Colloquy of Marburg 1529

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Zwingli accuses Luther of being "prejudiced" and...

"Having made up his mind"

Luther's intransigence before the Colloquy....

"I cannot give ground because I know that they are in error" Asks the Landgrave to ask them to "soften their opinions".

Oeccolampadius quotes the most important scriptural warrant for Zwinglianism...

"It is the spirit that giveth life... The flesh profiteth nothing" - John 6:63

On Zwingli's sacramentarian Heritage...

"Turbulent spirit of the sacramentarians" He saw Zwingli as of the same school as Carlstadt, Müntzer and Von Sickingen.

"But may Christ our Lord...

Tread Satan under his feet"

Colloquy of Marburg takes place...

1st - 4th October

Pre-Colloquy, Luther describes it as "a wasted and...

A dangerous service"

Heinrich Bullinger, Zwingli's ultimate successor comments of him...

As "vehement and hot tempered"

On June 23rd 1529, under pressure from...

Elector John of Saxony to accede to the Landgrave's request, Luther accepted the invitation to the "friendly private discussion" planned in the town of Marburg in Hesse.

Luther was doctrinally opposed to the Colloquy because...

It confounded the "two kingdoms". Making military and political alliances for religious ends is wrong.

Zwingli Oeccolampadius Caspar Hedio Martin Bützer

Luther Melanchthon Andreas Osiander

On the second day, 2nd October, with the Landgrave in the chair

Luther spoke for his party. He advocated a literal acceptance of the words of institution. Drew in chalk on the conference table "Hoc Est Corpus Meum". Luther would not budge "I stand by my verse". It "holds me captive".

Initially, to soften things up

Melanchthon vs Zwingli Oeccolampadius vs Luther

Melanchthon had encouraged Luther...

Not to accept a Zwinglian idea which the Catholics would never accept

Yet Zwingli is friendly, "I want your friendship...

Not your enmity"

Zwingli was convinced, "we had fought...

Our winning battle"

14/15 clauses of the Marburg agreement, signed by 10 signatories...

Priesthood of all believers Clerical marriage Baptism Utraquism Mass is not a good work

Luther comments on the Zwinglians, "I know...

The devil well"

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