Cole 11.1-11.4

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40. What event led to the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii?

•her decision to abolish the constitution that had given political power to the white planter minority

18. Why did Alice Paul's strategy alarm many in the suffrage movement?

Bc she wanted to use protests and force suffrage.

37. What did W.E.B. Du Bois believe about African Americans and racial relations in the United States?

He wanted IMMEADIATE change

In the late 1800s, why were Europeans looking overseas for places to sell their products?

Tariffs reduced trade among industrialized countries

29. Why did William Howard Taft fire Gifford Pinchot?


At the Pan-American Conference, why did the United States want Latin American delegates to agree to a customs union?

Bc it would reduce tariffs among American nations

38. What effect did the phrase "Remember the Maine!" have on public opinion in the United States during the period just before the Spanish-American War?

Made them want to go to war.

3. In the late 1800s, why did support grow in the U.S. for building a large modern navy?

To avoid being shut out of foreign markets

32. In what way did the year 1898 represent a turning point for the United States?

We became a world power.

14. What crop did American settlers in Hawaii realize that the climate and soil of the islands were good for growing?


12. How did Theodore Roosevelt become president the first time?

•Bc McKinley was assassinated

21. Why did Theodore Roosevelt try to win the Republican nomination from William Howard Taft for the 1912 election?

•Bc he failed to live up to progressive ideals.

6. Why was Theodore Roosevelt chosen as McKinley's running mate in the 1900 election?

•Bc of his charisma and war fame.

41. Why did industrialists support American expansion overseas?

•Bc the areas would provide new sources of raw materials and customers.

15. In 1903, what country did the United States negotiate with for the right to build a canal through its province of Panama?


42. What happened to Cuba and Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War?

•Cuba was free and Puerto Rico was annexed.

26. What did Roosevelt believe Taft's focus on breaking up trusts would lead to?

•Destroy the system of cooperation and regulation Roosevelt had arranged.

23. According to the Constitution, how were U.S. senators originally elected?

•Elected by the legislatures of each state

5. What were the outcomes of the Treaty of Paris of 1898?

•Hawaii became an official territory of the U.S.

7. By the late 1800s, why had the growth of investment opportunities in Eastern Europe slowed?

•Most of the industries Europe's economy needed had been built.

25. What was the laissez-faire argument for the best way to preserve public land?

•Sell it to lumber companies, who would conserve it as a source of profits.

9. What helped fuel American support for Cuban rebels?

•Stories published in rival newspapers.

28. Who actually filed more antitrust lawsuits...Roosevelt or Taft?


33. What was the outcome of the Foraker Act, passed by Congress in 1900?

•The US ended military rule in Puerto Rico and set up a civil government.

11. What did those who supported of annexing the Philippines believe?

•The islands would provide the US with a naval base

4. How did the United States cause an economic crisis in Cuba?

•They put tariffs on sugar

10. In 1898 why did President McKinley send the battleship Maine to Havana?

•To protect Americans if necessary.

24. What did the tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company lead to?

•building codes required fire escapes

13. Why did Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906?

•for mediating a treaty to end the war between Russia and Japan

19. What do Socialists believe in?

•government ownership of business

22. How did Theodore Roosevelt view the coal miners' strike against mine owners in 1902?

•groups pursuing their private interests at the expense of the nation

39. What was one strategy used by the National Women's Party to secure passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

•hunger strikes and picketing

What did Wilson believe lower tariff rates would do?

•improve products and lower prices

35. What was the primary effect of the Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

•it legalized segregation in many parts of the country

20. What did Theodore Roosevelt warn William Howard Taft about tariff reform?

•it would divide the Republican Party

34. Which problem was the muckraker Upton Sinclair most concerned to expose?

•poor working conditions in American factories

17. Why did Wisconsin become known as "the laboratory of democracy"?

•support of direct primaries

31. Although he was previously a member of the Republican Party, what other party did Theodore Roosevelt represent in his 1912 run for President?

•the Progressive Party

36. Which of the following did the National Reclamation Act of 1902 led to?

•the construction of the Hoover Dam

8. How was the Hawaiian monarchy overthrown?

•the white planters responded quickly and with the help of John Stevens (the U.S. minister to Hawaii) ordered the U.S. Marines to help the rebels

30. What was the reason for the passage of the American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924?

•to reward Native Americans for military service

16. In the Northern Securities v. the United States case, what did the Supreme Court rule that Northern Securities had done?

•violated the Sherman Antitrust Act

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