College Education Should Be Free

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"Despite the Clinton campaign's post-primary drift leftward on the issue of college affordability, her current proposal falls short of the systemic reform that the times demand. Universally free public higher education with no means-testing whatsoever ought to be on the table. ... Under a truly universal system, the number of wealthy students the system would be 'wasting' money on pales in comparison to the amount we waste on the administrative costs and hurdles involved in need-verification. Even with an assumption that some wealthy people would benefit, the advantages of eliminating financial means-testing would still overwhelmingly fall to the working and middle classes." Adrianna Kezar & Tom DePaola // Researchers in Higher Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern Carolina

{{#reply_user_name}} {{#reply_author_url}}{{reply_user_name}}{{/reply_author_url}} {{^reply_author_url}}{{reply_user_name}}{{/reply_author_url}} {{/reply_user_name}} @{{reply_user_login}}. "Should College Be Free? Experts Pick Sides." WalletHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

"I would make college free for those who wish to pursue a degree in teaching. However, the individual would have to commit to teach in a high poverty school for 3-5 years in order to provide a return on the investment. I would make college free for students who demonstrated a significant financial need. However, the students must demonstrate through a solid high school performance that they were college and career ready." Terry Holliday // Board Chairman, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

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"Our citizens cannot expect future prosperity without having an open door to higher education. Community colleges provide that door, and free community college tuition is the most secure way to keep it wide open. We hail all federal, state and local actions that would turn this vision into reality. And we are encouraged that in an increasing number of places, that is in fact the case." David S. Baime // Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Policy Analysis, American Association of Community Colleges

{{#reply_user_name}} {{#reply_author_url}}{{reply_user_name}}{{/reply_author_url}} {{^reply_author_url}}{{reply_user_name}}{{/reply_author_url}} {{/reply_user_name}} @{{reply_user_login}}. "Should College Be Free? Experts Pick Sides." WalletHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

"Paying for college with debt increases economic inequality. Students that graduate without debt reap great economic benefit from a higher education because they get all of the rewards of pursuing a higher education with none of the risks associated with the debt or any bad choices they might make. For everyone else - an ever-increasing share of those going to college - it is a crap-shoot. ... If we want to make America stronger together (or greater again, depending on your political persuasion), we must make higher education free again." David A. Bergeron // Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

"Should College Be Free? Here's What You Need to Consider." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

A better-educated population could result in smarter decision-making at every level of society, which could lead to faster progress in solving our most difficult, collective challenges. reason 3 essay 1

Bolinder, Connor. "COLUMN: Why College Should Be Free." Technician. N.p., 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

All things considered, Missy is correct about one thing: College is a privilege. College, as it stands now, is by and large exclusively for the privileged who can afford it. This is wrong. If a student genuinely desires to attend college, he or she should be given the opportunity to make it happen without working more than 40 hours to build his or her own door.

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

An Educated World is a Healthier, Safer World. Educated people tend to make better lifestyle choices leading to greater wellness and health. As a result, the social welfare system is less burdened with disease and illness often associated with poverty. As a whole, mortality rates improve and the quality of life for entire generations are improved. The educated also tend to be less likely to choose violence as a means of resolving differences with others, both on a micro and macro level, which leads to a more peaceful and safer world for all.

Reiff, Mark. "Higher Education Should Be Free for Everybody at the Point of Entry." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

And unlike the current system for capping and forgiving student debts, no contribution from the public purse would be necessary to ensure that these payments were affordable for all, for affordability would be built into the very nature of the promise.

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

As I reflect back to that investor conference at Stanford, I wonder how different the response to the question of "whether or not college education should be free" would have been if the room were filled with the underserved citizens of our planet. Certainly every hand in the room would have lifted. But if the elite consider the fact that an educated world is a healthier, more peaceful and yes, more profitable world; their hands would have shot up too. Making education free makes good micro-economic and macro-economic sense. If done with sufficient scale, it makes the world better for us all. It is also the right thing to do.

Reiff, Mark. "Higher Education Should Be Free for Everybody at the Point of Entry." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

As a result, despite the fact that fees for tuition, room and board have been rising faster than inflation for the last 20 years, public universities in the US have been forced to make deep cuts in the programmes and services they provide to make up for this hole in their budgets

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

But level the playing field for everyone? Oh no, that takes things too far. The elite privately reason that station and class are part of the fabric of society. The reality is that concepts of social justice are terrifying to the wealthy because they falsely perceive these precepts inherently usher in liberal edicts of wealth redistribution.

