapist would discuss how each one of Juan's fears about public speaking was irrational. THis treatment most resembles:

Benefits of know audience

Know a little bit about your audience can help make your presentation a successful one, and helps you to make your information tailored to your audience.

You are giving a presentation on the effects of TV commercials, and you decide to find out the number of people who will be attending the talk as well as their seating arrangement. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, which of the three broad concerns related to audience analysis does this illustrate?

Knowing the logistics and details of your presentation

Duncan is preparing for a job talk for a professorship at another university. As he walks in to give his presentation, he realizes that the audience is a class full of freshmen students rather than graduate students, like he expected. According to Chapter 5: Listening, what should Duncan have considered about his listeners? Cultural background Knowledge and interest levels Purpose Surroundings

Knowledge and interest levels

Maslow's hierarchy of needs



Lamar and Sydney are debating the merits of the BCS system in college football. In order to prove his point that the sport would improve with a playoff system, Jack remembers an article he read in Sports Illustrated. To argue his position, he rearticulates in his own words what he learned from the author in the magazine. By referencing the magazine article, Jack is supporting his argument by

level 4: self esteem needs

Leadership, achievement, recognition, confidence, competence, intelligence

dispositional anxiety

Like many of his 306M peers, Alejandro is nervous about delivering a speech in front of the class. Unlike many of his peers, however, Alejandro also gets nervous when talking in small groups or even with casual acquaintances. According to the book, which of the following best describes the kind of communication apprehension that Alejandro experiences?

strong uncertainty avoidance

Ling just came to UT as an exchange student. Since it was her first time being directly exposed to Western culture, there were many things that were unfamiliar to her. One of the things that shocked her most was that her classmates did not hesitate to criticize each other's opinions openly during discussion time. According to Chapter 7 on intercultural communication, this may be due to the fact that she is from a culture that values which of the following characteristics?

adapt to the speaker's delivery

Lisa is listening to a speech about a topic in which she is interested, but the speaker is talking too slow for her. She is having a difficult time maintaining interest and is looking out the window. What strategy should Lisa adopt so as to stay interested in the speech?

Describe the six common factors that influence listening.

Listeners' purposes Listeners' knowledge and interest levels Listeners' command of listening skills Listeners' attitudes Listeners' cultural backgrounds Listeners' surroundings

While at a cafe, Martinez struggles to understand a customer's order because of loud background music. According to Chapter 5: Listening, which of the following contextual barriers hinders Martinez's communication?


Ronald watches a recording of his persuasive speech. While evaluating his delivery, Ronald mutes the sound and observes gestures and body language. According to Chapter 5: Listening, which strategy for becoming a better listener has Ronald used?

Look for information handlers

You cannot not communicate.

Luke and Janell began dating. After their third date, Luke walked Janell to her front door. As they hugged, Janell whispered, "I love you, Luke." Luke was uncomfortable. He stared at Janell, but said nothing. Janell pulled ran inside crying. Luke's response reflects which of the following principles of communication?

you cannot not communicate

Luke and Janell began dating. After their third date, Luke walked Janell to her front door. As they hugged, Janell whispered, "I love you, Luke." Luke was uncomfortable. He stared at Janell, but said nothing. Janell pulled ran inside crying. Luke's response reflects which of the following principles of communication?


Mabel was planning her presentation to the Better Business Bureau of Austin. She distributed surveys that gauged attitudes towards the anti-smoking law and researched the attitudes toward the smoking ban. What type of profile was Mabel constructing?

Describe how to maintain a professional profile on social networking sites.

Maintain control over images of you that other people post Manage others' comments on your profile Keep your personal webpage current Check your privacy settings Consider the benefits and costs of deactivation of your profile

List and explain the three rules for communicating research in your presentation.

Make sure to mention all your sources in your presentation. Anytime you introduce a new oral citation into your presentation you must provide a rationale as to why the source you have chosen is credible. After Introducing a particular oral citation into your presentation you do not need to include a rationale the next time you introduce that same ora citation.

Newspaper APA format - no author

Malala Yousafzai, shot by Taliban. (2017, August 17). [startITALICS]The New York Times[endITALICS], pp. A1-A2.


Marcus' team is really successful. They really trust one another, have great relationships, and spend time together on a professional and personal level. The connections fostered by Marcus' team are an example of this kind of connection:

virtue ethics

Maxwell brings fresh-baked cookies to his presentation on Betty Crocker. Shortly after the class, students began feeling sick and by the end of the day many of his classmates were stricken with food poisoning. Most students took a _________________ ethical orientation, understood it was not Maxwell's intention to give them food poisoning, and forgave him

After Marissa gave an informative presentation on the French Revolution, Jason declared that he thought her presentation was "super sick." Interpreting Jason's comment to indicate that her performance was offensive, Marissa stormed out of the room. "Why is she upset?" Jason asked his classmates. "Doesn't everyone know that 'sick' means awesome?" Which of the following propositions about communication is illustrated by this scenario?

Meanings are in people.

Rachel's clients feel safe talking about their experiences with her. Even when they say offensive things, Rachel remains calm and unaffected. According to Chapter 5: Listening, Rachel follows which strategy for becoming a better listener? Adapt to the speaker's delivery. Avoid jumping to conclusions. Be objective while listening. Monitor your emotional reaction.

Monitor your emotional reaction.

Website APA format - w/ author

Mothers Against Drunk Driving. (2018). [startITALICS]Texas[endITALICS]. Retrieved from

Marcus' team is really successful. They really trust one another, have great relationships, and spend time together on a professional and personal level. The connections fostered by Marcus' team are an example of this kind of connection:


cognitive restructuring

Not focusing on other people judging you, just thinking about information being presented

Jaehee used primarily Web sources for his informative speech about gun control. However, his over-reliance on the Web site sponsored by the National Rifle Association caused his speech to be slanted in one direction, rather than presenting multiple sides of the issue. Which of the six criteria for evaluating Web sources did Jaehee ignore?


Authoritarian Leadership

Often Ben seems to be leading his group through a Process of lies and manipulation. Their goals are unclear, except to ensure Ben's survival. When the others in the group question Ben, he tells them he is following the orders that Jacob has given him and that they must do what he says. He doesn't want their input. Which type of leadership is Ben demonstrating?

