Obama said
"American Students should learn computer science if we want to stya on the cutting edge and remian competitive
Josh Kwon
1. artwork using platform 2. draw connections to Algebra concepts with coding 3. ScratchED
Drew- Dropbox Lee- LettuceBot Jess Lee-Polyvore Vida UCSF -medicine Engineer at Opower-Brett Becky-meteorologist Microsoft software eingineer- Federico Miral-iluminate May-Li-Inventor-Woker at Apple Trina-Develops for pixar
19th century- industrial revolution -agriculture 20th- physics and eingineering 21st-internet Drew _____________ Lee______ Jess Lee____ Vida _________ Brett________ Becky______ Federico_____ Miral____ Trina_______ May li____
Jobs Problem solving and computational skills Fun and Engaging
3 reasons for why coding is important
1. Learning programming empowers kids- and gives them tools to express themselves in cool ways (Controlling Robots and Machines, Getting a computer to solve complicated problems, turning creativity into an interactive reality, Ideas made accessible to millions 2. It's as easy as learning a language (best done young) 3. Diverse early-learning benefits kids (Estonia-1st graders) 4. Becoming fluent with technology (Going from simply interacting with technology to creating technology and expressing oneself in new ways. 5. We need more programmers Over the next ten years -1.4 million -400,000 -1 million 67% 1/10 60% 2%
5 reasons to teach kids how to code _____programming jobs to fill with only _________graduates in computer science ____leaving empty jobs ____of these jobs are outside the tech sector ______in___ school currently teach computer science _____ of math and science jobs are computing jobs ____of math and science students are computer science students
A flexible "sandbox" platform that allows students to build games, Web apps and animations or control hardware.
Hour of Code
Classic Maze Star Wars Minecraft
Hour of Code Millions of students in grades K-12 spend at least 1 hour of coding.
Coding Importance
Coding can change and impact people's lives
Sphero Dash&Dot
Friday__________ Friday_________
Hour of Code activities are ___________
It's a puzzle game where you teach a robot how to move crates.
Make sure you know name on bottom Power button Plus sign to connect Open ended free forum programming
critical thinking and problem solving
Math skills in coding
More than _________million people have tried the Hour of Code since it was introduced in 2013
Move robot all around and light up all blue tiles Command for every step you take
Visit tutorials / how-to guides
Need help with Hour of Code?
Hour of Code nonprofit initiative- tens of millions of student participants
New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio's recent announcement that he intends to require teaching of computer science in all grades for all students.
Problem with students in technology - can read but can't write with new technologies
Students are struggling expressing and creative with new technologies
pair programming
Students learn best with __________-sharing a computer and working together
They believe that in the early childhood years especially, long periods spent passively in front of a two-dimensional screen would be developmentally _____________________
Hopscotch Tynker
Weds __________ Weds ___________ Weds__________
Computer Science Education Week December 3-9 Can host all year held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
When is the Hour of Code?
The Hour of Code is driven by the Hour of Code and Computer Science Education Week Advisory and Review Committees as well as an unprecedented coalition of partners that have come together to support the Hour of Code — including Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the College Board.
Who is behind the Hour of Code?
It helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path
Why computer science?
Kodable Lightbot Cargo Bot
___________-Monday _______________-Monday _____________-Monday
Hour of code 400 200,000
____________started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. __________partners ____________educators
________should be introduced alongside or even before traditional reading, writing and math.
computational thinking
allows preschoolers to grasp concepts like algorithms, recursion and heuristics—even if they don't understand the terms, they'll learn the basic concepts
also called programming or developing is telling a computer, app, phone, or website what you want it to do. 'new literacy'
Marina Umaschi Bers
co-developer of ScratchJr and robotics kit called Kibo CHERP
Coding importance
coding to learn -enables students to learn other things and open other opportunities
easiest one Kindergartners Left all the way to the right to navigate the maze Drag blocks from right side to left side Green box-where program is currently at Can track progress of students
Mitch Resnick Scratch
interactive mother's day card with _____________fluent with technologies
Grant Hosford-founder of codespark aimed at children as young as 5 and it has been downloaded 700,000 times so far in 150 countries
programmable Lego toy-Mindstorms
Josh Kwon
screen dodge falling watermelons-built a game
Sam Patterson
technology integration specialist- author of programming in the early grades
Have trouble stopping
what is the problem with kids coding?