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Children need to be educated to make the earth better and their future better. This will increase opportunities for poor families and families that could not afford schools or proper education. Without free education, many children in many countries will be uneducated and we do not want that in our world.

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Classism has been around for centuries. There isn't much incentive for the wealthy to lift the rest of society; and it is intriguing to see how our educational systems sustain the cycle of classism.

"Should College Education Be Free?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

College should be free for all. So everyone could graduate dept free, and start fueling the economy. More people would go if it were free, witch means that more American would college educated. Educated people tend to make better decisions, because there educated. A better educated USA is world for all.

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Education is vital for the survival of one's academic, social, and, if need be, a political career. Education requires a substantial amount of money, yet, one must not make it exclusive, so that the entire world may move at the same pace, so that problems like world poverty, or world hunger, is solved. Otherwise, the world would essentially go nowhere, unable to make its geniuses work harder. In 50 years, global warming will get worse, and in 20, the world will be so polluted that one must not step outside the streets without proper portable ventilation! Whereas, if free education let rise the many potential geniuses in the world, then all of these problems may be solved. At least, with more minds, you stand a chance against the main obstacles festering the world today.

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Everyone needs education. At least the fundamental type which is Primary. People should not have to pay for education. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't be expressing our opinions in the first place. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't be able to even read what I just said. Not many people have a successful career in their lives, and if education is not free, they may not have the sufficient funds to help their children go to school. What this would mean is they may not get the skills they need for their future to find a job or even hope. Many people in Africa and other places which does not provide free education as a law, when asked, wished they had education. Not all countries have a good economy. If everyone had free education, maybe the world would be a better place...

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Everyone should have free education, because even if you are low on the amount of money you have, that should be no excuse to the fact that you need education. I was very very poor when I decided to go to Harvard University, and I went on Face book and started to ask people for donations. I raised to enough money to get myself into college and enough to by a cheap Fiat to get myself to and from school so I could still see my parents. I was the first person in my family to go to college so everyone would bring me gifts and they would thank the lord for such amazing smart people in this world.

Bolinder, Connor. "COLUMN: Why College Should Be Free." Technician. N.p., 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Finally, whether you like it or not, taxes and fees are a necessity that we must pay as citizens and students. You pay into the system to benefit others, just as others have paid to benefit you. All financial aid has to be paid for by someone, whether it comes from a private scholarship, the university or the government. Every day on this campus, you make use of something that was paid for by someone else, in the form of your school or your schooling. It's only fair to give back.

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

For most, the single greatest barrier to accessing higher education is cost. In the last decade, tuition has skyrocketed across the United States. Crippling student loan debt in America has now surpassed a staggering $1 trillion. Many students find the return on investment just isn't there and they're walking away from college without graduating, disenfranchised and deeply in debt. The international community is even less likely to attend college, with less than five percent of the world's population ever achieving post-secondary education of any kind.

"Why Can't College Be Free?" In These Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Free higher education in the United States may sound like a fanciful idea. But it's not a new one—for nearly a century after federal land-grant colleges were first established in 1862, many public institutions were free, or nearly so. Now, with more than $1 trillion in U.S. student loan debt hobbling both young people's futures and the economy at large, some state governments are again giving the idea serious thought.

"Should College Be Free? Here's What You Need to Consider." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Graduating with high amounts of student loan debt has been shown to reduce a person's chances of owning a home, getting married, having children, and accumulating wealth.

"Why Can't College Be Free?" In These Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

I actually believe that we should and could make all public higher education completely free. We're currently spending around $185 billion on higher education annually—which includes spending on for-profit schools, which have very low graduation rates and high debt rates, as well as on merit aid for wealthy students. Given current enrollment, I estimate that it would cost about $155 billion to fund public colleges and four-year institutions completely. My argument is instead of funding the individuals, we should just fund the institutions directly.

"Should College Education Be Free?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

If college lacked the limiting factor of cost, a whole host of academic, personal, and lifestyle problems could be averted. Far too many entering students are steered towards educational paths (majors and careers) that are not in harmony with personal areas of ability and preference. Rather, lucrativeness is prized over integrity, leading both grades and well-being to suffer.