Define communication (explain the three parts)

Ongoing, irreversible, systematic process Stimulation, not transfer of meaning Assuming transferring own meaning to another person (not true), it's a stimulation of meanings Both verbal and nonverbal

Lamar and Sydney are debating the merits of the BCS system in college football. In order to prove his point that the sport would improve with a playoff system, Jack remembers an article he read in Sports Illustrated. To argue his position, he rearticulates in his own words what he learned from the author in the magazine. By referencing the magazine article, Jack is supporting his argument by Bracketing Direct quoting Informal citing Paraphrasing


What are the differences between paraphrasing and directly quoting?

Paraphrasing is when you rearticulate, in your own words, what you learned from the research of the original author. Directly Quoting is stating verbatim the information derived from the author other than oneself.

Lamar and Sydney are debating the merits of the BCS system in college football. In order to prove his point that the sport would improve with a playoff system, Jack remembers an article he read in Sports Illustrated. To argue his position, he rearticulates in his own words what he learned from the author in the magazine. By referencing the magazine article, Jack is supporting his argument by


While researching for his persuasive presentation, Jonathan finds statistics from four different research studies as evidence. During his presentation, Jonathan shares all the statistics but only uses one verbal citation. According to Chapter 4: Communication Ethics, which type of plagiarism may Jonathan be guilty of?


For her presentation in CMS 306M, Jamie did some research on the types of bears living in North America. She found multiple sources and incorporated them all within her speech. However, while orally citing the sources, she provided her audience with only one source she used. According to Chapter 4: Communication Ethics, what type of plagiarism did Jamie commit?

Patchwork plagiarism

For her presentation in CMS 306M, Jamie did some research on the types of bears living in North America. She found multiple sources and incorporated them all within her speech. However, while orally citing the sources, she provided her audience with only one source she used. According to Chapter 4: Communication Ethics, which type of plagiarism did Jamie commit?

Patchwork plagiarism

Hilary interviewed with Google last week for an internship and she is shocked when she finds out she did not get the position. As her roommate Violet is listening to Hilary complain about her confusion on not being picked, Violet types Hilary's first and last name into Google just to see what the interviewer could have seen if she did the same thing. Violet shows Hilary all the photos that came up, which were from previous revealing Halloween costumes, fraternity parties, and her spring break adventures in Mexico last year. According to Chapter 7: Technology Mediated Communication, Hilary failed to think about which aspect of professional communication?

Permanence of record

Ignacio suggests a new restaurant to Rose while walking to class. She asks Ignacio to text her the restaurant name because she doesn't want to forget it. According to Chapter 7: Technologically Mediated Communication, what is Rose relying on to remember the name of the restaurant? Disclosure High cues Hyperpersonal communication Permanence of records

Permanence of records


Physical sensation of sound waves hitting your eardrums

Physiological Needs(1), Safety Needs(2), Social Needs(3), Self-Esteem Needs(4), Self-Actualization Needs(5)

Physiological Needs: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Health Safety Needs: Security, Safety, Protection Social Needs: Affiliation, Sharing, Acceptance Self-Esteem Needs: Leadership, Confidence, Intelligence Self-Actualization Needs: fullfillment of potential, creativity, Aesthetics


Pointing in the direction you tell someone to walk to second or repeat your words

Discuss the positives and negatives of permanence of records.

Positives & negatives Things are easily traceable As soon as something has been digitally recorded, it can be saved and reproduced forever Negatives: Things we mean to be private could end up going public

_____ is a value orientation that expresses whether it is more important to "do" or to "be."

Preferred personality

audience analysis

Proactively and systematically gathering and reviewing information about people you will be presenting you message to in hopes of increasing your presentations effectiveness.

Kate is giving an informative speech about her favorite English authors. Citing her research she states, "According to Thomas Hollingshead, a leading expert on English literature and author of What We Know About Shakespeare, William Shakespeare was the greatest English writer that ever lived." According to Chapter 8: Sources For Your Presentation Kate is making sure her citation contains which of the following characteristics?

Qualifier? (I got it wrong)

Emma is not as strong of a student in her organic chemistry class as she is in her other classes. Because she wants to do well in the organic chemistry class, she decides that after each lecture she will go home, summarize the main points, and repeat the key concepts to herself. Which listening step is she engaging in?


Hillary, a freshman in college, decides not to take her laptop or notebook to her first class with the hope that the instructor will just hand out the syllabus. Much to Hillary's surprise, the instructor begins the first class with a full lecture. Without any note taking materials, Hillary begins to notice that the instructor keeps referring to three main points. After class, Hillary runs to her room and writes the three points down. According to Chapter 5: Listening, which of the following listening steps is Hillary practicing?


3 ways to get rid of conflict of interest

Removal- remove or avoid conflict Disclosure- inform others about your conflict of interest, can potentially protect you legally. Management- taking precautions to minimize the effects of the conflict of interest. Subject self to heightened scrutiny.

Drake is planning on giving an informative presentation titled "How to Woo the Opposite Sex with a Guitar." Realizing that his course most likely has students of all sexual orientations, he changed the title to "Guitar Seduction" and made sure to use language that was inclusive of everyone. Which critical aspect of having ethical delivery is Drake using?

Rhetorical sensitivity

level 2: safety needs

Security, safety, protection, comfort, stability, neatness

Jeremy is using EBSCO host database to search for research articles on Euphanasia. All that has come up on his searches are short abstracts that don't give him enough information about the research findings. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, Jeremy can use which of the following to enhance his search?

Select the full text field

You moved into your job a year and a half ago, and want to ask your boss for a raise. You want to point out the work you've done, and know your boss is a low-context kind of person. Which is your best approach?

Set up a meeting with her and come prepared with posters and charts to demonstrate your competence


Should not contain any offensive material that targets and insults any racial, gender, ethnic or sexual preference

conduct a demographic profile

Simone is elected by a student organization to speak at a legislative committee meeting in favor of locking tuition rates every four years. Simone interviews some of the leaders who will be in the audience and previous presenters to gather data about the age, education, and socioeconomic status of her audience. In order to give an effective presentation, Simone has used several strategies to help her

direct; indirect

Since ________ feedback is often not appropriate when a classmate is giving an informative speech, presenters often rely on ________ feedback to determine whether or not to explain something more deeply during the speech.

How do situational anxiety and dispositional anxiety differ?

Situational - normal anxiety people experience in stressful situations Dispositional - anxiety felt communicating in most situations "trait-like anxiety", permeates most parts of their life

Describe the public speaking guidelines for speaking to multicultural audiences (e.g., avoid humor, understand local politics, etc.).

