cog psych exam 2

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n the experiment in which participants sat in an office and then were asked to remember what they saw in the office, participants "remembered" some things, like books, that weren't actually there. This experiment illustrates the effect of _____ on memory.


The three structural components of the modal model of memory are

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory.

The propaganda effect demonstrates that we evaluate familiar statements as being true

simply because we have been exposed to them before.

The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of _____ on memory.

source misattributions

Your text discusses how episodic and semantic memories are interconnected. This discussion revealed that when we experience events,

the knowledge that makes up semantic memories is initially attained through a personal experience based in episodic memory

According to the _____ approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations.


When investigating the serial position curve, presenting the word list at a slower pace

increases the primacy effect.

Sperling's delayed partial report procedure provided evidence that

information in sensory memory fades within 1 or 2 seconds.

From the behavior of H.M., who experienced memory problems after a brain operation, we can conclude that the hippocampus is important in

long-term memory acquisition.

Experiments that argue against a special flashbulb memory mechanism find that as time increases since the occurrence of the flashbulb event, participants

make more errors in their recollections.

The idea that we remember life events better because we encounter the information over and over in what we read, see on TV, and talk about with other people is called the

narrative rehearsal hypothesis

It is easier to perform two tasks at the same time if

one is handled by the sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop.

When light from a flashlight is moved quickly back and forth on a wall in a darkened room, it can appear to observers that there is a trail of light moving across the wall, even though physically the light is only in one place at any given time. This experience is an effect of memory that occurs because of

persistence of vision.

Physiological studies indicate that damage to the area of the brain known as the _____ can disrupt behaviors that depend on working memory.

prefrontal cortex

The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is

15-20 seconds.

A study participant is given a list of words to remember. One week later, he recalls the list. Let's say that one of the list words was PEAR. Which of the following, none of which actually appeared on the list, would be most likely incorrectly recalled if the participant doesn't remember PEAR?


Which task below would most likely be used to test for implicit memory?

Completing a word for which the first and last letter have been supplied

____ transforms new memories from a fragile state, in which they can be disrupted, to a more permanent state, in which they are resistant to disruption


Which of the following involves procedural memory?

Reading a sentence in a book

For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for

adolescence and early adulthood

In Lindsay's "misinformation effect" experiment, participants saw a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer. This slide presentation included narration by a female speaker who described what was happening in the slides as they were shown. Results showed that the misinformation effect was greatest when MPI presentation was

auditory from a female speaker.

Arkes and Freedman's "baseball game" experiment asked participants to indicate whether the following sentence was present in a passage they had previously read about events in a game: "The batter was safe at first." Their findings showed inaccurate memories involved

creations from inferences based on baseball knowledge

Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as


In the "War of the Ghosts" experiment, participants' reproductions contained inaccuracies based on

cultural expectations.

The primacy effect is attributed to

recall of information stored in LTM.

This multiple choice question is an example of a ____ test.


A patient with impaired episodic memory would most likely have the greatest difficulty in

remembering where a best friend had moved.

Kieran found that studying for his Spanish exam made it more difficult to remember some of the vocabulary words he had just studied for his French exam earlier in the day. This is an example of

retroactive interference.

Articulatory suppression causes a decrease in the word-length effect because

saying "the, the, the" fills up the phonological loop.

The defining characteristic of implicit memory is that

we are not conscious we are using it.

Recent research on memory, based largely on fear conditioning in rats, indicates that

when a memory is reactivated, it becomes fragile, just as it was immediately after it was formed.

The "magic number," according to Miller, is

7 plus or minus 2

Which of the following statements is true of police lineups?

A sequential lineup increases the chance that the witness compares each person in the lineup to his or her memory of the event.

How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories?

Elaborative is more effective than maintenance.

Which of the following is NOT a conclusion from the case of H.M., who had an operation to help alleviate his epileptic seizures?

LTMs are stored in the hippocampus.

According to the levels of processing theory, which of the following tasks will produce the best long-term memory for a set of words?

Making a connection between each word and something you've previously learned

_______ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory.


Peterson and Peterson studied how well participants can remember groups of three letters (like BRT, QSD) after various delays. They found that participants remembered an average of 80 percent of the groups after 3 seconds but only 10 percent after 18 seconds. They hypothesized that this decrease in performance was due to _____, but later research showed that it was actually due to _____.

decay; interference

Funahashi and coworkers recorded neurons in the PF cortex of monkeys during a delayed response task. These neurons showed the most intense firing during


Brief sensory memory for sound is known as

echoic memory

As soon as they return to the first room, they are reminded of what they wanted in the first place. This common experience best illustrates the principle of

encoding specificity.

The principle that we learn information together with its context is known as

encoding specificity.

Acquiring information and transforming it into memory is


An example of a dissociation is evidenced by a brain-injured patient who

exhibits a recency effect but no primacy effect.

Slameka and Graf's (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had to fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the

generation effect.

The recency effect occurs when participants are asked to recall a list of words. One way to get rid of the recency effect is to

have participants count backwards for 30 seconds after hearing the last word of the list.

According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are

short and across several days.

The word-length effect reveals that

the phonological loop of the working memory model has a limited capacity.

Memory enhancement due to repetition priming is a result of

the test stimulus being the same or resembling the priming stimulus.

Transfer-appropriate processing is likely to occur if

the type of encoding and type of retrieval match.

Imagine yourself walking from your car, bus stop, or dorm to your first class. Your ability to form such a picture in your mind depends on

the visuospatial sketch pad.

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