CN Quiz 14
Which of the following hypothetical experimental results would support the idea that the two hemispheres have different conscious experiences?
A split-brain patient's right hemisphere cannot infer that "match" and "paper" can lead to fire.
Which statement below is both true and suggestive that chimpanzees and bonobos might have a conscious state?
They share a common ancestor with humans.
Patients in a vegetative state are evidence for which of the following statements?
Wakefulness does not depend on consciousness
Which of the following would NOT result from damage to the pons?
How did Newton add to the notion that we are not in control of our actions?
by concluding that all physical matter operates on fixed and knowable laws
Which structure is responsible for extended consciousness?
cerebral cortex
The scaffolding to storage framework was proposed to account for the movement from ________ to ________.
conscious ; unconscious
The theory of bidirectional causation in conscious thought suggests that phenomenal awareness ________
exists from interactions between layers
The emotional reactivity hypothesis suggests that humans may have undergone self-domestication by selecting
for control over emotional reactivity.
Which of the following areas has a key role in implementing fair behaviors?
its not --> left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
A neural event occurs at 1:00 p.m. Libet's backward referral hypothesis suggests that awareness is assigned to what time?
not--> 500 milliseconds before 1:00 p.m.
Which of the following is NOT assumed by the United States legal system?
not--> damage to a brain can reduce responsibility
Wild dogs developed the characteristics of domestic dogs as fear inhibition
not--> decreased
Without punishment, free riders cause cooperation to
not--> expand
Why are we not able to perfectly predict chaotic systems?
not--> free will
If the human brain follows the reductionist principles of the lobster gut, a certain behavior can be driven by
not--> one set of cellular and synaptic properties.
A toddler sees two members of their social group sharing. The toddler will likely
not-->be suprised
Which system processes novel task demands under the scaffolding to storage framework?
Which of the following abilities do chimpanzees NOT possess?
sharing intentionality
When a disturbed ball at the top of a hill could move in any direction, the system is said to be
symmetry breaking.