Speak slowly and clearly Use multiple modes of presentation: (e.g.,visual aids; slides; handouts; speaking in full sentences rather than in blurbs) Elevate your level of formality (e.g., Use proper names and titles; dress well; make sure speaking style is on par with formality) Avoid humor Understand local politics (understand news (or research) fully so that a larger, more diverse audience can understand; also make sure that you appreciate the information you give out rather than evaluating the topic or news.


Suggests the best way to determine a course of action is to consider the context of your communication, as well as your relationship with the audience and your sources

Use visuals, pictures and graphs to help reinforce their points

Sweden's largest clothing retailer, H&M, wants to expand their brand and add home goods to their product line and retail stores. They've hired a New York trend-forecasting team to predict and present the future trends in home design. Because the executives at H&M are not fluent in English, the trend-forecasting company should use which of the following intercultural communication guidelines:

Discuss ways to treat severe communication apprehension.

Systematic desensitization - therapy that walks you through your fears in more pleasant environment and allows you to mentally reassociate your fears with calmness Cognitive therapy - challenges your impractical beliefs, helps you replace them with more reasonable beliefs by talking about these deeper roots Visualization - imagine physically being there in the most positive light possible

Describe techniques for managing stage fright.

THINK ahead - how to solve problems before you begin - if you shake, get a clipboard

Explain the difference between a team and a group.

Team- A collective of interdependent individuals who have shared responsibility for defined goals A team has a goal they want to reach and they will all use their specialized skills to get to that goal A group goes out to eat on a Saturday night.

moral equlibrium

The basic idea is that most of us want and indeed need to think of ourselves as good people. We keep a sort of running scoreboard in our heads, comparing our mental image of ourselves as good people to our actual behavior.

With which of the people below are you in a close relationship?

The best friend who you text daily.

Postmodern ethics (ethical orientation)

The best way to determine a course of action is to consider the relationship between the actions of others and ones own choice of actions. Must consider the context of you communication as well as relationship with audience and sources. "Response-ability"- means adapting your message to meet the needs of your audience. It expects you to think about the specific situation in order to be ethical.

Daria had to email a document to a teacher. In the subject line, Daria wrote: "File for 306M," and the body of the email said: "Hi sir! Doc attached. Toodles, Daria." Her instructor thought the email was unprofessional. According to Chapter 7: Technologically-Mediated Communication, what did Daria do wrong? Her subject line was too specific. She forgot a salutation. The content included slang. The email was not written in APA style.

The content included slang.

Discuss decision-making processes, ways of achieving consensus and avoiding groupthink.

The decision making process is comprised of either coming to a consensus as a group, whether it comes through outright majority agreement or a series of votes. Ways of reaching consensus include: finding common ground, going around and asking each team member's opinion, using "yes, if", and being an angel's advocate. Ways to avoid groupthink: divergent thinking, considering alternatives, voting anonymously, and reducing stress

Is the physical process of sound waves bouncing off an eardrum.

The difference between listening and hearing, is that hearing:

Consequentialism (ethical orientation)

The ethical quality of an action should be determined by evaluating the consequences. Focus on the impact your speech had on your audience. Utilitarianism- the principle that one should choose the course of action that creates the most good for the greatest number of people.


The final letters in a website address indicating, in general, the nature of that site in terms of content and credibility


The greek word meaning "credibility"


The individuals and groups responsible for a website's existence and content

Which of these situations is an example of diaspora?

The large population of Chinese immigrants who settled in San Francisco continue to carry on the traditions and language of China.

oral citations

The organization style used for referencing citations in your actual presentation

direct quoting

The process of stating, verbatim in a presentation, information derived from an author other than oneself


The process where you rearticulate, in your own words, what you learned from consulting the research of an original author

In his informative speech for CMS 306M, Carlos attempts to teach the class how to build a personal computer. He explains that if the audience is interested in playing MMORPGs they should consider overclocking. According to Chapter 9: Speaking to Inform, which rule for choosing a topic did Carlos break?

The topic was over the listeners' heads

Audience analysis do what for the presenter

They help you understand you connect with your audience collectively and individually.

After conducting an audience analysis survey for his CMS 306M speech, Jason relies on charts and graphs to convince his classmates to donate to World Vision's Clean Water Fund. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, Jason's selection of statistical data demonstrates he is tailoring his speech to which audience personality type?


Fred has come into work late the past several days. Today, in the weekly meeting his manager Mark talks about the necessity to be on time to work. He tells everyone at the meeting that if an employee is late on a continual basis he will be given one warning and the second offense will be termination. Mark is displaying what type of leadership style?


Talib owns and manages a design firm. Each time team members land a new account he rewards them with the option of a more attractive commission structure. According to Chapter 2: Working in Teams, what type of leadership does this exemplify?


Five people are stranded on an island. Over time, Josephine gains the group's trust and is viewed as the leader. She is liked by many because of her charismatic personality and ability to help everyone work together for the betterment of the community. According to Chapter 2: Working in Teams, what leadership style does Josephine portray?

Transformational and emergent

Identify and define the various types of leadership styles and team roles.

Transformational: motivating through connecting the team members to a greater ideal Transactional: offer their followers concrete exchanges Assigned: an assigned leader Emergent: arises over time as team members begin to view one person as their leader. Authoritarian: dictatorship Democracy: everyone has a voice

practice speaking in front of mirrors

Trinity feels nervous about her presentation in her public speaking class next week. She is afraid that the audience will see her as nervous and lousy, and that they will laugh at her. Which of the following is NOT good advice for her to overcome her anxiety?

Valarie likes her doctor because he takes the time to listen thoughtfully to everything she has to say and advises her on the best actions to take. This demonstrates how people with good listening skills are seen as _____.


Perry-Casteneda Library

UT's largest library, named after Perry and Castenada

Define specific methods of conducting audience analysis

Use the needs assignment, demographic profiles, psychographic profiles, personality assessments,

Sweden's largest clothing retailer, H&M, wants to expand their brand and add home goods to their product line and retail stores. They've hired a New York trend-forecasting team to predict and present the future trends in home design. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, because the executives at H&M are not fluent in English, the trend-forecasting company should use which of the following intercultural communication guidelines: Read the presentation word for word and provide a handout to ensure understanding. Use direct eye contact to project confidence and preparedness. Use a bit of humor to establish rapport with the audience. Use visuals, pictures and graphs to help reinforce their points.