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Imagine you are waking up on a nice Sunday morning you here your family talking quietly in the living room, so you put your slippers on and head out. You see your family eating pancakes while looking at the newspaper. Your family are all opposites but at this moment they all have one thing in common; astonishment seems to be painted on all of their tired faces. Then a chorus of ¨yes¨ twirls through the room as if the words are dancing on a cloud of happiness. Curiosity seems to be bouncing of the walls. You rush to the paper to read the headline. ¨Education is Now Free.¨ directly below you see a sea of smiling children. How great would it be to live in the world that I am describing to you. That's what I thought, it would be awesome. But why exactly, well for one it strengthen society. But not for the reason you may think. For the reason that it could cure cancer, stop global warming, put an end to S.O.D. (sudden oak death), and so much more. How? Well, sense education isn't free, not everyone goes to college, let alone finish it. And an even fewer amount become scientists. Why am I talking about scientists? Remember that little list I made with all the world problems on it. Okay, even though all the things on the list were different they all had one thing in common: scientist are working hard to find a cure, but for now there isn't one. If we had free education we would have hundreds more brilliant people working on those problems

Bolinder, Connor. "COLUMN: Why College Should Be Free." Technician. N.p., 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

In fact, as any student knows, tuition is not the entirety of our expenses. Beyond tuition, costs such as textbooks, transportation, room and board total to about $10,000, according to NC State. Whether or not these daunting costs are justified, they are surely daunting enough to keep anyone from going to school "just for fun." If someone can afford to shell out $10,000 per year to go to college just so they can party, they almost certainly have enough money to go to college at its current cost, and a trip down Maiden Lane shows plenty of people who fit that bill.

"Why Can't College Be Free?" In These Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

It's possible that [these plans] convince people we're getting somewhere close to "free" and thus lend credibility to the idea that we could actually do free. But this isn't college for free in any shape or form. It's simply covering the remaining unmet need that isn't already being met with financial aid, and it's only for a select group of students.

Bolinder, Connor. "COLUMN: Why College Should Be Free." Technician. N.p., 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Making college tuition free would encourage more people to attend, this is where the truth of Missy's argument begins and ends. Still, it is difficult to understand how this is a bad thing. Making college tuition free would not let anyone just wake up and decide to "try that college thing" at any four-year university on a whim. Admission standards would still exist, and in fact they would likely become more selective, since there would be a surge in students applying for college.

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Malala once said "One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world." Imagine you are waking up on a nice Sunday morning you here your family talking quietly in the living room, so you put your slippers on and head out. You see your family eating pancakes while looking at the newspaper. Your family are all opposites but at this moment they all have one thing in common; astonishment seems to be painted on all of their tired faces. Then a chorus of ¨yes¨ twirls through the room as if the words are dancing on a cloud of happiness. Curiosity seems to be bouncing of the walls. You rush to the paper to read the headline. ¨Education is Now Free.¨ directly below you see a sea of smiling children. How great would it be to live in the world that I am describing to you. That's what I thought, it would be awesome. But why exactly, well for one it strengthen society. But not for the reason you may think. For the reason that it could cure cancer, stop global warming, put an end to S.O.D. (sudden oak death), and so much more. How? Well, sense education isn't free, not everyone goes to college, let alone finish it. And an even fewer amount become scientists. Why am I talking about scientists? Remember that little list I made with all the world problems on it. Okay, even though all the things on the list were different they all had one thing in common: scientist are working hard to find a cure, but for now there isn't one. If we had free education we would have hundreds more brilliant people working on those problems

"Should College Be Free? Here's What You Need to Consider." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Many of America's top-performing high school students never apply to the most challenging colleges and universities even though they have the ability to succeed at them. They often come from minority and low-income households and end up pursuing more affordable, less-selective schools instead. And that helps create a widening gap between wealthier families and those that are less affluent.

"Should College Be Free? Here's What You Need to Consider." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

More than $80 billion is spent each year by the federal government on post-secondary financial aid. In the 2012-2013 school year, that represented over 70 percent of all student financial assistance in the higher education sector.

