Cognitive Psychology Ch 10 Quiz

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The misinformation effect occurs when a person's memory for an event is modified by misleading information presented a.after the event. b.before the event. c.during the event. d.all of the above


Jacoby's experiment, in which participants made judgments about whether they had previously seen the names of famous and non-famous people, found that inaccurate memories based on source misattributions occurred after a delay of a.24 hours. month. hour. week.


According to the predictions of the false memory demonstration, how often should participants remember the special/related distractors. rarely more often than normal distractors less often than normal distractors never


A script is a type of schema that also includes knowledge of a.what is involved in a particular experience. b.a sequence of actions. c.information stored in both semantic and episodic memory. d.items appropriate to a particular setting.


Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, Harry believes that drinking dandelion tea would improve his long-term memory because he saw several news stories and articles about it online. What is Harry experiencing? a.Source monitoring error b.Illusory truth effect c.Misinformation effect d.Pragmatic inference


A lesson to be learned from the research on flashbulb memories is that a.rehearsal cannot account for them. b.they are permanent and resist forgetting. c.people's confidence in a memory predicts its accuracy (high confidence = high accuracy). d.extreme vividness of a memory does not mean it is accurate.


The experiment for which people were asked to make fame judgments for both famous and non-famous names (and for which Sebastian Weissdorf was one of the names to be remembered) illustrated the effect of __________ on memory. a.repeated rehearsal of distinctive names b.encoding specificity c.schemas d.source misattributions


Research on eyewitness testimony reveals that a.despite public misconception, eyewitnesses are usually very accurate when selecting a perpetrator from a lineup. b.highly confident eyewitnesses are usually accurate. is unnecessary to warn an eyewitness that a suspect may or may not be in a lineup. d.when viewing a lineup, an eyewitness's confidence in his or her choice of the suspect can be increased by an aut


Unconscious plagiarism of the work of others is known as a.repeated recall. b.repeated reproduction. c.narrative rehearsal. d.cryptoamnesia.


Which statement below is NOT true, based on the results of memory research? a.Many miscarriages of justice have occurred based on faulty eyewitness testimony. b.Although eyewitness testimony is often faulty, people who have just viewed a videotape of a crime are quite accurate at picking the "perpetrator" from a lineup. c.Suggestion can create false memories for events that occurred when a person was a young child. d.Suggestion can create false memories for an event that a person has experienced just recently.


Which of the following is key to the illusory truth effect? a.Stress b.Culture c.Source d.Repetition


According to the ______ approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations. a.source b.event-specific c.misinformation d.constructive


Autobiographical memory research shows that a person's brain is more extensively activated when viewing photos a.the person has never seen before. b.the person has seen before. c.of familiar places. d.the person took himself or herself.


Ellen is 52 years old. Which of the following experiences has most likely faded from her memory? a.Moving into her first apartment b.Going to her high school prom c.Getting her driver's license d.Winning the first grade spelling bee


Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding post-event information and the misinformation effect? a.The provision of accurate post-event information provided a paradoxical (and as of yet unexplained) increase in the misinformation effect b.Misinformation effects are significantly reduced when post-event information is provided, but only if that information is given within just a few minutes of the initial event. c.The misinformation effect does not occur when people are told explicitly that the post-event information may be incorrect d.Even when participants are told that the post-event information is incorrect, the misinformation effect can still oc


If you were given the words jog, gallop, sprint, jump, track, chase, and escape and asked to remember them, which of the following words would you be most likely to falsely remember? River Cat Happy Run

d. run

Lindsay's misinformation effect experiment, in which participants were given a memory test about a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer, showed that participants are influenced by misleading post-event information a.even if they are told to ignore the post-event information. b.only if the misleading post-event information is presented immediately after viewing the event. c.if the misleading post-event information is consistent with social stereotypes. d.if they believe the post-event information is correct.


Wei has allergy symptoms. He has gone to his regular doctor and an allergy specialist, but he wasn't given a prescription by either doctor. Instead, he was advised to buy an over-the-counter medicine. While he was in the specialist's waiting area, he read a magazine where he saw three ads for an allergy medicine called SneezeLess. A week later, in a drug store, Wei says to his brother, "My doctor says SneezeLess works great. I'll buy that one." Wei and his doctor never discussed SneezeLess. Wei has fallen victim to which of the following errors? a.Source monitoring b.Recovered memory c.Schema confusion d.MPI


In the "word list" false memory experiment where several students incorrectly remembered hearing the word sleep, false memory occurs because of a.constructive memory processes. b.verbatim recall. c.the effect of scripts. d.cryptoamnesia


According to the cognitive hypothesis, experiences that occur during periods of rapid personal development followed by periods of stability tend to be easier to remember due to which of the following? a.Narrative rehearsing b.Strong encoding c.Youth bias d.Cultural scripts

b. strong encoding

For most adults over age 40, the reminiscence bump describes enhanced memory for a.childhood and middle age. b.childhood and adolescence. c.young adulthood and middle age. d.adolescence and young adulthood.


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