Use visuals, pictures and graphs to help reinforce their points.

Personality types

Using personality types to see what kind of people will be in your audience is an effective tool for audience analysis.

Discuss the verbal and nonverbal components of communication.

Verbal: tone of voice, phrasing Nonverbal: posture, facial expressions, body language Complementing: body language that corresponds with your words Substituting: using only non verbal cues Accenting: emphasizing certain words Repeating: using your body to point in direction Regulating: pace and flow of conversating Contradicting: nonverbal behavior does not align with verbal behavior

Book APA format - standard

Wachter, R. M., & Gupta, K. (2018). [startITALICS]Understanding patient safety[endITALICS] (3rd ed). New York, NY; McGraw-Hill Education.

closed domains

Website address types that are available only to certain sources that have been verified and authenticated: educational (.edu) and government (.gov, .mil) are good examples.


What are the majors, hometown, age, of the audience members?


What does the audience and presenter need?


What does your audience expect to learn or hear form you?


What is the audiences knowledge of the subject.


What specific needs should you address with your audience?


When faced with the ethical dilemma of a "conflict of interest," you have several options available to you. One course of action involves obligations of privacy, and a certain level of scrutiny. This way of dealing with a conflict of interest is called

Communication is the stimulation of meaning (not the transfer of meaning).

When people communicate, we do not put meanings into another person's mind, like dropping a letter into a post-office box. Instead, our communication stimulates the other person to create meaning.


Where will you stand before you give your presentation? Can all the audience members hear and see your presentation?

Communication expresses both content and relationships

Which communication proposition from Chapter 1 best explains the phrase "We need to talk," coming from a significant other rather than those same words coming from a word colleague?

incremental plagiarism

Which of the following terms means "failing to properly attribute a specific piece of information to its source, including faulty paraphrasing?"

large power distance

While serving in the military, Nissa was taught to respect her superiors by never questioning an officer of higher rank. By complying with what the military taught her, Nissa is adhering to what type of cultural value dimension?


Who is you audience? How many people will be in attendance


Why is the audience listening the the presentation? Who asked the audience members to attend?





Newspaper APA format - print

Yeginsu, C., & Prashant, S. R.. (2017, August 17). Malala Yousafzai, shot by Taliban. [startITALICS]The New York Times[endITALICS], pp. A1-A2.

Newspaper APA format - web

Yeginsu, C., & Prashant, S. R.. (2017, August 17). Malala Yousafzai, shot by Taliban. [startITALICS]The New York Times[endITALICS]. Retrieved from

As part of planning for her class speech on the Patriot Act (a controversial piece of legislation passed directly after 9/11), Brenda passed around a brief questionnaire asking whether her classmates were for or against the Act, did they think parts or all of the Act should change, etc. Was this a good idea?

Yes; this is a form of psychological audience analysis--a good thing to do for any kind of audience

When do you do an audience analysis

You always do an audience analysis regardless of the size of the audience.

ideational conflict

You are part of a team who is revitalizing an abandoned building near the city center with the goal of producing an environmentally responsible and healthy place to live. You find that when you make suggestions about the latest green technology to implement, one of your teammates regularly shoots it down because of cost, which inevitably leads to an argument about what's most important to the project. What type of conflict are you experiencing?

How can you understand those needs of you audience?

You could think about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ( from bottom to top): Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Social Needs, Self-Esteem Needs, Self-Actualization Needs

Set up a meeting with her and come prepared with posters and charts to demonstrate your competence

You moved into your job a year and a half ago, and want to ask your boss for a raise. You want to point out the work you've done, and know your boss is a low-context kind of person. Which is your best approach?

What is the one thing you must do even if you don't conduct a full- scale audience analysis

You must make sure you are well informed on the logistics and details of your audience and the audience setting prior to giving your presentation.

Currency; Accuracy

Your roommate, Kelly, is preparing a speech on Blu-Ray technology and wants to use an online technology advice center as a source. The website vigilantly updates consumers daily about problems and solutions surrounding Blu-Ray technology, but you notice that many of its proposed solutions are directly opposed to industry standards. Being a responsible 306M student, you advise Kelly that while the website clearly has a great deal of _________, it appears to lack in __________ and should be avoided as a source.

Website APA format - no date

[startITALICS]Texas[endITALICS]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Website APA format - no author

[startITALICS]Texas[endITALICS]. 2018. Retrieved from

bibliographic citations

a comprehensive approach toward referencing sources in the end of your outline

nominal group technique

a creative method in which each person comes up with ideas on their own before sharing them with the rest of the group

low-context culture

a culture in which meaning is expressed through explicit verbal messages

high-context culture

a culture in which the emphasis is on how intention or meaning can best be conveyed through the context and nonverbal channels


a decision-making method that pursues agreement among most team members while thoughtfully resolving and/or alleviating objections along the way

democratic leadership

a leadership style in which members participate in the decision-making process

laissez-faire leadership

a leadership style in which the leader is hand-off and allows members to make decisions on their own

authoritarian leadership

a leadership style in which the leader makes decisions by herself


a learned system of meanings which helps us make sense of and explain what is going on in our everyday surroundings

academic search complete

a major research database of scholarly sources available though the UT library homepage. also known as EBSCO

APA style

a particular method for organizing research into an outline and bibliography. very popular in the social sciences.