Samuels, Bob. "Why All Public Higher Education Should Be Free." The Huffington Post., 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Moreover, by improving access and affordability, the government could improve the quality of instruction by forcing schools to concentrate their spending on research and instruction

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

No wonder the private sector has been reluctant to invest in free education models and the open source movement. To the elite, education preserves their place in society. So to open the floodgates and offer quality free education to everyone is a deeply perceived personal threat - though it is greatly misunderstood.

{{#reply_user_name}} {{#reply_author_url}}{{reply_user_name}}{{/reply_author_url}} {{^reply_author_url}}{{reply_user_name}}{{/reply_author_url}} {{/reply_user_name}} @{{reply_user_login}}. "Should College Be Free? Experts Pick Sides." WalletHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Reducing the cost of higher education was among the most popular policy concerns during the 2016 presidential primary season, and it's obvious why. Roughly 43 million Americans collectively owe more than $1.3 trillion in student debt, according to data from the Federal Reserve, and the average graduate now leaves campus owing approximately $37,000. Politicians who propose making higher education either free or debt-free are therefore singing to a very large and collectively powerful choir.

"Why Can't College Be Free?" In These Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Some education advocates, however, believe these plans don't go far enough, and that all public colleges and universities should be free.

Bolinder, Connor. "COLUMN: Why College Should Be Free." Technician. N.p., 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Students will certainly not "get their money no matter what," regardless of their academic performances, nor is that even the proposal on the table. Eliminating the cost of tuition does not equate to giving students money. That sort of system already exists to some extent in the form of federal grants, which are by no means unconditional. Even if there was no tuition to be paid, academic probation and dismissal have always existed, and they would not go out the window. Students with no ambition would not be allowed to sleep through every class with no penalties; they would be kicked out, free tuition or not.

"Should College Be Free? Here's What You Need to Consider." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Students would be able to focus more on their studies rather than worrying about how to scrape together enough funds for each upcoming school term. As a result, more of them might graduate on time, ready to take on important jobs in their communities.

Author, Guest. "Why Education Should Be Free - Getting Smart by Guest Author - Entrepreneurs, Higher Education." Getting Smart. N.p., 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

The Advancement of Mankind. With education comes evolution of thought, behavior and lifestyle. Educated humans are no longer faced with daily survival and become free to focus their energies on improving themselves and the world around them. We also know that the educated tend to be more predisposed to humanitarianism, volunteerism and social entrepreneurship.

"Should All Education Be Free to Everyone?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

There are kids all around the world that are poor and don't have money for education. Some families barely have enough money to support themselves. Also the kids need their education so they can get a job that pays them a lot to support their mother, father, and young siblings and maybe other jobs won't accept them because of the way they look.

"Should College Education Be Free?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

There are people who are in the world right now that cannot afford to go to college. They might have brilliant brains that could help support the world, or have ideas that could change the world completely. However, all those ideas vanish because of the barrier in front of them. They cannot afford to go to colleges. We do not know what those people have in their minds. Most and high likely, they would benefit us even a little bit. My teacher's friend got accepted into Harvard but couldn't afford to pay the tuition. Therefore, I strongly support the idea saying that colleges should be free.

"Should College Education Be Free?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

What makes it worse is that there are people who are smart enough for college but simply cannot go because of the expenses, even with scholarships or grants, or even both. People may argue that somebody has to pay for it, but let's think about it for a minute. On a national scale, we already pay for services that we may not use. Example? High School. What if your kid goes to a private school, is home schooled, or is a school drop out? What if they graduated? What if we don't have kids at all? We still have to pay for public schools. If we had free college education, then more people could pursue the education they desperately deserve, which increases the amount of people to be able to find jobs that are capable of doing so.

Samuels, Bob. "Why All Public Higher Education Should Be Free." The Huffington Post., 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

While the US has a free K-12 public education, its failure to fund higher education means that America's economy is unable to compete with other developed nations that have free universities.

"Should College Education Be Free?" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

Yes, college education should be free. A college education should be provided for every child who wants it. And this should be provided free of charge. It is morally wrong for a teenager and their family to be forced to incur thousands and thousands of dollars in debt for an education. Learning should not be out of anyone's reach. Learning and education should not be privileges enjoyed only by the wealthy. Right now college loan defaults are at the highest levels ever seen. We have an entire generation that is starting out in life burdened with a very large amount of debt and a very small job market. Our society has set these young adults up for possible failure by making them start out at a disadvantage.

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