Conflict of interest

a person or organization has multiple interests at stake in a decision, and motivations from one of the interests may corrupt or interfere with decisions made about the other. Involve self- interest- or considering the benefits and consequences of an action for oneself first... can get in the way of making an ethical decision.


a person who is a compulsive communicator. he or she seemingly cannot "shut-up"

confirming response

a response that shows you care about the person and value what they have to say

writer's block

a sense of "stuckness" when trying to write.

conflict of interest

a situation in which a person or organization has multiple interests at stake in a decision and motivations from one of these interests may corrupt decisions made about another

ethical dilemma

a situation that forces one to choose between two or more competing ethical principles, or between options that could compromise your ethical principles but protect one's self-interest

In the small rural community where Ken lives, the firehouse whistle sounds at noon each day to signal to the farmers that it's time for lunch. The whistle is an example of _____.

a soundscape

Lexis Nexis Academic

a subscription-only database that gives users access to nearly every newspaper printed around the world


a tension between two opposing but valuable preferences

hyper personal communication

a theory that states mediated communication can lead participants to overshare and idealize others; sometimes leading them to bond more closely than they would during a face to face interaction


a therapeutic technique that helps anxious people reduce their fears by visualizing positive outcomes of future experiences

cognitive restructuring

a therapeutic technique that helps people whoa re anxious reduce their fears by changing unrealistic beliefs to more realistic ones

systematic desensitization

a therapeutic technique to help anxious people reduce their fears by associating communication with relaxation

cognitive therapy

a type of therapy that helps alleviate people's fears through directed conversation

psychographic profile

a way of better understanding your audience by compiling attitudinal information relative to values, beliefs, and ideology of your audience

demographic profile

a way of better understanding your audience by compiling statistical data relative to audience members' backgrounds

which needs to professional speeches meet?

achievement and friendship

Monique enjoyed Professor Kirchoff's class because her lectures were well-organized and error-free, and she always asked the students if they had any questions about the topic. Monique is a(n) _____-oriented listener.


dispositional anxiety

affects every part of your life; cannot escape; all encompassing

Corrine reminded her 10-year-old daughter that she needed to have patience when listening to her grandfather because he is hard of hearing and doesn't always know what the other person says. Which individual influence is playing a role in this listening process?


demographic profile

age; race; statistical data about the audience


agreement among most team members

UT Catalog

allows you to search all UT library holding and most research and archive collections


an assumed name. in the cased of mediated communication, this could be an email address, screen name, or the name of a video game character

rhetorical sensitivity

an audience-centered approach to communication in which other perspectives are taken into account

kickoff meeting

an initial assembly of your team to familiarize all members with the goals, expectations, and particulars of the project and each other


answering; giving feedback


any condition that affects the fidelity of the message being sent


areas of the citation--like author, title, journal title, abstract or full text--that are found in various journals

strategies for professional electronic communication

assume there's no privacy proper titles, no slang, sarcasm CC, BCC

Ana wants to call Ross, but she knows he is busy. Instead, she sends a Snapchat for him to open later. According to Chapter 7: Technologically Mediated Communication, Ana's communization choice demonstrates which of the following?


Understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication.

asynchronous not in real time and synchronous is

psychographic profile

attitudes, ideas, beliefs

Keith noticed Carla at a party and thought she was pretty. He went over to talk to her and soon found out they were both interested in distance running. They have now been dating for six weeks. Which theory best explains what drew Keith and Carla together?

attraction theory


audience members' likes and dislikes

As a team supervisor, Reya makes unilateral decisions and gives instruction without consulting any other members. According to Chapter 3: Working in Teams, which best describes Reya's leadership style? authoritarian centralized democratic laissez-faire


In a relationship with an individualistic orientation, you would find _____.

autonomy and independence

After spending several months dating, Ari and Ellen no longer go on any dates or weekend excursions together. In fact, they both work late shifts so they have an excuse for why they aren't available to spend time together. According to Knapp's stage model, Ari and Ellen's relationship development is at the _____ stage.


flexible intercultural communication

being adaptive, creative, and experimental in your communication style

mindful communication

being consciously aware of, and paying attention to our communication behavior

psychographic profile

better way of understanding audience by compiling attitudinal info relative to values, beliefs, ideology of audience

psychographic profile

better way of understanding your audience by compiling attitudinal information relative to the values and beliefs of your audience.

Health psychologist James J. Lynch conducted research that established a connection between human interaction, which includes listening, and _____.

cardiovascular health


choose course of action that creates the most good for the greatest number of people

interpersonal conflict

clashing communication, work, or personality types

There are hundreds of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska native tribes in the United States that embrace their own culture, language, and history and choose not to share values found in the dominant U.S. culture. These tribes are examples of _____.

cocultural groups

patchwork plagiarism

combining info from several different sources to create your work and either failing to properly cite them all or failing to add your own original contribution

patchwork plagiarism

combining information from different sources to create your work and either failing to properly cite them all or failing to add your own original contribution

Patchwork plagiarism

combining information from several different sources to create your own work. They all must be properly cited to be ethical, and your work must be creative and original.

Patchwork plagiarism

combining information from several sources


coming to a group conclusion without critical thinking or evaluation of alternatives

permanence of records

communication and messages are logged or archived in one or more places and can be accessed later


communication that allows a sender to create a message that is stored until the receiver retrieves it; does not occur in real-time


communication that is not occurring in real-time

low cues

communication that lacks the nonverbal information of face to face conversation

mediated communication

communication that takes place through a technological medium


communication where interactants send and receive messages in real time


communicators who are located in physical proximity (such as the same room)

What are conflicts of interest and how can they be managed?

conflicts: Ethical dilemma- refers to situations where an ethical choice is not easy to make - Conflict of Interest - Multiple interests - Ulterior motives - Self interest managed: 1. Removal: Best option (but not always the easiest) way to resolve a conflict of interest is to remove or avoid the conflict. 2. Disclosure: If removal is not an option, you should inform others about the existence of any conflicts of interests 3. Management: If removal and disclosure are not an option, Management is the next option. Management means proceeding even though the conflict of interest exists, but taking precautions to minimize the effects of the conflicts of interest.

self interest

considering benefits and consequences of oneself first and all others second


considering the benefits or consequences of an action for oneself first, and for others second

how does communication represent relationship and content

content- what is literally being said relationship- determines how you will say something; level or seriousness

When Trevor goes to a live theater performance, he remembers the main themes of the show, how well the themes were developed, and how credibly the themes were performed by the actors. Trevor displays which of the listening styles?


backchanneling cues

cues to let the speaker know you're listening

Kyra is from Wisconsin and when she attended school at the University of Georgia, she was surprised that the female students often wore dresses to the football games. This is an example of _____.

culture shock


cultures like the US, Canada, and Western Europe who value individual identity over group identity, individual rights over group rights, and individual needs over group needs

strong uncertainty avoidance

cultures that view conflict as a threat and to be avoided

weak uncertainty avoidance

cultures that view conflict as natural and potentially positive

small power distance

cultures that work together to achieve a democratic and egalitarian decision-making process and power structures


cybervetting - when employers use internet searches and social networking sites to find out info or screen potential hires

Pat made an anniversary dinner for Grayson. He accidently burned the meat and the corn-on-the-cob was raw. At the end of dinner, Grayson told him, "Dinner was wonderful." Which of the following best characterizes Grayson's behavior?


Demographic Profile

demographics relates to statistical data about an audience and a demographic profile of an audience enhances you understanding of the audience by gain demographic info on your audiences backgrounds

You are concerned that the person you are dating likes to talk about a lot of topics, but doesn't share personal information or private thoughts with you. You are concerned about which dimension of social penetration theory?


ideational conflict

different views for what topics should be given top priority

research databases

digital collections of publications including newspapers, journal articles, and reports

3 different types of feedback

direct feedback - immediate (audience asks Q's) indirect feedback - immediate (speaker looks for nonverbal cues) delayed feedback

Steve's parents frequently advise him on what he should do to be successful in his undergraduate program. Because they have never been to college, he is dismissive of what they have to say. Which type of inauthentic communication does this example demonstrate?


action items

documented tasks assigned to a member for completion by a particular time

moral compensation

doing something good to makeup for something bad

communication takes place in physical and psychological contexts

eighth proposition about interpersonal communication

high-context culture

emphasis on intention or meaning through context and nonverbal channels

Parul and her husband fled to America after their village was taken over by a hostile government. Even though they have lived in California for three years, she has trouble embracing the American culture while trying to maintain her own heritage, and she feels sad because she can never return home. Parul can be described as a(n) _____ marginal person.


When Jessa read the derisive e-mail her co-worker had sent, she realized it wasn't actually for her and had to decide if she should forward it to the person it was intended for. Which aspect of listening is Jessa using?


When 16-year-old Juno tells her parents that she is pregnant, they feel disappointed but respond with support. Their disappointment is an example of what part of the four stages of listening?


procedural conflict

everyone agrees on a goal, but don't know how to get there

laissez-faire leadership

everyone decides together

Tyra and Gene are meeting at a coffee shop, but they cannot hear each other because people next to them are talking loudly. According to Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication, this disruption demonstrates which component in the model of interpersonal communication? channel external noise feedback internal noise

external noise


external noise that takes place during the communication process

incremental plagiarism

failing to properly attribute a specific piece of info to its source, including faulty paraphrasing

incremental plagiarism

failing to properly attribute a specific piece of information to its source, including faulty paraphrasing.

Incremental plagiarism

failing to properly attribute a specific piece of information to its source. ex: there is no citation or "faulty paraphrasing"- citing a sentence that you paraphrased, but is too close to the original.


failure to exercise sufficient care to protect others from the foreseeable risk of harm caused by one's actions


falsely representing and material obtained from another source as your own work


falsely representing any material obtained from another source as your own work


falsely representing material gained from another source as your own work


feeling that you are an unwelcome focus of attention

communication is irreversible

fifth proposition about interpersonal communication

communication has both verbal and nonverbal components

first proposition about interpersonal communication

nominal group technique

for stimulating creativity write down ideas then pull together

meanings are in people

fourth proposition about interpersonal communication


from the Greek word for "the word;" it is translated as logic

level 5: self actualization

fulfillment of potential

nonverbal communication

gestures, eyecontact, posture, facial expressions

moral licensing

giving yourself permission to do bad because you have done something good

task leader

handles everything from decisions to work assignments

situational anxiety

happens when someone is put in a highly stressful situation; happens to everyone

You're a consultant, and the majority of your clients are required to speak to multicultural audiences. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, what would you recommend your clients consider when delivering speeches?

having multiple modes of presentations


having multiple types of connections with another person in your group

democratic leadership

hear what have to say, then leader decide

The sound waves that a person picks up when something heavy falls to the floor are part of the _____ stage of the listening process.


difference between hearing and listening

hearing - physical process listening - to hear something with thoughtful attention; give cosideration

Amelia is very knowledgeable and skilled at her job. However, she makes boring PowerPoint presentations that sometimes don't work the way they should. According to Chapter 7: Technology Mediated Communication, what is this most likely to affect?

her credibility

large power distance

hierarchical cultures where there is a clear chain of command and communication interactions are dependent on where one's position falls on the hierarchy

large power distance

hierarchical cultures where there's clear chain of command and comm interactions are dependent on one's position in hierarchy


how people block off, or identify, the point when a sequence of words or behaviors starts and stops

What is the predominant value in the United States regarding the human-nature relationship?

humans rule over nature


ideas, feelings, information, and the like presented to an audience through a variety of methods as selected by the presenter, and preferably developed at all times with the audience in mind.

transactional leader

ill give you something in return for following me


in postmodern ethics, the obligation to respond to the actions of others.

During her semester in Ecuador, Elizabeth realized how privileged she was to be able to study abroad and to travel to different countries in South America during her school vacation. Which aspect of Elizabeth's learning does this reflect?

increased self-awareness

Sean delivered an excellent persuasive speech. However, his instructor noticed that he neglected to provide a citation for two statistics. According to Chapter 2: Communication Ethics, Sean's missing citations demonstrate what type of plagiarism? Global Incremental Negligent Patchwork


You value individual initiatives, achievements, and personal accountability - your values are reflective of the _____ value dimension


Which step in Knapp's stage model occurs when both people seek to increase intimacy and connectedness?


What are the two types of hurtful messages?

intentional and unintentional

audience-centered presenter

is a presenter who recognize, anticipate, and respond to those needs the best they can

When people perceive a threat to an existing relationship, they often feel ___



judge action by its consequences


judging; criticizing

When he broke up with his partner, Nicholas said it was for the best because now they could both devote more time to their studies. Which disengagement strategy did Nicholas use?



learning; deciphering meaning

what are some sources for presentation and what are best?

library catalog academic journals (peer reviewed) books magazines newspaper internet interviews

tension releaser

lightens mood

subjective listening

listening that is peculiar to a certain individual; the listening skills are modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background, i.e., a subjective account of the incident

what is a low cues environment and how can you manage impressions in such an environment?

low cues - lack info in face-to-face (ex: text) encourages shy members to participate, equalizes genders, but it's easier to slack

As social media continues to be a vital part of communication, some communication experts have added the term _____, or following social media posts without responding, to their definition of listening.


low cues

many digital communication technologies, particularly text-based technologies, lack much of the information we have in face-to-face interactions

plagiarism (UT ethics)

means falsely representing any information obtained from another source as your own work.


mediated communication that occurs with both participants attending to message exchange in real-time


medium through which a message passes on its way from source to receiver

role conflict

misunderstanding about who should be leader, or what they are in charge of

audience adaptation

modifying or changing the structure, design and/or delivery of your speech to your listeners to enhance message clarity, as well as making your examples and illustrations specifically applicable to your audience to help achieve and maintain audience interest

audience adaptation

modifying speech to listeners to enhance the message clarity and make examples applicable to my audience.

transformational leadership

motivating team members by connecting them to a greater ideal

transactional leadership

motivating team members using a system of regards and punishments

Taylor doesn't know why he has to take a communication class in college—he knows how to talk to other people. Taylor appears to be lacking in the most important component of improving intercultural communication, which is _____.


transformational leader

motives people for the common good; with words that inspire

permanence of records

one feature of many online communication technologies, particularly text based. communication and messages are logged or archived in one or more places and can be accessed later

audience-centered presenter

one who is ever-mindful of the audience in making his/her presentation, and who adapts to the changing nature of message delivery given the human facets of audience members


originator of a message


our public selves that make up who we want to be seen as

Natalie wants to directly quote an author's comment in her essay. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, which of the following should Natalie include in the in-text direct quotation? Author's first name Journal name Page number Volume number

page number

Julia uses six journal articles as the sources for her essay. She discusses and correctly cites all six articles, but fails to provide an original contribution. According to Chapter 2: Communication Ethics, Julia committed which form of plagiarism? global incremental partial patchwork


After the first day of accounting class, Shondra stopped to talk with three other students and after a friendly exchange, discovered they enjoyed playing tennis as much as she did. She asked if they wanted to get together for a match later that week. Which listening style is Shondra displaying?


academic journals

periodical publications produced by scholarly presses; usually dedicated to one area or sub-area of research; usually searchable online

Which of these characteristics is associated with a long-term orientation?


assigned leader

picked leader at the beginning of the task

During her year-long study with the Denmark government, Brita discovered that leaders there emphasized equality and their interaction with subordinates was less formal than in the United States. Which cultural value did she experience?

power distance

audience analysis

proactively and systematically gathering and reviewing information about those to whom you will be presenting your message in an effort to increase presentation effectiveness

audience analysis

proactively and systematically gathering or reviewing info about your audience to increase presentation effectiveness

Discuss the positives and pitfalls of permanence of records

pros: easy to find things you need like doctors appointments cons: stays there forever can regret

central negative

provides alternate view of criticism to group ideas


recalling; retaining


recasting your interpretation of an event from a different perspective


recipient of a message

positive reinforcement

regard for engaging in some activity. when an audience applauds you during a presentation, you are receiving ____

Rather than listen to the lecture, Juliette was busy thinking about what question she could ask so she could earn participation points for the class. Which ineffective listening behavior is Juliette demonstrating?


What to do when there's a conflict of interest?

removal - remove/avoid conflict management - proceed even though conflict of interest exists disclosure - inform others about existence of conflict of interest

information provider


In the listening process, when you _____ you show others how you regard their message.


confirming responses

response that shows you care about the person and value what they have to say

postmodern ethics

responsibility consider relationship between actions of others and one's own choice of actions

A cultural group that focuses on a strong work ethic and minimizes the importance of personal relationships and enjoying life is considered high in _____.



revealing personal info to an online audience


revealing personal or intimate information to an online audience

you cannot not communicate

second proposition about interpersonal communication

model of interpersonal communication

sender-----> channel-------> receiver ^ | | | | v -------------------------------feedback


service provider used for sending digital communication; usually associated with emails

communication is a learned skill

seventh proposition about interpersonal communication


shared leadership of cooperates, with individual responsibility; product one final product

emergent leader

shines over time; who people see as the leader


short summaries of an entire article that help the reader grasp the main points of the study


shyness or communication apprehension

Which of these words best describes homogeneity in a relationship?


Global Plagiarism

simply taking another persons work in full and representing it as your own while making little or no change to the material.

ethical dilemma

situation that forces one to choose between 2 or more competing ethical principles, or between options that could compromise your ethical principles but protect one's self interest

Difference between situational and dispositional anxiety

situational - normal for people in stressful situations dispositional - anxiety during all communication

communication is a neutral tool

sixth proposition about interpersonal communication

Bryan listens carefully when the endodontist explains how to care for his mouth after his wisdom teeth are removed. Which societal force is affecting Bryan's communication behavior?

social hierarchy

Lai's mother is from Thailand and her father is from Korea. Lai is a border dweller through _____.


Tina is giving a speech about great humanitarians during the twentieth century. She states, "Mother Teresa, a nun who dedicated her life to various causes, says 'I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money.'" According to Chapter 8: Sources For Your Presentation, does Tina need to use a qualifier for this particular source?

some sources carry their own credibility

external noise

someone physically making noise; creating distractions

Boolean Operators

special language codes that facilitate database searches by combing terms in particular ways and by specifying the way information is retrieved


specialized and complicated terminology used by a particular discipline

rigid rules

standards for behavior that people don't alter even when the situation warrants


statistical data about the audience

demographic profile


low-context culture


When you use openness to end a relationship, you ____

straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending


strong leader; individually held accountable; individual work-products; delegates


study of what ought to be right and wrong

multiple submissions

submitting same work for more than one class

multiple submissions

submitting the same work for more than one class

How does communication express content and relationships?

substance and emotional aspect leads listener to think speaker likes/dislikes interested/not in their relationship

Carmen and Raoul have been in a relationship for two years. Raoul thought everything was fine, but one day, Carmen told him it was over—without giving him any prior warning. This relationship ending is an example of _____.

sudden death

difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication

synchronous - exchange in real time asynchronous - not

Identify three keys for engaging as an ethical listener.

take notes, listen actively, give considerate feedback


takes place within the channel

global plagiarism

taking another person's work in full and representing it as your own while making little or no change to the material

Global plagiarism

taking someone's work and turning it in as your own

difference between teams and groups

teams have goals, rules, roles, interpersonal coordination


tendency of a person to avoid social interaction


tension between 2 opposing but valuable preferences

Mindful listening involves three elements: (1) the desire to get the whole message, (2) the willingness to place your agenda lower in priority than the speaker's, and (3) _____.

the ability to eliminate noise barriers


the act of interpreting a situation and treating the interpretation as real


the affective aspect of a message

stage fright

the anxiety a person experiences when speaking in public

dispositional communication anxiety

the anxiety that you feel about communicating in most situations. often called "trait-like anxiety"


the broad value tendencies of a culture in emphasizing the importance of the "we" identity over the "I" identity, group rights over individual rights, and in-group needs over individual wants and desires


the capabilities of the technology used to communicate online.


the changes in culture, the industrialization of work, the shift from villages to towns and cities, the rise of individualism, decline of community, and the technological advance that account for our present social situation


the consequentialist principle that one should choose the course of action that creates the most good for the greatest number of people

source and receiver, encoding and decoding, message, channel, feeedback, and noise

the eight major components of communication

UT library catalogue

the electronic listing of all UT's library holdings

Virtue ethics (ethical orientation)

the ethical quality of an action is defined by the intentions of the actor. "it's the thought that counts". You judge a speech according to the speakers goals... everything is good if the speaker "means well". Main concern of speaker is building credibility.


the extent to which the message after transmission is similar to the message originally transmitted


the first stage of hearing is when you receive the message (or listen to it)

Define ethics.

the general and systematic study of what ought to be the grounds and principles for right and wrong human behavior


the general and systematic study of what ought to be the grounds and principles for right and wrong human behavior


the general and systematic study of what ought to be the grounds and principles for right and wrong human behavior.

communication apprehension

the general predisposition to avoid situations that require communication


the interplay between encoding and decoding messages

Stacey says, "He's so attractive. I bet his romantic partner is very good looking too." This assumption reflects the ideas of _____.

the matching hypothesis


the medium through which a message passes on its way from source to receiver

least group size

the minimum number of people needed to achieve the desired results

situational anxiety

the normal anxiety people experience when they find themselves in a stressful situation


the originator of a message


the overall feel of the group, composed of all the group's relationships


the perspective that ethical action can be discovered by examining the act itself and identifying and acting upon one's obligations and duties

postmodern ethics

the perspective that the best way to determine the ethical course of action is to consider the relationship between the actions of others and one's own choice of actions

virtue ethics

the perspective that the ethical quality of an action is determined by the intentions and virtue of the actor


the perspective that the ethical quality of an action should be determined by evaluating the consequences


the process whereby one person stimulates meaning in the mind of another through verbal and/or nonverbal means


the receiver's act of attaching meaning to a message sent by a source


the recipient of a message


the result of an act of encoding


the source's act of transforming an idea into a message to transmit to a receiver


the substantive aspect of a message

intercultural communication

the symbolic exchange process whereby individuals from two or more different cultural communities negotiate shared meanings in an interactive situation


the tendency of a person to avoid social interactions

process, stimulation, and verbal and nonverbal

the three critical ideas of the definition of communication are that communication is a:


the way in which people segment a sequence of words or behaviors

communication expresses both content and relationship

third proposition about interpersonal communication


those upon whom the ideas, feelings, information, e.g. the message, are presented


to bring to mind or think of again; to keep in mind for attention or consideration


to determine or fix the value of; to determine the significane, worth, or condition of, usually by careful appraisal and study


to explain or tell the meaning of; to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgement, or circumstance


to gain knowledge of by hearing. to listen to with attention


to grasp the meaning of; to accept as a fact or truth or regard as plausible without utter certainty


to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of; to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences


to pay attention to sound. To hear something with thoughtful attention: give consideration


to pay attention to sounds. to hear something with thoughtful attention: give consideration


to say something in return: make an answer; to react

Talib owns and manages a design firm. Each time team members land a new account, he rewards them with the option of a more attractive commission structure. According to Chapter 3: Working in Teams, what type of leadership does this exemplify? Transformational Transactional Incentive based Democratic


various types of leadership styles

transformational - motivate by connecting team to greater ideal transactional - rewards and punishments assigned emergent authoritarian laissez faire - hands off; lets group make decisions on own democratic - members can participate

Doug spends three weeks each year in Haiti as a missionary for his church. He is an example of a border dweller through _____.



two or more people working together to produce a result they could not have produces on their own

authoritarian leadership

ultimate say in decision


understanding that your personal opinions and preferences are only temporary, and you might change your mind if you heard a better idea

Psychographic Profile, audience analysis

uses info about audience values and beliefs to understand the audience by things like attitudinal- specific survey, opinion survey, and reviewing the vision and mission statements of the organizations.

multiple submissions (UT ethics)

using same work for one or more class, even if assignments are the same.


using small amounts of information of someone else and not citing them


verbal or nonverbal messages sent from the receiver to the sender

socio-emotional leader

view nonverbal signals

silent observer

watches quietly but speaks important ideas

weak uncertainty avoidance vs. strong

weak - conflict is positive strong - conflict is negative


what audience members hold to be true or false


what audience members judge to be right or wrong

conflict of interest

when a person or organization has multiple interests at stake in a decision and motivations from those interests may corrupt or interfere with decisions about another; difficult to be unbiased

social loafing

when a team member slacks off because he knows the work will get done regardless of his or her effort

cyber vetting

when employers use internet searches and social networking sites to find out information or screen potential hires


when employers use internet searches and social networking sites to find out information or screen potential hires

internal noise

within a person; headache; personal problems; psychological

verbal communication

words, what is being said literally

small power distance

work together for egalitarian decision making process

The professor cautioned the study-abroad students against dehumanizing the people and things they would see when they visited Nairobi—while they seemed "exotic," they were humans just like the students. Communication scholar Bradford Hall termed this tendency the "_____."

zoo approach

In her presentation on healthcare, Dalia wants to use a 2015 New York Times newspaper article written by Gina Kolata. According to Chapter 8: Sources for Your Presentation, what would be the best way to introduce her source the first time she mentions it in her presentation?

"In 2015, Gina Kolata, a healthcare writer at the New York Times wrote..."

A lawyer is representing a young girl who was injured in a hit-and-run car accident. He conducts a psychographic profile of the jury ahead of time to make his closing statements more dramatic. According to Chapter 6: Audience Analysis, which of the following statements represents the information he might have gathered from a psychographic profile?

"Many of you believe that we need stricter traffic laws. Perhaps if we did, this child would not be injured today."


"The nail that sticks up will be hammered down" is an example of a saying from what kind of culture?


"do unto others as you would have them do unto you" consistent act on obligations and duties

virtue ethics

"it's the thought that counts"

learned helplessness

"learning" through experience that you can't change a situation

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